« W ,C ^bfa The Coast Advertiser (Established 1892) Forty-Ninth Year, No. 36 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1942 Single Copy Four Cents County Tax Rate Sugar Hoarders $6.30 Tax Rate Jumps 57 Cents Are Playing Into Decrease Voted • In 1942 Budget Hitler's Hands By South Belmar Here and There I Permanent Registration So Says Sanford Flint Improved Collection of THE NEW ADJUTANT-GENERAL to be named by Governor Edison may Cost Blamed, as Well as in Talk to Kiwariis on Taxes, Cut in Borough be assigned to investigate expenditures $1 1,000,000 Loss in Tax Food Outlook for U. S. Expenditures Lower at the Little White House at Sea Girt last summer . the appropriation of Ratables. During the W ar. Rate for 1942. $15,000 for the summer capital was ex­ Although showing a net reduction The American people are creating A slash of $6.30 in the tax rate for' ceeded and when the governor decided in the amount to be raised by taxation their own sugar shortage and thereby this year, as compared to last, was to remain for September’s “golden for this year of $24,870 as compared playing into Hitler’s hand, Sanford C. voted by the South Belmar council. days” he had to pay the bills out of to 1941, the county tax rate for 1942 is Flint, wholesale food merchant of As­ Tuesday night when the 1942 budget his own pocket . funds went for increased 57 cents per $1,000 assessed bury Park, declared Wednesday in a was passed on first reading. such luxuries as truffles, a European valuation, under the terms of the bud­ talk before the Belmar Kiwanis club delicacy, at $4.50 a can and pate! de An increase in the collection of taxes; get adopted on first reading by the on the food outlook for a nation at last year as well as cuts in total ap­ foie gras at $6 a can . the liquor board of freeholders Monday. war. bill was $1,200 and prices paid for propriations for this year’s operations... Three factors were paramount in | Mr. Flint reviewed the changes choice cuts of beef are also rather stiff combined to make the cut possible. forcing the increase, an explanatory | HARRY J. LEWIS which have taken place in food distri­ . the bills also included full dress The rate last year was $72.70 per statement issued with the budget bution and supply since the outbreak suits and tuxedos for the butler and Officers of The Belmar National $1,000 in assessed valuation while the pointed out. of war. The sugar shortage, he said, his assistant, along with stiff shirts, bank were renamed Monday at the rate for 1942 is set at $66.40. is inevitable unless the people realize new collars, etc. the clothes are First was the forced inclusion of regular meeting of the bank’s direc­ The amount to be raised by taxation: that patriotism on their part requires the property o f the state, but chances $44,429 in the budget this year to pay tors. Those elected were Harry J. is estimated at $33,476 while for 1941: for permanent registration. Second, that they purchase only enough to REPORTED SAFE— Private John are they won’t fit next summer’s help Lewis, president; E. F. Lyman, jr., it was $39,215. was the failure of the City of Asbury meet their needs. Downs, son of Mrs. Althea Downs, . principal reason why Edison’s face vice president; Calvin F. Woolley, The appropriation total for general Park to include a $10,000,000 assess­ West Belmar, has sent his mother is red is that his office announced that cashier, and Leon A. Woolley, assist­ "I don’t know how you are going to appropriations, including state, school.. ment against the personal property of stop sugar hoarding, though,” he de­ a letter full of interesting news costs at Sea Girt would be reduced last ant cashier. from Honolulu, where he is sta­ county and county library taxes totals year. the Jersey Central Power and Light I clared. "We couldn’t stop it the last $57,076, while last year the total was company. Third, and of equal import­ time, and yet the people will buy more tioned with his regiment. Private Downs said three things have hap­ $62,758. NEWARK PAPERS have ganged ance, is the decline in county ratables sugar in January than they used in the pened to him. First he came The total budget for 1942 is $83,523 up on Chancelor Campbell for naming from $193,843,635 in 1941 to $182,808,764 | S.P.C.A. Defends Its first three months of last year.” through the Japanese assault on and last year it was $90,975.85. for this year, a drop of more than Though the sugar crop in Hawaii Wilfred Jayne as vioe-chancelor . Hawaii unharmed. Secondly, he was Public hearing and final passage o f $ 11,000, 000. and the Phillipines has been cut off chief complaint of some Republicans recently transfered from an infantry the financial schedule has been set for- against Jayne is that he resigned from The 1941 tax rate was fixed at $10.67 i Record in Belmar because of the war America will still company to an anti-tank company, February 17 at 8 p. m. in the borough the senate in ’32 to accept a judgeship import nearly four million tons, about per $1,000 assessed valuation and the I and thirdly, he has just received his hall on F street. from Governor Moore, after a gentle­ Supervisor Denies That two million tons less than last year. rate for this year is placed at $11.24 rating as private, first class. Mayor Frank Herbert, in his ex­ man’s agreement with other Repub­ per $1,000. Local Calls Have Gone With proper rationing this would be planatory statement which accom­ licans that no senator would resign •enough except that hoarding makes it Faced with the $44,429 increase for Unanswered Here. panied the budget, pointed out that because the party held such a slim the permanent registration, county de­ impossible to properly distribute even Church Society Makes $1,000 is included in the budget this margin in the senate that year . partment chiefs cut expenses wherever Defense of the service given in Bel­ an adequate supply. Surgical Dressings year for foreclosure expenses, to en­ Leap of Salem was offered the judge- possible, with tne road and bridge de­ mar by the Monmouth county S.P.C.A. Except for sugar and certain minor able the borough to liquidate tax title The Women’s Missionary society of ship Jayne received but declined it be­ partment slashing $26,544 from its an­ was presented before the Belmar com­ items such as spices America has an liens now in its possession. the First Presbyterian church met re­ cause of the agreement, according to ticipated expenses. A cut of $3,143 was mission Tuesday by William J. Evans, ample supply of food, he declared. The The South Belmar budget this year cently at the manse to make surgical Emerson Richards of Atlantic, who also made in general government ex­ Freehold, supervisor at the organiza­ government stands to make a windfall has abolished the “personal” and “oth­ dressings. was in the senate at the time. The penses. tion’s shelter near Eatontown. of $100,000,000 by releasing surplus er than personal” breakdown, in ac­ Red Bank Register suggests that the commodities purchased from farmers Devotions were led by the Rev. O. L. Other principal increases, in addi­ Mr. Evans said he had read articles cordance with permission granted by Rev. Otto Mohn of Asbury Park step during the depression, and New Jer­ Schumpert and the regular business tion to the registration cost, were $9,- in newspapers reporting remarks by the state department of local govern­ upstairs as honorary Red Cross chair­ sey itself raises fine quality produce meeting was conducted by the presi­ 513 in the judiciary and $24,372 for Chief of Police Winslow M. Brackett, ment. The new budget carries the' man to make room for Monroe Eisner which will be ample to meet normal dent. charities, correctional and penal ex­ to the effect that the S.P.C.A. .was not items as "salaries” and “expenses”. and The Asbury Park Press insists the needs. penses. doing a good job in Belmar. The society will sponsor a special Permission was granted to the Ex­ present leadership is all right . Tin shortages may interfere with collection for mission work on Febru­ empt Firemen’s association of the bor­ No reserve for uncollected taxes is He explained why several calls had meanwhile Sheriff John T. Lawley packing when the spring season opens, ary 1. ough to place two $100 defense bonds set up in the 1942 budget, the state- pot been answered, principally because keeps plugging at the job of raising but the development of frozen foods The next meeting will be held at the they recently purchased in the bor­ of difficulties to rdCrt&r equipment, and Special gifts in the county and though i ment pointed out, because the county offers a new means of providing nour­ home of Mrs. E. B. Bigelow, February ough safe for safe keeping. is now on a cash basis and municipali­ said that the organization had records the drive for $120,000 has lagged some­ ishing fresh vegetables throughout the 20, at which time the society will have Councilman Frederick Schuler, who- ties “are to be commended and con­ of 105 trips made to Belmar by their what hcV, hopeful of reaching the goal year in contrast to the last war, he its annual birthday party.
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