ST/LIB/SER.B/A.54 Index to Proceedings ofthe General Assembly Nineteenth special session - 1997 Dag Hammarskiold Library New York, 1997 United Nations DAG HAMMARSKJOLD LIBRARY Bibliographical Series, No. A.54 STILIB/SER.B/A.54 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION SalesNo. E.97.I.15 ISSN 0082-8157 ISBN 92-1-100639-2 Copyright © United Nations, 1997 All rights reserved Printed in United Nations,NewYork CONTENl'S NINETEENTH 5PECIAL SESSION IaIIrodllCoon ••••••••••.••• '.•.•.••.•..••..•...••...• v Sessional infonnation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Check-list of Dleetings •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 AseMi " III •••••••••• 'I • " ••• 5 Sub,ject iJJdex •••••'. • " • • • • • .. ••• '.' •• ',' ••••••••••••••• 7 Explanatory note •••••••••••••••'. •••••••••.••••••••• 11 Index to 5p(IeChes COJFOfIte names/countries •••••.•••••.••.••••••.••••• 13 Speakers •••••.••...•..•.••....•.•.....••.•.• II • • 23 Subjects ••••.•••••••••.•••••.••••••••..•••.••••• 31 List of docwnents •••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•...•••• 35 List of resolutions ••••••••••••••••.••.•.•••.••.•••.• 37 - iii - INfRODUCTION The GeneralAssembly, composed of all MemberStates,is Resolutions adopted during the nineteenth special the maindeliberative organ of the United Nations and may session, indicatiilg the numberand titleof each resolution, discuss and make recommendations on all matters wiiliin lilt meeting numberanddate, theagendaitemnumber, and the scope of the Charter. The General Assembly meets the vote where appropriate; each year in regular session and holds special and emergency sessions as the need arises. Index to speeches, providing accessto speeches made during the session. It is subdivided into three sections: The Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly is a corporate names/countries, speakersand subjects. bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the GeneralAssembly. This issuecoversthe nineteenth special sesslen of the Assembly, which was convened for DOCUMENTATION OF THE GENERAL the purpose of an overall review and appraisal of the ASSEMBLY implementation of Agenda 21. The Index is prepared by the Dag HammarskjOld Library, Department of Public The symbols of the documents of the General Assembly Informaticn, as one of the productsof the United Nations begin with A/-, followed by the session number and an Bibliographic Information S}'stem (UNBIS). indication of the type of document or Main Committee to which they apply. The number following indicates the numberof the document issued in that specific series. ARRANGEMENT OF THE INDEX For example: A/S-19129 is the twenty-ninth in tlteseriesof It consistsof me following sections: main documents of the nineteenth special session. Sessional information, listing officers, and providing Meeting records are numbered in a similarway. Thus the information on the rules of procedure and on the verbatim record of the first plenary meeting of the republication of the resolutions and decisions: nineteenth special session of the General Assembly bears the symbol A/S-19IPV.1. Check-list ofmeetings, listing the plenarymeetings of the Assembly and the meetings of the Main Committees; In accordance with criteria approved by the General Assembly for the provision of meeting records of United Agenda, listing items considered by and brought Nations bodies, the verbatim records of the plenary before the General Assembly together with the subject meetings are issued in only one form, as Official Records headings under which they appear in the Subject index; of the General Assembly. Corrections are issued after the end of each session in consolidated corrigenda. Subject index, providing topical access to General Assembly documentation arrangedalphabetically byagenda Of the other documents, a few appear. as printed subjects andlisting documents submitted undereachagenda Supplements 10 the Official Records ('his is noted in the item,the meetings at which the items were considered and index). the action taken on each item; Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, first issued List of documents, listing documents issued in separately, are collected in a printed Supplement to the connection with the session. Official Records of each session. Aftertheir republication in the Official Records, theseprevisional documents are no longer available. \ -Iv - HOW TO OBTAIN DOCUMENTS Printed documentation of eachsession of liteGep.cral Assembly may beobtained or purchased from authorized sales agents by providing lite following information: Official Records of 1hz General Assembly, nineteenth special session: Meeting ... (s~ify plenary or committee meeting number) fnr verbatim or summary record fascicles. Supplement No. .•• (specify supplement number) for documents issued in tht'l form. ADnexes, Arcilda Item .,. (specify agenda item number) for documents republished in tileAMtXes. • y' • SESSIONAL INFORMATION Tbe nineteenth special session of the General Assembly was held at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The session was declared open on Monday, 23 June 1997, by the Temporary President, Mohammad Mahathir, Chairman of the delegation of Malaysia. It was declared closed on Friday, 27 June 1997. A list of members of delegations to the session is contained in documents ST/SG/SER.C/L.S96 and Add.1 (to berepublished as Listof delegations (GAOR, 19th special session». OFFICBRS PreGident: Ismail Razali (Malaysia) was elected Special Politicaland Decolonizatil'in Committee by acclamation at the 1st plenary meeting. (Fourth Committee) Chairman: Alounkeo Kittikhoun (l.ao People's Vlce-Pre.'1idents: Representatives of the Democratic Republic) was elected by acclamation following States were elected at the 2nd plenary at the 1st meeting. meeting: Andorra, Angola, Bahamas, Burundi, China, Vice-Chairmen: Anastasia Carayanides (Australia) Cyprus, France, Ghana, Honduras, Latvia, Libyan and Sonia Leonce-Carryl (Saint Lucia) were elected Arab Jamahiriya, Niger, Pakistan, Paraguay, by acclamation at the 2nd meeting. Philippines, Russian Federation, Sudan, Turkey, Rapporteur: EI Walid Doudech (Tunisia) was United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and United elected by acclamation at the 3rd meeting. States. Secretary: Abdur-Razzaque Khan. Credentials Committee: Representatives of the Economic and Financial Committee following States wereelected at the 1st plenary (Second Committee) meeting: China, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Chairman: Arjan P. Hamburger (Netherlands) was Netherlands, Paraguay, Philippines, Russian elected by acclamation at the 1st meeting. Federation, Sierra Leone and United States. Vice-Chairman: Mohammad Reza HadjiKarim Djabbary (Iran, Islamic Republic 01) was elected by General Committee acclamation at the 2nd meeting. Kheireddine Chair",~n: Ismail Razali (Malaysia), President Ramoul (Algeria) was elected at the 3rd meeting. or the General Assembly. Rapporteur: Silvia Cristina Corado-Cuevas (Guatemala) was elected by acclamation at the 2nd meeting. Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole Secretary: Margaret A. Kelley. Chairman: Mostafa Tolba (Egypt) was elected unanimously at tlte lst meeting. Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committe~ (Third Committee) Disarmament a~d International Security Chairman: Patricia Espinosa (Mexico) was elected Committee (FirstCommittee) by acclamation at the 1st meeting. Chairman: Alyaksandr Sychou (Belarus) was elected Vice-Chairmen: Fesseha Tessema (Ethiopia) by acclamation at the 1st meeting. and Mohammad Masood Khan (pakistan) were Vice-Chairmen: Andelfo J. Garcia(Colombia) and elected by acclamation at the 2nd meeting. Andre Memier (Belgium) were elected by Rapporteur: Victoria Sandru (Romania) was elected acclamation at the 2nd meeting. by acclamation at the 2nd meeting. Rapporteur: Parfait-Serge Onanga-Anyanga (Gabon) Secretary: Kate Starr Newell. was elected by acclamation at the 2nd meeting. Secretary: Lin Kuo-Cnung. - 1 - Administrative and Budgetary Committee Legal Committee (Sixth Committee) (Fifth Committee) Chairman: Ramon Esc. vat-Salem (Venezuela) was Chairman: Ngoni Francis Sengwe (Zimbabwe) was elected by acclamation at the 1st meeting. elected by acclamation at the 1st meeting. Vice-Chairmen: Felicity Jane Wong (New Zealand) and Vice-Chairmen: Klaus-Dieter Stein (Germany) and Syed Dumitru Mazilu (Romania) were elected b~ Rafiqul Alom (Bangladesh) were elected by acclamation at the 2nd meeting. acclamation at the 2nd meeting. Rapporteur: Pascaline Bourn (Cameroon) was elected by Rapporteur: Igor V. Goumeny (Ukraine) was elected by acclamation at the 2nd meeting. acclamation at the 2nd meeting. Secretary: Roy S. Lee. Secretary: Joseph V. Acakpo-Satchivi. RULES OF PROCEDURE The rules of procedure of the General Assembly, as amended up to 8 Oct. 1993 (A1520/Rev.l5 and. Amend. 1-2)and further amended by General Assembly resolution 48/264 of 29 July 1994, were in effectduring the nineteenth special session. RESOLUTIONS AND DECISIONS Resolutions and decisions of the nineteenth special session are to be collected in a Supplement to the Official Records of the General Assembly. Resolutions and decisions are also listed in the Subject index under appropriate headings. - 2 - CHECKeLIST OF MEETINGS Plenary (Symbol A1S·19IPV.-) Meeting Date, 1997 1 23 June 2 23 June ~ 24 June 4 24 June S ~June 6 25 June 7 26 June 8 26 June 9 27 June 10 27 June 11 27 June - 3 • This page intentionally left blank AGENDA NOTE: Subject headings mer which documentatioll relaled 10 agtnda itt!MS is listedill the Subject Index. tlppenr ilt copital /enenfoIJuwiltg tJu! title oftheitem. I. Opcnm, of the session
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