NERCURY EtQfl"l,R,#, PERE UB[J... WORLDS IN coLLrsroN UBU SOARS THROUGH CLOUDLAND /È EoncE MEH^ÊI ir d ærd b r' lE ?- uh". d..!ft. ,ey dn Ër,.d in dt. o.{r sbr.d Fday r.6nrt 22- b rli r.o, lh rA! rlI PL.'l.g^.dd@ È ..r d.& Ë .f,m 'LLt i wtrlûn Ètlldk vôl ll,, *ri rtEt.Ài *! dxdt [ù. !E (-qie fllô-l -e .l ln L.t tÀ. d|.n- n . ûr hrù.d h6.r cf dv.E orL.., t- tld. l.rdEdr.a *r, rrl- h c{.rri éqLrd Ènd th. rrL rI" A rF&-ù lû. lÉd.! rb r*.rti|. rr.q.*'î-n toÉ nr.o ræL6 Ft a. fi.rr..5-tiË h ÉL..ahh.ÉlùtrA.di5. d- A^ ù,lid lE . .l . iræ, -ùdr raù.. 'î. hr-d.. É b ràd *n . i. p..rlrt irlM h.d rG.èhnrt t lo .t rà.r t{ Ub{ rda L rÉr rw6.a.d Lt ti. ld- .l !n .'d lvlilsn '{. dart D r. rb .rF.. .,(, Gd!. df,l rld É h t-itdidy 'Ft nr rr"r-d @itu iù so.y, G.qtf, r$r..l. éôp..y I.I 8.a b rll. Lr.l'Ûrd d.Fh.d .r, 5{r..ld lt {. {.Ir.rr dl.r tLt A ç.r.ù i..ldry.and lttà iiL- Ît .tdt *o -ld lh.i'?n U6{'t b.e.lEirddbÈbl PERE UW: eedly corts.d -irh A@ry. Midtûl È.aE t ri .Erl rrlmé lt rq& h-lt dt $d id. rlrn rlt up rn ù id4" ndi rûrai.. ffirlr d thrt re^ " nÊ.ar u'i.ffi, È+L rd Lù,1--r.rl**tilE.- r(i.dr. .Ld ù.. -.ld/r t Éldd h rL r.n tÉ{. llr. L.Dd b ii. ni4t0. ln OfiôlEF bGonLbnrt .l lA. rid'lY. $e /rrria. 5-ô'ld oarrr L.ilo t d T*d.à.i X.a..r' DrE L .tr r.ard.a-{û à r d-L'tl'. llll brtor'Crdd-.i. th.rid la àffir6 EH-y Fdi.ll i..{a drr Frrh.mdw.dd *..ddr ft. n dil. 'l H* îrr S.Èr. tri. arr.i-' r rd.4dldn & -SAUIDS thsazlr, IUBIOUS Gêcrûê Michàèl is hhreatênino PERE UBU I qrouo who-m h. sccus* ol cashing in on his talest ORIGINAL BARBECUE CHICKEN hil Mesab cærÂe, cftndv at Pe.e Ubu rel6e theù new recipô sn!4e 'I Her They No3 i rhe albû chd< wtrii I-F tÊn wrLhour Frrudræ Volme r SEoke The Bârbecue' Êew nr. â E€e -h€d he sw :; âlmos! identr.âl alb@ slêewe, A uDique GIL NORTON blend of knobs & spic6. Irom crainng ro b€ the loa,âwàl€d thô Ubu LP, æ kæn 10 be who b.ought you PIXIÈS Pasta & BUNNYMEN cù 6and PeÈ Bôultibase But Cs!Éê's spôkês- dù.ê!s ând re.ôrd revFwe* I1 m Éq€d: "TnE E à Over 10,000 satisfied custom€rs every tlmc. ùD dnd bke noi'cP ''He's so'ng slo lhe he màv h:ve Ïo sludrc âner hE tou b scÉD trs ôen oLa.s itr v;, -" rr reord Altnôu{h the Pere Ubù lesù ùù his n€tl âlbû. 3le b€ Eleæd undê! th€ altemarivè "lt wæ $Drosed ro be rre of rn côltision, hùhdæds Vollh€ 11 but now hê orcsercs bea nn( c*oee 5 !P ndc mâv h5vê -rô F.h,mê tr hàle bæn dEhburêd;Nnd lhe h";^,,." nuicindÉby' "r,hr. ^,h". ùbu " sptlsl urgotn, u B U !R. uBU. cLLv.LNDs pabphysi cians or pùd{, e*ablÈhed them selves as lèâde6 anoig À@iat PERE UBU,S dill burbre and rcn ù&e rhe nBiel eqùivrre,r ûfwâil whnnanr -bd (hârdly seem possible) th theL 661 SUNNY banc yarû" ùd th€ b€ t sns- LP îhz Mndû Da".e. Iiotrt âthtÆ. "CLouD]-AND" fou. omDil ions md a six vear hFf lash of nuÈr.d soul dÈ.-skeftd coùnry licks, latèq Pa s back, toùshû and rishû L\e nysdioùs c{nùa wâit a ninùÈ. Thât soùn& a*.rùl tor lions of rlalionshils bùblq ERE UDU is onc orlhose sell: iû like a poD sons, and those almeemcnrs Clrdldd oficrs a more foclsed conscioÙslyaiybdsl.Ye sound e\ûeneh dacrDlinld;nd rê pftue _f,.rd æmi.sly ùnreh&n as ùe Bmn of tùe bad\ ùdt soùd tt@ âlwoys riled undcr, heùsoJ. Th r. G nl b€ Pcri Lrbx. rhè 6anJ 3ols, ElYis ftesrry. and hlyalsæMlr.lMtYut As junl Gà$!) rhe the nev.ecordt tide indi.ae3, th. vc widcly Sevùnlies bsd Blue smde lhat sûook clelelâûd in the late ,0s wilh kno* thcy lÉon i um (rhos haunli4 _ooe group conlinues tô vrrk in th€ sme ùr. Truq orher nùsicia$ I 6pær, chuk4" in ns eroùn.l breakins slyle of free-fom 1æ ct4n Trek).This pôp/tock, like Richdd Thôûpson, rhink it boÀ, bubbl* dd (tbânls lasely bu! ft â runhousemiro. kird or rr\F iheyE sftll an4 ùnrike a lor o1 pop/mh the ohydûon On tnis. the bandt æv- to ùe cbildish crbrÀ or David fidæ o.hd rccr ,vlnlsârdist. thcy vc kind rh4 rcsulb emh rel6è, Peæ Ubu stM!6 its lypial voie and the pod.indusùiâlsrMins ol n*e. (Rll. hardly ewr) th.ou lnc wêndness onto @nvertionâl nùnc md in È, bo mny thiry znd hâ!i,s rhe Anen Rârdnimt sFthesizeis), iûy baby oui wirh rhe barh mre' no .loins so la[es its risk so far. cnops ro dpEs a rôl ofjL sr*test ôlthese runes can lor slighdy nater hoÈ quirky rhey eo! yod On a 6Fl lry, nost peûplc won'1 lit€ dented pop nunbe6. Pere Ub!\ could ren rùe rock T1ô mod obvioùs sroc for ther Espeftd _cloùdrad" ihis reærd. Fop f s vill frnd it roo ske*èd apFoach io lôngêr g:nbols rcnlies rhcy wæ nô'eiheles sub *o,nd b€ n€ft xTc.-both bandt ûâke nanh: aen.sarde l}?es will nnd il too w,Ur sêll idrllsênæ, æ il ond did o ih wnins. Srill. I *ould to Ubu md nù, tish sic for a na$ audience. aù! in a €sy. Ih.e ùith the palienæ ro lâteios md unyios exeros (Imi Êords, rhen in pnncipl€, ûear it rsÉc. sry, ?æ G âlso prG nor€ lhan d which werê reody retcæcd on CD p4 reuliar Ubu once, however. will bc rc âûd !ha, in.viu6ly. ltd foùldry andi€n soùDdi.s whal wddcd because ùê conradidion oa n Énirds ofis Tfie nos bftôt Fw. û cradlad err m o.n nd srYles only Eeis mo.e allùrina wnh unljl now. rhd is I hoF rhâr kiddi4) Chdl6 tvès. Of 6ù6q .epdnior is prouisivc, conpùisive, but not abri- loq lime Ubù tsnisns ùon l æ sive; ûacks ûke "Breath, 'Rà.e the IfesEYeri'.dthebacrb€â1pm Lead sinscr David Thonas sill vidlti hcre by chns Cutls and soùnds lilc ù inene yersion of Dâùd rbc aplùdid n$ Cloudlân{t" al sær he wolc â Love" ùould nor soud oùt of plae 6 pÈæ xnNq rcw. Byrnc Thomas vhines d dùare^ âs if bùn is a thomqhly ac$sible ndiùedy ânihù lrke ,/.d, (a some ænrêniioùl ro.k hn voiæ were an idtrumônl toô ùn ûdio toûâÈ ôf work. r.s obvioùsly ddiened b $ns .ha! nner briltianl chæss o., (no kiddin l). "Fire" ,l,a6i Eads li*e a sd th€ band ôn rhc Édiô ùnh intes sieldy lor â nerê humn io naster. Yet Daùd lyme *yred sorr rmk iûnbe4 rity-ld qùûriDes-inhd, md orctu lisLn n Erears cxDélvè nu Toûûy Jânes). ând ho cdainly ân6 in hE dêhlery. and Àa lô ùhile Tflad,r" bys vitn dE rrri6 to concded !n inton€rne sons 'slo.p Johi a " ù ih nuhi Eplay ol a 'ffi {14 on thc LP) begin lô nt iolerlEr inlo Ree dlvorce. T.016 shn nut j61ies_ ân rravelos!€. .lèpicring a Friod liLe the sùbro-bla reallife ând iers rd babbles bis say rh.ough rhe rnâbÙny nôr*i!hs6.dins. nobody hir warins lô. Mq. tut $c ott $yc[oloeical voyæe lron s hem€ric llaiol scoùos, bt is eE b minak tÀe mùnc i. Thoruls home in C-loudând. Gd.. to soup .'clÛùdrlnd..fô4sy'nolJovi'Iàsoiq ,I.frér or"Clôùdhnd is as dhir- hÈ *yle hascalmed do{n a.d now ætine âld couaFÛre s thc linale L.A Tie backromd ùraneêmênl\ rè seem ârnGtDecjÉ. His insEll@tal vid Thoras'3 sinaia srill drips a of rGr s..ond srnphony. v€al nnilâr .ùhnss over rine. A con- (Rarmtine, jin kird or irô- plex collea&ês snibist Fûùùly Midwnm Cênt4 thâlr a lor ofÀ"lusc b rcxlùre of whistt6, ctaiss ârd oth- bassÈt Tony n* anân Râvùiinc\ syûrbôsim lofts, M.inoie. and ldd on *har is, anù,n, jùs â ræk er unerr'èLLed noùc\ hô bm suÛly drunners CbIG Cudêr and scôtl md-ûll ræoit, cspæiâny ir ù rsè trorcn inru the nir tôô Tne cr.s.trr {hd ifs hzd b brk aboùr ary rcnrr in dodTmd ûake i1{ù ùore cn - io drop the €û i dÈsonânce or ùe jûyâble tba Irê Tetenett Yæt. the llms ofan wiùour berins oul in ûarinaly bizâûe albùn that the band Whethû dê æd;rs the vtrk orsuch sartr ofhclpres rÂùshr*. Bù1 ûe. ièlesed lasr vear âfter 3 sii-v.rr hirnr co rrôducers âs dæ(meisb Slqhm dc.yrhi4 hæ i mlkins.
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