AT&T Wireless Home Phone FAQs 6etting gtart6d Q. What exactly is an AT&T Wireless Home Phone device? How does it work? A. The AT&T Wireless Home Phone provides home phone calling service using your existing cordless phone or standard home phone equipment. The device completes calls using AT&T's wireless network inslead of a landline connection. Q. What kind of phone do f need to work with the AT&T Wireless Home Phone device? A, Use of a DECT cordless phone is highly recommended for best utility and performance. However, most standard touch tone phone equipment may be used. Rotary phones are not supported. Q, What additional features are included with AT&T Wireless Home Phone? A. The following features are included: * Call Waiting * Call Forwarding ' Caller Id (number only) ' 3 Way Calling * Basic Voicemail o {+-L_1. S11. Yt l Q, How do I set up my voicemail box? A, Dial "1" on any home phone connected to lhe Wirele$s Home Phone device and wail 3 seconds to connect to ysur AT&T wireiess voicemail. Simpiy follow the voice prompts to create a password and record your name and greeting. After completing the setup process, you will be abrle to receive voicemail. Q. How do I retrieve my voicemail messages? How about when I'm away? A. Dral "l"on any honre phone connected to the Wireless Home Phone device and wait 3 secondsLo connect to yotirAT&T wireless voicemail. Simply follow the prompts to lislen to and manage your voicemail messages. Note: You rnay be required to enter your passvnord each time you check voicemail. To retrieve rnessages from a phone not connected to the Wireless Home Fhone device, diai the phcne nurnber associated with your Wireless Home Phone service, when voicemail picks up, enter *. You will then be prernpted to enler your password. Simply follow the prornpts to listen to anci manage your voict:mail messages. Q. Can I pcrt rny existing home phone number to the AT&T Wireless Home Fhone service? Jf,. Yes, however eligibility to port your horne number may vary and can take up to 5 days or more lo complete. Q' Do I need broadband Internet service for the AT&T \lVireless llome Phone device to work? A, No, the service is provided through a wireless connection, Q. tiow do I install and set up my AT&T Wireless Home Phone device? A' Please see your Getling Started Guide for the most cornmon installation methods. Other helpfuj inl'ormation: r Instailation near a window is strcngly recommended to ensure the strongest possible wireiess signai to maximize voice quality. r If lhe Wireless Home Phone signal strength indicafor does not display full signal strength (qreen). you rnay need to reiocate the device to anofher part of the horne with a stronger wireless signal for optimal performance. Q. Can I use Wireless Hcme Phone with my existing horne phone wiring? A' Interconnecting to home telephone wiring is possibie; however, it is not recommended unless you possess sufficient knowledge of electrical systems. Use with home wirinq requires the physicai disconnection from other services, including the landline coming intc yaur home. Use cf a cluaiified iicensed electrician is highly recornmended. Improper installation may resuit in phone equipment damage or even a fire. Q. I can't make or receive calls with my AT&T Wireless Home Phone service, What should I do? 4,. Please foilow the troubleshooting $teps in your User Manuai. If further assistanc€ is required, call l.- 800-33 1 -0500. n gfr ' fr & ffiffiwg& nffiililm flffi ruffirr'} ffi ffinffirrffi ffiffiYwH m* fmn $mffiffi Keep your existing phone number and handsets. [xpand your wireless world. Now the re's a better way lo get home pl-rone service. AT&T Wireless Home Phone' Wireless service uses a wireless deirice to grve you Tower everylhing yot: love aboutyour home phone al a betie r price . Yr:u can keep your existrng hcnre nun:ber and conlrnue using your ironre phones. lt's never been easier or more affcrc-jable to have home phone servlce" AT&T Wireless Honne Phone Get more. Save more" Extra-easy installation. xi &l \"! ir oie:r s licrn el Phr:rr e i:'; t l-ie l ow - r:csil- a i1-er n e Ii\'c lo Yor.r can cir-. iiris vour-sr:'rlf. JLi:it Dlu.j if.. vlrri- eristirr.r,,l lr;;i..lltrr...rital i--rr-.ittr,l l.thoni: !arvrcr,:. Plans sl-;lri as lotl a; 99.9'l ironre 6-,h<lnr: to thel nevJ'oiirelc:;:; cjerrice.:nd yr,ru'rer v';lrrlrr .,ri-iirrr-rij .r irnc l-o ,vrtr:r i:.arrrilyi.alk pl:.tn cr $19 !l!l for readlto go lt's lhal e;i:i')/. unil'i, rl.cd iliri.ir-ri]1.,:1ii,.; c.rllinq, Plu-c. rj qu iflmen'L is free r.rith a Fully loaded honre phone. 2),'t t: a t 'r I i it I ct ::r 5 :.l il r v i L: 3 ;l.j r(t e rn e r\t. \,^"rhen yor: sig n r.rp, '7cu'll gc:l irrt-s r--l'greai. featu f es One bill i:; the way to go. .,l r) j :'Ljalil :,,1:.,1 rll r.'rqr;. li'vtu'ri: iln e:ristrnLt A.i.8ql. cus;lorner, )rour Al'& f U/ireless . l.Jnlirnited Llights arrc{ WeeksnclE jar[::1:, i-ir,ri-rr(; ['f rcnr: :,e]r',rictl o;rllqo cn lhe-: sanre bill- i..jc t-t..1\x . lJniimit**J Mobile trr Mobil* 1r; ri.'rne.:rtibnr or pi.rprirwork Lo lor,;e. Yoi,r'll iinrj everythrrrE ' i{0li0vt}f ',:cu ncr.:cr rit t-rie ci,.rrve r.'icr-rl piace. Voicem:,ll Pick your location. Calk:r ll,- pfrcner phcne \,vith l-hr':'"^rrrfrlcss honte drjvice, Lhr:re's no'oieill . {lall \,iJaitrng ncco:larr:- I fr:;l- nreans'y'ou {ran L.ise yoi".rr home phone ;.:i;f', . 3-\N;;v Calling cjevrce anywlrer? yor,; have a :ltrong r:c:llr rlar sign;.rl and 'l'he ' Backr:p Ball€lry - iJL-'t(j ii.5 hrs. talk tinre elect.ricnl oul.l+t.. kiLr:hen. yorrr berlroorr or honre c,,flice, . 611 anci 911 it':;'7r,.i.;r r:;;IL For more go It's your number. Keep it. information, to att.com/whp. \,te knr-rw vi:ur nurllier is impr:rtant [o,./oli. !]o, oon't ch:lnge: ll. ','r:L;r extslilq hcrTre nurnl-.er arrrj f;hc,,ne hanrjs;r:f s are the ;;e,.i' ii:c l. i'rr a1.ch fr: r A I 6i l'"' V i rr: I es s H o rn r-: Ph c n e sc r ir i c: c. i.lc r1ew rro new n,,ittf,;t,:f :j. 1;frc:ncs, Wat&t .
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