July 29, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1657 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS DOMINICAN REPUBLIC-CENTRAL and it will promote freedom and democracy in IN HONOR OF MR. GEORGE J. AMERICA-UNITED STATES FREE Central America. I urge the House to do the GOMES, AGRICULTURALIST OF TRADE AGREEMENT IMPLEMEN- right thing and pass this legislation. THE YEAR TATION ACT f SPEECH OF A PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING HON. JIM COSTA ANDREW W. KIRKLAND OF CALIFORNIA HON. J. DENNIS HASTERT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ILLINOIS Thursday, July 28, 2005 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ROBERT W. NEY OF OHIO Wednesday, July 27, 2005 Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor Mr. George J. Gomes of Carmichael, Mr. HASTERT. Mr. Speaker, the agreement Thursday, July 28, 2005 CA. The California Farm Bureau has honored we have before us is critical to America’s eco- Mr. Gomes by naming him the 2005 Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, whereas, Andrew W. nomic future. You see, America’s economic ‘‘Agriculturalist of the Year.’’ Kirkland has devoted himself to serving others stability is directly linked to our ability to main- George began his agricultural odyssey on through his membership in the Boy Scouts of tain a robust trading relationship with the rest his family’s dairy in Gustine, CA, where he op- America; and of the world. erated the family dairy and farmed forage Right now, the CAFTA region is the second Whereas, Andrew W. Kirkland has shared his time and talent with the community in crops. After selling the farm, Mr. Gomes at- largest U.S. export market in Latin America. tended California State University, San Luis Eighty percent of goods from that region al- which he resides; and Whereas, Andrew W. Kirkland has dem- Obispo where he attained his bachelor of ready enter the U.S. duty-free. science degree in Agribusiness Management But currently, U.S. products don’t enjoy the onstrated a commitment to meet challenges and his masters degree in Agriculture Edu- same benefits. American exporters of every- with enthusiasm, confidence and outstanding cation. He began his professional career as an thing from cars, vegetables, fruits, grain and service; and associate professor at Cal Poly where he wood products all face average tariffs of 10 to Whereas, Andrew W. Kirkland must be com- taught Agricultural Management. 30 percent. mended for the hard work and dedication he In my home state of Illinois, some farmers put forth in earning the Eagle Scout Award. George Gomes’ career took him in many di- are paying tariffs on farm goods that are as Therefore, I join with the residents of Cadiz, rections. Upon leaving the university, George high as 16 percent. These high tariffs prevent the entire 18th Congressional District, An- managed the Napa County Fair. He later farmers from competing in the growing mar- drew’s family and friends in congratulating An- joined the California Department of Food and kets of Central America and the Dominican drew W. Kirkland as he receives the Eagle Agriculture in 1975 where he worked in the Di- Republic. Scout Award. vision of Fairs and Expositions. Shortly there- after, he became the assistant director before Last year, export shipments from Illinois to f the CAFTA region totaled $211 million dollars. being appointed chief deputy director by Gov- That’s the 16th largest in the U.S. TRIBUTE TO REDSTONE-HUNTS- ernor George Deukmejian. Mr. Gomes began Passing CAFTA will allow exporters in Illi- VILLE CHAPTER OF THE ASSO- a new journey in 1987 when he was named nois and the rest of the country to enjoy the CIATION OF THE U.S. ARMY administrator of the California Farm Bureau same benefits that our Central American part- Federation. ners already have. And that means more U.S. HON. ROBERT E. (BUD) CRAMER, JR. His extensive educational and professional products can enter and be sold in Central OF ALABAMA experience has allowed George to become a America. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES widely recognized leader within California’s agriculture industry. While in school he was an This agreement is a win-win situation for Thursday, July 28, 2005 American farmers, businesses and con- active member of the Dairy Club, National sumers. No matter how you look at it, busi- Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Dairy Judging Team and Agriculture Council. ness activity will increase. And we all know, congratulate the members of the Redstone- Beyond that, George has served as a member when businesses do well, jobs are created. In Huntsville Chapter of the Association of the of the State Fair Advisory Committee, chair of fact, it is estimated that one out of every five U.S. Army for being named for the second the Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo Agriculture Advi- factory jobs in the U.S. depends on trade. year in a row the ‘‘Best Overall’’ AUSA Chap- sory Committee, California Fair Services There is another component to CAFTA that ter in the country. Board of Directors and Keep California Beau- is also important to address. AUSA is dedicated to supporting the United tiful Board of Directors. This agreement will help solidify democracy States Army and maintaining a strong national Through his public service commitments in and economic reform in Central America. Here defense. AUSA achieves its goals by sup- education, government and community organi- is what we know. Trade creates jobs and lifts porting the needs and interests of soldiers, re- zations George Gomes has been steadfast in people out of poverty. And when that hap- tirees, and family members. promoting California agriculture. This award pens, societies stabilize and grow. And there As the home of Redstone Arsenal, the U.S. from the California Farm Bureau Federation is nothing like a stable society to fight ter- Army Aviation and Missile Command, and nu- could not have gone to anyone more deserv- rorism and strengthen democracy, freedom merous defense partners, north Alabama has ing. I wish George and his family all the best. and rule of law. earned an excellent reputation for its role pro- f Finally, Hispanics are now the largest minor- tecting the warfighter and defending our na- ity group in the United States. For the millions tional security. COMMENDING ARMY SPECIALIST of Hispanic Americans with families still living The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter of AUSA, ADAM JAMES HARTING in Central America, this agreement creates a which was founded in 1959, has been a mutually beneficial economic relationship that strong advocate and voice for north Alabama’s HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY strengthens our ties and our friendship. warfighters. All of us in north Alabama are OF INDIANA Put simply, this trade agreement is about very proud of the hard work and commitment IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fairness. Fairness for American workers and AUSA has always exhibited. Thursday, July 28, 2005 fairness for American exporters. Our busi- Mr. Speaker, this award is wonderful news nesses and workers deserve a competitive for our community and I rise on behalf of ev- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with trading environment on a level playing field. eryone in north Alabama to express our sin- great pride and respect that I wish to com- This is important legislation. It will expand cere congratulations to the members of the mend Army Specialist Adam James Harting economic opportunity in the United States, Redstone-Huntsville Chapter of AUSA. for his bravery in the field of battle and his ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:01 Aug 01, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28JY8.001 E29JYPT1 E1658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2005 willingness to fight for his country. Specialist Whereas, Marc West has shared his time herself to ensuring proper care and recovery Harting was assigned to the 3rd Battalion 69th and talent with the community in which he re- for the women and men who place themselves Armor Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, sides; and in harm’s way in the effort to protect our free- 42nd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, GA. Spe- Whereas, Marc West has demonstrated a dom. cialist Harting lost his life on Monday, July 25, commitment to meet challenges with enthu- She graduated from Keuka College with a 2005, in Samarra, Iraq. His sacrifice will be re- siasm, confidence and outstanding service; Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing in membered by a community that has been and 1976 and reported for Officer Indoctrination struck hard by the devastating loss of one of Whereas, Marc West must be commended School in Newport, Rhode Island. Upon com- its own. for the hard work and dedication he put forth pletion of her Officer training, Sandra began A native of Portage, IN, Specialist Harting in earning the Eagle Scout Award. her career at the Naval Hospital in Jackson- graduated from Portage High School. It came Therefore, I join with the residents of Zanes- ville, Florida in the Intensive Care unit. as no surprise to those who knew Specialist ville, the entire 18th Congressional District of Captain DeGroot’s profession brought her to Harting that he would serve his country. A true Ohio, Marc’s family and friends in congratu- a variety of places. She was assigned to patriot, his love for his country was evident lating Marc West as he receives the Eagle Naval Hospital Pensacola, Florida as the from the time that he was a child.
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