Weather Distribution 7 u, teaperttore »• Cto«*r, *•*•«£« Wr today, tonight ud Today Wmwww. ..High tod«y and to* uorrmr in the 4fa. Low tonl|tt Independent Daily f 23,425 fa Hie tti. Sunday, lncreaiu>| I *aiDArTHMHtmnuuH-m.mt j • See Weather, Page 2. DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 86, NO. 115 Iiititl dally, Hondo thrMih Vildur. facom] Olui Poitigi PUd it Had Bulk ud «t A4dltlOMj VUUini OttiCM. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Monmouth Moves to Stamp Out Polio By DORIS KCLMAN , day morning when county first including 57 cases in Philadel- RED BANK—WWiin the past aid squads begin transporting phia last summer. ° two weeks, there has been an the 375,000 doses of Sabin vac- outbreak of paralytic polio in cine from the Monmouth Cold A 'Live* Virus Storage Company, where it has Here Are the Sabin Facts The polio virus is one of a Dade County, Fla. been stored, to the 58 dispens- Twenty-eight cases—and three Everyone six weeks old or older should Waiting time at the stations will be only large group of viruses which ing stations in time for the 11 live in the intestinal tract. deaths—have been reported. A a.m. opening. take Sabin oral vaccine, including those who a few minutes. mass immunization program already have had the Salic vaccine. The Sabin vaccine differs using Sabtn oral vaccine has County road department There is no charge. A voluntary con- trucks will carry the other sup- Middle-aged and older citizens should tribution of 25 cents is suggested, but the from the Salk vaccine in that been undertaken to combat the take the vaccine not only to immunize it is a "live" virus—that is, a spread of the dread disease. plies — the sugar cubes, the vaccine will be provided free to those who paper cups, the medicine drop- themselves but also to eliminate themselves cannot pay. weakened strain of the virus As those chilling facts show, as "carriers" of polio. which is harmless but which polio is still a menace. pers — from Fitkin Hospital, immunizes against the , polio Neptune, which is being used No "boosters" are necessary. The stations will be open from 11 a.m. But it doesn't have to happen as a supply depot. to 5 p.m. virus. • here. There are no harmful after-effects. Go io your nearest station. Because it is taken by mouth, To prevent it, the Monmouth Man The Stations Persons with an elevated temperature or County Medical Society is diarrhea should not take the vaccine — it A list of the stations appears on page the Sabin vaccine sterilizes the Approximately 2,400 volun- gastrc-intestinal tract, one of launching a three-part program teers — physicians, nurses, won't hurt them, but it won't work. 4 of today's Register. this Sunday to immunize all the body's prime portals of pharmacists, members of civ'; The nine-calorie sugar cube is safe for If you need transportation, the county exit for the virus. This elim- county residents—young and old and scout groups — will help diabetics. Red Cross Chapter will provide it. -^wirh the Sabin vaccine, inates the possibility of "car- man the stations. riers"—persons who harbor and •Victory Over Polio' The county Red Cross chap- spread the disease. With 100 per cent participation ter will furnish transportation in the program and a continu- Unlike, the Salk vaccine, —the virus causing the Florida Salk vaccine is only temporary The Salk vaccine, on the oth- for persons with no other means which must be injected, the outbreak. — "booster" shots being re- er hand, triggers the produc- ing immunization program for of getting to dispensing stations. quired at regular intervals to babies, we can xxmipletely erad- Sabin vaccine is "fed" — two The two other Sabin vaccines tion of antibodies which circu- School children have made drops on a cube of sugar. Three maintain it — and because the late in the blood and prote". the icate polio in Monmouth County posters advertising the crusade. will be given on Jan. 19 and feedings are necessary — each March 1. protection given by the Salk brain and the spinal cord, but YOU CAN MAT POLIO — Dr. Frank Niemtiow, Free- the society says. Mayors have proclaimed this vaccine varies according to the it doesn't sterlize the digestive The society's "Victory Over to immunize against a partic- It is important that everyone hold, president of the Monmouth County Medical So- "Victory Over Polio Sunday." ular polio virus. type of virus. tract. Polio" crusade, the largest All fire sirens in Monmouth have the Sabin oral vaccine if ciety, points to the most important person in the crusade public healfli program ever un- County are due to be sounded Sunday's feeding will be Type the fight against polio is to be The incidence of polio has Unlike the Saik vaccine, the to eradicate polio here — you. The society sayi 100 dertaken here, is a community Sunday at noon as a reminder 1 Sabin vaccine, which im- won — including those who al- dropped approximately 40 per Sabin vaccine requires no ready had the Salk vaccine, the cent since widespread use of the per cent participation in the mass feeding of the Sabin program in every sense of the to all people in the county to munizes against the virus re- "boosters." It gives almost 100 word. get their initial feeding of Sabin sponsible for 80 per cent of all Society says. This is because Salk vaccine began in 1955, but per cent protection against oral vaccine Sunday can lick the disease here. It will get under way Sun- vaccine that day. paralytic polio in this country the immunity conferred by the there have been epidemics since, polio, apparently forever. Pay $10 for $24 Refund? Will Continue Slaying Probe MARLBORO - Should a taxpayer have Designated by the mayor as "Victory to pay a fee of $10, and fill out' a lot of Over Polio Sundays" are Deo. 8, Jan. 19, paperwork besides, in order to get a $24 tax and March 1. On these dates, between 11 WASHINGTON (AP) - There pected to transmit the report to that the FBI and six co-operat- ecutive order of last Friday mission studies and evaluates it. rebate ? a. m. and 5 p. m., Sabin oral vaccine will were strong indications today the review commission headed ing agencies have not answered which, created it, to go beyond Johnson promised that the Alexander Hindin, Main St., doesn't be available at the Marlboro Central School. that the FBI has completed its by Chief Justice Earl Warren. to the commission's satisfaction. a mere evaluation of the FBI findings would be made public think so. Citizens are urged to take part in the pro- bulky report on the assassina- The Warren commission Warren announced Thursday, and other findings. The order in full, but did not say when, Mr.' Hindin is one of 1,300 Marlboro gram, sponsored by the Monmouth County tion of President John F. Ken- meets this afternoon. Whether it after a 2!4-hour commission empowers It to "conduct any and White House press officers taxpayers whose property was overassessed Medical Society. nedy without closing its wide- was to receive the report then meeting that Congress will be further investigation it deems have been vague on the ques- during the 1961 revaluation because of un- Volunteers for "Strategy for Survival," ranging investigation. was not known in advance. asked to arm the group with desirable." tion. corrected errors in the tax maps. a fallout shelter management course offered Newsmen got hints—but not The FBI is understood to have subpoena power. Congress is Whether hearings will be held Warren told newsmen after "WJy," he asked the Township Com- by instructors from Rutgers University, are from any official spokesmen, concluded that Lee Harvey Os- sure to respond quickly; legis- was not decided. Warren told Thursday's meeting that the mittee last night, "do I have to pay $)0 to solicited by local civil defense director, Le- who refused comment—that the wald, 24, ex-Marine and Marx- lation already is being drafted. reporters that none of the pro- commission still was working get back $24 when it was the- appraisal land R. Garner. report has been turned over to ist, planned and executed alone Machinery was in motion also cedural questions had been set- somewhat in the dark In ap- company's fault ?• At least, it was certain- the Justice Department, which the Nov. 22 slaying in Dallas. to equip the commission with tled finally. proaching what he called its ly not my fault." The course will be given during Janu- ary and February and can be completed will forward it to President Warren has assured that the staff aides, offices and operating Still to be resolved also was "very sad and very solemn "It's the law," said Mayor Joseph A. over a\ weekend, from 8 a. m. Saturday Johnson. bipartisan body will reach be- procedures. the question whether the White duty" because it had not re- Lanzaro, explaining that the state requires until 5 p. m. Sunday, or during evening Transmit Report yond the official findings if nec- The Warren group has full House will make public the FBI ceived the FBI fir any other the payment of the $10 fee on all appeals, The President in turn is ex- essary to clear up any questions authority, under Johnson's ex- report before or after the corn- government report. regardless of circumstances. hours, Mayor Lanzaro announced.
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