Vol.LXXXIV,No. 25. Coe = ~ Price $120000,00 ~ General Notice 38 of2006.. tice 90:of 2006; '’ STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD Decision onthe Application for Cancellation ofPortion of. awinen TendersInvited .-General Plan No. CT 2670.0f Stands 22242296Glandina:,;a “Township ofofStand 2304Glaudina Township: Salis’Tors _ Tenders!mustibe enclosed in seilea’envelopes, endorsed on the outside with thet advertised tender’nimber, description, closing date and must be posted in time to be sorted into Post Office Box NumberC¥ 408, Causeway. or’delivered by hand to the Principal‘Offices,’State ProcurementBoard, Fifth Floor, Old Reserve Bank Building, dated the 2nd December, 2005, the: Minister, of 6, SamoraMachel ‘Avenué, Harare, before 10.00a.m:onthe closing date. Land Reform and Resettlenient; in terms of section. 410) of ; E. M. USHEWOKUNZE, the. Land’ Survey ‘Act. {Chapter 20:12}, hereby gives, notice 442006, : | Principal Officer;State Procurement Board. that he has: consented: io. the cancellation ‘Of: the - "Tender number | portion -of General, Plan “CT: 2670 defined -‘by the figure. OF 1, “OF2,-.OF3,.OF4, -OFS, “OF6, OF7,OF8,:224TX, ZOUIETIO/2006.‘Supply ;and delivery of printing press.Tender 2241Y, .2247D; OF12, 22338,2233C,OF13; OF1 ini th district |. documentscanbeobtainedfromthe Procurement Department, of Salisbury. oo ‘Zimbabwe OpenUniversity, First Floor, Bryanston House, ' No, 9, George Silundika Avenue, Harare, upon payment of . anon-refundable'cashfee of$500 000,60, perset. Terider fee _. ispayableatCashOffice,Third Floor, StanleyHouse,corner 14-4:2006. See _ Acting sueSo TO . .. First Street.and Jason’ Moyo: Avenue,‘Harare. The closing General Notice89of 2006. ~ date is 16th May, 2006. "STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD* Se General Notice 91. of2006.. ee: oea 2 “Tenders Invited STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD- Tenderslavited : Tenders inust be enclosediint‘sealed envelopes,“endorsédon» the- outside : a i with thé advertised teider- number, description, closing. date and:must.be » Tenietsniust Bélenclosediin postedin- time td ‘be sorted into Post Office Box Nuinber CY,408, Causeway or . sealed énvelopes, endorsedon the outside with the >advertised iender’number,description, closing date and,.nust Be posted in time to bé delivered by-handto the Principal Officer,‘StateProcurement Board, Fifth Floor, Old sortéd into PostOffice Box Number cy 408, Causeway or delivered by’handto the ° Reserve Bank Building, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before:10.00 a.m, off. the - Principal Officer, ‘State Procurement’Board; Fifth Floor, OldReserve Bank Building, - closing date. © 4 a ok . a Samor | Machet Aveniie, Hares,before 10.‘00 am.onthe:‘closingdate, * . .'* £,M, USHEWOKUNZE;’ te gs “oo E M. USHEWOKUNZE, , 14-4.2006. * Principal Office, State Procurement Board Dy"PincaOfeer, State Procurement Board. / Teender niember , _TeiOne9676.Supply,installation and1econimissoning Printflow: “3/2006. Supply, ‘delivery and installation of ED.tf gofAir Units ” Capturing:software and,hardware. at Runhare House. Oh TdOnes P Supplyand delivery ofDXR200electroniccomponents. ; Printflow:5/2006. Supply:and delivery’oof film piocessor machine: ob imentsare obtairiable fromtheTelOne Buying Reception, Tender documentsareObtainablefromthe purchasingoffice om.3N2,..ThirdFloor, Runhare House, 107,. Kwame _ of Printflow (Private) Limited, George.Silundika*Avenue, a NkrumahAVenue,Hararé, upon payment of4non-refundable _ comer Eptoni Street; Harare; uponpaymentof a‘nen-refiind- depositof$600000,00;Tender doctiméntsare sold between’ _ | able’depositof2$100000,00 per:setofeachtenderdocumente ‘1 00 and:12'00, houts, ‘dailyMonday to Friday except mi ‘Closingdateiis, on 16th May, 2006. oe! , _ _ Publicholidays.“Theclosing datefiis 16th May, 2006, a} . 240 ' ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GazerTe, 147 Apen, 2006 CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OFNAME ' ‘TAKE notice that, on the 20th day ofMarch, 2006, Ashton Kurai- _ TAKE noticethat, on the 22nd June, 2005, Mardyini Bnock Mupfuyiwa, appearedbefore me, Sibonile Kampira,alegal practitioner “Marova appeared before me, Zenzo Moyo,a legal practitioner and and notary public, and changed his name to Ashton Kurai Mataranyika:—Sibonile Kampira, c/o Chinamasa, Mudimu & notary public, at Bulawayo, and changed his name from Marayini Chinongwenya,legal practitioners, Fourth Floor, Takura House, EnockMarova to Marayini Enock Chadyagwai. Lo ’ 67, Kwame Nkruniah Avenue, Harare. — 412100f | - Dated at Bulawayothis the day of 31st March, 2006.—-Zenzo ———— |. Moyo,.c/o Bulawayo Legal Project Centre, Amalungelo House, CHANGE OF NAME. 94, Fort Street, Bulawayo. 412992f TAKE noticethat, by notarial deed executedbefore me, Margaret CHANGE OF NAME Harvey,a legal practitioner/notary public, Tapiwa Machumi Utayai (born on 6th October, 1989) on the 4th day ofMarch, 2006, changed _ TAKE notice that, at Harare, on the 27th day of March, 2006, his name to TapiwaMuvaki.—-MargaretHarvey, c/o Byron Venturas Enerst Mlalazi born on the 3rd February, 1985 appeared before me, _ & Partners, legal practitioners, SecondFloor, Tanganyika House, KayNcube and by notarial deed he did abandonthe surname Mlalazi cnr. Third Street/Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, Harare. _ 412070f and assume the surnamé Mumpandethereby authorizing and requestingall people to addiess him by the said surname. CHANGE OF NAME Mumpande.-Kay Neube, c/o Gill; Godlonton & Gerrans, legal practitioners, Seventh Floor,Beverley Court, 100, Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare. - , , . 412967f ” TAKE notice that, before me, Godfrey Nyoni, a legal practitioner and notary public, appeared Maxwell Ncube, whoby notarial deed oe ’ CHANGE OF NAME hanged his name from Maxwell Ncube to Maxwell Mhlanga, he — so appeared on behalf of his minor son Mutsa Prince Ncube who by notarial deed changed his surname from Ncube to Mhlanga—~ TAKE notice that, at Hatare, on the 27th day of March, 2006,- Godfrey. Nyoni, c/o Majoko and Majoko,legal practitioners, 111A, FreshSibanda (born on the 4th September, 1977) appeared before’ ine, Kay Ncube and by notatial deed he did abandon the surname _ Josiah Tongogara Street, Bulawayo. , 412138F Sibanda arid assume the surriaine Munsakaand did abandon for and on behalf of Viola Sibarida (born on the 17th October, 1995) 4 CHANGE OF NAME and Busiko Siampande Sibanda (born on-4th October, 1998) the surname Sibanda and assume the surname Munsaka, hereby NOTICEishereby giventhat Tafadzwa Matukadzimbo appeared authorizing and requesting all people-to address him and his minor before me, Winston Tsbakalisa, a notary public, on the 6th Marchi; children by the said.surname Munsaka——Kay Neube, c/o Gill, 2006, and changed his name from Tafadzwa Matukadzimbot ' Godlonton & Gerrans,legalpractitioners, Seventh Floor, Beverley Tafadzwa Muringweni. : Court, 100, Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare. 412968f Dated at Beitbrigde on the 6th day of March, 2006.—Winston "CHANGE OF NAME 4 Tshakalisa, c/o W. Tshakalisa Legal Practitioners,.P.O. Box 238, Beitbridge. ALQIS7£ _ ‘TAKE notice that, at Harare, on the 27th day of March, 2006, Dudu Million Mlalazi (born on the 20th of April, 1950) appeared CHANGE OF NAME’ before nie, Kay Ncube and by notarial deed he did on his behalfand for and on behalf, of Lucky Mlalazi (born on the 10th April, 1997) NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed execuiéd abandon the surname Mlalazi and assume Mumpande and before me, Ziwai Moses Kamusasa, a legal | Christopher Mlalazi (born 5th April, 1989) abandon the surname practitioner and Milalazi and assume the surname Mumpande, thereby authorizing notary public, et Harare, Noma Nyamukapa changed her name to and requesting ail people to address him and his minorchildren by: Noma Chokuwa. ‘ the said sufname Mumpande—Kay Ncube, c/o Gill, Godlonton & Dated at Harare on the 4th day of April, 2006.—-Ziwai Moses © Gerrans, legal practitioners, Seventh Floor, Beverly Court, 100, Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare. _ 412969f musasa, C/o Kamusasa and Company LegalPractitioners, P.O. wox CY 2672, Causeway, Harare. 412071£ CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME \ NOTICEgiven is hereby that, by notarial deed executed before NOTICEis hereby given that, onthe 21st day of March; ‘me, Charles Warara, a legal practitioner, Hazel Nyasha Kufandada 2006, on behalf of her minor child Kimberley Ruvimbo Magara appeared Baxton Chiwara (born on the 23rd ofApril, 1966)in hiscapacity-as before me, on 27th day of January, 2006, and changed her minor the guardian of the minor child Lawrence Tafadzwa Maunga(born _child’s name from Kimberley Ruvimbo Magara to Kimberiey on the 9th September, 1989) appeared before mie, George Laita, a: Ruvimbo Kufandada. legal practitioner and notary public, at Marondera, and on behalf of the afore-said minorchild did abandon the name Lawrencé Tafadzwa Dated at Harare this 3rd day of Aprii, 2006.—-Charles Warara, Maunga and assumethe name Lawrence Tafadzwa Chiwara,so that, c/o. Warara & Associates, Fourth Floor, NICOZ House, First Street/ Nelson Mandela Avenue,Harare. 442144F he shall henceforth be known andreferred to as LawrenceTafadzwa Chiwara onall occasions and in all records. «| CHANGE OF NAME Dated at Marondera this 21st day ofMarch, 2006.—George Laita, :- eloLaita, Ngwende and Partners, applicant’s legal practitioners, '_ Eighth Floor, CABSCentre, cnr. Jason Moyo Avenue/Sam Nujoma TAKE notice that, by notarial deed executedbefore me, Paul _ Street, Harare. Oe . 412112F . Christopher Paul on! the 28th day of March, 2006, Sean Thomas Dorandeclared to change his name to Sean Thomas Neilsen-Doran. CHANGE OF NAME". - Dated at Harare this 4th day of April, 2006.—Paul Christopher 27th
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