CorjRiaiiT, It&f. «T THI SPORTINC! Lira PTJBUSHIHO Co. ^^^^^^T _ ^^^^* ^•^^•i^p W £NTM«I> AT I'HI.'J. Po« Omoi AJ UOOBD CLAM MAT VOLUME 6, NO. •>!. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MARCH 3, 1886. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. plan. The American Association committee on the re­ at work in the gymnasium just as soon as they arrive vision of rules and constitution meets iu Louisville to­ here. BASE BALL morrow, and, being a member of the committee, I'll do Nicol has arrived, and Sweeney, Dunlap, Boyle and what I can to provide for A record for these two systems LEAGUE BATES. all the other lads except McKinnou are expected here PRESTO. CHANGE! of play. It will be no difficult thing to draft a rule to within a week. Comiskey writes that be will arrive score base-running, for all that is necessary ia to give a March .3 He intends bringing his family with him. player credit for every base he makes without the aid of The report about Harry Weldou backing out of ac­ AH the News of a Week batting, passed balls, wild pitches or a force. In scoring The Schedule Committee cepting the Brewn*' secretaryship was erroneous. He batting assists there is more diflVulty. Harry Wright arrived here last Sunday and is stopping with his wife The Cincinnati Club Under makes a good point by aiiKg,*ting that chances offered at the Laclede for the present. He has rented a house Compiled. to make these assists ought aljo to be scored, else the Meeting in Detroit. on Grand avenue and will move into it in a few dajs. estimate would be unfair. For instaa«, the man who Tom Maloney. the score card boy, was generally con­ a New Owner. leads off has never so mnch chance for batting assists as sidered by the Browns as their mascott last season, any of the men who come after him. and they want him back in hia old position this season Gathered by Reporters, Corres­ The League will almost certainly adopt the Associa­ Great Secrecy, But Meagre Infor­ He is i]uite a little ball player, too. Sold to One of the Richest Men in tion rule giving a batsman a base for being hit with a Work has been beguu at Sportsman's Park in getting pitched ball Mr, Marsh, of Detroit, who voted against mation for the Public. the ground and buildings in condition for the opening pondents and the Telegraph it at the annual meeting, will vote for it next week, and of the season. There will be a new entrance gate at the the City of Pork. tbat will adopt it. The two associations will then be solicitation of the street car lin» which runs along the nearer the same general code of playing rales than ever DETROIT HAPPENINGS. rear of the park. The new gate will make another From AH Points. before. Both have the unrestricted delivery, and both ticket office and turnstile necessary. Special to SPORTING LIFE: have abolished the foul bound. The League is also The League Schedule Committee Meeting- The old t'uion grounds (now occupied by the League) liable to relegate battery errors to the summary again. are looking better than ever before, and the foot ball CINCINNATI, 0., Feb. 27.—The Cincinnati Base AN INTERNATIONA!, LEAGUE. Then if the Association would reduce the number of Base Ball Poetry—Minor Notes. fraternity are allowed to use them only on dry days, Ball Club has changed hands. John Hauch, called balls to six, the rules would almost, or quite, con­ DETROIT, Feb. 23.—Editor SPORTING LIFE:— when no damage can possibly be done. Capt. Bill Rich­ the wealthiest brewer of Cincinnati and presi­ The Canadian Clubs Finally Admitted to form. That the same rules should govern the play of The schedule committee has been here, done its al­ ards is still in charge. Membership in the New York League. both associations is made particularly necessary in cities lotted task and disbanded. Those who wrestled Judge McCaffery, one of the directors of the League dent of the German National Bank, now ownj like Philadelphia and dt. Louis, where both codes are Park, is about to embark in the billiard business. It is the entire club. He has put the entire business As noted in the lute despatches in the last issue used. with the problem were: Harry Wright, the fatherly •aid that Wm. Schaefer, Samuel Baldwin and a Mr. of THB SPORTINS Lire, the Canadian clubs have NOTES. manager; G. A. Schmelz, the St. Louis hustler; 0. Teutenberg are to join the Judge in this new enter­ management into the hands of 0. P. Caylor, ani •greed to the conditions exacted by the New The latest addition of new works to the Base Ball P. Caylor, who came to see that the American prise. the policy of the club will be to elevate the tone York State League, and an International League Diamond Library are the following:—"Mistakes of Association got its rights, and President Marsh The admirers of the Brown Stocking Club feel rather of it and cater especially to the best classes. is now an assured fact. At the meeting of the Caylor," by John I. Rogers; ''What I Know About and Manager Watkins. The work went along sore over C&ruthers' action, but are confident they will Menageries," by Gus Schmelz. smoothly and harmoniously. The schedule will again win the pennant. McOinnis will have a mau that ____ o. P. a .State League, after the refusal of the Canadians to I was up in Detroit last Tuesday and sat all day look­ can hold him in Ru. Kemmler, and he will show up in come in under the $100 guarantee condition, ing at the League committee make a schedule. They consist of 126 games, each club playing IS with good shape the coming season. I met "Kern" the other FROM THE CAPITAL. Rochester was hot for the admission of the Cana­ sweated and figured and figured and perspired jast as all the others, 3 games to a trip. Detroit will open day in Chicago, and he looks better than he has for dians even without the $100 guarantee, and made schedule committees do. The only real serious trouble at St. Louis, Chicago at Kansas City and then years. He remarked that he would show Hustling April Dates—The Guarantee and Home Kale a threat to withdraw, which upset the meeting to in their way was a universal desire—I might say per­ they change. The Eastern clubs play among Horace how to catch the coming season. Plans Advocated, Etc. sistence—of every member to compel the other two to themselves. The season begins April 29. That such an extent that it_adjuurned without really take all the best dates. We've been there; hey, Lew and FROM THE FALiS CITY. WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.—Editor SPORTING LIFE: accomplishing the business for which it had been Jim.' was all the information vouchsafed concerning the —Should Old Sol continue to favor us with pleas­ convened. Buffalo had joined, supposing it a cer­ While in Detroit I learned that they expect to have schedule. Curious there should be such solicitude Annual Meeting of the Louisville Club. ant weather we will be able to complete our new tain thing that the Canadians would be admitted. a team there this summer. Next to Belle Island their over a few figures. Hecker's Arm in Bad Condition, Etc. grounds at a much earlier date than waa expected. base ball team is the biggest thing Detroit possesses. An admirer of Baldwin's who resides at Hast­ This would doubtless have been done had not To­ Fred Lewis and Jimmy Keeuau have reported here, LOUISVILLE, Feb. 25.—Editor SPORTIHB LIFE:— Mr. Scanlon has also been busy arranging dates ronto and Hamilton withdrawn their offers of $100 and are both looking remarkably well. Lewis never ings, Mich., the home of our great left-handed The annual meeting of the Louisville Club was for April. He desires to play about twenty-two guarantee. After the abrupt termination of the looked better in mid-season, and Keeiian weighs eight twirler, is moved by a contemplation of Baldwin's attended by about twenty-five stockholder, all, in games in that month, but has not succeeded in meeting the Rochester, Buffalo and Toronto repre­ pounds leas than he weighed lost July. virtues to the following poetical effort: fact, but Manager H., who is quite ill. President securing more than fourteen. He hopes to be able sentatives left for the West in a state of indigna­ The Washington Club has done a wise thing in select­ to have the list complete at an early day. With ing a permanent manager in Mike Scanlon. Is he in the crowded city, Phelps presided. The treasurer's report showed tion, but the Hamilton delegates tarried at Syra­ Mr. Whitfleld writes me that the Kansas City Club Taking part in pleasure's whirl, that last seasen was the best in the history of the this amount of practice the boys will be in good cuse, and after a consultation with (ieorge G. has engaged Dave Ko\\ e to play with and manage their Recounting to his boon companions club. About $10,000 was cleared, $7,000 of which trim U enter the race for the pennant. Campbell and C. D. White, president and "secre­ team. They have probally made » mistake. Dave is a How he makes the base ball twirl ? was put in improvements on the grounds, which The management is busy trying to find a man tary of the League, weakened and agreed to good ball player and a nice gentlemanly young man Is he toying with the ''tiger" are new the handsomest in the country.
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