"With B Brownsville13 and B Valley 13 Theaters camera plays with conventionally clothe* which were es- Citrus Association * MIRIAM GROWS UP DISGUISED—PARTIALLY designed [. s sential to Mile Chanel* purpose. Committee to Meet I ■ ■ ■' ■■■■'■ ....—-1 MISS SEEGAR GLORIA HAS The tradition* of film costuming have changed considerably since A general meeting of the exec- Miss Swansons career began, but utive committee of Ihe Rio Grande whatever the tradition Miss Swan- Citrus Growers association, the new GROWS UP TO NEW son has always been foremost m GOWNS formed screen fashions. Back in the days grower cooperative being when Cecil B DeMille was starring now. Is expected to be called soon, her, she was the sensation of that to prepare for the series of com- VAMP THE MEN BY period ot elaborate gowns, startling munity meetings planned. CHANEL unconven- Tlie executive committee '» to an- by lavish detail and tional cut. Now that sheer style nounce soon a Ust of 14 committee- BY DAN THOMAS Gloria Swanson has long been rather than lavishness Is the order men. one from each of the com- NEA Service Writer known as one of the best dressed of the day, Miss Swanson is again munities of the Valley in w hich a HOLLYWOOD, March. 00— Did stars on the screen. Mile. Oabnelle a leader local plant Is planned. as — Homer Miles, member of the ex- you ever have a desire to vamp a Chanel has long been known was ecutive is In big sisters beau? one of the most eminent fashion More than $3 2000.000.000 committee, Washing- In the United ton now aid from 1/ so, you have an idea of how designers in Paris In consequence spent for education seeking the fed- e>al farm board Miriam Seegar feels right now. the conjunction of these two fig- States during 1931. Only Mmam is married to big ures, Miss Swanson to wear the sister’s beau—pictonally speaking gowns. Mile. Chanel to design It all happened tin* way. About them, la something of an event In 15 years ago when the Seegar the world of fashion the results of Business— family lived In Kokomo. Ind., which will be on display in “To- Miriam gazed enviously upon her night or Never," produced by high school sis’, .r's beau, Leon Samuel Ooldwyn for United Art- Bent him badly Wnycoff. with the passing of ists, at the Rivoll Theatre. San years, however, that's all Miriam Benito, today and Monday. went Pleasure— remembered about him. .‘ Last summer Miss Swanson A few days ago Miss Seegar abroad, presumably for a vacation. Will Rogers. America’s humorist and Jetta Goudal seem to want broke him was cast for a leading role in The But on her arrival in Paris, where Nearly to disguise their in “Business and Pleasure,” new comedy Famous Ferguson Case," a murder feelings Mile Chanel w*as Just beginning Her from Fox Now showing at Brownsville's Capitol. to the costumes for “To- mystery. husband m the pic- design Roar at him as a ture or Never.” she most of was Leon Waycofl. Scarcely night spent keen razor blade her time as hard as she believing that he could be the working magnate from the same ever did a man, Miriam decided to ask SWANSON AT RIVOL1 In studio collaborating Com Belt bent on the on the him. with famous couturiere trimming the Arabs sh*> was For “Yes," replied Waycoff, -I used gowns to wear. years and their whiskers. to live In Kokomo " of experience had taught Miss “Do you remember a Miss See- Swanson those details of photo- gar?" graphic values and the tricks the •Sure." replied the actor, we almost were married." WILL "Well." said Miriam, "I am her little sister." These old-fashioned fllmiS i> | v dltlmam makf a great hit with the — general — TODAY public, but they are about to dis- rupt the entire morale-if any— of Hollywood ROGERSIII Barbara Is Miriam Seegar don’t you remember me? Stanwyck Just start- in ing a picture of that r -------i type, entitled "So Big" But it’s Mae Madison. v. ho plays one of the leading roles, AT is “Business QUEEN ! Jhat domg the disrupting. — ALSO — Throughout th« picture Mae is WILL SCORES encased in one of those old-fash- AND ioned corsets—and she thinks It's funny, or rather the male re. “An;J>ody'o action is funny Pleasure” Goat" BIG HIT IN leading man in the*Brent, film, was the first one she with Terry toon approached. •Feel me." said the excited Mae JETTA GOUDAL “Noah’s Outing” NEWEST FILM "No/' said Mae. disgusted at his ILht touch, "feel—punch,** JOEL MrCFEA Paul Kennard / the Recital pen actress made for the BORIS KARLOFF Organ 1 office of Will Rogers rallies to the de- Jack Warner chief stu- dio executive. Daily 1: 00 to 1:30 fense of the much-maligned ''Bab- •Took!** she said Booth bitt*' In “Business and Pleasure,- Jack looked. Tarkington’s his latest starring vehicle, at the "Now feel!" novel “The Plutocrat” and Theatre and Mon- Gloria Swanson, star of 'Tonight or Never”, showing today Capitol Sunday Jarit didn’t seem quite sn and •fobn‘Boies w. Monday at lha Rtvoll Theatre. San Benito. Evelyn Laye day. "Business and Pleasure," lling to do, * especially since there ■■■ ■ II ■■■!■»■■ ■■■'»— ■ ■ ———»—■■—i—■ —— —.— adapted from "The Plutocrat" by ?!hers ln the in One %? avenlyNight NOW SHOWING Booth Tarkington, Is a Fox Film T>ont be Mlly—go ahead," pout- Count’s castle, and the results of AT YOUR ed Mae Romance In production. You can’t feel me i m Stirring the the Is The romance of a of Earl Tinker, i discovery of deception amazing The character mummified .. you know_ ban- blade man- told in frolicsome action, witty timid Middle Western razor dared I mean I’m all Evelyn Laye’s Debut maaquerader. transctbed al- -...... —j wrapped up‘ ufacturer. has tieen corsets... see?" dialogue, and tuneful song Color- ENGLISH DIALOGUE the and Evelyn Laye, English light opera most In toto from book, Edwin a Booth and Duncan ™fh Mac a cast of J^at started pulling star in “One ful costumes, and large Rogers makes the role one of the Rrnaldo In "Trader Horn", now Heavenly Night,” an McGuire ProVe her sta^- original romantic citizens, peasants, soldi®*, swells Mf;key his entire series of , comedy bv the most lovable of at the Queen at popular Trent7 But by t0(Kthe time prices she was celebrated Louis Brum- talking screen characterizations with novelist, and police, and the atmosphere of Comedy rc-Kly her proof, there were on a field, will come to the Dittmann both caslle and cabaret are pre- Tinker embarks Mediter- Admission 25c — 10c ° i hu» dashes to cm. with his jealous, wife, off Damascus Theatre Sunday. ! scnted in a typically lavish Gold- ranean vanished Mae was puzzled resentful daugh- to conclude his deal He beconrrs En- The scene of the dramatic love nagging wife and cased in her corset wyn production. al- involved In a tribal war and is cap- alone, sli* still is in ter, on pleasure bent, on story laid Budapest, where Evelyn Laye has the role of ostensibly had a great deal more a verv tured than the ca: though he actually has she was Friui, cjirlmg of | t LllU, the heroine; the other half accustomed to wearim? Jetta Goudai is fascinating and * in life ine action entrusted Shrewd piece of business In mind, on the streets patrons the night of of the love being as | He meets Mmc. Momora. a fas- ; convincing Mme. Momora city, has, through her scandalous to the John who is 1 capable Boles, cinating Paruienne and falls under Joel MrCrea. a* the playwright, behavior, incurred the censure of heard to advantage In a number her Inagtc spell, eventually telling Dorothy Peterson, as the wife; and the law, and is banished for six of selections. Leon Errol, famous her the real object of his trip. Peggy Ross, the daughter, contri- ‘Trader Horn’ Is months Lilli, a flower girl, wor- stage and screen comedian, lias Lawrence O -e. sophisticated bute unusually fine performances ships Fritzl. and is easily induced lines and situations worthy of his Broad wav playwright, has the Fascinating Film by the singer to accept the exile gieat talents as a popular tester, atatercom Adjoining the Tinkers MODEL DRIVER At In hfr stead. while Lllyan Tashman. as Prltzl. and speedily develops an almost DENV 'It Colo.—You’ve to Queen Sunday How this leads Lilli to the gives a brilltsnt performance. got Thrills maniacal prejudice against all the of the wildest jungles hand some Kind of a medal to beasts Tinkers wrhom he hears moaning m their struggles for life, and through the thin par- Thomas Hall. 41. for his Judgment savage tribesmen in the talking strang"’ % W OM %N or ICE- In automobile driving. He fanatical and deadlv ntes titions. recently of th*> MELTED BY LOVE! In Algiers. Mme Momora turns staggered Into police headquar- tutu; crocodiles, rhino—evert’ peril *n- un at the TinV ers hotel, futher explorer cold face—these are was up ters. threw the keys of his car on l ... she mol. cold. flaminc the nagging wife, and her filmed, wi'h actual in sound, * frigid in the fare of she 1 the desk and said: "Lock me -Trader Horn life, anger bursts all bounds when up. Metro-Goldirm- .But face to face with ! drtn' and It isn't sole j discovers that her husband and the I’ve been ing Mayer's gigantic pageant of sav- ’’ love her soul smoulder- j been the city for me to drive a car He was mpc Africa now woman have seeing playing at the ed In rapture ...and I lodged for the night and let off Queen Theatre together burned lta brand deep after a atormv scene with I without a fine.
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