Date: 7 September 2020 Town Hall, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 7QF Tel: 01768 817817 Email: [email protected] Dear Sir/Madam Executive Agenda - 15 September 2020 Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Executive will be held at 6.00 pm on Tuesday, 15 September 2020. This meeting will be a virtual meeting and therefore will not take place in a physical location following guidelines set out in Section 78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020. This Council meeting will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams 1 Apologies for Absence 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION that the public minutes E/14/07/20 to E/28/07/20 of the meeting of the Executive held on 21 July 2020 be confirmed and approved by the Chairman as a correct record of those proceedings (copies previously circulated). 3 Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of the existence and nature of any private interests, both disclosable pecuniary and any other registrable interests, in any matter to be considered or being considered. 4 Questions and Representations from the Public To receive questions and representations from the public under Rules 3 and 4 of the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution 5 Questions from Members To receive questions and representations from Members under Rule 5 of the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution 6 Penrith Parking and Movement Study (Pages 5 - 44) To consider report PP32/20 from the Assistant Director Planning and Economic Development which is attached and which seeks to set out the findings and Paul Sutton Interim Director of Corporate www.eden.gov.uk Services improvement measures arising from the Penrith Parking and Movement Study that was commissioned in partnership between Eden District Council, Cumbria County Council and Penrith Town Council. RECOMMENDATIONS that Executive: 1. endorse the principle of the packages of improvements (as summarised in the Penrith Parking and Movement Study Non-Technical Summary – Appendix B) and note the delivery leads for each package; 2. agree to work together to explore the opportunities for funding, to deliver the packages of improvements through internal and external funding sources, and to agree how the improvements should be prioritised; and 3. agree to the establishment of an implementation Group to ensure the co- ordinated delivery of the packages of improvements. 7 Nomination as an Asset of Community Value - Watermillock Village Hall (Pages 45 - 58) To consider report G37/20 from the Assistant Director Governance which is attached and which asks members to consider the nomination of Watermillock Village Hall as an Asset of Community Value under the Localism Act 2011. RECOMMENDATION that the nomination of Watermillock Village Hall as an Asset of Community Value be accepted and added to the list of land in the Council’s area which is of community value. 8 Any Other Items which the Chairman decides are urgent 9 Date of Next Scheduled Meeting The date of the next scheduled meeting be confirmed as 20 October 2020. Yours faithfully P Sutton Interim Director of Corporate Services Democratic Services Contact: Karen Wyeth Encs www.eden.gov.uk 2 For Attention All members of the Council Chairman – Councillor V Taylor (Liberal Democrat Group) Vice Chairman – Councillor M Robinson (Independent Group) Councillors J Derbyshire, Liberal Democrat Group L Sharp, Labour Group K Greenwood, Independent Group M Tonkin, Independent Group M Rudhall, Liberal Democrat Group Please Note: 1. Section 78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 and the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus)(Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings)(England and Wales) Regulations 2020 mean that this meeting of Eden District Council is classed as a virtual meeting. 2. Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 this meeting has been advertised as a public meeting (unless stated otherwise) and as such could be filmed or recorded by the media or members of the public www.eden.gov.uk 3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6 Report No: PP32/20 Eden District Council Executive 15 September 2020 Penrith Parking and Movement Study Portfolio: Services Report from: Assistant Director Planning and Economic Development Wards: Penrith Wards OPEN PUBLIC ITEM 1 Purpose 1.1 To set out the findings and improvement measures arising from the Penrith Parking and Movement Study that was commissioned in partnership between Eden District Council, Cumbria County Council and Penrith Town Council. 2 Recommendations 1. Endorse the principle of the packages of improvements (as summarised in the Penrith Parking and Movement Study Non-Technical Summary Appendix B) and note the delivery leads for each package. 2. Agree to the establishment of an Implementation Group including EDC, CCC and PTC to ensure the delivery of those packages of improvements that require co-ordination between the parties. 3. Agree to the Implementation Group exploring opportunities for funding required to deliver the improvements, and to advise on how the improvements should be prioritised. 3 Report Details 3.1 The Penrith Parking and Movement Study was commissioned in October 2019. Eden District Council, Cumbria County Council, and Penrith Town Council jointly funded the project to develop a coherent and comprehensive parking and movement study for Penrith. The aims of the Penrith Parking and Movement Study were to understand how parking provision in Penrith could be improved, whilst seeking to enhance walking and cycling connectivity between car parking areas and the town centre, key employment sites and the bus and railway station. 3.2 The packages of improvements presented in the Penrith Parking and Movement Study have been developed with the co-operation of all partners. Preliminary designs and strategies for each package of improvements have been developed and used to: Produce indicative scheme costs (which are subject to refinement following detailed design); Identify delivery risks; and Outline delivery programmes, which are based on the assumption that funds are secured to deliver the project with political support. Page 5 3.3 It was recognised from the outset of the Study that finances for any potential projects were not available from the initiation but that the Study would provide highly valuable information to enable the partner organisations to bid for and secure funding should it become available. The Penrith Parking and Movement Study provides the evidence (based on a robust assessment and defined methodology) and justification to support the District Council and partner organisations in seeking to secure funding from internal and external funding sources. It is recognised that further scheme development will be required for some of the packages of improvements and, at that stage, further stakeholder engagement/ public consultation will be undertaken where required. 3.4 A project team (made up of officers from each partner organisation) was established to ensure that technical advice and knowledge was embedded within the Study. Consultants, WSP – a multi-disciplinary company with specialisms in Transport Planning – were commissioned to prepare the study. The use of external consultants enabled an objective approach to be taken in developing the Study and in addition, the consultancy was able to utilise experience they had obtained from other Studies and best practice in the preparation of the Penrith Parking and Movement Study. 3.5 A Communications and Engagement Strategy was developed as part of the study. This set out the process of identifying stakeholders, the approach taken to stakeholder engagement and the timing of engagement at different stages of the study. It also outlined the approach adopted in relation to the stakeholder, employer and employee surveys, and the stakeholder workshops. Four elected members from each of the partner organisations were identified to provide input into the preparation of the study at two key stages. 3.6 The study was developed in four stages to ensure that there were appropriate review points at the end of each key activity of work. The four stages were: Stage 1: Baseline Review and Assessment, which included face-to-face surveys and completion of an on-lie survey by identified stakeholders; Stage 2: Identify Options for Improvements As part of Stage 2, it was originally proposed to undertake further engagement by way of holding an additional workshop with stakeholders to gain feedback on the potential improvements options. In response to the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, the stakeholder engagement was undertaken remotely; Stage 3: Develop Improvements; and Stage 4: Prepare Strategy 3.7 Following the sifting of a longlist of 63 schemes, a total of 39 interventions were identified in the shortlist. These interventions were then grouped thematically into packages. The eight packages are: Package 1 Additional Parking Capacity Package 2 Long Stay Parking in Penrith Package 3 Town Centre Parking Page 6 Package 4 On-street Parking (Residential) Package 5 Penrith Town Centre Improvements Package 6 Nuisance Parking Package 7 Cycling and Walking Connectivity Improvements Package 8 Travel Demand and Technology Improvements 3.8 Conceptual designs and strategies for each of the eight packages were developed and used to: understand the impacts of the interventions and assess their feasibility; make a recommendation on whether to pursue each intervention; develop indicative intervention costs, which will be subject to refinement as they are developed further; and identify delivery risks and outline delivery programmes based on the assumption that funding and political and public support is secured. 3.9 A summary of each of the eight improvement packages is contained within Appendix A to the report. 3.10 Some of the interventions were previously identified in Eden’s Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) (2017) as being necessary to support the growth aspirations of the Eden Local Plan 2014 – 2032. Their inclusion in some of the study’s eight delivery packages reflects the interdependencies between the IDP interventions and interventions pursued as part of the study.
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