OHIO news bureau INC. CLEVELAND, OHIO 44115 216/241-0675 COLWU'3 DISPATCH COLUtlBUS- OH, AH CIRC, 299-881 JUL-G-9B Otterbein puts on beantiftil ‘World’,« ByByDeniiisneiy Dennis Fleiy OO / Dispatch Accent Reporter Otterbein College Summer Theatre brokp oHrh Theater Review ^ition last night when it opened the second show of its The World Goes ‘Round, Otterbein Summer Theatre's student production of the John Kander and Fred Ebb revue. Directed by Pam Hill. l^ger auditorium from the base A World of Fun cuS. ^ ^ ^ a ^ing presented at 8 tonight and 2 p.m. Sunday - wSiii^^ ~ St.. its rafS/ Tickets cost $13-$ 15. Call 823-1109. id“ FY^'^Ebb^Ts team of John KiS switch to a hand-held mike that did not detract fi-om her imrnense theatricality, evidenced on her bittersweet rendition of Coloivd Lights (from The Rink). The rnen in the company, guest prefessional Je.ss Hanks and student Anchew Hansen, displaverl uncom­ monly beautifiil male voices. ‘ w the cabaret-styled show — S cSJ^?r^Broadway shows such The vamplike Marianne Timmons was best at can- as and Chicago and movies such as Funrni J^Rn decadence and amoralitv in the and «„ Nm Y«rk - mk,«i thetata^cS I^der/Ebb song book, while her Otterbein schoolmate tSlch ^ "““h « nearly Book and Magbe This Time with poignancy. cslemr'Tttfe'OrSrli;'”' T’™ *' *«« "« f'“‘ection and Stella Hiatt Kane’s extend to the Otteibein production, which was colorfiil choreogi“aphy easily incoiporated babv caiiiages mller funny ®d sprightly after a slow stait stow gro,e,y EUW ml avtcbes mi, the twines., „n The show’s impoitefl stai-, Otterbein gi^iduate Dan- hSteLlo, »«* ette Cimng, overciune a malfunctioning clip-on micro phone like the professioniU she Ls uifh 2! efr'S Hie 6mt S' M.-,. OH/0 CLEVEI^D,0H,0bureau 44 INCi75 216/241-0675 COLMJ: DISPATCH COLWIJS. OH. PM CIPC, 2??,881 ^iL!Nr2l-gg ao Otteitein appearance By Micteel Grossberg Dispatch TheaterTheaterCntic Critic ^0 f i ____________ anniv^ersarysummerXate^seSon.*^^^ Broadway centei-tiiece of its 30th C^ege alu™a!^ll^not^aptea? b °OtTerb?% Otterbein production of The Warid Goes ^Lcnd^ S mvue™"'1 Hoty, known pnmarilv for her Rmaa ^ Follies, City of Ar^ele, Me and My GHl hf ^^"'^y'Bound new play co-starrin? Tprom^ rehearsals FailJi Pmee fGuys and Dolls). The nr^ipm wnner desi^er Tony Walton, will be in Lonjr lsKl ’ Tony-winning Because this is a great career mnuo r n I /«*. wfs. /“Sj^g, o/** faivx, 3' ■ began rehearsals Tuesday, ffe mHd^s^Rn Mer and Fml Ebb (clb^rel Woman) - is to run July 5-13 in Cowan Hall 30 ^ Meanwhile, Hoty w^l still be tl^ Westerville. Otterbein’s summer theater program Hotv f ^ r^t and partner, will reprise thfSarPt- ^L^^ Ludvak, her accompa- New York's Rainbow Room nightclub ^ peiformed recently at ■ Ukk iuiciI / Dee Hoty, left, and Keith Carradi ca, *2., ,„. .,.2..5„ f„ who starred with her in The WtU Rm \ Follies, at a 1994 Tony awards party Stage Notes Co\om'oos ^«rcK:rxJer joH ^ , ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I^eJIoty s sutetitute enjoys finding replacement parts By Michael Gnub«rg n^patchl^votch neater CnticCnnc Wooth LAt Playem Theatre Columbus, Hanks Seantic mayhem of KrisIMunM in ______________* appeared in Aftsas.vnx and Cabaret. of Kriskillnacht in Centiany panette ( aiming enjoys stepping into Dee The K^der and Ebb revue will be per- in 19.38. ^ Hoty s shoes, fmi at 7n30 p.m. Friday. 8 p.m. Satiuday Harold ELsenstein, Gallery’s aitist-in-i'es- . aes done it before, and she’ll do it again ^d 2 p m Sunday — through July 13 — in idence, says the name also refers to the m Otterhein Sugimer Theatre’s Kander and un.'.jioken tyrannies a Jewish husband and wife t TT St., Westei-ville. For Ebb revue, The World (hes Hmtttd. tickets, call 823-1109. imiiose on each other. Hoty, an Otterbein graduate and Tony- The play will be rad ;md dLscus,sed at 7'30 nor^ted star, had to bow out of Otterbein’s Cabaret benefit p.iT. Wednesday at the Leo Yassenoff .Jewish Community Center, 1125 College Ave. dtjth-anniversary season to co-star with Jer­ V^le Hoty will not perfomi in The Woiid emy Iroas in a Broadway-bound play. Admission is free. nTi' to"-" tor a one- Individuals intc'rested in reading the play ^om did Hoty call to replace her? Cum- night Otterbein (ollege Ixmefit. Ix'fiie the discu,ssioii ciui obtain a copy Irem mg. her kingtime understudy in the national Hoty will repiise the cabai’et act that she th(> Gallery Players office'. The refundable bum of The Will Rogerft Follm. fiuming and Steve Ludvak, her accompanist and (leixisil is $5. fr,,). nioie iiifonnation, call 237- j^rformed as Rogers’ wife when Hoty became partner’ jicrformed recently at New York’s .522:1. E,\t 248. , f'ollm during its Rainbow Rtxim. 19;)2 Palacp Theatre engagement. Hoty will sing many of her favorite songs When H(ity and Keith Eanadine leR the Reality switch including show tunes. ^ ’ nationid tour in ’93, Cuming assumed Hoty’s Reality Theatre has reairanged its 199()- leari role. Ottertein Summer Theatre on finn financial 97 .s'ason Ixx-ause of the iinavailabilitv of the Cuming also appeared in the national p;ound as It enters its fourth decade,” Artistic nghts to Sidria, A.R. (Juniey’s off-Broadway tours of Into the Wtxxls and SUrj) Ute, Wmid, I Director Dennis Romer .said, coniwly. Am p/ the Spider Woman, Manuel Wont to (Id Off, and has apfxiared on televi­ Puigs filay, will be moved from its original p.m. Monday show in Cowan sion in Imiv and Older. Central Park Wed and Hall, .30 S. Drove St., Westerville, audience .bine 1997 slot to rejilace St/lria in Febniiu-y- AH My ('hildren. nri!"" •'™" Hoty. I>udvak and the Maixh. “Dee was a fabulous role model. She Otterbein Summer Theatie comiiany for cof­ lieality will close its season .June 4-28 with taught me a lot — and not jast how to play the fee and dessert The Bacrhae, Euripides’ harrowing Greek nile. Her genenisity taught me about giving Tickets cost $2.5, or .$12.50 for students tragedy. and lieing secure.” For resen-ations, call 823-1109 betwwn 1 and Reality will open its season with The Cuming was seciii'e enough to step into 8:30 p.m. weekdays. Coinaly of Tribes, which begins July 18 hor Otterbein’s production with only a few days’ tickeb, call 294-7.541. notice and a shorter rehearsal period. ‘Guss’ ACT Meanwhile, Reality will hold a nimmage Co-starring with Cuming is Jess Hanks, a .^e f-oni 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturriay at 730 N. Gallery Playere’ new play-reading gieup TomOodg* /v,,*,,. New- York Equity actor. At Otterbein, Hanks will tackle Arthur Miller. K'^^'P Pearl St I^YX'oeds fix)!!! the siile of funiituiv, CliK'kwi.sc from bollom: Cdina Polanro. Andrew played Don Qin-TOte in Man of Pa Mancha, hooks childivn's item.s, clothing and more will’ Hivken Ola.vi, Miller’s most raent Broad­ Han.sen. Jess Hanks, Dandle Cuming and Mari- Che in Rinta and Rapunzel’s Prince in Into the Ix'iiefiL the theater. To make donations, call way drama, takes its name from the anti- Ojlirbcin Summer Thealre’v 294-7.'>41 for drop-off times. The lioHd (loes Round '.
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