CALA Newsletter CALA NEWSLETTER ISSN 0736-8887 Chinese American Librarians INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Association Newsletter NO. 100 SPRING 2009 Announcement 2-10 Achievements of A Message from CALA President CALA Members 11-17 by Sha Li Zhang It has been a busy and excit- presented technical challenges Sustainable global out- CALA Board 18-21 ing year since July 2008. on the election. Led by Sally reaches Meetings Now it fast approaches the C. Tseng, CALA Honorary With three successful CALA 2009 ALA Annual Confer- Executive Director, with Bin seminars held in Kunming CALA Interim 22-25 ence in Chicago. The Execu- Zhang and Vincci Kwong as (July 2008), Wuhan (October Reports tive Committee members, CALA experts on setting up 2008), and Taiwan Board of Directors, commit- online events, the Election Ad (November 2008), CALA is tee and taskforce chairs, chap- Hoc Committee went through planning to conduct two more Chapter Reports 26-28 ter presidents, our members, numerous trials and changes seminars in Taiwan (August friends, and supporters have before finalizing the online 2009) and in Shanghai contributed much of their voting platform. The Com- (November 2009), in respond- Task Force Re- 29-32 time, expertise, and efforts in mittee kept tracking every ing to positive feedbacks and ports helping CALA move forward transaction and made sure that continual requests from the in several initiatives this year. every vote counted. Due to host institutions in China and Membership 33 It has been wonderful experi- their efforts with numerous Taiwan. Since 2006, these Form ence for me to witness and reminders, 236 CALA mem- seminars have provided involve in these activities. bers or 57 percent cast their CALA members with excel- votes this year. It was the lent professional development Successful online election highest participatory rate in opportunities to exchange CALA has been with online CALA history. Congratula- with, share best practices, and CALA Newsletter (ISSN: tions to Sally, Bin, and Vincci learn from their library col- 0736-8887) is the official voting for several years. publication of the Chi- However, due to the system for their efforts on this suc- leagues in China and Taiwan. nese American Librarians change this year, it definitely cessful election. (Continue to page 2) Association. The CALA Newsletter is published twice a year in Message from the Executive Director Spring and Fall. URL: http://www.cala-web.org/ Dear CALA Members and dent, Sha Li Zhang. Starting in electing me to the CALA Ex- publications/newsletter. Friends: July of 2008, in addition to the ecutive Director position this board meetings at ALA confer- year. I always believe in creat- President: Shali Zhang, I am happy to report to you that ences in Anaheim, Denver and ing opportunities for our mem- [email protected]. this has been an outstanding Chicago, the CALA Board has bers, and in recent years, we Vice President/ year for CALA under the capa- held 6 special online meetings have created many opportuni- President Elect: Xudong ble leadership of CALA Presi- and has made many important ties for many of our members. Jin, [email protected]. dent Sha Li Zhang. CALA has decisions at these meetings. It’s important to get our mem- Executive Director: made great strides on many The CALA Board of Directors bers involved and utilize the Haipeng Li, fronts and has been able to in- and CALA president Sha Li rich pool of talents and exper- [email protected]. volve many CALA members in Zhang should be commended tise our members have. I am its programs, events, and other for these efforts in leading very much looking forward to Newsletter Editorial activities both nationally and CALA forward in a very effi- working with many more of Team: internationally. cient manner. you in the future. Priscilla Yu, [email protected]. The CALA Board has also been I would like to take this oppor- CALA Executive Director Sai Deng, active this year, again thanks to tunity to thank all CALA mem- Haipeng Li [email protected]. the leadership of CALA Presi- bers for your trust in me by PAGE 2 A Message from CALA President (Cont.) (Continued from page 1) of the delegation a pleasant Genuine support to the 5.12 Additionally, CALA leader- experience. Earthquakes victims ship has signed agreements As of June 2009, CALA raised with Yunnan and Shanxi host- Increased membership more than $20,000 in support- ing institutions to conduct the Recruiting new CALA mem- ing the library staff and librar- seminars in the coming years. bers and keeping them in the ies affected by the massive association has been a chal- earthquakes happened in May CALA members have enthusi- lenge task. The Membership 2009 in Sichuan Province and astically responded to the calls Committee, chaired by the surrounding regions in and participated in the Think Songqian Lu and Elaine Dong, China. It was the largest fund- Globally, Act Globally grant walked the walk and took ac- raising efforts in CALA his- Successful online project funded by IMLS in tions with the committee tory. Led by Sally C. Tseng, election U.S. and the Ministry of Cul- members this year. They used CALA Honorary Executive ture in China. Fifteen CALA a variety of methods to reach Director, the CALA Taskforce on Rebuilding Libraries in 512 Sustainable global members were selected to out and make connections participate in the three con- with the new members and Earthquake Areas in China has outreaches tinuing education programs inactive members. As it is had ongoing communications professional in China in 2009. listed on the committee’s re- with the Library Society of Increased The first team successfully port, between July 2008 and China (LSC) who is assisting membership completed their assignments June 2009, 82 new members in distributing the CALA do- in Beijing and Nanjing in May joined CALA, with 142 re- nations to the library staff af- fected by the earthquakes. In Timely CALA 2009. During the trip, Dr, newal members and 11 new Hwa-Wei Lee as the Project life members. As of this writ- January 2009, LSC officials Travel Grants Evaluator, the team members ing, the number of active went to Sichuan Province and (Lisa Zhao, Sha Li Zhang as CALA members is 431, the distributed the donations in Genuine support to Team Leader, Mengxiong Liu, largest in CALA history. The person to more than 30 library the 5.12 Robert Fernekes, and Wenwen two co-chairs and the commit- staff who were injured and lost personal properties in the Earthquakes Zhang), and Susan Schnuer as tee members are to be com- Co-PI, met with the librarians mended for their hard work earthquakes, including $2,000 victims at the National Library of and tireless efforts in achiev- to the family of a killed library China, Nanjing Normal Uni- ing this excellent outcome, staff and $3,000 to cover NLC’s 100th versity Library, and Nanjing despite the tough economic medical expenses for Ms. Li Anniversary Library, gave presentations on climate facing the nation. Chun, Library Director of the topics of public library Beichuan County which was celebration tally destroyed by the earth- services, administration, legal Timely CALA Travel to quakes. Ms. Li was buried issues, and assessment, ex- Grants Led by Mengxiong 2008-2009 CALA under rubbers of the damaged changed ideas, shared the best Liu, the CALA Conference library for 75 hours before Awards recipients practices, and visited libraries. Travel Grant Ad Hoc Commit- being rescued. Additional It was an excellent learning tee issued a call for applica- CALA donations will be dis- opportunity for the team mem- tions to the Travel Grant tributed through LSC soon to bers. In July 2009, three which was designed to support help the newly-built libraries CALA chapters (Northeast, CALA members in their pro- in these affected regions to Southern California, and fessional development activi- purchase library materials. Southeast) and two public ties. Due to the committee’s libraries in Kentucky and Mis- timely efforts since the ALA souri will host a delegation of Midwinter Meeting, the re- NLC’s 100th Anniversary ten library directors from the view process is on schedules. celebration provincial libraries in China. The selected CALA members This year is marking the 100th The CALA members on these will receive the $500 grant to anniversary for the National sites will contribute their time, assist in their participations in Library of China (NLC) in provide hospitality, and work the coming ALA Annual Con- Beijing, China. out logistics to make the visits ference. (Continue to page 3) CALA NEWSLETTER NO. 100 Announcement PAGE 3 ALA Nominating Committee Seeks Candidates The ALA 2010 Nominating Committee is their employer regarding any restrictions Library Trustees, Arlington Heights Memo- soliciting nominees to run on the 2010 regarding lobbying activities or service on rial Library, Arlington Heights, IL. E-mail: spring ballot for the offices of ALA Presi- the governing body of a 501(c)6 organiza- [email protected]. dent-elect, ALA Treasurer and Councilor- tion. Members who wish to make nomina- · Haipeng Li, Reference Librarian/ at-large. tions should submit the following informa- Outreach Coordinator, Oberlin [OH] Col- tion: nominee name; present position; insti- lege. [email protected]. The Nominating Committee will select two tution; address; telephone; fax; and e-mail · Patricia Montiel Overall, Assistant Pro- candidates to run for President-elect, two address. Self-nominations are encour- fessor, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ. candidates for Treasurer, and no fewer than aged. E-mail: [email protected]. 50 candidates for the 33 at-large Council All potential nominees must complete the · Janice M. Rice, Outreach Coordinator, seats to be filled in the 2010 spring elec- Potential Candidate Biographical Form University of Wisconsin-Madison.
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