ABERDEENSHIRE COMMUNITY PLANNING BOARD WEDNESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER, 2015, at 1.00 P.M. Your attendance is requested at a meeting of the ABERDEENSHIRE COMMUNITY PLANNING BOARD to be held in COMMITTEE ROOM 2, WOODHILL HOUSE, ABERDEEN on WEDNESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER, 2015, at 1.00 P.M. (with a sandwich lunch being available from 12.30 p.m.) 16 September 2015 Director of Business Services To: Cllr R Thomson, Cllr A Evison, Cllr J Gifford and Cllr M Kitts-Hayes. Contact Person:- Victoria McCaskill Tel: 01224 665103 Email: [email protected] Community Planning Partnership Board 23 September 2015 at 13:00 Committee Room 2, Woodhill House, Aberdeen Networking lunch from 12.30pm onwards AGENDA Welcome, Introductions, Apologies and Declarations of Members’ Interests 1. Statement on Equalities: Consider, and if so decided, adopt: “In line with the Council’s legal duty under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 the Committee, in making decisions on the attached reports, shall have due regard to the need to”:- (i) eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; (ii) advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and (iii) foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. 2. Minute of Meeting of 10 June 2015 and Action Sheet 13.00-13.05 3. Local Community Plans: 2014-15 Annual Reports – Successes and Challenges (5 minutes per LCPG). 13.05-14.20 a. Banff and Buchan b. Buchan c. Formartine d. Garioch e. Kincardine & Mearns f. Marr Summary Discussions & Close TEA AND COFFEE 4. Single Outcome Agreement Annual Report 2014/15 14.25-14.50 5. Communications Plan: Single Outcome Agreement Annual Report 2014/15 14.50-14.55 6. Programme of Support and Challenge for Partnership Priorities 2015/16 14.55-15.05 7. Health & Social Care Integration Presentation 15.05-15.15 (briefing note to be circulated as a late item) 8. What Works Scotland (N Bland & J Henderson) 15:15-15:30 (oral presentation, no report to be circulated) 9. Aberdeenshire Citizens’ Panel - Annual Consultation Plan 15:30-15:35 INFORMATION ONLY: 10. Older People’s Charter Annual Report 11. Energetica Six-monthly Update 12. Improvement Plan Monitoring 13. Financial Monitoring 2015-16 14. Community Planning Partnership Future Funding Arrangements PUBLIC SECTOR EQUALITY DUTY – GUIDANCE FOR BOARD MEMBERS What is the duty? In making decisions on the attached reports, Board Members are reminded of their legal duty under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 to have due regard to the need to:- (i) eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; (ii) advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and (iii) foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. The “protected characteristics” under the legislation are: age; disability; gender reassignment; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation; and (in relation to point (i) above only) marriage and civil partnership. How can Board Members discharge the duty? To ‘have due regard’ means that in making decisions, Board Members must consciously consider the need to do the three things set out above. This requires a conscious approach and state of mind. The duty must influence the final decision. However, it is not a duty to achieve a particular result (e.g. to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination or to promote good relations between persons of different racial groups). It is a duty to have due regard to the need to achieve these goals. How much regard is ‘due’ will depend upon the circumstances and in particular on the relevance of the needs to the decision in question. The greater the relevance and potential impact that a decision may have on people with protected characteristics, the higher the regard required by the duty. What does this mean for CP Board decisions? Board Members are directed to the section in reports headed ‘Equalities, Staffing and Financial Implications’. This will indicate whether or not an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) has been carried out as part of the development of the proposals and, if so, what the outcome of that assessment is. An EIA will be appended to a report where it is likely that the action recommended in the report could have a differential impact (either positive or negative) upon people from different protected groups. The report author will have assessed whether or not an EIA is required. If one is not required, the report author will explain why that is. Where an EIA is provided, Board Members should consider its contents and take those into account when reaching their decision. Board Members should also be satisfied that the assessment is sufficiently robust and that they have enough of an understanding of the issues to be able to discharge their legal duty satisfactorily. For more detailed guidance please refer to the following link:- http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/uploaded_files/EqualityAct/psed_technical_guid ance_scotland.doc Item: 2 Page: 1 ABERDEENSHIRE COMMUNITY PLANNING BOARD WOODHILL HOUSE, ABERDEEN 10 JUNE, 2015 Present: Councillors R Thomson (Chair), A Evison, J Gifford and M C Kitts-Hayes; J Bell, Scottish Enterprise; E Garrett, Mearns and Coastal Healthy Living Network; J Griffin, Scottish Government; D Hekelaar, Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action; J Loveday, Federation of Rural Partnerships; D Meldrum, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service; D Murray, NESTRANS; R Nicoll, Aberdeenshire Youth Council; G Robertson, Aberdeenshire Alcohol and Drugs Partnership; L Smith, Skills Development Scotland; L Smyth, Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce; K Stephen, Police Scotland; and S Webb, NHS Grampian. Apologies: R Bisset, NHS Grampian; A Coldwells, Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership; D McCrindle, Scottish Enterprise; G McDougall, Skills Development Scotland; M McLaren, Police Scotland; and D Rout, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. Officers: R Johnson, Director of Communities; A Macleod, Housing and Community Planning Manager; S Swinhoe; Commissioning Services Manager; D Findlay, Youth Worker/Dialogue Youth Development Worker; E Wood and S Humphries, Strategic Development Officers (Community Planning); L Williams, Communications and V McCaskill, Committee Officer. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS No interests were declared in respect of the Declaration of Members’ Interests as required by the Code of Conduct for Members. PUBLIC SECTOR EQUALITY DUTY In making decisions on the following items of business the Board agreed, in terms of Section 149 of the Equality Act, 2010:- (1) to have due regard to the need to:- (a) eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; (b) advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and (c) foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. (2) where an Equality Impact Assessment was provided, to consider its contents and take those into account when reaching their decision. 1. MINUTE OF BOARD MEETING OF 18 MARCH, 2015 There had been circulated, and was approved, the Minute of Meeting of the Community Planning Board of 18 March, 2015. Item: 2 Page: 2 2. ABERDEENSHIRE COMMUNITY LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN There had been circulated a report dated 15 May, 2015, by the Housing Strategy and Community Planning Manager, which sought the agreement of the Board that a sub-group of the Community Planning Partnership would develop the Aberdeenshire Community Learning and Development Plan by 1 September, 2015. The report stated that the Requirements for Community Learning and Development (CLD) (Scotland) 2013 Regulations placed a duty on the local authority to produce a three year CLD plan by 1 September, 2015, and made clear that this plan must be produced with partners and learners. The report then set out proposed arrangements to progress work on the plan in order to circulate the draft to the Board, via email, in late August 2015 for electronic sign-off. After due consideration, the Board agreed that a sub-group of the Community Planning Partnership would develop the Aberdeenshire Community Learning and Development Plan by 1 September, 2015, as set out in the report. 3. ABERDEENSHIRE THIRD SECTOR INTERFACE (TSI) WORKPLAN 2015-16 There had been circulated a joint report dated 15 May, 2015, by the Chief Executive of Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action and the Strategic Development Officer (Community Planning), which asked the Board to discuss and endorse the Third Sector Interface (TSI) Workplan 2015-16. The report stated that TSIs provided a single point of access for support and advice for the third sector within the local authority area. TSIs must prepare an annual workplan which should be endorsed by the Community Planning Partnership and agreed by the Scottish Government. The Aberdeenshire TSI Workplan was appended to the report for members’ information. During discussion, members asked questions on the ability to meet objectives; further information on the Saltire Awards; and the promotion of volunteering opportunities available in Aberdeenshire. Thereafter, the Board agreed:- 1) to endorse the TSI Workplan 2015-16; and 2) to request that further information be provided on specific figures relating to the Saltire Awards. 4. SCOTTISH FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE STRATEGIC PLAN 2016-2019 DEVELOPMENT The Chair introduced David Meldrum from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, who was in attendance to provide the Board with a presentation on the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Strategic Plan 2016-2019. The presentation commenced with an overview of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and its operating context. It then went on to focus on the development of the Strategic Plan and the timeline for consultation and implementation before outlining the emerging way forward for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. The presentation concluded with a number of questions for stakeholders and invited responses to these questions from the Board.
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