AUTHORITY AND DOMINION AN ECONOMIC COMMENTARY ON EXODUS VOLUME 2 DECALOGUE AND DOMINION Other Books by Gary North An Economic Commentary on the Bible, 31 vols. (198 – !1 " Marx’s Religion of Revolution (19#8, 1989" An Introduction to Christian Economics (19$3" Puritan Economic Experiments (19$%, 1988" None Dare Call It Witchcraft (19$#" nconditional Surrender (198!, !1!" !uccessful Investing in an Age of Env" (1981" #overnment by Emergency (1983" %ack'ard, Christian Soldiers) (198%" *+ Bible Questions Your Instructors Pray -ou Won’t As& (198%" Coined Freedom (198%" Conspiracy: A Biblical Vie' (198#" 1onest Mone" (198#" nholy Spirits (198#, 199%" Dominion and Common Grace (198$" Inherit the Earth (198$" 2iberating Planet Earth (198$" 1ealer of the Nations (198$" 3he Pirate Econom" (198$" Is the World Running Do'n) (1988" When Justice Is A$orted (1989" Political Polytheism (1989" 4udeo5Christian Tradition (199!" 3he Hoax of Higher Criticism (199!" 0ictim’s Rights (199!" Millennialism and Social Theory (199!" Westminster’s Confession (1991" Christian Reconstruction (1991), with Gary De(ar 3he Coase Theorem (199 " Salvation Through In6ation (1993" Rapture Fever (1993" 3ithing and the Church (199%" %aptized Patriarchalism (199)" Crossed Fingers (199#" 3he Covenantal Tithe (2!11" Mises on Money (2!1 " AUTHORITY AND DOMINION Gary North PART 2: DECALOGUE AND DOMINION An Economic Commentary on the Ten Commandments Authority and Do!inion: An E"ono!i" Co!!#ntary on E$o u% Part 2/ Decalogue and Dominion *ormerly+ 3he Sinai Strateg"/ Economics and the Ten Commandments Co,yri-ht © Gary North, 2!1 /0blished by+ Point Fi'# Pr#%% /.O. Box 2$$8 Dallas, GA 3!13 All ri-hts reserved. 3ritten permission m0st be sec0red from the ,0blisher to use or repro10ce any part of this book, except for brief 50otations in critical reviews or articles. /rinted in the United States of America. TA(LE OF CONTENTS Volu!# 1: Part 1, Representation and Dominion /reface . xi Intro10ction . 1 1. /o,0lation Gro&th+ 9ool o4 Dominion (Ex. 1+)–$" . 1 . Im,erial B0reaucracy (Ex. 1:8–1 " . 31 3. :i-oro0s 3aste an1 :i-oro0s 7ocialism (Ex. 1:13–1%" . )3 %. Illegitimate 7tate /ower (Ex. 1:1)–1#" . ## ). Envy, :0mor, an1 Bon1age (Ex. :11–1%" . $ #. C0m0lative 9rans-ression an1 :estit0tion (Ex. 3+ 1– " . 8 $. 9he O,tim0m /ro10ction (i2 (Ex. )+)–$" . 91 8. Covenantal Ju1-ment (Ex. 8:19) . 1!$ 9. Ori-inal Ownershi, (Ex. 9+ 9–3!" . 1 ! 1!. 9otal 7acrifice, 9otal 7overei-nty (Ex. 1!+ %" . 1 8 11. 7eparation an1 'ominion (Ex. 11+$" . 13# 1 . Discontin0ity an1 Contin0ity (Ex. !:1!–11" . 1%# 13. Uncon1itional 70rren1er (Ex. 1!:3!–3 " . 183 1%. 9he :0le of Law (Ex. 1 +%8–%9" . 19% 1). 9he *irstborn Offerin- (Ex. 13:1– " . 3! 1#. 9he /sycholo-y of 7lavery (Ex. 1%:1 " . 3! 1$. 9he (etaphor o4 Gro&th: Ethics (Ex. 1)+1$" . %# 18. (anna, /redictability, an1 Dominion (Ex. 1#+%–)" . )8 19. Im,erfect ;0stice (Ex. 18+ 1– " . #$ !. 9he Oath=Bo0n1 >in-1om o4 /riests (Ex. 19:3–#" . 8! Concl0sion . 8% Volu!# 2: Part 2, Decalogue and Dominion /reface . xi Intro10ction . 89 1. 9he Go1 o4 Liberation (Ex. 2!:1–3" . 3!) . Graven Images an1 :ival Civili?ations (Ex. !+%–#" . 31) vii viii AUTHORITY AND DOMINION 3. Lawf0l Title (Ex. 2!+$" . 3%3 %. :est an1 Dominion (Ex. !:8–11" . 3)9 ). *amily Capital (Ex. !:1 " . 3$1 #. Go1@s (ono,oly o4 Exec0tion (Ex. !+13" . 38# $. 9he Aoke o4 Coo,erative 7ervice (Ex. 2!:1%) . 399 8. 9he :i-hts of /rivate /ro,erty (Ex. 2!+1)" . %1 9. 9he Bal0e o4 a Name (Ex. !+1#" . %)1 3!. Coveto0sness an1 Conflict (Ex. 2!+1$" . %$$ Concl0sion . %9% Volu!# 3: Part 3, Tools of Dominion /reface . xi Intro10ction . )13 31. 7ervit01e, /rotection, an1 (arriage (Ex. 1+ –%" . )%1 3 . 3ives an1 Conc0bines (Ex. 1+$–11" . )#8 33. Exec0tin- a :ebellio0s 7on (Ex. 1:1), 1$" . )98 3%. >i1nap,in- (Ex. 21+1#) . #! 3). 9he Costs o4 Private Conflict (Ex. 21+18–19" . # 1 3#. 9he H0man Commo1ity (Ex. 1+ !– 1" . #3) 3$. Criminal Law an1 :estoration (Ex. 1+ – )" . #)! 38. 9he A0ction for 70bstit0te 7anctions (Ex. 21+ – )" . #8 39. *reedom for an Eye (Ex. 1+ #– $" . $!% %!. 9he :ansom for Life (Ex. 1+ 8–31" . $1$ %1. 9he Uncovered Pit (Ex. 21+33–3%" . $%$ % . >nowled-e an1 Res,onsibility (Ex. 1:3)–3#" . $)$ %3. /ro,ortional Restit0tion (Ex. :1, %" . $## %%. /oll0tion, Ownershi,, an1 :es,onsibility (Ex. +)–#" . 8!1 %). 7afekeepin- an1 Liability (Ex. 2 +$–9) . 8$! Volu!# 4: Part 3, Tools of Dominion %#. Caretakin- an1 Negli-ence (Ex. 2 :1!–13" . 89$ %$. 7ed0ction an1 7ervit01e (2 :1#–1$" . 9!$ %8. O,,ression, Omniscience an1 Ju1-ment (Ex. + 1– %" . 93% %9. 9he /rohibition against Us0ry (Ex. + )– $" . 9$3 )!. Im,artial ;0stice (Ex. 3:1–3, 6–$) . 1! # )1. *in1ers sho0l1 not be >eepers (Ex. 3+%–)) . .1!%3 ) . Bribery an1 O,,ression (Ex. 23:8" . 1!)% )3. 7abbatical Liberty (Ex. 23:9–1 " . 1!81 )%. *easts an1 Citi?enshi, (Ex. 3:1%–19" . 1!9) i2 )). 9he C0rse of Zero Gro&th (Ex. 3+ )– #" . .1118 )#. Go1@s Limits on 7acri4ice (Ex. ):3–8, 3#+)–$) . .11%3 )$. 9he Economics o4 the 9abernacle (Ex. ):8–9) . .11# )8. Bloo1 (oney, Not Cead 9ax (Ex. 3!+11–1#" . .11$3 )9. 7abbath Rest vs. A0tonomy (Ex. 3)+ ) . 118% #!. 9he Ability to 9each (Ex. 3):31, 3%a) . 119! Concl0sion . 1199 Concl0sion to Authority and Dominion . 1 3# Volu!# 5: A//#ndi$#% A//EN'8E A–9he :econstr0ction o4 E-y,t@s Chronolo-y . .1 )9 A//EN'8E B–9he Demo-raphics o4 Decline . 1 8$ A//EN'8E C–9he Labyrinth an1 9he Gar1en . .13 ) A//EN'8E '–9he :0le of Law an1 the *ree (arket . 13%) A//EN'8E E–9he Economic Im,lications o4 The 7abbath . 13$! A//EN'8E F–9imin- the <or1@s Day . 1%%9 A//EN'8E G–(acaulay on 'emocracy . .1%)% A//EN'8E C–9he E,istemolo-ical /roblem o4 7ocial Cost . .1%#! Volu!# 6: A//#ndi$#% A//EN'8E 8–/oll0tion in the 7oviet Union . 1)39 A//EN'8E J–Lots of Free Time: The Existentialist Uto,ia of 7. C. Mooney . 1)%$ A//EN'8E >–7lavery in the American 7o0th . .1)# A//EN'8E L–(aimoni1es@ Code: 8s it BiblicalF . 1)$9 A//EN'8E (–Bictim@s :i-hts vs. the Messianic State . .1#%% A//EN'8E N–Covenantal Law an1 Covenantal Love . .1#8) A//EN'8E O–7ocial Antinomianism . 1$!1 A//EN'8E /–9he Hoax o4 Hi-her Criticism . 1$18 A//EN'8E G–9he :estoration o4 Biblical Cas0istry . .1$%1 A//EN'8E R–3hat is Covenant Law? . 1$$$ A//EN'8E 7–3hat are the Case LawsF . 18! PRE&ACE 3hy sho0l1 yo0 1evote the many ho0rs that it will take to read this book, which is over %)! ,ages lon- (incl01in- the ori-inal ap= ,en1ixes)? Here are a do?en possible reasons. Ao0 &ant to 0nderstand the Ten Commandments better. Ao0 &ant to 0nderstand economics better. Ao0 &ant to kno& more abo0t the importance of the Ten Commandments in history. Ao0 &ant to ans&er theological liberals &ho attack the Ten Commandments as valid only in an ancient agric0lt0ral &orld. Ao0 &ant to ans&er ,olitical liberals &ho insist that ;es0s &as a socialist revol0tionary, or close to it. Ao0 &ant to see if the Bible sets forth moral and H0dicial ,rinci,les that inevitably ,ro10ce a free market economy if &idely obeyed. Ao0 &ant to ans&er ske,tics (h0manists and ,ietists" &ho insist that IThere is no s0ch thing as Christian economics.J Ao0 &ant to kno& if the Ten Commandments are an 0nbreakable 0nity. Ao0 &ant to kno& &hy Christians take a 1ay oK on 70nday rather than 7at0rday. Ao0 &ant to kno& if the civil government sho0ld ,rohibit ,eo,le from &orking on 70nday. Ao0 &ant to kno& ho& the Ten Commandments sho0l1 be a,,lied in the modern &orld. Ao0 &ant to kno& ho& the Ten Commandments o0ght to be n0mbere1 and &hy. 9his book is ,art o4 a ,roHect+ an economic commentary on the Bible. 8 wrote the Lrst edition o4 this vol0me in 198), &hich was titled 3he Sinai Strateg"9 9he Instit0te 4or Christian Economics ,0blished it in 198#, 8 1i1 not have anythin- like the vol0me o4 verse-by=verse e2= egesis behin1 me that I have to1ay. xi xii AUTHORITY AND DOMINION 9his book had an o11 history. In my 198# /reface, 8 recor1ed the followin- series of events. The day 8 Lnishe1 the Lnal rea1in- (haM" o4 the ,age ,roo4s o4 The !inai !trateg", 8 sat do&n an1 began editin- a man0scri,t on the covenant by :ay 70tton. 8t is an insight40l book, one &hich 8 s0s,ect may ,rovide Bible st0dents &ith the 40n1amental frame&ork 4or 0n= derstan1in- the biblical conce,t o4 the covenant, &hich is the Bible@s most im,ortant doctrine relatin- to the relationshi, bet&een Go1 and man. As 8 &as readin- his cha,ter on the Ten Commandments, 8 &as st0nned. Ce ha1 entirely misse1 the most important single ,iece o4 evidence 4or his thesis. 7o ha1 8. 7o has every commentator 8 have ever rea1. What he ha1 faile1 to see &as that his Lve=,oint o0tline o4 the covenant, &hich he ha1 develo,e1 inde,endently o4 the Ten Commandments, Lts them like a glove. (ore than this+ 8t o,ens 0, the &hole str0ct0re of the Ten Commandments. (y immediate tho0ght &as+ ICere comes a maHor revision o4 The !inai !trateg", an1 there goes N%!!!1 in ty,esettin- charges, ,l0s t&o &eek’s &ork on the inde2 8 H0st completed.J The indexin- 0,set me most.
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