w ^^-INTERNATIONAL MORATORIUM OF TEN YEARS ON 3OVEKNMEK, the killing of all species of whales st or ag e OCUMLNTS OCT 12 ^ ^ ^ E A R I N G S BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND MOVEMENTS OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIV ES NIN ETY -SECOND CONGRESS FIRS T SESSION ON H.J. Res. 706 INSTRUCTING THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO CALL FOR AN INTERNATIONAL MORATORIUM OF TEN YEARS ON THE KILLING OF ALL SPECIES OF WHALES H. Con. Res. 375 REQUESTING THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO CALL FOR AN INTERNATIONAL MORATORIUM OF TEN YEARS ON THE KILLING OF ALL SPECIES OF WHALES JULY 26, 1971 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 66-972 WASHINGTON : 1971 COMMITTEE ON FOR EIGN AFFAIRS THOM AS E. MO RGAN, Pennsylvania, Chairman CL EM EN T J . ZABLOCKI, Wisconsin WILLIAM S. MAILL IARD , California WAYNE L. HA YS, Ohio PE T E R H. B. FRELIN GHUYSE N, New Jersey L. H. FO UNTA IN , North Carolina WILLIAM S. B RO OM FIEL D, Michigan DA NT E B. FA SC EL L, Florida J. I RV IN G W HA LLEY, Pennsylvania CH ARL ES C . DIGG S, J r., Michigan H. R. GRO SS, Iowa CO RNEL IU S E. GA LL AG HE R, New Jersey EDWA RD J. DE RW IN SK I, Illinois RO BER T N . C. N IX , Pennsylvania F. BR ADFO RD M ORSE, Massachusetts JO HN S. MONAG AN, Connecticut VER NON W. THOM SON , Wisconsin DO NA LD M. FR AS ER , Minnesota JAM ES G. FU LT ON, Pennsylvania BE NJAM IN S. RO SE NT HA L, New York PA UL F IN DLE Y, Illinois JO HN C. CU LV ER , Iowa JO HN B UC HA NA N, Alabama LEE H . H AM ILT ON , Indiana SH ERMA N P. L LO YD , Utah ABRAHAM KA ZE N, J r., Texas J. H E R B E R T BURKE, Florida LESTER L. WO LFF , New York SEYM OU R HALPE RN, New York JO NA TH AN B. BINGHAM, New York GU Y V AND ER JA GT , Michigan GUS Y AT RO N, Pennsylvania ROBER T H . ST EEL E, Connecticut RO Y A. T AYLO R, North Carolina P IE R R E S. du P ON T, Delaware JO HN W. DA VIS, Georgia MO RG AN F. M UR PH Y, Illinois RO NA LD V. DE LLUM S, California ROY J. BULLOCK, St af f Administrator Sub co mmitte e on I nter nat io nal O rg an izat ions and M ov em en ts DO NA LD M. FRA SER, Minnesota, Chairman DA NT E B. FA SC EL L, Florida H. R. GRO SS, Iowa CO RNEL IU S E. GA LL AG HE R, New Jersey P E T E R H. B. FRELIN GHUYSEN, New Jersey L. H. F OUNTA IN , North Carolina ED WA RD J. DE RW IN SK I, Illinois BE NJAM IN S. RO SE NT HA L, New York PA UL F IN DLE Y, Hlinois ABRAHAM KA ZE N, J r., Texas SEY MO UR HALPE RN, New York JO NA TH AN B. BINGHAM, New York RO NA LD V. DE LL UM S, California Robert B. B oettcher, Subcommittee St af f C onsultant J ean B rown, St aff Assistan t C O N T E N T S WITNESSES Pn» Blow, Stuart, Acting Coordinator of Ocean Affairs, Department of State. 8 Bohlen, E. U. Curtis, Assistant to the Secretary of Interior___________ 33 Chapman, Dr. Douglas G., dean, College of Fisheries, University of Washington_________________________________________________ 17 Dingell, Hon. John D., a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan___________________________________________________ 3 Garrett, Tom, wildlife consultant for Friends of the Earth ____________ 55 McHugh, Dr. J. L., chairman, International Whaling Commission_______ 32 McVay, Scott, chairman, Committee on Whales, Environmental Defense Fund, Princeton University____________________________________ 10 Ray, G. Carlton, professor of pathobiology, Johns Hopkins University__ 35 Regenstein, Lewis, Washington coordinator, Committee for Humane Legislation_________________________________________________ 51 Small, Dr. George L., professor of geography, City University of New York. 18 Stevens, Mrs. Christine, secretary, Society for Animal Protective Legisla­ tion_______________________________________________________ 49 MEMORANDUMS SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD Text of House Joint Resolution 706, instructing the Secretary of State to call for an international moratorium of 10 years on the killing of all species of whales____________________________________________ 1 Text of House Concurrent Resolution 375, requesting the Secretary of State to call for an international moratorium of 10 years on the killing of all species of whales________________________________________ 2 Chart showing the world catch of Balaenoptera whales_______________ 13 Tracing of frequencies of the song of the Humpback Whale___________ 16 Newspaper article from the New York Times of June 22, 1971_________ 52 Newspaper article from the Washington Post of Aug. 8, 1971__________ 52 STATEMENTS SUBMITTED FOR THE RECO RD Statement by Hon. William S. Broomfield, a Representative in Congress from the State of Michigan____________________________________ 7 Statem ent by Hon. Ogden R. Reid, a Representative in Congress from the State of New York, made on the floor of the House of Representatives... 69 Statement by E. U. Curtis Bohlen, Assistant to the Secretary of Interio r. 22 Statem ent by Lewis Regenstein, Washington coordinator, Committee for Humane Legislation_________________________________________ 23 Statement by Tom Garrett, wildlife consultant, Friends of the Ea rth ___ 25 Statement by Christine Stevens, secretary, Society for Animal Protective Legislation_________________________________________________ 28 Statement of Dr. J. L. McHugh on the 23d annual meeting of the Int er­ national Whaling Commission__________________________________ 37 Statement submitted by the Washington Animal Rescue League_______ 70 Statement submitted by American Horse Protection Association, Inc____ 71 Statement submitted by American Veterinary Medical Association_____ 71 Statement submitted by Tom Reisdorph, volunteer worker, Friends of the Ea rth ______________________________________________________ 71 ( m ) INTERNATIONAL MORATORIUM OF 10 YEARS ON THE KILLING OF ALL SPECIES OF WHALES MONDAY, JULY 26, 1971 H ouse of R e p r e se n t a t iv e s , C o m m it tee on F o r eig n A f f a ir s , S ubcom m it tee on I n tern a tio n a l O rganiz atio ns an d M o v em ents , Washington, D .C. Th e subcom mittee met at 2:20 p.m. in roo m 2255, Ray bu rn House Office Building, Hon. Do nald M. Fraser (chairma n) presiding. Mr. F r a ser . Th e subcom mittee will come to order. Tod ay ’s hearing was called to consider pro posed legislation which would in stru ct the S ecretar y of S ta te to call for a n interna tio na l m ora­ toriu m of 10 ye ars on th e killing of all species of whales. T he two id en ti­ cal bills which prom pted this hearing are H ouse Jo in t Re solution 706, intro du ced by Mr. Broomfield; and House Jo in t Re solution 730, in­ tro du ced by Mr. Ha lpern. A sim ilar bill was pas sed in the Senate by unanimous conse nt on Ju ne 29, the only difference bein g th at the Sen ­ ate version “reque sts ” ra th er th an “i ns truc ts” the Secre tar y of St ate to call for the morato riu m. La st week, on Ju ly 22, Mr. Bingham intro du ced Hou se Co nc urrent Re solution 375, the lan guage of w hich is ide nti cal to the bill passed in the Sen ate. Unlike House Jo in t Resolutions 706 and 730 and the Senate bill, Mr. Bi ng ha m’s concurr ent resolu tion would no t req uir e the sig natur e of t he Presid en t, and would no t b e b ind ing on the execu­ tiv e branch as law. However, if passed by the House and the Senate, it would s tand as an expression of th e will of C ongress. T od ay ’s heari ng will also conside r Mr. Bi ng ha m’s conc urrent re solution along with the two earlier jo int resolu tions. At thi s tim e, I will place in the record House J oi nt Resolution 706 and House C on cu rre nt Re solution 375. (Th e resolu tions referred to follow:) [II.J. Res. 706, 92d Cong., first sess.] JOINT RESOLUTION instructing the Secretary of State to call for an international moratorium of ten years on the killing of all species of whales Whereas the blue whale, the largest creature on earth, has been reduced by the whaling industry to a point of near extinction, and W’hereas, despite the fact that the International Whaling Commission has placed it in a totally protected category, numbers of these and other endangered species of whales continue to be taken in error by whalers, and Whereas the severely endangered gray whale has increased its numbers success­ fully after years of protection, and Whereas whales are mammals with large brains and a complex social life and produce fascinating and complex sounds which have inspired serious musical works, and Whereas much remains to be learned about these unique creatures through scientific study of their behavior, and (1) 2 Whereas it is the intent of the Endangered Species Act to pre vent conditions th at could lead to the extinction of animals, and Whereas even those species of whales which are not in imm inen t danger of ex­ tinction will become so if present hunting pressures are continued, and Whereas whales form a resource which may prove of imp ortance to mankind in the future if their numbers are n ot decimated now, and Whereas the United States of America has led the world in placing the baleen and sperm whales on the endangered species list so th at products made from these and other endangered species m ay not be imported, and has also moved to end the last whaling by its nationals: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Th at the Secretary of State is instructed to call for an in ter­ national moratorium of ten years on the killing of all species of whales.
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