also developed by scimago: SCIMAGO INSTITUTIONS RANKINGS Scimago Journal & Country Rank Enter Journal Title, ISSN or Publisher Name Home Journal Rankings Country Rankings Viz Tools Help About Us IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Country United Kingdom - SIR Ranking of United Kingdom Subject Area and Earth and Planetary Sciences 18 Category Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) Environmental Science H Index Environmental Science (miscellaneous) Publisher IOP Publishing Ltd. Publication type Conferences and Proceedings ISSN 17551315, 17551307 Coverage 2010-2020 Scope The open access IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) provides a fast, versatile and cost-effective proceedings publication service. Homepage How to publish in this journal Contact Join the conversation about this journal SJR Citations per document 0.4The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that This indicator counts the number of citations received by ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is documents from a journal and divides them by the total based on the idea that 'all citations are not created number of documents published in that journal. The 0.2equal'. SJR is a measure of scientic inuence of chart shows the evolution of the average number of journals that accounts for both the number of citations times documents published in a journal in the past two, received by a journal and the importance or prestige of three and four years have been cited in the current year. the0 journals where such citations come from It The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor measures the scientic inuence of the average article ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric. 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 in a journal it expresses how central to the global Total Cites Self-Cites Cites per document Year Value 0.8Cites / Doc. (4 years) 2010 0.000 8k Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's Cites / Doc. (4 years) 2011 0.333 self-citations received by a journal's published Cites / Doc. (4 years) 2012 0.643 documents during the three previous years. 0.6Cites / Doc. (4 years) 2013 0.088 4kJournal Self-citation is dened as the number of citation Cites / Doc. (4 years) 2014 0.295 from a journal citing article to articles published by the Cites / Doc. (4 years) 2015 0.321 same journal. Cites / Doc. (4 years) 2016 0.484 0.4 0 Cites / Doc. (4 years) 2017 0.343 Cites / Doc. (4 years) 2018 0.469 Cites2010 2012Year Value2014 2016 2018 Cites / Doc. (4 years) 2019 0.451 S lf Cit 2010 0 External Cites per Doc Cites per Doc % International Collaboration 0.8Evolution of the number of total citation per document 40International Collaboration accounts for the articles that and external citation per document (i.e. journal self- have been produced by researchers from several citations removed) received by a journal's published countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's 0.4documents during the three previous years. External 20documents signed by researchers from more than one citations are calculated by subtracting the number of country; that is including more than one country address. self-citations from the total number of citations received 0 0 by the journal’s documents. Year International Collaboration 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 20102010 33.332012 2014 2016 2018 Cit Y V l 2011 25 00 Citable documents Non-citable documents Cited documents Uncited documents 16k 16k Not every article in a journal is considered primary Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research not cited during the following year. (r8kesearch articles, conference papers and reviews) in 8k three year windows vs. those documents other than Documents Year Value research articles, reviews and conference papers. Uncited documents 2010 0 0 Uncited0 documents 2011 2 Documents2010 2012 2014Year V2016alue 2018 Uncited2010 documents2012 20122014 8 2016 2018 N it bl d t 2010 0 U it d d t 2013 268 ← Show this widget in your own website Just copy the code below and paste within your html code: <a href="https://www.scimag N Natt 2 months ago I would like to know the quartile of this journal. Why isn't it showing on the website? reply IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science PAPER • OPEN ACCESS Preface To cite this article: 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 536 011001 View the article online for updates and enhancements. This content was downloaded from IP address on 10/09/2020 at 10:29 International Conference on Transdisciplinary Approach Research 2017 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 536 (2020) 011001 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/536/1/011001 Preface International Conference on Transdisciplinary Approach Research 2017 (ICTAR 2017) About ICTAR 2017 The International Conference on Transdisciplinary Approach (ICTAR – 2017) will take place on August, 19, 2017 at Hotel Damhil, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. ICTAR 2017 is the premier forum in Asia for the presentation of new trends, innovations, advances and research results in Transdisciplinary research. The aims of the conference are to bring together leading academics, scientists and researchers from around the world to a common forum to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Transdisciplinary Approach in Research. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Transdisciplinary Research. Conference Topics include o Arts, Science and digital technology o Agricultural, Forestry, Fishery o Animal Science and Veterinary o Biological Science and Biotechnology o Business, Economics, Marketing, Accounting, Banking & E-Commerce o Climate Change, Renewable Energy & Environment o Communication, journalism and service science o Culture, Religion & Philosophy o Education, Teaching & Technology o English Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics o Engineering sciences, Technology & Applications, Information Technology (IT) o Geography and Geology o Global Studies, Regional studies & International Relations o Health and Medicine, Pharmacy o History, Archaeology and Spiritual studies o Law & Justice & Legal studies o Mathematics, Statistics, Artificial Intelligence o Physical and Life sciences o Public Health, Nursing & Care Services o Social Sciences, Humanities and Life sciences o Sport Science and Psychology o Transdisciplinary Studies o Travel, Tourism & Hospitality & Leisure Industry Abstract and Manuscripts for ICTAR2017 Although more than 60 abstracts were received to present in the conference, only 8 manuscripts were finally accepted for the publication. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1 International Conference on Transdisciplinary Approach Research 2017 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 536 (2020) 011001 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/536/1/011001 Keynote and Invited Speakers o Drs. H. Rusli Habibie, MAP (Gubernur Gorontalo). o Prof. Dr. Syamsu Qamar Badu, M.Pd (Rector of UNG) o Prof. Katsushi Nishimura (President, Faculty of Collaborative Regional Innovation), Japan o Kenji Okazaki (National Research and Development Agency), Japan Organizers o Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia (in cooperation with) o Ehime University, Japan International Advisory Board: 1. Prof. Dr. Syamsu Qamar Badu, M.Pd, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia 2. Prof. Dr. Mahluddin Baruadi, MP, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia 3. Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Fatsah, M.Hum, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia 4. Prof. Dr. Fenty Puluhulawa, SH. MH, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia 5. Prof. Dr. Ramli Utina, M. Pd, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia 6. Prof. Dr. Masayuki Sakakibara, Ehime University, Japan 7. Prof. Dr. Siswandari, M. Stat, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia 8. Prof. Dr. I Wayan Dasna, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia 9. Prof. Dr. Sandra Bohlinger, Technische Universität Dresden-Germany 10. Prof. Dr. Ir. Muslim Salam, M.Ec, Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia 11. Prof. Dr. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia 12. Prof. Dr. Mohd Kamarulnizam Abdullah, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia 13. Prof. Dr. Basri Djafar, Universitas Negeri Nakassar, Indonesia 14. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Tuan. HCMC University of Technology and Education, Vietnam 15. Prof. Dr. Aan Komariyah, M.Pd, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia 16. Prof. Dr. Ratih Hurriyatih, MP, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia 17. Dr. Jessie PNG Lay Hoon, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 18. Dr. Carlos Felipe Revollo Fernández, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland 19. Dr. Bounseng Khammounty, National University of Laos, Laos 20. Dr. Brigida Singo, Universidade Pedagógica Maputo, Mozambique 21. Dr. Chokri Guelalli, Technical Training College, Saudi Arabia 22. Dr. Eng. Sep Bayu DN, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia 23. Dr. Deendarlianto, ST, M.Eng, Universitas Gajah Mada, Indonesia 24. Dr. rer. silv. Muhammad Ali Imron,
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