Tod"y 'Lively Ones' Voting FRESNO C I TY C O L L E G E W¡ll Climax Come To FCC Queen Race Tomorrow € PUBt¡SHED 8Y THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Poll 0pen Till e Stars Top Talent By BA-RBAßA XIHRENBIIR,G Yoting for the AMS Sweetheart vot. xvlll FRESNO, CATIFORNIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1964 NUMBER 23 'Wrlter candidates will climax the queen Rampage Staff 'the night! The contest todaY. The booths, to be Tomorrow's placed in front of the student Lively Ones are coming to Fresno 'Rom PM the gYm- center, will be oBen from 9 AM Week' City College at 8 in to 2 PM. A.Il male students will nasrum. i¡e eligible to vote. CaI Tiader, Judy Henske, and The girls, nominated bY AMS Sefs Soles; the Modern F otk Quartet will aP- pear a drew a fuII members to run for thê S¡veet- with show that ln New heart title, are Jackie Clark' spon- house at Carnegie Hall sored by Charles Bain and Dennis HostsDonce York last November. Jâcoby; Suzanne Reid, sponsored' "Next week the Ram staff will Also included. ln this eDtertain- package a by Robert RusseII; Susie Richter, take over the school," accordiDg ment is Steve DePass, sponsored bY John Reynolds; to the new editor, Suzie Hollo- balladeer-rhymer billed as the as he ðings Kaye Sesslons, sponsored bY Da- man. man who creates songs them. vid Turner, and. Carol Youngberg' 27 May 1 the Jr' "From Apr. 'to sponsored by tr'red K. Martin, yearbook staff wlll be very busy His gift for improvisation and al- B,€present A-ÙIS every day," she sald. The actlvi- extemporizint on any subject to hls The 'new sPring queen will tles will be tletlicated to the prop- lows him not only to sing represent .A'MS at all campus fuac- ositlon that the annuals must be audience, but about them aB well. tions for the remainder of the soId. Tickets for the Í'olk and Jazø campaign t,Le yea¡. .{MS inÍtiated the Sates Booth lVing Ding are ava,llablo in to promote the Caravan of Music bookstorê tlckot window antl at On- Monday the Ram staff wlll tr'olk and Jazz Wln'g Dlng set for the Hockett-Cowa,n bor offtco. start the week by setting uP a tomorrow night fn the gymnaslum. tho Beets are prlced at S1.50 and sales booth in front of thè steps this Campalgnlng was begun of the student cetrter. Duriqg the s2. hand The Caravan of Music ls belng week with use of Posters and put up and day they wlll Posters sponsored by the Assoclated Men btlts. Local car dealers Brovided advertising the hand out coupoDs Students and the Assoclated Wo- new automobiles for a disPIaY on yearbook. the lawn between the administra- men Students. Sneak Preview tive builtling and' Mclane Hall. Manrbo And, tazz disclose a sneak- Escorts and. Iruircheons Tuesday will Cal Tjacler, who crltics agree preview some the Durlng the entire campaign the of of Plctures is one of the most excltlng vl- be used this year's annual. candidates were escorted around to in brists, adds a mambo flaYor to be the foyer the campus and to the various The clisplay will in his jazz quintet. Whlle part of queen functions bY their resPec- of the student center. Dave Brubeck's Trlo in 1960, he tlve sponsors. Â luncheon was The staff members will demon- recelved Down Beat's New Star for the sPonsors and queen strate their acting ability on Award. held QUEEN CANDIDATES owciting the results of today's elec- hopefuls at the Hacienda. A' Tjader later Joinetl George tion ore (l-r) Cqrol Youngberg, Jcckie Clork, Susie Richter, Dorothy Feld.mann, Ra,m editor queen's banquet took Place at the Shearing's Quintet and was heard Suzonne Reid ond Koye Sessions. The winning cqndidqte pasú yeår, been Lellani last weekend to discuss for the h¿s on a number of records that ln- will be qnnounced during the Cqrcrvqn of Music \Ming Ding forced to return to Atlin. Briúish final details and election Proce- clutlecl some of hls own composl- tomorrow night in the gymnosium. The Associoted Men stu- Columbia, Ca¡rada. dures. plcrnned coincide the foik ond tions. denls the election to with Suzie llolloman, assistant edi- Following appearances at "A lot of spirit has been dis- 1da2 (Miki Photo) two played by the male students dur- )s-þ ^?^dt,*}/tvYLvtLt. tor, will be filling in for Miss the MoDterey Jazz Festival the Feldmann the se- group playetl ing the camPaign Period," stated úhe rest of | vibist and his have mester. Festlval and Irving Lee, AMS President. at the Newpolt Jazz Lee added that the new SPring Chowchilla Citizeris Miss Holloman attended Clo- clubs and concerts all over Amer- Sweetheart would be introd.uced vis High School and was a mem- ica and Canada. at the 'Wing Ding tomorrow ber of the Class of 1968. F'olk Music nlght. Tho yearbook staff has €X- The Modern tr'olk Quartet have Host lnternationals pollshed pressed concern over the sudden been láudett for their and By DEfIRY MODLIN playing his guitar and singing depa,rture of their editor but ex- refreshlng approach to folk muslc, Choir Presents Rampage Staff Writer folk songs. pect ll[iss Holloman t,o success- which the four call "upbeat." The Fresno City College's foreign The students were returned to fulfy fill tho position. group has recorded one album and Annuol Spring students spent the weekend visit- their homes individually on Sun- can claim several apBearances oD day by the families they were "Elootenanny" and. a guest spot ing Chowchilla farms and busl- 'Wednesday when they present a guests the cltizens staying with. ln the motlon picture "Palm ftlusic Concert nesses as of skit in front of the student center. 'Weekentl." of Chowchilla. The international students who Springs Presenting their flrst Perform- and Rotary Club Complete Promotion excursion was to particiBated in this event are Ortginally from the TVest Coast ance of the sPring semester, The Planned Thursday will be a complete give international students Lilly Quevedo, Rosa Quevedo, and Honolulu, the quartet con- FCC's 60 voice choir offered their ïtre promotion day. "The entire staff annual concert" to the an insight to the American way Morteza Moini, Maria Mairikir, slsts of Cyrus Faryar, Tatl Diltz, "sprlng will be cloing thelr best to en- Jerry Yester anrl Chip Douglag. publlc on Tuesday and Yesterday. of life. Reports from both stu- Eugenia Assimakidore, Shahram courage sales," said Miss Hollo- Teheran, fran, Far¡ra.r The program, divitlecl into four dents and famiÌies termed the triP Maghame, Tom Emami, Matt Ma- Born in man. lea,rned play the guita¡ ouú of sections, lâsteal two hours and a success. lek, Moosa Malek, Rualy Dar, Mi- to The climax of the week v¡ill boredom" navigat- furnished. the audience with an The group departed for Chow- chael Saadloo, Rarsouh Siamak, "sheer while come on n'riday at a noon dance ing yacht down Perslan arrey of music, chilla on FridaY and each stu- Nacty Aghily, Samsu l{abib, and a the sponsored by the Ram, v¡ith music Gutf. f,*irst Section dent was taken directlY to the Percy Garcia. by the Styles. The yearbook wili Diltz plays banlo and sings The first section was Per- home he was to stay in over the The Rotary Club has called this be dedicated by the editor at the He entered formed by the choir alone and weekend. programed visit "Vf SA" which tenor of the Mf'Q, dance, tr'aryar's Grejensleeves only to stay conslsted of music from the "Mes- On tr'ridaY evening and Satur- means "Visiting International purpose Still Time soloist and performer siah", spirituals, folk songs and day morning the individual host Students' Activities." Its on as a "There is still time to buy your I with many Ilawaiian folk groups. sacred music. families showed the town to their is to help the iÂterhational stu- copy of the Ram," says the editor. Douglas plays anyúhing male vocal ensemble guests. dents enjoy the country in which I that FCC'g yearbooks come out the presented part two, rendering Saturday the hosr families and they are studying. The will I looks like a musica.l lnetrument May and sales will bass, such music as IIenrY Mancini's the international students gath- last week in lanil some things that don't: River", selections from ered at the Marvin Mclaughlin's close then, ba,njo, grritar, ukelele, nandolin, "Moon yearbook staff has done press vetls. and Bess", a folk song farm for a picnic. After lunch, a UNCLE SAM "The I lathe, drlll and "Porgf part," Mitchell Bower, Tree, called "The Drifter" and an old tour of the farm which had. been its stated I Coming from .Joshua it is Yester, the fourth member stanclard, "Let Me Call You Blanned was not taken because, GREETS ED. student life etlitor. "Now I Calif., time for the studeûts to get be- ì of MF'Q, became famlllar with Sweetheart", as Mclaughliu Phrased it, "EverY- Goorge l(uemP el, formor hincl the yearbook and buy a I banJo and guitar at an early age. Solos And Duets boaly was having too much fun rrill be Iia,mpago reportert He has been performing and re- ' ParI three was a collection of talking, eating, swimming, PlaY- pinch-lútting tho rest of tho Momento cording with a number of folk popular piano solos and. duets of ing badminton, soccer or riding semest€r for Sports Editor Don yearbook is something that groups, including the New Chrlsty Gershwin and Clokey, PlaYed bY horses to get them together to who was intlucted into "A F'oster, is to be treasured through the Minstrels, Les Baxter's Balladeers, Stella Eldritlge and CarolYn AII- take the tour," a¡:rred services lasú week.
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