Riv. It. Paleont. Strat. v. 100 n.z pp.227-284 tav. 1 t2 Ottobre 1994 THE LADINIAN AMMONOIDS FROM CALCARE DI ESINO OF vAL PARINA (BERGAMASC ALPS, NORTHERN rTALy). pT. 1 NERINA FANTINI SESTIM Key-uords: Taxonomy, Biochronology, Ladinian, Calcare di Esino, \festern-Southern Alps, Italy. Riassunto. In questa Pt.1 sono illustrati gli Ammonoidea ladinici provenienti da lenti di Calcare di Esino affioranti sul versante settentrionale della Val Parina, di fronte alla Val di Lavaggio. Tutto il materiale, raccolto da M. Gervasutti, è stato donato al Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali "E. Caffì" di Bergamo, dove ora è depositato. Sono state identificate complessivamente oltre 60 specie, delle quali una ventina nuove. Sono presenti anche tre generi nuovi: Paàndid della fam. Ceratitidae, Rossiceras della fam. Hungaritidae e Geruasuttia della fam. Aplococeratidae. Gli strati fossiliferi si estendono da 550 m a 850 m s.l. m. In questo intervallo sono state distinte dal bxso verso l'alto 5 associazioni: 7) a Aieseiceras perticóense con Norites, Gevanites, Ibrites, Epigymnites, Aplococras, Proarcestes, Prockdiscites, Eoprotracbyceras, Monophyllites; 2) a Eoprotracbycuas recuba- 'àense con Noàtes, (Jtieseiceras, Gnaniks, Stuàa, Epigynnites, Aplococeras, Eoprotachyceras, Monopbyllites; 3) a Prorracbyceras margatitosum con lb€rites, Epigymnites, Gmasattia, Argolites, Monopbyllites; 4) a Geruasuttit, Arpadites, Protracbyceras, Monophyllìtes; 5) a Protrachyceras longobardium con Sageceras, Iberites, Rossicras, Sturia, Epigymnites, Praepinacoceras, Proarcestes, Pro*acbyceras, Detoniceras, Arpaditu, Argolites, Monopbyllites. Le associazioni 1) e 2) possono essere attribuite alla Zona a Curionii, 3) e 4) alla Zona a Gredleri e infine l'associazione 5) alla base della Zonz ad Archelaus. Abstact. This paper deals with the description of a rich ammonoid assemblage collected in calcareous lenses outcropping within the Ladinian Calcare di Esino of Val Parina (Northern ltaly). The faunas come from lenses outcropping on the northern slope opposite of Val di Lavaggio. The Material was collected by M. Gervasutti and is stored in the Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali "E. Caffi" in Bergamo (haly). More than 60 species were identified, including about twenty new species and three new genera: Painaia (fam. Ceratitidae), Rossiceras (fam. Hungaritidae) and Geruas*ttia (fam. Aplococeratidae). The new taxa give a substantial contribution to the knowledge of the poorly studied Tethyan faunas of the Ladinian. 'Sfhether these faunas are endemic or not is at present difficult to determine. The fossiliferous levels extend from 550 m to 850 m altitude. In this interval 5 assemblages were recognized (from bottom to top): 1) Assemblage with Cbieseictas p*ticaense, Notites, Gnanites, Ibaites, Epigymnites, Aplococeras, Proarcestes, Pro- cladiscites, Eopronacbycuas, Monopbyllites; 2) Assemblage wirh Eoprotachyceras recubaiense, Notàtes, C}ieseiceras, Gevanites, Srurìa, Epigymnites, Aplococeras, Eoprotrachyceras, Monopbyllites;3) Assemblage with Protrachycuas margaàtosum, Ibeites, Epigymnites, Gereasuttia, Argolites, Monophyllita; 4) Assemblage with Gmasutti4 Arpadites, Protacbyceras, Monopbylktes; 5) Assemblage with Protracbyceras hngobardium, %geceras, Ihrìtes, Rosiceras, Stuia, Epigymnites, Praepinacoceras, Proarcestes, Protrachyceras, Detoniceras, Ar- - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell' Università degli Studi di Milano, via Mangiagalli 34, 20733 Milano. Italv. 228 N. Fantini Sestíni padites, Argolìtes, Monopbyllites. The assemblages 1) and 2) can be ascribed to the Curionii Zone; assemblages 3) and 4) to the Gredleri Zone, and assemblage 5) to the lower parr of the Archelaus Zone. Foreword. This paper deals with the description and illustration of Ladinian ammonoids from limestone lenses of the Calcare di Esino (Esino Limestone) outcropping on rhe northern slope of Val Parina (Parina Valley), north of Bergamo (Northern Italy; Fig. 1) at the confluence with Val di Lavaggio (Lavaggio Valley, located on the opposite side; Fig. 2). A minor set of ammonoid bearing limestone lenses with a less diversified faunas, outcropping within the Calcare di Esino slightly eastward, will be object of a second paper actually in preparation, along with the few species collected from the southern side of Val Parina. A1l the fossil material was collected, and successively prepared by M. Gervasutti, who did a very skilful work. The collection has been donated by M.Gervasutti to the Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali "E. Caffi", Ber- gamo (Paganoni, 1985), where all the specimens are stored. Fossiliferous localities, The portion of Val Parina stretching from the village of Zorzone to the junction with the Val Brembana is entirely cut through the Calcare di Esino, made of grey limestones and unconformably overlain by the Calcare Rosso. \lithin the complex internal structure of the Esino carbonate platform Jadoui (in Jadoul, Gervasutti & Fantini Sestini, 1992) ídentified six different lithozones. Fossiliferous Iayers are located at the transition between lithozones 3 and 4, as well as in the lower portion of the lithozone 4 in proximiry of the southern margin of the Esino platform in Val Parina. Bioclastic lenses, 10 to 100 cm thick, yielded thousands of specimens belonging to ammonoids, nautiioids, gastropods, bivalves, brachiopods, corals, echinoderms, cal- careous algae, and vertebrates in variable abundance from place to place (|adoul, Ger- vasutti & Fantini Sestini, 1992, tab. 1). All fossils are included in pockets and lenses of bioclastic rudites outcropping on the mountain slope, between the river bed at about 500 m altitude and at 850 m altitude. Stratigraphically this fossiliferous band can be placed between about 200-350 m from the base and 550 m from the top of the Calcare di Esino. Being beds only gently dipping toward S\il, altitudes give also the approxi- mate thicknesses. The ammonoids are generaily well preserved, with tests totally re- placed by calcite. Internal moulds are less frequent. From a sedimentological view- point the locally high density of fossils with moderate sorting and the lenticular geometry of the bioclastic pockets suggest accumulation mechanisms, driven storm-in- duced bottom currents. This feature prevents the reconstruction of a detailed biostrati- graphic succession. However, the single lenses do not display any evidence of conden- sation. Nevertheless, the abundance of the specimens, the occurrence of several new taxa, aîd the excellent preservation made worthy the study of this fossil collection. Laà.inian ammonoids from C-alcare di Esino 229 è{ N 7. d É é é I 7 t1 o R. Val Parina Lamerata C. Zorzone B CR = Calcare Rosso ts CE = Esino Limestone (Lithozones are É indicated by numbers) FB = Buchestein Fm. z z CP = Prezzo Limestone CA = Angolo ,fi a a Breccias, megabreccias ìe+ Unconformity, breccias over unconformity D Fossiliferous layer with ammonoids Fig. 1 - A) Location map of Val Parina with studied area detailed in Fig. 2. B) Stratigraphic cross section of the Middle Triassic succession in Val Parina. 230 N. Fantini Sestini CORNA BiANCA / \-//- --------"--'/ \ vorl \!-/,- ffi P-lr o\/ Fig. 2 - Geographic setring of studied fossiliferous outcrops on the northern slope of Val Parina. The fossiliferous lenses were numbered, but not in succession, by M. Gervasutti during the field work. They can be grouped into two distinct sets, A and B, located respectively eastward and westward of Val di Lavaggio. The number of the identified specimens from each lens is reported in brackets. Group A: lenses located on the northern slope of Val Parina (Fig. z), between the bottom of the valley and 775 m altitude, eastward of Val di Lavaggio. 5754 - Fossiliferous lenses located at the edge of the gully, eastward of the end of the old railroad at 555,/565m eltrtude. Noites dienui Arthaber (1) (ùieseicnas perticaenseBrack Ec Rieber (78) Ch. aff . pempbix (Merian) (2) Aieseiceras sp. n. A (2) Epigymnites oe dneà (Mojsisovics) (6) E. moelleri (Moisisovics) (3) E. zîî. paronae (Longhi) (2) Aphcoceras oroliqrm sp. n. (Z) Eoprotracbyceras riekri sp. n. (1) Monophyllites uengensìs (Klipstein) (1) 5759 - Debris of 5754. (ùiesricsas sp. n. C (1) 5992 A-G - Fossiliferous lenses scattered between 5944 (600 m altitude) and 5754 (565 m altitude). A Iberites sp. ind. (1) Eoprotrachycoa.s sp. ind. (4) Ladinian arnrnonoids from Calcare di Esino 25l Monopbyllites zoengensis (Klipsrein) (a) B Epigymnites eedneri (Mojsisovics) (3) C Proarcestes pannonius (Mojsisovics) (7) E Geaanites sp. ind. (1) F dtieseicuas perticaemse Brack & Rieber (1) Epigymnites ctedneà (Mojsisovics) (1) G Epigymnites ctedne^à (Mojsisovics) (5) 5944 E,F,H - Fossiliferous lenses scattered in the lower portion of a gully, opposite of Val di Lavaggio, at 600-650 m altitude. E Epigymnites sedneri (Mojsisovics) (1) Aplococeras orolium sp.n. (3) Monopbyllitu zoengensis (Klipstein) (3) F Norites dieneri Arthaber (7) Cl:ieseiteras perticaenseBrack tr Rieber (1) Aplococeras orolicam sp. n. (35) Proarcestes pannozlzs (Mojsisovics)(26) Eoprotracbycuas àeberi sp. n. (2) Monopbyllites zoengensis (Klipstein) (1a) H 50 m above S944F. Proarcestes cf , marcbeanus (Mojsisovics) (2) Monophyllites uengensis (Klipstein) (2) 5993 A-E - Outcrops located on the ridge, westward of 5992, berween 695 m (A) and.775 m (E) altitude. A Cltiesàceras perticaense Brack & Rieber (9) Epigymnites c'redneà (Mojsisovics) (1) E. moelhri (Mojsisovics) (8) E. afÍ. paronae (Longhi) (t) B Aieseiceras prticamse Brtck Ec Rieber (4) C Epìgymnites moellei
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