So this time HP management reached into their pool of highly qualified individuals and tapped Jon Bale to lead their Database Labs. To many 'real old-timers' this name has a familar ring, but most people today would wonder "now who's this?" Well, if you pulled-out your The SIGIMAGE Newsletter is published by the INTEREX Special dogged- Interest Group for IMAGE/SQL Databases. eared Image Handbook one of INTEREX is the International Association of Hewlett-Packard the first things you'd notice was a Computer Users. set of various codes in the IMAGE Volume 6.1 — Winter 1996 rootfile that represent the current state of a database. The early developers of IMAGE left their mark by using their initials as these codes. For Articles and authors From the Chair.... example, if the database is OK, the code is 'FW', Fred White's ini- From the Chair Jerry Fochtman tials. At the top of the list, you'd see Jerry Fochtman Exxon Chemical Americas the code 'JB'... Exxon Chemical Americas. Houston, TX, U.S.A. Houston, TX, U.S.A. Jon was a member of the inital team which developed IMAGE. He B-Trees and Other News As Yogi would say... “it’s Deja Vu all has now Jon Bale over again!” returned to a much different Hewlett-Packard Company Seems like I just wrote my col- IMAGE/SQL and is quickly learn- Cupertino, California, USA umn for the SIGIMAGE Newsletter ing about Bangalore, Karnataka, India last week, but in checking my calen- all the new features and the dar, it has been a number of issues that we're working. I've Kriss Rant Leads HP Database months since we last published our Marketing Efforts talked newsletter. A lot has happened with Jon quite a number of times Kriss Rant since our summer edition. For Hewlett-Packard Company since he took over the Database Lab those who’ve been napping, I and recently had the opportunity Cupertino, California, USA thought I’d try and review some of Bangalore, Karnataka, India to meet with him in person. I the highlights. encourage everyone to take the Year 2000 and the HP 3000 opportunity to introduce yourself Kriss Rant (Another) New HP to Hewlett-Packard Company Jon and make him feel wel- Cupertino, California, USA Database Lab Manager comed. But watch out... if Jon has Bangalore, Karnataka, India In our last installment it was his video announced that Jim Sartain was camera you might find youself SIGIMAGE Agenda, IPROF undertaking a special opportunity on 'Database T.V.'! Conference, March 20-23, 1996 pursue an M.S. degree in Manage- Jerry Fochtman ment of Technology with the sup- Executive Committee Meets with Exxon Chemical Americas. port of HP. Stepping in to take over CSY Management Houston, TX, U.S.A. the reins was Reynold Schweick- ------------------------------------- -------- SIGIMAGE Mission Statement hardt. Then, following the confer- ence in Toronto, Reynold was With the recent changes in CSY, Are you a member of SIGIMAGE? offered (and he accepted) an appointment to head up the Infor- the members of the SIGIMAGE Copyright information mation Management Dept. for the Executive U.S. Congress. Editorial contact SIGIMAGE Newsletter • Volume 6.1 • Winter 1996 — Page 1 Committee met with HP's repre- Membership in SIGIMAGE has user communities has truely sentatives on February 2nd to its responsibility. And that respon- been a pleasure. Together we've review CSY's sibility accomplished some of the most direction for the HP-3000 along is to let HP know what are the exciting enhancements to IMAGE with the status of the various key issues we need their help on to since its activities related to IMAGE/SQL. meet inception. Features like critical our expanding business needs. item update, bundling of SQL with HP Representatives included Our primary vehicle for achieving IMAGE, dynamic dataset expan- Harry Sterling, CSY General Man- this sion, improved data integrety and ager; is by our membership voting on sorted Winston Prather, R&D Section what enhancement requests are the sequential access are but a few of Manager; Jon Bale, Manager of most the many improvements we've Database important to our individual made Development; Kriss Rant, Data- needs. to IMAGE by working together base Product Marketing Manager, these past 5 years. Tien-You Enclosed with this newsletter is Chen, from the Database Lab the 1996 SIGIMAGE Enhancement The SIGIMAGE Executive Com- Team along with Jim Sartain Ballot. mittee has unanimously appointed former HP Your feedback on this ballot member Ken Database Lab Manager (Emeri- helps both the SIGIMAGE Execu- Sletten to step-in as Interim tis!). In addition to myself, repre- tive Chairman until such a time as elec- senting Committee and HP focus our tions SIGIMAGE were Ken Sletten, efforts on those activities which can be held. I ask that you Jeanette Nutsford, Ken Nutsford, provide extend to Ken the same courtsey Wirt Atmar, the broadest benefit the most and level Rene Woc, Steve Cooper, Alfredo users. So don't hesitate! FAX-back of support that was so gracious Rego, Rich Trapp, Stan Sieler and your provided to me. Terry O'Brian. ballot TODAY and be amoung those who guide the future of Jerry Fochtman HP strongly re-iterated their IMAGE/SQL! commitment to the HP-3000 and its future Change in SIGIMAGE Leadership position in HP's product family. ----------------------------- ---------- It was clear from the discussion that Jerry Fochtman those present were some of the On a personal note, I recently strongest advocates of continued accepted an exciting opportunity efforts to join to expand the HP-3000 commu- Bradmark Technologies. nity. HP also outlined their current Although I will continue to be B-Trees and Other News plans involved with for development activities on SIGIMAGE and serve as a mem- Jon Bale IMAGE/SQL. Jon Bale has a sepa- ber of the Executive Committee, Hewlett-Packard Company rate I've elected Cupertino, California, USA article in this newsletter describ- to stepdown from my role as Bangalore, Karnataka, India ing some of their priorities. At Chairman of the organization, IPROF, Jon plans on updating effective our membership on the other activ- March 1st. First I’d like to introduce myself. ities HP I am the new project manager for has in store for IMAGE/SQL Serving as Chairman and repre- database development in the Com- users. senting the needs of the IMAGE mercial Systems Division R&D lab. community My team is responsible for the Annual SIGIMAGE Enhance- has certainly been a very reward- IMAGE/SQL, ALLBASE/SQL, and ment List Ballot ing experience. Working together PC API products. Checking my ------------------------------------- with resume, I find that I am not -- the many knowedgable and dedi- entirely new to databases, having cated individuals from HP, the ven- worked on IMAGE/3000 during dor and the 1970s. (I have no personal rec- SIGIMAGE Newsletter • Volume 6.1 • Winter 1996 — Page 2 ollection of this!) More recently, I While I have your attention, I I have been with HP, working have worked for HP in Europe and want to mention two other items. with the HP 3000, now for over 12 the U.S. in a variety of software First, you will be pleased to know years (my entire career). Some of development, support, and man- that Kriss Rant, who worked on you may remember me from the agement assignments. It’s a plea- databases for several years in the client/server presentations that I sure to be back in CSY. lab, is now our product manager in gave on IMAGE/SQL at Interex During 1995, we had much to CSY marketing. I have been work- conferences over the past few years. say about our plans to provide HP- ing with Kriss for the last few This is when I worked as an engi- supported sorted sequential access months, and I am sure that he will neer in the Database Lab and to TurboIMAGE data through the serve HP and our customers very learned about how to be “customer B-Trees enhancement. Unfortu- well. Kriss introduces himself in a focused.” Prior to my current posi- nately, personnel moves and separate article in this newsletter. tion, I spent 6 months in Europe as resource limitations conspired Second, you may know that the the product manager responsible against us and prevented us from CSY R&D lab now has a significant for promoting the HP 3000 to the meeting our stated goal of complet- presence in India at HP’s Bangalore European marketplace. ing that enhancement during the site. We are tapping into the incred- To learn more about my perspec- year. The good news that I want to ible pool of software engineering tive on HP Databases, visit The share with you is that we’ve gotten talent in that country. The database 3000 NewsWire Web Site at back on track with B-Trees, and team is well represented at the Ban- http://www.3k.com/seybold. I’m confident we will be beta test- galore portion of our lab, and has I can be reached by e-mail at ing the feature by the time of the already made substantial contribu- [email protected]. HP World ’96 conference in tions to ongoing projects. By the August. Assuming successful test- time you read this, Kriss and I will ing and the existence of a suitable be in Bangalore visiting and work- release vehicle, we should achieve ing with the team there. I am very general release of this capability enthusiastic about the way this is SIGIMAGE Meeting before the end of 1996. I’m a con- enabling us to augment my very servative guy, and I hesitate to dedicated and experienced Cuper- Minutes make iron-clad promises of future tino team with additional great Toronto INTEREX Conference events, but we will make every database talent.
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