^ A O B 8IXTEEM flatiritretar Evntfno C m lit n U D A X NOVEMBER 5,1987 AVntAOB DAILT OUlOITLAnON fee tka Msmh o f Oetabar, U t1 fVEATH BB The setback aeries which is con­ Goose and P ig social a t Chaney roona of tha Hartford lleBaa ptant already helping In this eempOatlon ducted at the Hasoalc Temple Sat­ Kail, auspices o f Company No. 1, In Hartford, as guosta of tho Wom­ under the dlreoUon o f the etats Fereeast af D. S. WaatiMC SEESIdCUHAZARD D. A. R. CHAPTER MEETS Hartford iu m o r r o v N urday night by the Social Club will AmnsnCESUNDAT S M J ’JD.. en’s dub editor, Mlaa Rachel Me- chairman, Mrs. J. L. Raymond at for this week give as first prize a Nov. 85—MJIJS. basketball open­ Kalght. Guilford. After tbe arrangement as 6,014 Turkey. These sittings are very n H AW ST. SIGNS H m locml Improved Order at Red er against Alumni at State Armory. IN H A R p R D OFFICE Th« Chapter voted to make a to denominations and. loraliUea Is Fair and aHghtly eoMer popular and each week the attend­ oompletod. the published books win '•iM m wtn bold tta weekljr B to ^ SMVICE AT CENTER ' Nov. 39—Concert by Westminister ..... I donation to the Girl Scouts, which •':||«iiiee In 'Rnlcer tinll thla erening ance is increasing. These are con­ is today making a ona-day drive for bs placed In Ubrarlee for the uae oC Smmay fair oad wanaar. ducted for men only. BqEdfait Impeetor Ingists It Choir at High school auditorium, Menbcra Are Gocets Of Wom­ MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM > « eight o’clock. Ikbiee are fur- sponsored by Beethoven and O Clef funds. I t was alao votad that th* the pubUc. ''Hahed In the adjoining hall for la Dangerons; Sclectmea dubs. en’s Editor Of The Times; board o f management arrangeJfjlir A tour o f tho nm ee building fOK : > thoae who prefer to ait at them. The "Bingo" party which was be­ the removal o f the fountain at M ia- lowed the meeting, and tha Daugh- VOL. LVIL, NO. 32 > Advordams aa Pagu It.) Chaimao McCann A p p e a l Won’t Take Aetton. Dse. 1-5— Baaaar, <forth Metho­ Hear Talk On Chnrch Rec­ MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1937 ing arranged Mtsf Lucy Clark­ <dieeter OenteTe te n aaw the 4 o’dock edltlaD run (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS dist church Booster club. ords. ^ .'Hie DnBaldo tirotheis oreheet ia son and Mrs. Percy Tidmas for Lady The guest speaker was Naison R. off the press-at the rate of 000 a Roberts Lodge, Daughters of St. Possibility that Manchester po­ win play at Uinet'a on Tolland tum- To Veterans To Attend Dec. 10—DeMoIay dance at Ma­ Burr, assistant stato director of minute. T te was prepared in the r pike thla Batnrda^ night George, has been postponed until liceman may be called on to per­ sonic Temple. Otford Pariah Chapter, Daugh­ hlatorloal records survey, who told all-eiectrio kitchen by the regular a later date. form a new duty, that at keeping Dse. 14 — Lseturs on *Tnterna- ters of the Amerieaa Revolutlen, o f the work o f making inventorlaa nm ee boeteas, with Idas MoKmghL Denies Murder Charge of Dewey Jury Sunday Mominf. Miss Constance Chamberlain ans . Taddp Nalsoo, fOnnar popular icicles o ff of Main street, developed tional Mart’’ by Mrs. Lewis Rose at held its November nMctlng yester­ o f church rseords throughout the ITALY JOINS PACT D^POWER GROUP TM .C JL day afternoon In the eodal olub- state. Tho 17 D. A. R. chaptera ara Mias Tracy of tbe staff serving, 3 ig h adiool atndent and now a today. Building Inspector Edward aaember o f the Wesleyan aoccer C. Elliott, Jr., thla morning stated OFFICIAL UNCONCERN team, win be in the line-up when RED CROSS SUNDAY Arthur McCann, chairman of the IS AGREED ON Ihey clash againat the Williams Permanent Armistice Day Commit­ that if heavy weather visits the team Saturday. WITH REICH, JAPAN tee has issued an appeal to all local town thla wintor, an ice hasard wUl IN ID E CHURCHES veterans to attend the Armistice exist which will prove a real danger n: ,The Sona of the American Legion Memorial service in the Center Con­ NOTETO JAPAN win bold a meeting tonight at the gregational church on Sunday to pedestrians. The Inspector noted IN U. S. ONE REASON State armory. The question of or- morning. Commanders of each of that recently 1m has sought re­ TO HGHT REDISM moval df some signs and overhead nnlaing a basketball team will be the seven local ex-service tmits are Note Framed By Spaak Of brought up. The organization is Will Be Observed Throoidi’ requested to detail their colors with structures which project over the kapecting to take part in the Ar- color bearers and color guards for Main street sidewalk. The Board {Bistlce Day parade in tonn al in - out Nation — Gergymen the service and Auxiliary officers of Selectmen, the Inspector said, Three Nations Sifo A New Belghnn But Its Text Is| tbrmer yem . are likewise instructed to urge full find it impossible to co-operate la DUKE GAVE UP TRIP demanding removal o f such projee- GROUP OF 100 memberabip attendance at this serv­ Tbs American Legion Drum and To Give Aid. ice. tions, and without authority, the In­ Accord DipGcatinf Year Amended; Ameri(auis De­ spector cannot act. J, Bugle corps wiU hold their last re- Ample parking facilities are Not necessarily meaning foimal bat there are plenty of occasions at this season heatsal prior to the Armistice Day available during the service in rear "A ll I can say” , Mr. EUott TOFORMUUTE Postpone* Their U. S. Trip Member Of Ifis Party Oe- parade tonight. A ll members are This Sunday win be observed as of the Municipal building. All vet­ stated, "is that plenty o f dangerous Old Deal Of Germany And ny Shift In U. S. PoG(7. aspected to be present at the for- Red Cross Sunday in most of the erans and members of the auxiliary idcles will hang from those pro­ of the year and from now on when you want something new. chres Lack Of Enthnii- ■anation. churches of the country including units are asked to report on the jections, and without authority, the Nippon; Says Ifs "A p in st t O ' ^ P O U C Y those In Manchester. The local Red west side of the church at 10:15. inspector cannot act. Bnisaels, Nov. 6— (A P I — Dele­ Members of Company K, 169th Cross chapter has sent to each of A ll must be eated in tbe churcb by "All I can say". Hr. EUlott sUted, gates to the Bruesers conference on asm For Project h Wash­ 'Infantry, Connecticut National the local clergymen a small pbam- 10:40 a. m. The center section of "Is that plenty at dangerous idcles None And Open To A L ” tbe Chlnese-Japanese war announc­ <fOuard, are reminded that the armo- plet summerizing the work of the the church has been reserved for the will bang from those .projections Exeentive Body To Name ed today th eyjiad reached agree­ 'sy drill floor has been set aside tx>- Red Cross for the past year and veterans and auxiiiaries. Rev. Dr. this winter, and tor safety's sake it Two Piece ment on the <m t of a communica­ ington Added To Labor Watson Woodruff wlil preach the tion to Japan, making a new offer night fcM' their use. Volley ball, ten­ containing statemebte indorsing the will be necessary for us to call on Untrimmed Rome, Nov. 6.— (AP>—Italy Joto- nis, baaketbaU and other indoor work of the Red Cross issued by Memorial sermon. night patrolmen to beat o ff the Members; Plan b A Com- of their friendly offices In an effort ad Japan and Germany today in Leaders’ Criticism Led To sports may be enjoyed. Wednesday Dr. Ivan Lee Holt, President of the An excellent response has been forming icicles with thdr night­ to terminate the conflict. The com­ munication had been framed by iMght has been given to the Hoarlt- Federal Council of Churches of made to the appeal of the holiday sticks." The inspector did not say an accord against Oommunism p r o i ^ Wtk The Hoover Belgian Foreign Minister Paul 'asr Oonqiany. Christ In America, Host Reverand oommlttae chairman for at least a whether or not services of tbe re- which their portocol declared *'con­ Oecisioi^ WHI Probably SO per cent attendance of local vet­ SPORT COATS P.paak at behest o f the full confer- cently appointed supernumeraries Joseph F. Rummel, Archbishop of erans In the Armistice Day parade tinue# to place the civliised world” euce. The communication waa Center Church Women's Guild has New Orleane and Dr. WilUam H. would be requested fOr the lee de- IVopdsal Of Convention. ' iwcnred a speaker for its meeting Thursday. The meeting place will tall. In the "coiiatant” danger o f war. framed as a reply to declarations Come Over Next Spring. Fineshriber, Rabl^ Philadelphia. be as usual the Army and Navy Watch them go by on a pleas­ made by Japan when she formally ';_dor Wednesday afternoon, Novem- The report discloses the Interest­ The protocol atipulatod that Italy *Jbar 10 at 2:80, Arthur S. Barnes, club. A ll ex-service unit Com­ ant Sunday afternoon, proof of declined to attend the Brussels ing facta that during the past year be considered an original signatory Chicago, Nov.
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