546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JANU.A.RY 9, I ' tobacco and cigars from the Philippine Islands-to the Commit­ A bill (H. R. 14351) for the Telief of the Gull River Lumber tee on Ways and Means. Company, its assigns or successors in interest; and · By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Papers to accompany bill A bill (H. R. 17094) making appropriations for fortifications for relief of Joseph C. Prossler-to the Committee on Invalid and other woks of defense, for the armament thereof, for the Pensions. procurement of heavY ordnance for trial, and for other purposes. A.l o papers to accompany bill for relief of John H. Caton, of PETITIONS .AND ME.MOBIALS. Atount' Pisgah,_Ind.-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mr. GAMBLE presented a petition of the Business Men's By Mr. RYAN: Petition of the Carriage Builders' National Club of Deadwood, S. Dak., and a petition of the Retail Association, for legislation empowe1·ing the Interstate Com­ Implement Dealers' Association of Alexandria, S. Dak., praying merce Commission to change freight rates-to the Committee for the enactment of legislation to enlarge the powers of the on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Interstate Commerce Commission; which were referred to the . ·By Mr. SHEPPABD: Papers. to accompany bill f~r relief of Committee on Interstate Commerce. John Winemiller-to the Colllllllttee on Invalid PensiOns. He also presented a memorial of the Woman's Christian By Mr. SNOOK : Papers to accompany bill for relief of Ida Temperance Union of Gary, S. Dak., remonstrating against the M. Long-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. repeal of the present anticanteen law; which was referred to the . By Mr. SMillEL W. S::\ITTH : Petition of 50 citizens of Committee on Military Affairs. Fenton, Mich., urging _legislatlon against polygamy-to the Com­ He also presented a petition of the Woman's Christian Tem­ mittee on tlie Judiciary. perance Union of Volin, S. Dak., praying for the adoption AJs0 _petition of W. H. Magee, of Strobridge, Mich.. favoring of a certain amendment to the sutfruge clause in the statehood bill H.' R. 13778--to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign bill ; which was ordered to lie on the table. Commerce. - 1\fr. COCKRELL presented a petition of the Merchants' Ex­ -.AI 0 petition of Charles Burnett et -al., of Rose, 1\fich., favor­ change of St. Louis, Mo., praying for the ratification of inter­ ing bill H. R. 13778--to the Committee on Interstate and For­ national arbitration treaties; which was referred to the Com­ eign Commerce. mittee on Foreign Relations . .Also, petition of citizens of Hartland, Mich., against the He also presented the petition of Mrs. J. A. Arbuthnot, of enactment of legi lation fa>oring the domestic parcels-post Brookfield Mo., and a petition of sundry citi..zens of Linn County, bill-to the -Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Mo., praying for the adoption of an amendment to the Consti­ Also petition or" Pontiac Grange, No. 283, favoring the Grout tution to prohibit polygamy; which were referred to the Com­ bill-t~ the Committee on .Agriculture. mittee on the Judich'l.ry. Also, petition of Oxford Gr~nge, No. 395, favoring the Grout Mr. CULLOM presented petitions of sundry citizens of Odell, bill-to the Committee on .Agnculture. of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Mount Sterlittg, Also petition of George B. D. Alexander, for an increase of and of sundry citizens of Chrisman, all in the State of illinois, pen io~-to the Committee on Pensions. praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit the manu­ · By Mr. STERLING: Papers to accompany bill H. R. 16422, facture and sale of intoxicating liquors in the Indian Territory for the relief of E<lward Cook-to the Committee on Claims. when .admitted to statehood; which w·ere ordered to lie on the .Also papers to accompany bill H. R. 16622, for the relief of table. :Willialn H. Boyle-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Chic11go, ' Also, papers to accompany bi~ H. R. 16621! for th.e relief of Ill., praying that an investigation be made into the conditions 1:WHliam Meredith-to the Comilllttee on Invalid Pens1ons. existing in the Kongo Free State; which was referred to the .Also, papers to accompany bill H. R. 1_6254, f~r relief of Lydia Committee on Foreign Relations. ~. Howard-to the Committee on Invalid Penswns. _ He also .presented .a petition of sundry citizens of Philadel­ phia, Pa., praying for the ratification of international a:rbitra­ SENATE. tion treaties; which was referred to the Committ~e OJ?. Foreign Relations. ~ (' . MO}.J)AY, January 9, 1905. Mr. McENERY. I present a concurrent resolution of the legislature of Louisiana, favoring an appropriation for the im­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EDwABD E. H.Ar..E. · provement of the navigation of the Sabine River from its '.rhe Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ mouth to Logansport, in that State. I ask that the resolution be inO's of Friday last, when, on request of Mr. LODGE, and by printed in the REccmn and referred to the Committee on Com-- un"'n.nimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. merce. IRRIGATION IN CALIFORNIA .AND .ARIZONA. 'l'here being no objection, the resolution was referred to the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. PERKINS) laid before the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed in the Senate a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, RECORD, as follows : transmitting pursuant to law, information relative to the use . House concurrent resolution No. 15, of the wate{·s of the Lower Colorado River for the irrigation Memorializing Congress to make appropriations for the improvement of the navigation of the Sabine River from its mouth to Logans- of arid lands in the State of California and the Territory of port, La. · Arizona; which, with the accompanying paper, was referr~d to Whereas in the opinion of this body the Sabine River Valley and the Committee on lrrigation and Reclamation of .Arid Lands, adjacent terr1tory would be greatly benefited by the making navigable this river: Therefore, be it and ordered to be printed. Resolved by the legislature of the State of Louisiana, That the Con­ FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS. gre s of the United States is hereby memorialized In the interest'"of The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate a com­ navigation· commerce, and the genera! welfare of the people of the Sabine Riv'er Valley to .secure an appropriation for survey and improve­ munication from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, ment of llaid Sabine River; that our Senators and llepresentative:s in transmitting a certified copy of the findings of fact filed by the Congress be urged to use their intl.uence to this end: '.r!J.eretore, be it court in the cause of the trustees of the Mount Horeb Meth­ Re8olvea, That a copy of this resolution, duly certified, be forwarded to our Senators and Representatives in Congress. odist Episcopal Church South, of Fauquier County Va., v. The R. H. SNYDER, United States; which, with the accompanying paper, was re­ Speaker of the House of Representatives. ferred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. P. M. 'L.u.IBREYONT, He also 1aid before the Senate a communication from the President pro t empore of the Senate. assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a certified Approved. NEWTON C. BLANCHAliD, copy of the findings of fact filed by the court in the cause of Governor of the State of Lou-isiana. Clayton G. Landis, administrator of the estate of David B. Mr. McENERY. -I present a concurrent ·resolution of the Landis, deceased, v. The United States; which, with the .ac­ legislature of Louisiana, favoring an appropriation to complete companying paper, was referred to the Committee on Claims, the construction of the locks on Bayou Plaquemine at a p_oint and ordered to be printed. where it empties into the Mississippi River. I ask that ·the resolution be printed in the RECORD, and referred to the Com- ELECTORAL VOTES. mittee on Commerce. The PRESIDI~G OFFICER laid before the Senate commtmi­ There being no objection, the resolution was referred to the cations from the Secretary of State, trasmitting the final ascer­ Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed in- the tainment of the electors for President and Vice-President for the RECoRD, as follows : States of Washington, New Hampshire, and South carolina; Hous.e concurrent resolution No. 6, memorializing Congress to com­ which, with the accompanying papers, were ordered to be filed. plete the construction of the locks on Bayou Plaquemine at the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. point where the aforesaid bayou empties Into the Mississippi Rlv~r. Whereas in the opinion of this body the Teche, Valley woulq. be A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. greatly benefited by the completion of the locks now in the course of B.RowNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the Hop.s_e had construction on Bayou Plaquemine near the town of Plaql;J.e.~ine, parish of Iberville: Therefore be it · passed the following bills; in which it requested the concurrence R esolved by the legislature of the State of Louisiana, T.hat the Con­ of the Senate: gress of the United States is hereby memorialized in the interest ot 1905. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SE~A'fE. 547 navigation, commerce, and the general welfare of the people of the Whereas, the same properly and justly comes under the province and Teche section to have completed the locks on Bayou Plaquemine where jm·isdiction of our General Government; and .
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