DEVOTED TO BASE BALL BICYCLING GUNS VOLUME 29, NO. 18. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 24, 1897. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. BREAKS AVERTED. ARE ON THEIR WAY HOME YIA TWO MINOR LEAGUES MAKE MID- EUROPE. SEASON SHIFTS, To Play in England Before Returning The Eastern League Transfers the Ro to Australia Much Pleased With chester Team and Franchise to Their Treatment in This Country, Montreal and the Texas League Though Their Trip Was a Failure, Shifts Denison©s Clnl) to Waco, Thirteen members of the Australian base For the first time in years a mid-season ball team sailed ou the 15th inst. from New change has been made in the Eastern York ou the American liner "St. Paul" for League circuit. Some time ago a stock England. Those in the party were: Man company was organized in Montreal by Mr. ager Harry Musgrove, Charles Over, Charles W. H. Rowe, with ample capital, with a Kemp, Walter G. Ingleton, Harry S. Irwin, view to purchasing an Eastern League fran Peter A. McAllister, Rue Ewers, Arthur chise. Efforts were made to buy either tlie K. Wiseman, Alfred S. Carter, J. H. Stuck- "Wilkesbarre or Kochester Clubs, both of ey, John Wallace and Frank Saver. which were believed to be in distress. The MU SGKOVE© S PLANS. former, however, was braced up and "We shall carry out our original inten will play out the season. Rochester tion ,of a trip around the world," said Mr. was on the fence regarding the Musgrove. ©-We shall probably play some proposition made when fate stepped in and de games in London and other parts of iCngland cided the question. Fire destroyed the Rochester and then resume our journey homeward. The grand stand on July 16, causing a, loss of $7000 American peopie have been very kind to us and to the unfortunate club owners. Then the Mon we shall carry home pleasant recollections of our treal proposition was accepted. The National journey." Board assented to the transfer of the franchise, In discussing the base ball aspect of the tour and team to Montreal, ajid at a special meeting Wr. Musgrove said: of the Eastern League, held in New York Cily, "That has been a disappointment. We have July 18, the deal was ratified and consummated. played twenty-six games and lost all but a few. Montreal takes the team and record of the Ro We were surprised by the wonderfully fine point chester Club, and pays all expenses due to the to which Americans have reduced the game. The change. The Montreal Club also agrees to put throwing and fielding are marveloiis, and until up two grounds at Montreal, one for weekday our players improve in those branches of the and the other for Sunday. The Rochester team sport they cannot hope to compete with Amer played its first game as the Montreal team at icans." Scranton, July 17. The opening game at Hoii- THE PROSPECTS AT HOME. treal was set for July 23. "What are the prospects of the game in Aus tralia?" "Its future depends on it being taken up by A Texas League Shift. the schools. At present it is played only by mem The Texas League last week was also in a bers of cricket clubs, and is doubled up with shaky condition for twenty-four hours. On July cricket matches. If the game can be introduced 12, the Dennison Club suddenly threw up the- in the schools and taught to the youngsters it sponge to the surprise of everybody connected will then have, a healthy growth." with the League. Quick action was taken by the The Australians were to have played a game League president and managers, however. .Tames July 15 at the Polo Grounds with a team headed M. Drake, of Waco,© was offered the franchise by Jim Corbett, but. the boxer claimed a lanie John P. Fifield, like many other New England players, had to go West before gaining a and club if he would carry the club through the back as the reason for declaring the game off, reputation as a piofessional player, and allhourrii only a little over two seasons on the green dia season, which ends on Aug. 23, the arrange LAWSOX ALSO GOES ABROAD. ment to be ratified by President Heuerman and Al Lawson, the well-known pitcher and minor mond, he is looked upon as one of the best fielding pitchers in the business. He was born Oct. other League authorities. In the meantime league manager and promoter, intended to sail 5, 1871, at Enfield, N. H., and learned 10 play ball at an early age. It was not until 1895, Manager Pierce Chiles held the players together, however, that he received his first professional engagement from the Little Rock Club, of, the outfieider Howe being the only player to leave for England with the Australians, but was de Southern League, remaining with its team until the last of July, and participating in 43 cham layed. He sailed from Philadelphia July 17. for his home in Atchison, Ivas. Mr. Drake ac pionship games. He was then engaged by the Chicago Club of the National League and Ameri cepted the club and at a special meeting of the He goes to London, under the auspices of R. S. can Association, but before getting a thorough trial he was released about the middle of August, Knowles, the comedian, to coach the players of and immediately signed with the Detroits of the Western League, with whose team he finished Texas League held at Dallas, July IS, the trans the London Base Ball Association. There are fer was ratified. On the 15th, the Dennison tenmi twelve teams in the association, and if Lawson the season. It was while with the Little Rocks that Fifield did his best work during the season opened at Waco, as the local club, with a victory of 1895, he playing in almost every position on the diamond, from catcher to right field. He was and to date has received encouraging support. finds the players far enough advanced in the re-engaged by the Detroit Club for the season of 1896. and participated in 69 championship con- American game he mny arrange to bring an Eng testa, filling several infield positions when not pitching. About his best pitching feat last year lish team home with him in the fall. Mr. Law- was the winning of two games from the Indianapolis team, on the afternoon of Aug. 19. at De PARKERSBURG©S CLUB son has been in England before, and he believes troit. His best batting performance in any one game was the making of three safe hits, in^lud- there is a great future for our game over ibere ing a home run and a triple bagger, in a game played July 5, at Grand Rapids. On July 10, at Is in New Hands and Will be Kept in in time. Minneapolis, be accepted all of nine chances at short field, and on June 12, at St. Paul, he ac cepted eight out of ten chances at second base. Tins year he was brought -o Philadelphia by the Field. PUGILISTIC PLAYERS. Manager Stallings. and has so far justified the claim of future greatness made for him. He has Parkersburg. W. Va., July 20. Editor "Sport pitched good ball, though he has been often handicapped by poor support, and will undoubtedly ing Life:" The Parkersburg Base Ball team haa Little Conflicts at Louisville and hold his own in the National League. been reorganized under new management. Big. Marcus, of Ohio and West Virginia League Paterson. fame, sold his interest and retired from the busi Louisville, July 18. The troubles of the New ness. A number of citizens have subscribed York Club players did not end on the ball field SOCKALEXIS© SPEED. WHISTLER IS SATISFIED. enough to put the team in good financial stand lust Friday. Davis still bears a grudge against ing, and they are now open for dates© with auy Manager Clarke for jumping into him at second A Peculiar AVay the Indian Has of Springfield©s Manager Thinks His first-class club. They, claim to have the fast base in the first game on that day. The affair Team Can Play Whining Ball. est club in the Ohio Valley. The following Cin came very near ending in a fight in the halls of Running. cinnati boys are with the te©m: Honeyman, Ko©ie, the Gait House yesterday morning. It seems "Sockalexis, the redskin of Tebeau©s Erin-go- Springfield, O., July 20. Editor "Sporting Nipper aud Latirner. The team is fiiuxl with the that both Davis and Capt. Joyce were on the braugh Indians, has the flat-footed glide that be Life:" Manager Lew Whistler, of the Springfield exception of a short stop. We play Marietta at lookont for Clarke since the affair occurred. trays his origin," says Tom Brown. "Watch ball team, said to-day that he was well satisfied Blennerbasset Island on Sundi:y. Address all When they met him yesterday morning they him closely when he©s ©on the bases, and you with his nine, and felt that they could play win communications to Arc Hastings, Parkersburg. stopped him and asked him if he wanted to fight. will discover that be plants his pedals firm on ning ball. Clarke, realizing where he was, replied that he the ground at every step. He probably inher Kupert. the Fall River, Mass.. man. who did not. A heated argument followed, but neither its this flat-footed tread from his forefathers, caught his first game here Friday, is a good find DATES FIXED.
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