MASONIC TOKEN. --- ------------------------------------------—---------------- WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY K-N(J W VOLUME 5. PORTLAND, ME., JULY 15, 1909. Ng. 9. with a very pleasant excursion into Aroos­ Published quarterly by Stephen Berry Co., §650 insurance on the paraphernalia. The Council had insurance of §500 ; the East­ took County to the camp of M. W. Bro. No. 37 Plum Street, Portland, Maine. ern Star §150. The records were kept else­ Chase. Twelve cts. per year in advance. where and were saved. The collection of St. John’s Day. Established March, 1867. - - 43d Year. proceedings was burned. Portland Commandery spent the day on The Grand Master has made the follow­ Advertisements 34.00 per inch, or $3.00 for Great Chebeague Island in Casco Bay. half an inch for one year. ing changes in the 1st and 25th districts for St. Alban Commandery went to Hampton No advertisement received unless the advertiser, convenience in visiting : Beach, N. H., where it met Trinity of or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in good standing. 96 Monument, Houlton, and Manchester, N. H. 197, Aroostook, Blaine, Lewiston Commandery went to Augusta A CRUST. are transferred to the 1st district, and where it was entertained by Trinity. 72 Pioneer, Ashland, and Bradford Commandery of Biddeford went August waits with folded hands, 209 Fort Kent, Fort Kent, to Moosehead Lake 27th and 28th and Dreaming in the golden haze; Barley for the reaper stands are transferred to the 25th district. stopped at the Kineo Honse. Bronzing in the sun’s soft rays. Palestine Commandery of Belfast went to New Masonic Temple.—The Building On the ponds the lilies lie, Seal Harbor. Anchored just beyond the reeds; Committee of the new masonic temple are In tim hedges milkweed high St. Alderaar Commandery of Houlton Spins white pinions for its seeds. tearing down the buildings on the Boody went to Camden 23d, where it was enter­ Peaches in the orchards glow. lot preparatory to laying the foundations Ruddy with the suns sweet wine; tained 24th by Camden Commandery. Corn and melons lusty grow, for the new masonic building. Vying with the clustered vine. St. Amand Commandery of Kennebunk Morning comes with wealth of dew, Waterville, June 20.—Over three hundred came to Portland and spent the day at Evening brings her restful cheer. Knights Templar from De Molay Command­ Peak’s Island. Knowing fruit and grain accrue For the harvest drawing near. ery of Skowliegan, Lewiston of Lewiston, Oriental Commandery of Bridgton went Seed has changed to fruit and flower, Trinity of Augusta and St. Omer of Water­ to Norway and had a picnic at Pennessee- Nature now her toil abates; ’Tis the season’s noontide hour, ville gathered at the First Baptist Church wassee Lake. Augusts folds her hands and waits. [New York Times.] this afternoon to hear the sermon by Henry Boston Commandery came down and W. Rugg, D. D., of Providence, R. I., passed the day at the Bay of Naples on Most Eminent Grand Commander of the Lake Sebago, going later to Poland Springs. MASONRY IN HAINE. Grand Encampment of the United States, Winslow Lewis Commandery of Salem Red Cross of Constantine. which was made the feature of the annual came to Portland June 17th, were escorted Maine Conclave, 1, Portland. Silas H. observance of St. John’s Day by the local to their quarters at the Congress Square Adams, Sovereign ; Harmon C. Crocker, commandery. Viceroy; Albert W. Meserve, Sen. Gen.; Hotel by Portland Commandery, went down The theme of the sermon was "Spiritual Llewellyn Carleton, Jun. Gen.; Samuel F. the Bay in the afternoon, and had a banquet Bearce, Recorder. Visions,” the importance of visions in the in the evening to which the principal officers past that have been strong enough to direct Princes of Jerusalem. of Portland and St. Alban Commanderies ambition in the right channels and produce Portland Council, 1, Portland. Silas B. were invited. the greatest good being emphasized and the Adams, m ; Albert W. Meserve, hp ; Leroy On the 18th they went to Riverton, where F. Tobie, sw ; Herbert N. Maxfield, jw; vision of Knights Templar-ideal Christian they dined; and at 6 p. m. started for Salem. William N. Howe, sec. manhood being explained and commended. After the service at the church the Sir The dispensation for the new lodge at Eastern Star. Knights went to Masonic Temple where a McKinley was issued June 2d under date Lewiston, May 25.—At the annual ses­ light luncheon was served and a social hour of May 6th. The officers are: sion of the Grand Chapter of the Maine enjoyed. Albert D. Moore, Bernard, m. O. E. S., officers for the ensuing year were George M. Wallace, Tremont, sw. Dedications.—Grand Master Edmund elected as follows: Fred J. Rich, Tremont, jw. B. Mallet dedicated the new masonic hall Grand matron, Mrs. Cora M. Putnam, Herbert P. Richardson, McKinley, sec. at Island Falls June 16th, assisted by Frank Houlton; grand patron, Albert Atkins, Dex­ ter; associate grand matron, Miss Edith PREsque Isle.—The destructive fire in J. Cole, Sen. Gr. Warden, Freeman M. Lenfest, Thomaston; associate grand pat­ Presque Isle in early June consumed the Grant, Gr. Marshal, and P. Gr. Master ron, Albert Carl; grand secretary, Annette masonic hall and most of its contents. The Albro E. Chase as Grand Tyler, and the H. Hooper, Biddeford; grand treasurer, charters were all saved, together with the local brethren. Mrs. EmmaV. Bodge, Augusta; grand con­ ductress, Miss Bertha Crane, Machias; as­ altar, officers’ chairs, station pillars and On June 21st he dedicated the new ma­ sociate grand conductress, Mrs. Mary A. pictures of prominent deceased masons. sonic hall at Kenduskeag, assisted by the Sears, Lewiston. There was §2000 insurance on the building, same officers. This evening a reception was tendered to which fully covered the loss. There was The Grand Officers combined these duties the grand officers in the new Kora Temple 66 MASONIC TOKEN, JULY 15, 1909. and the degree was exemplified by Mt. Oli­ the Mediterranean Pass). All candidates GRAND Lodge Cards.—One of the " in­ vet Chapter of Lewiston. About 1,000 were must be Royal Arch Free Masons.”—[Ma­ novations” which seems to be making a sonic S'wn.] rapid progress in Masonry is the adoption in attendance. by Grand Lodges of a card, or certificate Our Masonic Exchanges. system, a copy to be furnished to every Books, Papers, etc. member in good standing annually. Some Ashlar, Detroit, Michigan, monthly, 25 c. Annual Calendar of Universal Masonry, of them require an imprint of the seal of the Canadian Craftsman, Toronto, Ontario, 1909, Switzerland, Biichler & Co., Berne, Grand Lodge and a certificate that the lodge monthly, $1. issuing the same is legal and the card au- from Ed. Quartier-la-Tente, Neuchatel. An Eastern Star, Indianapolis, Indiana, month- thorized by the Grand Lodge. The old idea excellent list of foreign lodges, especially amongst masons used to be, that the only those of Germany. Of the United States, ’ ly, $L way of establishing masonic identity was Eastern Star Journal, Grand Rapids, Mich­ from mouth to ear, and although diplomas only the Grand Lodges are given. igan, monthly, 50 cents. have long been in vogue, they were not re­ garded as evidence of masonic standing, ex­ Wilfred E. Ricker, G. K. R. S., has is­ Freemason, The, Toronto, Ont., Canada, sued his proceedings, Knights of Pythias, cept in the lodge issuing the same, and were monthly, 50 cents. nowhere taken as evidence, that the party for May, 1909. There are 139 lodges, 16,- Globe, The, Gravette, Arkansas, monthly, holding the same was a mason. If such a 675 members, and 1043 initiates., practice were to be introduced, for instance, 25 cents. in this jurisdiction, and a card, or certifi­ The Fenix is a new monthly magazine, Lodge Record, Benson, Minnesota, month­ cate, were required by every lodge member, published in the city of Mexico as the of­ ly, 25 cents. it would take a considerable clerical force ficial organ of the Supreme Council and Los Angeles Freemason, Los Angeles, Cal., to prepare them and involve an expense al­ together disproportionate to any possible the Gran Logia Valle de Mexico. Santiago monthly, $1. good which would result. We think that S. Paz is the editor. Price §2 in gold. It Masonic Advocate, Indianapolis, Indiana, our Grand Lodge acted wisely when it re­ has an English department in addition to monthly, §1.50 fused, a couple of years ago, to put in force any such plan, for it would only have been the Spanish. Masonic Constellation, St. Louis, Mo., but a short time before every masonic tramp The Templar Order in Scotland. monthly, §1. would have managed to acquire his card and Masonic Chronicler, Chicago, Ill., weekly, then we would have frauds galore. As it By the courtesy of J. II. Balfour Mel­ is, wc have numbers of them, who personate §L ville, K. C. T., Secretary of the Great Pri­ lodge members by obtaining their names ory of the Religious and Military Order of Masonic Herald, Rome, Georgia, mo., §1. from the proceedings.—[Fred Speed, Grand the Temple in Scotland, we are enabled to Masonic Light, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Secretary of Missouri.'] publish the following information concern­ monthly, §1.50. ing the Templar body in that country : Masonie History. "The history of the Knights Templars Masonic Ashler, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, BY THE LATE MAJOR ALFRED BRATT. extends from the institution of the Order fortnightly, §2.40. in 1118, under the Mastership of Hugo de The years 1775'to 1778 proved to be a Masonic News, Peoria, Ill., monthly, §1.
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