. trfr'Vr •:•• AMER! I a .......•••••••••••• .•••••=•••••• .•••••••.CAN S;ngle Copy $1, SIZUHRE DRNCE Annul! 5— JUNE 1979 NATIONAL SQUARE DANCE CONVENTION SITE- MECCA MILWAUKEE- JUNE 21-23 saaao2evossaporoos ,1111111111111111111" !gat 11144 ', k m, Pk •.4 • • rojiarit • • ; • I .4•••.. ks 106 — . 4 : ' ' • :.;.90" • • Made by Square Dancers For Square Dancers THE MAJESTIC Glove tanned leather. Poron cushion insole. Fully lined. Steel shank bounce back toe. Elastic under the buckle. 1" heel. The Quality Standard Against Which All Square Dance Shoes Are Compared. Males: c Sizes , S. • •1. • • • • • • t[b • • • • :1: 1 'wadable in Black Wrote Red. Navy. Brown Gold. Silver THE DANCER The Fashion Leader for Round Dancers. Glove tanned leather and all the same high quality standards as the Majestic. With 1 7/8" heel. Dancer Sizes 4.1 • • • • :1:1 Available in Black 'him Arc. Navy. Brown. BOW & Silver SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR WRITE PROMENADERS FOR THE DEALER NEAREST YOU. Promenaders, Inc. P. 0. Box 550 WINDER, GEORGIA 30680 Tekipboae: 4,4-1674614 If you have questions, or would like to see how PROMENADERS are made, visit Booth #100 at the 28th National Convention in Milwaukee. 2 AMERICAN [) VOLUME 34, No. 6 SIURRE DANCE JUNE 1979 THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE WITH THE SWINGING LINES 4 Co-editorial 6 Grand Zip 7 By-Line 11 Square Dance Romance 13 Applause Is Not Enough 14 28th National Convention 19 The Agony of De Feet Publishers and Editors 21 Square Dancing on German TV Stan & Cathie Burdick 23 Memo to Square Dancers Workshop Editors 25 Catch All Eight — And More 27 Callerlab Confab Willard Orlich 29 Rhyme Time Bob Howell 30 Straight Talk Ed Fraidenburg 31 Best Club Trick 35 Square Line Record Reviewers 37 Hem-Line John Swindle 38 Dandy Idea Frank & Phyl Lehnert 39 Encore 42 Puzzle Page Feature Writers 43 Tornado Harold & Lill Bausch 44 Keep 'Em Dancing Jim Kassel 46 Dancing Tips 47 Calling Tips Mary Jenkins 48 Easy Level Page Dave & Shirley Fleck 50 Goin' Back To Jackson 52 Challenge Chatter Editorial Assistants 54 Workshop Mona Bird 60 Feedback Mary Fabik 62 People 63 International News Ruth Garris 68 Product Line Mef Merrell 69 R/D Record Reviews 70 S/D Record Reviews American Squaredance 74 Events PO Box 488 78 S/D Pulse Poll Huron, Ohlo 44839 79 RID Pulse Poll 80 Steal A Peak AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE Maga- 81 Underlining Note Services zine (ISSN 0091-3383) is published by 83 Speaking of Singles Burdick Enterprises. Second class pos- 97 Book Nook tage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy 98 Finish Line deadline first of month preceding date 100 Laugh Line of issue. Subscription: $8.00 per year. Single copies: $1 each. Mailing address: Box 788, Sandusky OH 44870. Copy- The appearance of advertisement in right 1979 by Burdick Enterprises. All American Squaredance does not consti- rights reserved. tute an endorsement of the product. 3 "Make new friends, but keep the old, One is silver, the other gold." June is "make a friend at Conven- tion" month. Dancers may go to Milwaukee for the dancing, but meeting dollars to doughnuts they're dancers. new friends and greeting old ones are Play the game, no rules necessary. But the biggest fringe benefits of the event. if you attempt a casual conversation Many of us have found that national with the strangers, you'll find more conventions are reunion times. instant friendship. Dancers who have relocated since Let us remind you, too, that Booth lessons often find their "angels" and #407 will contain more of your friends. callers from previous years dancing up a That's the ASD booth and we'll be storm at the "national." Friends from looking for you to stop by. clubs of other years and other cities are Perhaps our convention badges are a eager to chat, to lunch or share fun at an large factor in the comraderie and after-party. conversations that are evident between Dancers who vacation every year at tips. At these large gatherings where the convention find familiar faces one is greeting acquaintances from long smiling across the squares. In camp- ago (or last year's convention), much ground facilities and hotel elevators, embarrassment is saved when badges dancers from distant places form instant are in plain sight. Hint to callers: wear friendships. your badge on your jacket, not your The square dance convention may be shirt pocket. You may think everyone the most predominantly couple-oriented knows you, but the person you're of any such large meeting. Arriving a talking to may be searching wildly for day or so early in every convention city the tag to your familiar face. And it may (because of the booth), we play the be fun to say "Bet you don't remember game of identifying square dancers me," to someone, but it's embarassing before they are dressed in crinolines to admit, "The face is familiar but I and club badges. Did you realize square can't remember your name." Consi- dancers have a certain look? And if a deration for our friends will make the couple out of their teens are holding 28th Convention the best ever. hands and chatting as they sightsee, See you there — Booth #407! 4 American Squarerlance June 1979 S D In the heart of the country Taking the Pulse of the S/D Activity American Squaredance PO Box 488 Huron, Ohio 44839 AMERICAN SQURRE ORNCE Please start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enciosea. One Year at $8 Two Years at $14 Canadian and Foreign add $1 per year postage NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE American Squaredance, June 1979 5 Many folk I've spoken to feel as I do. Thanks for the consideration. Alfred T. Foss Buffalo, New York 6lattct Zip ED. NOTE: Thank you for the sugges- tion. We have also been considering making a change. As soon as the size of the "Events" lists allows a two-month listing, we will publish both months and from then on, we will list the events for the month following the publication month. This means that the deadline for submitting events to be listed will now be two months before the event month. Thank you for publishing my article in the April issue of American Square- dance and also for the check. Work and You don't realize how thoughtful and calling seem to be getting the way of generous square dancers are until you writing but would like to continue lose someone special. Our daughter sending them to you whenever they Yvonne had leukemia and after an come off the typewriter. illness of fourteen months passed away Our square dance legislation did not in March. We received sympathy cards make it out of committee in the state with donations in them and many many legislature. They said it was "frivolous telephone calls from square dancers all legislation" but after several thousand over. square dancers called legislators they We would like to take this means of were sorry for their decision. We will try expressing a big "Thank you" to all the again next seesion and maybe be a bit square dancers we cannot thank in more organized. Allen Finkenaur person. To all of us, "she is not dead, Trumbull, Connecticut she is just away." Mal & Shirley Minshall Keep the "Easy Level" material Sidney, Nebraska coming. We sure can use it. We enjoy the American Squaredance. It always Over 1000 attended our Double 30th seems to be full of information. Dance, and we believe it was a huge Claude King success! Columbiaville, Michigan At least a dozen guests— and some As you can see from the enclosed were from as far away as New York and renewal, we're taking off to be "down Florida— told us they had learned of the under" for the next two years. Phil will dance from American Squaredance! be on special assignment for GE in (February, 1979) Sydney. My personal thanks go to you, too, for We spent two weeks in Sydney in the unexpected by-line November and found there's lots of Kathy Bearman square dancing available. They spoke Oklahoma City, Oklahoma very highly of your visit the year before. We hope to keep dancing but doubt Phil A note of appreciation for a real will have time for any calling usable little magazine. Carolyn & Phil DelIwo A suggestion: In your "Events" Lynchburg, Virginia column maybe you could list those a month in advance rather than for the current month. I find that many have Enclosed please find my personal already happened before the magazine check for a year's subscription. We arrives. And there isn't time enough to enjoy your magazine very much here in plan or prepare for many more. Saudi Arabia. C. D. Hamff, Jr. 6 American Squeredence, June 1979 The annual square dance "gala," our National Convention, fills a lion's share of pages in this June issue. Committee photos are published to give a small measure of appreciation and recognition to the dancers who spend three years preparing the largest square dance party in the world. The articles by Ida Rellinger (your feet at the convention) and Dick and Carole Manning (exhibition groups) tie right in with the convention theme. Romance is another traditional June theme, provided this year by Mrs. Kermit Nelson in her story of a double square dance wedding. Humor and fun are served up by Bette Sondike in her puzzle and by Chuck and Ruth Spaulding, square dance rhymsters. One answer to the dancer drop-out problem is suggested by Peg Tirrell and the Northern New Jersey S/D Association.
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