INACTIVE - ALL ITEMS SUPERSEDED OR OBSOLETE Schedule Number: NC2-127-85-01 This schedule provided disposal authority for records previously accessioned into the holdings of the National Archives. Per NARA Directive 1540 – Reappraisal and Deaccessioning of Archival Federal Records: An internal disposal is the permanent removal of a discrete set of an accessioned series of records from NARA’s physical and legal custody, from any number of physical locations (up to and including all physical locations), because they have been reappraised as temporary, without affecting the existing disposition authority for any remaining records. This removal can result in the records being destroyed, permanently returned to an agency, or donated to another organization. It is assumed that the schedule was implemented after the record scheduling process was completed (concurrence by the agency, notice to the public via the Federal Register, and approval by the Archivist of the United States). Date Reported: 11/18/2020 INACTIVE - ALL ITEMS SUPERSEDED OR OBSOLETE REQUEST FO~ RECoRo01sPosrr10N A._UTHORtTY LEAVE BLANK (See Instructions on reverse) JOB NO TO: GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, NATIONAL ARCHIVES .AND RECORDS SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC 20408 -------------------------tDATE RECEIVED 3 .. za ..as 1. FROM (AGENCY OR ESTABLISHMENTI National. Archiws and Iecorda Serr.tee (NAIB) ,NOTIFICATION TO AGENCY 2. MAJOR SUBDIVISION . .._ ial Archi Di'Vi :L (NNS) In accordance with the provisions of 44 U.S.C. ·3303a the dispusal re- __......;;;,_i-_C_____:n_s__....,.8_GD_ __,..._________----1 quest. including ame_ngments, is approved e~cept for i~ems that may 3. MINOR SUBDIVISION be stamped "dispusal· not approved" or "withdrawn" m column 10. Motion Picture~ Video, and_Sound Branch (NNSM) 4. NAME OF PERSON WITf'I• WHOM TO CONF.ER 5. TEL. EXT. Wil.liam Murph1', Chief, NNSM ·.... , . 202-.523-3063 6. CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE: .;;; ,._ '• . I hereby certify that I am authoriltid to'act for. this agency in matters pertaining to the disposal of the agency's -records; thaf the records proposed for disposal in this Request of 2 page(s) are not now needed for the business of this agency or will not be neede.d after the retention" periods specified. [!1 A Request for immediate disposal. D B Request for disposal after a specified period of. time or request for permanent retention. · E. .TITLE 9 1. 8. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM • 10. ITEM NO. (With Inclusive Dates or Retention Periods) , ,-. SAMPLE OR ACTION TAKEN . JOB NO. f?cli- Nt3-/J..7-11-/. 1. INTE'.mAL DISPOOAI. ~- / \ . Unedited United States Marine Corps (RG-127) motion picture film footage (c~. 1940,,,.1956) or militar;r parades, inspections and troop reviews, routine aboard ship activities, 'embarkations and disembarkations, passes-in-review, sporting events, military ceremonies and dedications) retirement cerenonies, changes-in-comnand,·presentation of awards bel09' the Medal or Honor, visits hr officers, aircraf't landing and taking orr, Marines on shore 1eau;;·canbat demonstratioru,, and stock or..s~lected footage from edited rilDls. · (SEPARATE LIST OF FILM NUMBEIS IS ATTACHED) Thia disposal constitutes a reappraisal o~ approx~ ,, 6200 reel■ o:r unedited 110tion picture tilll orig•~~ acceseioned u NC~127-81-1. App:-ox. 53% haYe been raapprais~ according to the- attached criteria and to'l.md to t,e llOD•perll&MDt. Source: Marj,_ne Corps History and Museums Div., Quantico, V 115-107 STANDARD FORM 115 Revised April, 1975 Prescribed by General Services · Administration FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.4 - ~~ PAGE REQUE~ FO" RECORDS DISPOSITION AUTHORITY -CONTINUATION I. NC2-127-85-1 2 OF 2 7; 9.GRSOR 10.ACTION 8. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM SUPERSEDED . TAKEN ITEM (W"ftll lnalrulua Dots! or R•C.nffon hrlouJ .NO. JOB (NARSUSE CITATION ONLY} DISPOSITION: Transfer film to Commanding General Marine Corps Development and Educaticn Command (C 02) Building 2009 Quantico, Virginia Destroy when no longer required. 115-204 Four copies. lncl11dln1 original to ·11e 111bmlttell STANDARD FORM 115-A (REV. 12-83) to ti. N_atlon■ I Arclllwe1 and Record■ service. Prescribed by GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.4 CRITE~IA FOR DISPOSAL OF US NAVY STOCK FOOTAGE ~elect for disPOsal footage which contains primarily marginal subject matter: 1. Scenic shots without any documentary value as to time, place, or historical condition. 2. Chanqe of command cermonies ashore below 4-star (Admiral), and afloat below 1-star (Vice Admiral) J. outtakes (supplements) to Navy motion pictures (MN'sJ that do not document combat operations. Ja. Routine shi~ activities: only a sampling is needed. 4. S00rts activities. 5. Most launchings, christenings, or con111issionings of ships except those of aircraft carriers (CV), battleships (88), atomic submarines (SSH) and the first of the class of every other ship of the line (submarines, cruisers, destroyers). Retain ceremonies attended by the President or of ships famous in naval history (i.e. u.s.s. Sullivan). Consult the volumes of the Dictionary of ~erican Fighting Ships for guidance. ~- Footage that substantially duplicates footage already in our holdings. 7. Footage originated by the Army or Air Force. The Navy records contain oriqinal llotarine Corps.and Coast Guard footage. a. ~utine or recurring peacetime operations or exercises. Consult with the Navy's o~rations Archives to decide what is routine. 9. Duplicative or repetitive coverage of routine activities aboard ship and ashore. 10. Awards ceremonies except for the Medal of Honor. 11. Out of focus or other poor photography except combat operations. 12. Routine training and testing or demonstrations of equipment and weaa;,ons except for the introduction of new weapons or technology. 13. Entertainment for sailors unless the scenes include well known oersonalities. Navy has on occasion spliced some items together, so that there fflay be 300 feet of a baae baseball game and 100 feet of the Marines storminq a beach in the Pacific. Keep the entire roll. 14. If the films do not show significant operations, activites, events, oersonalities, etc., they may be likely candidates for disposal, unless it is necessary to keep them because they pictorially document the general a0oearance or features of a ship, aircraft, or other major piece of military eauicment or technoloqy. Ne more than one film for each subject should he retained on this basis alone crovide7"'ttie selected film has substantial coverage consistinq of at least several hundred feet of good-to-excellent 0hotoqraphy. 35mr.i HARINE CORE'S lHSPOS,.L LIST I 2 - Air reserves, Camp ~endleton 3 - Maneuvers for air reserves, Camp Pendleton 4 - Air reserves receive schooling, Camp Pendleton 15 - Haneuvers, Cape Gloucester 17 - Training maneuvers, Parvuvu Island - 25 - Reserve training maneuvers, Camp Pendleton 26 - II II II II II 27 - ( II / t I 28 - Reserve traininB maneuvers, Little Creek, Virginia 29 • II II II 30 - II II II 31 - thru 42 - Reserve training, Camp Pendleton, Little Creek, and Cherry Point 46 - Stock footage of Hawaii 49 - Aerial views of Guam 50 - II II 51 - Reserve training, Camp Pendleton 52 - Stock footage of Hawaii 53 - Activities on u.s.s. Tarawa, Hawaii 54 - Stock footage of Hawaii 55 - II II II 57 - Reserve training, Cherry Point, Horth Carolina 58 - Stock footage of Hawaii 59 - II II 60 - II II 61 - Stock footage of Guam 62 - II II I I I 35mm MARINE CORPS DISPOSAL LIST l 64 - Stock footage of Hawaii 65 - General scenes, Camp Pendleton 66 - Stock fqot~ge and general scenes, Hawaii 67 - Training operations, Parvuvu Island and Guam 72 - Stock footage of general scenes, Guam 73 - Stock footage of Hawaii 75 - II II" 77 - II II 78·= - thpi - 83 - :t-Iarine boot camp, San Diego 84 - Stock footage of Hawaii 85 - Marine boot camp, San Diego 86 - Tank maneuvers, Parvuvu Island 87 - Training exercises and various activities, Camp Pendleton 88 - II II II 89 - II II II 91 - II II II 93 - thru - 98 - Training 1 exercises, Camp ~endleton 100 - II II II 102 - Stock footage, Guam 103 - Trainin3 and various activities, Camp Pendleton 104 - Tanks firing, Quantico 105 - Stock footage, Camp Pendleton 106 - thru 10~ - Stock footage, Camp Pendleton 110 - Air reserve, El Toro, California 111 - Poor visual quality 112 - Haneuvers, Camp Pendleton 35mm UARINE CORPS JISE'OSAL LIST 113 - thru - 131 - Centreville stock footage of various camp activities, Camp ?endleton and Gloucester, l-~assachusetts 184 - Activities aboard u.s.s. Gunston Hall 186 - Bulldozer activities, Guam 187 - Air reserves 188 - Air reserves, ~l Toro, California 190 - II II II 191 - Hollywood stars with r:arines 192 - Air reserves 193 • II 194 - Camp scenes, Ca□p Pendleton 196 II II 197 - Iianeuvers, Camp ?endleton 198 - rortola trek, Camp Pendleton 199 - II II 201 - Camp scenes, C£llilp Pendleton 202 - hir reserve training, Ll Toro, Califronia 203 - II II II 204 - Naneuvers, ~(odiak, .:.1aska 205 - II II 210 - Reserve training, Camp Pendleton 211 - thru - 215 - Jemonstration of firing, Quantico, Virginia 217 - Football 8aine, ~<uantico 218 - FHF maneuvers, Quantico 219 - II II 220 - 11 II 221 - Football game, 4uantico 222 - Air reserve, El Toro 35mm MARINE CORPS DISI?OSAL LIST 224 - Football game, Quantico 226 - thru - 239 - Reserve and 1st Harine Division maneuvers, Car.1p :Pendleton 241 - II II II 243 - II II II 244 II II II 245 - II II II 247 - thru - 252 - Stock footage for 11 0nce a Harine 11 261 thru 270 II II II 274 - Sports carnival, Camp Pendleton 275 - II II 276 - Sports carnival and rodeo, Camp :eendleton 277 - II II 280 - Western Division
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