Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00074-2 - The Correspondence of George Berkeley Edited by Marc A. Hight Index More information INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS References here in italics are to numbered letters and not page numbers. A. B. 264 Gibson, Edmund 173?, 210, 254, Annesley, Dorothea See Dubois, Dorothea 258 Arbuthnot, John 89 Guardian 41 Archdale, Mervyn 380–83, 385–86 Hales, Stephen 345 Bearcroft, Philip 355–57 Hanmer, Thomas 314 Benson, Martin 179, 186, 251, 260, 262, 268, Hoadly, John 250 270, 288?, 301, 309, 375, 387 Humphreys, David 217 Bernon, Gabriel 178, 183 Boyle, Dorothy 366 Illustrious Assembly 1 Boyle, John 359 Ironside, Nestor 44–45, 49 Brackstone, James 374 Browne, Jemmett 390 James, John 261, 282, 285 Johnson, Samuel 190, 194, 197, 199, Campailla, Tommaso 91, 120 205, 213, 216, 224, 246, 253, 259, 271, Clap, Thomas 371, 378 274–75, 283, 363, 370, 372–73, 377, Clarke, Henry 280, 333 384, 389 Clergy 323 King, William 13 Dalton, Richard 286 Dublin Journal 308, 327–28, 330, 367 Le Clerc, Jean 27–28, 32–33 Dubois, Dorothea 391–92 Linden, Dietrich W. 317–18 Lloyd, Richard 368–69 Ecles, Henry 266 Englishman 37 Molyneux, Samuel 3, 7, 9, 10 Evans, Thomas 272 Newcastle, Duke of. See Pelham-Holles, Fairfax, Bryan 171 Thomas Faulkner, George 278, 393 Newman, Henry 175, 182, 188, 191, Forster, Nicholas 269 193, 196, 201, 208, 214–15, 227, 229–30, 236 Gervais, Isaac 273, 289–90, 292–93, 295, 302–03, 305, 307, 321, 325, 329, 331–32, Official of Trinity College 267 342, 388 Oglethorpe, James 211 644 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00074-2 - The Correspondence of George Berkeley Edited by Marc A. Hight Index More information Index of correspondents Pelham-Holles, Thomas 352 Roman Catholics 324, 364, 365 Percival, John 4–6, 8, 11, 12, 14–26, 29–31, 34–36, 38–40, 42–43, 46–48, 50–57, Secker, Thomas 249, 265 61–62, 64, 66–68, 70–88, 92–96, 121–26, Sloane, Hans 2 137–38, 143, 147–48, 151, 172, 176–77, Smibert, John 252 181, 185, 187, 189, 192, 195, 200, 203–04, Smythe, Philip 306 206–07, 209, 228, 338, 340–41, 343, 353, Strangford. See Smythe, Philip 358, 360 Percival, John (son) 291, 296–300, 361 Taylor, William 255–57 Philanthropos 320 Pope, Alexander 65, 69, 90, 97 Unknown 287 Prior, Thomas 58, 60, 63, 127–31, 133–36, 139–42, 144–46, 149–50, Wadsworth, Benjamin 225 152–70, 174, 180, 184, 198, 202, Wake, William 132 218–22, 231–35, 237–45, 247–48, 263, Ward 310, 312–13, 316, 319 276–77, 279, 281, 294, 304, 311, 315, Williams, Elisha 212, 223, 226 326, 334–37, 339, 344, 346–51, 354, 362, Wilmot, Robert 322 376, 379 Wolfe, James 284? 645 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00074-2 - The Correspondence of George Berkeley Edited by Marc A. Hight Index More information GENERAL INDEX Page numbers in bold refer to footnotes on the indicated page. The index includes references to Berkeley’s works and to other works mentioned in the letters. Abington, third Earl of. See Bertie, Anglesey, fifth Earl of. See Annesley, Willoughby Arthur abstract ideas, 65, 287, 292, 305, Anglesey, sixth Earl of. See Annesley, 313, 319 Richard of time, 319 Anne, Queen, 74, 75, 125, 582 Account of the Demoniaks both in the New and Berkeley’s fellowship, 98 Testament, 475, 642 and Churchill, 595 Adam, 291 and city of Dublin dispute, 104 Addison, Joseph, 95, 581 creating peers, 131 and Berkeley, 581 and Erskine, 599 Berkeley’s views on, 85 and Herbert, 604 as convert to immaterialism, 94 and John Campbell, 593 and the Iliad, 121 oaths of allegiance to, 22 and Le Clerc, 608 and Townshend, 628 meets Berkeley, xxi Annesley, Arthur, 116 and play Cato, 86, 87, 93 Annesley, Dorothea. See Dubois, Dorothea and Pope, 616 Annesley, Richard, 598 and the Pretender, 81 Anson, Admiral George, 536 and Steele, 625 Apologia pro Ecclesia Anglicana, 429, 638 and Swift, 626 Arbuthnot, John, 582 as a Whig, 85 as convert to immaterialism, 88, 98, Addison, Lancelot, 581 100, 583 Advice to the Tories, xxiii, 120, 635 on French cattle scheme, 87 Aeneas, 144 on preservatives against the Alciphron , xxviii, xxiv , 375 , 623 , 635 plague, 165 Alcock, 73 as Queen Anne’s physician, 583 Alden, Captain, 294 Archdale, Mervyn, 583 alliances in war, 75–78 preserving Berkeley letters, 584 Americans (colonials) archetypes, 288, 290–92, 310 character of, 296 in Berkeley’s philosophy, 310–11 Anabaptists and creation, 291 in Rhode Island, 269, 271 no existence unperceived, 318 Analogy of Religion, 379, 637 Archibald, Mr., 393 Analyst, xxiv, 359, 390, 470, 635 Argyll, second Duke of. See Campbell, John 646 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00074-2 - The Correspondence of George Berkeley Edited by Marc A. Hight Index More information General index Argyll, third Duke of. See Campbell, Bambridge, Thomas, 279 Archibald bank, national, 166, 398–403 Arithmetica , xxvi, 635 and Maxwell, 169 Arnold, Christopher, 273, 278 Percival’s Some Thoughts Touching an Irish and Bermuda project money, 531, 532 Bank, 167, 169 Arnold, Jonathan, 391, 414 and Rowley, 169 Art of Political Lying, 88, 635 Barber, John Ashe, St. George (father), 147, 584 and Van Homrigh estate, 248 Berkeley appointed tutor to son, Barrow, Isaac, 534 xxi, xxiv Barry, David Oge, 18 death of, 156, 158 Barry, James, 184 ordination of Berkeley, 37 Barrymore, fourth Earl of. See Barry, James Ashe, St. George (son), 149, 160, 161, 162, Basil, St., 423 163, 585 Bathurst, Allen, 393 Berkeley appointed tutor to, xxi, xxiii and intentions towards the church and and brother-in-law Gore, 147 universities, 396 death of, 171 and moduses, 382 death of his father, 159 Baxter, Andrew health of, 141, 156 attacking Berkeley’s philosophy, 375 mentioned, 141 Beach, John, 345 nature of, 140 Bearcroft, Philip, 586 and servant, 199 as tutor to Percival’s children, 586 Aspinwall, Richard, 207, 211, 216, 228, Bedford, fourth Duke of. See Russell, John 231, 233, 235, 237, 246, 247, 272, Belcher, Andrew, 352, 353, 354 585, 633 Belcher, Jonathan, 300, 352, 353, 354, atheism, 336 358, 587 growth of in England, 322 Belcher, Jonathan (son), 357 Atterbury, Francis, 585 Beleitha, William and Butler, 593 and Bermuda project, 219 candidate for bishop of Rochester, 96 Bellemare, Peter, 55, 56 and Granville, 603 Benson, Catherine, 378, 404 and impression of Berkeley, 586 and marriage to Secker, 620 as Jacobite conspirator, 132, 180 and William Talbot, 628 meeting Berkeley, 163 Benson, Martin, 275, 294, 330, 338, and Phipps, 616 439, 587 and Sacheverell, 619 and Berkeley’s Discourse Addressed to and Wake, 630 Magistrates, 410–11 Atticus, 113 on Berkeley’s family, 396 Augustine, St. Aurelius, 423 and Bermuda project, 280–81 Augustus, George and bestowing holy orders, 385 as Prince of Wales, 137, 138 and bishopric of Oxford, 396 Augustus, William, 490 on the corruption of manners, 573 Authentic Narrative, 472, 476, 479, 480, death of, 576 500, 529, 541, 562, 641 and funeral of Wake, 403 and George II, 601 Bacon, Mr., 246 and gin, 453 Baldwin, Richard, 486 and granting holy orders, 391 647 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00074-2 - The Correspondence of George Berkeley Edited by Marc A. Hight Index More information General index Benson, Martin (cont.) Berkeley, fourth Earl of. See Berkeley, and Hanoverian troops, 453 Augustus on intentions of ministry to clergy, 407 Berkeley, George, xxii, 436, 576, 584 as lieutenant in Bermuda project, abandonment of Bermuda project, 328, 588 336, 337 on liquors, 573 absence from Trinity College, 127 on the loss of friends, 572 account of riots, 121–22 and moduses, 381–83 and Addison, 95 on old age, 572 and advice to Johnson about King’s and rural deans, 453 College, 541–42 and Secker, 620 and Advice to the Tories, 120 and Thomas Prior, 505 on alliances in war, 75–78 on the treatment of clergy, 381–83 and alpine wolf, 140 and William Talbot, 628 and Analyst, 359, 390 Berkeley, Anne, 576, 588 appointed dean of Derry, xxii, xxiii and death of Gervais’ niece, 493 and Arbuthnot, 87, 88, 100 and farming, 433 and arming militia in Cloyne, 487 as follower of Fe´nelon and de arrival in Rhode Island, 264 Guyon, 588 and Atterbury, 586 and gift of portrait to Prior, 506 and Bermuda project, 185, 187, 188, marriage to Berkeley, xxii, xxiii , 192, 195, 197, 200, 209, 216, 217–19, 260, 262 220–21, 222, 223, 229, 243, 244–45, mentioned, 274, 275, 277, 283, 286, 248, 329 296, 307, 308, 317, 322, 323, 327, 329, and Bernon, 268–69, 276 333, 334, 342, 346, 350, 351, 360, 364, and Bibliothe`que Choisie, 57, 64 366, 373, 377, 380, 384, 385, 394, 395, and bishopric of Cloyne, xxii, xxiv, 361, 405, 408, 411, 412, 413, 415, 417, 438, 362, 363, 364, 368 446, 449, 451, 452, 464, 466, 482, 487, and Blasters, 409 507, 509, 510, 512, 562, 573, 574, and Brereton, 451, 452 576, 577 and buck from Earl of Burlington, 405 and miscarriage, 325, 347 and business of deanery of Derry, 222, and musical instruments, 443, 444 234, 236, 237–38, 239, 351 pregnancy delaying return to England, and Campailla, 155, 191 336 and Catherine Percival, 614 pregnant, 357 and cave of Dumore, 10 and psalms from Gervais, 441 and chapel of ease in Canturk, 386–87, qualities of, 260 388–89 as singer, 455 as chaplain, 105 and spinning manufacture, 281, 398 and charity in Ireland, 392, 398, 523 Berkeley, Augustus, 379, 525, 573 on children, 436 Berkeley, Baron William, 94 and children painting, 506 Berkeley, Captain George and Clarke, 494–95 death of, 524 and comments on Johnson book, 575 estate of, 525, 526, 531 congratulating Percival on elevation, 357 Berkeley, Cornet William, 216 and Conolly’s house, 177, 179, 180, 597 Berkeley, fourth Baron of Stratton.
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