THE LIMA NEWS AUGUSTS FULL LOAD COMING UP Luxury Doilies Cost Little U. 5, TO STUDY Operetta Will Feature NEW SOURCES OF MANGANESE REVO, Nev., Aug. 9—(UP)—. Love Story Of Composer Two U. S. Bureau of Mines «nfi- -*i . _. neers are in Nevada examining t m prospective sites for manitgxnes* development work for national de» Ameche Will Sing Eight Of Foster's Best-Loved fense purposes. Duke Of Normandy Used Under the recently approved Numbers; Life Story Of Tex Rickard To national defense supplemental a p. Archers' Broadside In propriation bill, $200,000,000 was Be Told set aside for various purposes, $2,- New Way 000,000 of which will be available The beautiful love story of Stephen Foster will be the to build a plant for benefieiariei WON TITLE .OF CONQUEROR of low grade manganese ore, to subject of a half-hour operetta l)y Don Ameche, Claire Tre- raise low grade ore to commercial vor, Pat Friday and Victor Young's orchestra on Ameche's Easy grade, according to Rep. Jamea Friday night WEAF program at 9 p. m. Titled "My Old C. Scrugham. Hitler Hopes To Be Next To Crochet Manganese is used to clean Successfully Invade Kentucky Home," it pictures Foster and his beloved Jennie Brightens being encouraged to prevent th» England just before his death, with flashbacks to earlier episodes in Luncheon government's being charged ex- his song-writing career. Claire Trevor plays the part of steel. Domestic development it Table orbitant prices for foreign man» Jeanie, estranged wife of Foster. Pat Friday will be heard ganese. (By The mi<ed Or Eight and three-quarter cen- as Nellie Carr, famous singer. "The United States will be need- ing a million tons of manganese turies have elapsed since the last Eight of the best-loved Foster Buffet invasion of England, a feat which COM. I«K HOUMUOld AITS. INC. annually for national defense," Acolf Hitler proposes to cap his songs, "My Old Kentucky "rlome," the Life of Carl Hoff on their pro- PATTERN 6413 Scrugham said. "The Las Yogas conquest of most of Europe. "Oh Susanna," "Jeanie With the giam Frida> at 6:30 p. Tm. over \\ash has the best-known manga* Light Brown Hair," "Swanee By doing the job William, Duke WABC. It is amazing that for so little stitches- photograph of doily; ma- nese deposits in Nevada, with a Ki\ei," "Camptown Races," "Old Interrupting the idea will be of Noimandy, won a kingdom and cost and with such easy crochet terials needed. leported 30 per cent ore available. the sobriquet "The Conqueror.'1 Black Joe," "Ring Dem Bells" and Elmer Blurt, Artie "Mr. Kitzel" There is also 14 to 18 per cent or« "Beautiful Dreamer" will be sung you can have this choice set of To obtain this pattern send ten He also put 1066 in 'the history Waymond W. Wadcliffe, Dick cents in coin to The Lima News, in the Pioche district. books as the year of the battle of by Ameche and Miss Friday and Lane, Josef Forte, Wendell Niles three doilies. They match a large Household Arts Dept, 259 W. 14th "The requuements for success- Hastings, one of the decisive bat- That's a 510-pound f-hcll •which Rhode Island National Guardsmen played by the orchestra. nd Hoff himself. cloth, Pattern 6576. Pattern 5413 Street, New York, N. Y. Be sure ful operations of a plant such at tles of the world. aie loading in training oneralions at Fort H. G. Wright. Fixhern In the groove after the "stu- The Life of Tex Rickard, well- contains instructions for making to write plainly your NAME, AD- the government contemplates art William's undertaking was Island, X. Y. The fnit guards one end of Long; Island sound. Thif pendous" production of the Life nown prize fight "promotoer, pro- doilies; illustrations of them and DRESS and PATTERN NUMBER. a large quantity of water, compar- child's play in contrast to the task photo was made from inside a ten-inch coast defense gun. of Elmer Blurt, Al Pearce and his ides the Old Ranger with an amus- atively good ore, railroad and tha*, Hitler has assigned to hit cohorts will attempt to dramatize ng true story for "Death Valley truck facilities a-'d electric ays" Friday, at 7:30 p. m. over LIMA PHYSICIAN WILL Sparta, Wis. He is a reserve blitzkrieg forces. Then the weap- They \\ore assailed fiom every FRIDAY, AUGUST t officer. power." ons were swords, lances, bows and WEAF. Scrugham's amendment for th» side. E»it«rn Standard p. M.—Subtract On* Tex, a citizen of, Goldfield, Ne- TRAIN IN WISCONSIN arrows. Now they are Stukas, Hand to hand fighting biokc Small Danger Hour for CST., 2 Hri, tor MT.— DOG CATCHING managanese project was the only Submarines, parachutes for land- Daylight Time One Hour Later ada, in 1906, was an incurable amendment accepted in the lecent out. William's hors-e vas killed (Changes in piograms a* hitcd due to BUTTE. Mont., Aug. 9—(UP) ing forces. And between the two, ractical joker until one of his most Dr. Harold A. Lotzoff, Lima Butte dogs face the happiest sum- appropriations bill, he said. Haiold aid his t\\o brotheis vcre latt minutt network correction* ) arefully planned and elaborate 874 years. slain. The Saxon stanriaid was S 00—Jji'l \bners Sketch — nbe-w^af physician, reported Friday to the mer they have had in years. Historians credit Edward the To Foods Seen J\ew^, Piano Prog. —• nbc-wjz-eazt okes proved a boomerang. The Police chief William H. Breen said "SICKEST MAN" ripped down, to bo replaced by Children's Hour tpt — nbc-blue-«e-»t )ld Ranger will recount this ex- 112th engineers regiment, at Cleve- Confessor, the reigning king, ^ith there was insufficient money in DETROIT, Aug- 9 — Otto that of the invadci s. News Proadcastinir Time—cbs-»abc erience in a tale titled "The land, to which he is attached as a eetting the s'tage for the last in- The battle of Ha^tmprs alone Nens, Dancing Orchest—mbs-cham first lieutenant in the medical the proper fund to employ dog Fischl, Detroit's "sickest man," if f 05—Kdwm C. Hill—cbs-tsabc-basic Donkey Serenade." dead. A heart attack proved fatal vasion of the island kingdom. He didn't give \\ilham the cro.vn. He In War Gases The ChUajroans Orchestra—cbs-west corps. | catcheis for the next few months. had no son. and chose his young Anna KitcheH Prog — nbc-wjz-e.i«t Josef Marais and his Bushveled to the city health department em- ?till had much \\oik to do, and his iingeis will continue their imagi- Dr. Lotzoff will spend the en- kinsman, \\ilham of Noimandj, doing; of it vent down in histoiy 5 15—Dane* Music, News—nbc-wcal More than 90 per cent of all ploye who since 1923 had simu- as his successor. Bill Stein Spoils: Music—»j/-only ary journey down the picturesque suing three weeks at the second motor-vehicle trips are for dis- lated illness to trap quacks and as the Is 01 man conquest. Bu^ the LONDON. Aug 1 — Hedda. iloppor on Movies—cbs-wabc iambesi river during the South army maneuvers in the vicinity of battle of Hastings was the turn- Britain's fond supplies will suffer Reveries from the Console—cbs-Diile tances of less than 30 unlicensed doctors. HAROLD ON 1 5 30—C4pt HeaJv Stamps—weaf-only African folksong program Friday, ODD MISSION I mjr point on which the conquest only slight damage if gas is used Thtee Cheers, Songs—nbc-ied-chain t 6 p. m. over WJZ. Featured on hinged. i by enpmv raiders. Dr. A. P. B. Canrlnsr Musi<! Orch.—nbc-wJ7-east He even sent Harold the Saxon Paul Sullivan News—cbs-wabc-past he broadcast will be "Zambesi Page, of HIP Entomological Re- Pa\* Birals Broadcast — rbs-west Joat Song." Also to be heard is to pay his respetts to William and sea! ch Station, Slough, Bucking- Harold Turnpr and Piano— mhs-chain Bay that the Duke of Noimandy 5 45—Paul Douglas Spts. — nbc-weaf he Irish Folksong, "Cockles and hamshire, revealed here. Lowell Thomas JSews—nbc-wji-batio Mussels." would be the next wearer of the CASE RECALLED Adflipssing the Society of Chem- European War Broadcast—cbs-nabe British crown. Harold duly exe- To Be Announced (15 m )—mbs^net ical Indnstrv, in London, Dr. Page 6.00—F. Waring Time—nbc-veaf-east HIGHWAY WORK DELAYED cuted the mission, and lingered in dealt specificallv with the foar Three Romeos. Voc.ils—nbc-red-east Normandy for a while. > JoscT Marias & His Sonus—nbc-wjz WE BELIEVE THIS He went with William on a OF 'THE SUICIDE' pases which "•" u!d most likely be A mm & Andv Skit—cbs-wabc-east WHILE SCIENTISTS STUDY punitive expedition, was knighted used. rBS Conrort Orch —cbs-rhain-wrst Fiesh food, containing a high Pulton Lewis, Jr. Talk—mbs-cham SPRINGFIELD, 111,, Aug. 9 on the field by the duke, took che water ( 15—European War News—nbc-weaf DIAMOND ENSEMBLE oath of fealty to him, and even Man Built Own Death Pyre, j content, and also certain Lanny Ross in Son?—cbs-wabc-basic (UP)—Illinois state archeologistg fattv foods should be closely ex- Paul Sullivan nnd repeal—rbs-vsest are excavating a pre-historic became affianced to one of Wil- To Be Announced (15 m )—mbs-net. liam's daughters. Believing He Had amined after the use of Phosgene 6-30—Rev elprs — weaf-kyw-Tbi'-w mal man-made mound thru which a gas.
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