May 26, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 7 9959 HONORING THE STUDENTS AT through the early crucial years of the War on was with U.S. Central Command serving in HALF HOLLOW HILLS HIGH Terror. In his career, Chairman HYDE has the J–3, Command Control, and then Joint Ex- SCHOOL EAST worked diligently to protect and expand the ercise Division. Later he served with the Joint freedoms of unborn children, to protect the Staff, Washington, D.C., in the Office of the HON. STEVE ISRAEL honored symbols of this Nation from desecra- Vice Chairman. tion and to protect the freedoms of citizens all OF NEW YORK On 23 August 2002, Colonel Coleman as- over the world. sumed the duty as Chief of Staff, I Marine Ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chairman HYDE has dedicated his career in peditionary Force. He initially deployed to Ku- Thursday, May 25, 2006 public service to ideals worthy of a great Re- wait and Iraq with Headquarters, I MEF in Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to publican, and to principles worthy of a great conjunction with Operation Iraqi Freedom from congratulate the students from Half Hollow statesman. His determination to seek truth and November 2002 to October 2003. He returned Hills High School East in Dix Hills, New York justice has earned him the respect of his col- to Iraq with I MEF in March 2004 serving there for their hard work in the ‘‘We the People: the leagues on both sides of the aisle. until the MEF redeployed to the U.S. in March Citizen and the Constitution’’ national finals. My single regret is that I only had 2 years 2005. These outstanding young Americans placed to learn from Chairman HYDE, but those are Colonel Coleman is a graduate of Amphib- fourth in this nationwide competition and I am lessons I will carry with me throughout my ca- ious Warfare School, U.S. Army Command honored to call them my constituents. reer. I wish him the best of luck in all his fu- and Staff College, Armed Forces Staff Col- ture endeavors. The students, Jason Aronson, Matt lege, U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Bauman, Jillian Bernstein, Eric Bierman, Emily f Studies, and the U.S. Naval War College. He is a designated Joint Specialty Officer and has Chen, Davina Etwarn, Leily Faridzadeh, Zach RECOGNIZING 30 YEARS OF SERV- Goldberg, Chris Green, Arun Gupta, Jennifer been awarded two masters of arts degrees, ICE BY COLONEL JOHN C. COLE- the first in Military Arts and Science, and the Kim, Praneet Korrapati, Emily Kuznick, Tia MAN, USMC Mansouri, Joshua Milber, Brooke Schachner, second in National Security and Strategic Stephen Schiraldi, Dana Schwartz, Dara Seidl, Studies. His personal decorations include the Fauzia Shaikh, Kunaal Sharma, Kavita Vani, HON. DARRELL E. ISSA Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Alyssa Weinberg and Joshua Wohl, led by OF CALIFORNIA Merit, Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Serv- their teacher Scott Edwards, demonstrated a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ice Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal (second remarkable understanding of the fundamental Thursday, May 25, 2006 ideals and values of American constitutional award), Navy and Marine Corps Commenda- government. Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor the tion Medal (second and third awards), and the 30 years of dedicated service of Col John C. Also worthy of special recognition is Eileen Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. Coleman, USMC. Gerrish, the state coordinator, and Charles Colonel Coleman and his wife Teri were Col John C. Coleman assumed duties as Trupia, the district coordinator, who are among married in 1976 and have four children, Chris- Commanding Officer, Marine Corps Base, those responsible for implementing the ‘‘We tina, Jay, Robby, and Lara. Camp Pendleton on 21 October 2005. the People’’ program in my district. On behalf of the people of the United States Colonel Coleman was born 11 February Their success in the competition is also a whom Colonel Coleman spent a career serv- 1954 and is a native of Warner Robins, Geor- testament to the excellent teachers at Half ing, I thank him for his service and commit- gia. He was commissioned through the PLC Hollow Hills East High School and elsewhere ment to the defense of our Nation. Program following graduation from the Virginia on Long Island. Military Institute in May of 1976. Since com- f I offer my congratulations on their success missioning, he has completed seven tours of and commend these students on their dedica- duty in the Corps’ operating forces, two in the STATEMENT HONORING JEREMY tion to the study of the Constitution and the supporting establishment, and two with the BONNER Bill of Rights. joint community. f As a Company Grade Officer, Colonel Cole- man served tours of duty with 2nd Battalion, HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON TRIBUTE TO CHAIRMAN HENRY J. OF TEXAS HYDE 1st Marines, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, and with 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Assignments IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES during these tours included Rifle Platoon Com- Thursday, May 25, 2006 HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL mander, 81mm Mortar Platoon Commander, OF TEXAS Company Executive Officer, Assistant Bat- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES talion Operations Officer, H&S Company Com- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Jeremy mander, Rifle Company Commander, Weap- Bonner, an extraordinary young man whose Thursday, May 25, 2006 ons Company Commander, and Rifle Com- dedication and achievements are to be com- Mr. MCCAUL of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise pany Inspector/Instructor. In addition to these mended. Jeremy Bonner recently graduated today to honor a man who has for the past 31 assignments, he served in the supporting es- from A. Maceo Smith High School after 14 years brought honesty, integrity and distinction tablishment as the Training Support Officer, years of perfect attendance. This means that to this Chamber, to his party and to the people Officer Candidate School, and as a Company from the age of three, Jeremy never missed a of Sixth District of Illinois. I consider myself Grade Monitor, Headquarters Marine Corps. day of school. fortunate to have my congressional career As a Field Grade Officer, Colonel Coleman In a time when drop-out rates and truancy overlap with his, even if only for one term. served tours of duty with 1st Battalion, 2nd are on the rise, this is truly an exceptional At several points throughout Chairman Marines, 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, 2nd and achievement. The efforts and devotion of Jer- HYDE’s career, he served in a position of lead- 6th Marine Regimental Headquarters, 1st and emy Bonner and his mother, Joan Bonner, are ership within the U.S. House of Representa- 2nd Marine Division Headquarters, and I Ma- to be celebrated. tives when a strong and competent leader was rine Expeditionary Force Headquarters. As- In addition to his perfect attendance, I was needed, and at all times he was the right man signments during these tours included Bat- pleased to learn of Jeremy’s plans to join the for the job. He served as chairman of the Judi- talion Operations Officer, Battalion Executive military and pursue a career in public service. ciary Committee during a difficult time in our Officer, Regimental Operations Officer, Assist- Both the military and America are fortunate to country’s history, and brought the highest level ant Division Personnel Officer, Battalion Com- have the commitment of such a fine young of integrity to his position. mander, MEF (Fwd) Operations Officer, Divi- man. Mr. HYDE was appointed chairman of the sion Operations Officer, and Regimental Com- The recognition Jeremy is receiving is immi- International Relations Committee shortly be- mander. In addition to these assignments, he nently well-deserved, and I know this is merely fore 9/11, where he has valiantly led us completed two joint tours. The first of these the first step of many bright years ahead. VerDate Sep 11 2014 15:14 Mar 23, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00111 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 7\DAT FILES\BR26MY06.DAT BR26MY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 9960 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 7 May 26, 2006 PERSONAL EXPLANATION singlehandedly destroyed an attacking Ger- Somewhere out there is a little girl who suf- man Mark V tank with two hand-held gre- fered a spinal injury and is unable to walk. HON. JIM GERLACH nades. He then led the charge of his men and Therapy utilizing stem cells is her only hope. OF PENNSYLVANIA seized Herresbach, Belgium, during this fierce How much longer will she and millions of action of the Battle of the Bulge. Due to his others have to wait? IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aggressive, fearless and superior leadership, f Thursday, May 25, 2006 Lt. James Megellas inspired his men to excel. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, during consid- After serving 4 years as a rifle platoon lead- DESIGNATING ‘‘LARRY WINN, JR. eration of H.R. 5427, the Fiscal Year 2007 En- er during World War II, including many combat POST OFFICE’’ ergy and Water Development Appropriations jumps into Italy and Holland, Megellas left the Act, I was not present for rollcall 196, 197, active Army and served for 16 years in the 198, 199, 200 and 201. Had I been present, Army Reserve. He retired after 20 years of HON. DENNIS MOORE on rollcall 196, I would have voted ‘‘yea,’’ on service as a lieutenant colonel. OF KANSAS rollcall 197, I would have voted ‘‘nay,’’ on roll- His awards and decorations include the Dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES call 198, I would have voted ‘‘yea,’’ on rollcall tinguished Service Cross, two Silver Star Med- Thursday, May 25, 2006 199, I would have voted ‘‘yea,’’ on rollcall 200, als, two Bronze Star Medals, two Purple I would have voted ‘‘nay,’’ and on rollcall 201, Hearts, and he is credited with being the 82nd Mr.
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