ALOUISIUS MASEIMILIAN, Ph.D. JL. KEMBANG AYU UTAMA BLOK F9 NO.34, PERUMAHAN PURI INDAH, JAKARTA BARAT 11610, INDONESIA MOBILE: (+62)- 817-285-7777 E-MAIL: [email protected] EDUCATION ! CFA CaNdidate Level II, Association of Investment Management and Research, Charlottesville, VA, USA. ! Ph.D. iN FiNaNce aNd Strategic PlaNNiNg, Trinity College and University, Malaga, Spain (Distance Learning) ! MSc. iN FiNaNce, Kennedy – Western University, USA. Graduated with Cum Laude ! MBA iN MaNagemeNt, STIE I/BMI in cooperation with Philippine Christian University, Bandung and Philippines. Graduated with Cum Laude ! S1 (EquivaleNt tO B.Sc. degree) iN AccouNtiNg, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung COURSES, TRAINING AND OTHER QUALIFICATION 2009 Practical PrOblem SOlviNg, held by PT. TuduNg Putra Putri Jaya 2003 Tax Course, Brevet B, held by Balai Pendidikan Pelatihan Keuangan PerpajakaN (BPPKP), BaNduNg 2002 The Offshore Institute Asia-Pacific CoNference, LabuaN, Malaysia 1999 Capital Market CoNference, by BAPEPAM Jakarta 1999 Strategic COst ReductiON, held by PQM, Jakarta 1996 FiNancial ManagemeNt TraiNiNg, Butler Service GrOup, LONdON, England 1993 Strategic ManagemeNt TraiNiNg, Butler Service GrOup, LONdON, England 1991 to 1992 A COrrespONdeNce cOurse Of “Pejabat PemberiaN Kredit” (BaNkiNg Credit/LOaN Officer Course), held by INdONesiaN BaNkiNg DevelOpment InstitutioN, Jakarta 1991 ExpOrt ImpOrt and Bank Related BusiNess COurse, BanduNg 1991 ExpOrt ImpOrt PrOcedures, held by SGS SucOfiNdO, Jakarta 1989 to 1990 Computer Course 1986 to 1989 LatiN LaNguage COurse 1985 Typing Course 1985 AccOuNtaNcy COurse PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE May 2018 – March 2020 PT GUNUNG RAJA PAKSI, Tbk. - West Cikarang, West Java, Indonesia POSITION: 1. President DirectOr & CEO 2. CoNcurrently as CorpOrate Secretary aNd CorpOrate FiNaNce DirectOr August 2015 – March 2018 PT CEMINDO GEMILANG – Jakarta, Indonesia POSITION: FiNaNce DirectOr August 2014 – August 2015 PT TIKI JALUR NUGRAHA EKAKURIR (JNE GROUP) – Jakarta, Indonesia POSITION: Group FiNaNce DirectOr and Board of Director September 2009 – August FKS GROUP (FKS FoOd aNd Agri - Agriculture 2014 Commodities, TENE Group - Sugar, GOKU ResOurces Group – ENergy, FKS LaNd - Property) – Jakarta, Indonesia POSITION: 1. PresideNt DirectOr Of HOldiNg COmpaNy (FKS CAPITAL) 2. PresideNt DirectOr Of Subsidiary (PT. REDWOOD INDONESIA) 3. GrOup MaNagiNg DirectOr COrpOrate FiNaNce aNd Investment 4. DirectOr aNd CommissiONer iN variOus BusiNess UNits March 2008 – August 2009 PT TUDUNG PUTRA PUTRI JAYA (A HOldiNg COmpaNy Of GARUDAFOOD GROUP) – Jakarta, Indonesia POSITION: Chief FiNaNcial Officer JuNe 2000 – August 2004 SANBE FARMA GROUP – Bandung, West Java, Indonesia POSITION: 1. FiNaNce aNd AccOuNtiNg DirectOr, PT BINA SAN PRIMA (Distribution Company). 2. GrOup FiNaNcial PlaNNiNg DirectOr 3. OwNer RepreseNtative aNd FiNaNce DirectOr, QUALITY HOTEL, Singapore. May 1996 tO May 2000 SINAR MAS GROUP – AGRIBUSINESS AND FOOD DIVISION – Jakarta, Indonesia POSITION: AssistaNt Vice PresideNt-BusiNess/FiNaNcial CONtrOl OctOber 1990 – May 1996 BUTLER SERVICE GROUP U.K. LTD. (A MEMBER OF THE BRITISH AEROSPACE GROUP) – Bandung, West Java, Indonesia POSITION: 1. FiNaNce MaNager, BaNduNg, OctOber 1990 tO JaNuary 1994 2. FiNaNcial CONtrOller, LONdON, U.K., JaNuary 1994 tO January 1995 3. FiNaNcial CONtrOller, BaNduNg, JaNuary 1995 tO May 1996 LECTURING EXPERIENCE 2015 Judge for BusiNess SimulatiON “I Create, I Take Risks, I Live My PasiON, I Am An ENtrepreNeur” at ParahyaNgaN CathOlic UNiversity, BaNduNg. 2011 to 2015 VisitiNg Lecturer tO several UNiversities iN INdONesia aNd abrOad (NetherlaNd aNd JapaN). 2000 to 2003 Lembaga MaNajemeN ImaNuel INdONesia, BaNduNg. Subject: ManagemeNt AccouNtiNg, FiNancial ManagemeNt, BusiNess and EcONOmic Statistics, PlanNiNg and CONtrOl. 2003 Judge for NatiONal AccOuNtiNg ChalleNge at ParahyaNgaN CathOlic University, BaNduNg. 2002 ParahyaNgaN CathOlic UNiversity, BaNduNg. Subject: ManagemeNt AccouNtiNg. PERSONAL DETAILS Place/Date Of Birth SiNgkawang, Kalimantan Barat/22 JuNe 1970 ReligiON CathOlic Marital Status Married with TwO ChildreN CORE COMPETENCIES ACHIEVEMENTS HIGHLIGHT ! Vision, Strategic Planning, Execution ! Accomplished in CorpOrate Strategic PlaN, and Leadership FuNd RaisiNgs, StructuriNg and NegOtiatiNg ! Corporate Development, Operations Transactions and favorable terms with and Strategic Alternatives Commercial aNd INvestment baNks, Investors ! Capital Market (IPO), Strategic and Business Partners Corporate Finance and Fund Rising ! Successfully developed and implemeNted ! Merger, Acquisitions, Joint Venture GrOup TraNsfOrmatiON prOcess. CONsisteNt and integration originator of bold innovative business ! Holding Companies Management strategies that have extraordiNary results ON ! Strategic Transformations Lead and grOwth, reveNue, OperatiONal perfOrmance, Change Management Process profitability and shareholder value ! National, Conglomeration and Global ! Organization re-engineered and maNaged Operations Management CorpOrate Structure aNd CorpOrate FiNaNce ! Profit and Loss Management and organization for Professional Management Performance Improvement and fulfill IPO requiremeNts. ! Financial Forecasting, Controlling, ! Successfully re-mappiNg GrOup COmpaNies Analysis and Reporting and SettiNg up HOldiNg COmpanies and its ! Due Diligence, Deal Structuring and fuNctiONs aNd tax efficieNcies through shared Negotiations services implementation ! Treasury, Tax, Internal Audit ! Proven ability to establish, develop and ! Cost Analysis, Reduction and Control maintain excellent business relationships with ! Leadership Development bankers, investors, co-workers and ! Turnaround and Restructure stakeholders .
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