(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,608,677 B2 Rawlins Et Al

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,608,677 B2 Rawlins Et Al

US009608677B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,608,677 B2 Rawlins et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 28, 2017 (54) SYSTEMS AND METHODS OF RF POWER (58) Field of Classification Search TRANSMISSION, MODULATION, AND CPC. H04B 1/04; HO3F 1/0266; HO3F 1/56; H03F AMPLIFICATION 3/24: HO3F 3/19 (Continued) (71) Applicant: ParkerVision, Inc., Jacksonville, FL (US) (56) References Cited (72) Inventors: Gregory S. Rawlins, Chuluota, FL U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (US); David F. Sorrells, Middleburg, 1,882,119 A 10, 1932 Chireix FL (US) 1946,308 A 2f1934 Chireix (73) Assignee: PARKER VISION, INC, Jacksonville, (Continued) FL (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this EP O 011 464 A2 5, 1980 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP O 471 346 A1 8, 1990 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (Continued) (21) Appl. No.: 14/797,232 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed: Jul. 13, 2015 “Ampliphase AM transmission system.” ABU Technical Review, No. 33, p. 10-18 (Jul 1974). (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) US 2016/O173144 A1 Jun. 16, 2016 Primary Examiner — Pablo Tran Related U.S. Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Thomas F. Presson (63) Continuation of application No. 14/541.201 filed on (57) ABSTRACT Nov. 14, 2014, now abandoned, which is a An apparatus, System, and method are provided for energy (Continued) conversion. For example, the apparatus can include a trans impedance node, a reactive element, and a trans-impedance (51) Int. Cl. circuit. The reactive element can be configured to transfer H04B I/04 (2006.01) energy to the trans-impedance node. The trans-impedance HO3F I/02 (2006.01) circuit can be configured to receive one or more control signals and to dynamically adjust an impedance of the (Continued) trans-impedance node. The trans-impedance node, as a (52) U.S. Cl. result, can operate as an RF power Switching Supply based CPC ......... H04B I/0475 (2013.01); H03F I/0266 on the one or more control signals. (2013.01); H03F I/56 (2013.01); (Continued) 7 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets 100 Power Source 110 Energy Converter 120 Matching Network Anterra 1401. -Y 30 126 E 12 24 N RFPout Node 16O E. Control Circuit 150 US 9,608,677 B2 Page 2 Related U.S. Application Data 3,906,390 9, 1975 Rollett 3,909,742 9, 1975 Cox et al. continuation of application No. 13/442,706, filed on 3,927,379 12, 1975 Cox et al. Apr. 9, 2012, now abandoned. 3,936,819 2, 1976 Angelle et al. 3,991,343 11, 1976 Delpy (60) Provisional application No. 61/457.487, filed on Apr. 4,090,147 5, 1978 Seidel 8, 2011. 4,095,196 6, 1978 Seidel 4,104,946 8, 1978 Peterson 4,151,517 4, 1979 Kelley (51) Int. C. 4,178,557 12, 1979 Henry HO3F I/56 (2006.01) 4,229,715 10, 1980 Henry HO3F 3/9 (2006.01) 4,301.490 11, 1981 Nagel et al. HO3F 3/24 (2006.01) 4,346,354 8, 1982 Hanna 4,378,530 3, 1983 Garde (52) U.S. C. 4,433,312 2, 1984 Kahn CPC ................. H03F 3/19 (2013.01); H03F 3/24 4,439,744 3, 1984 Kumar et al. 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