:ri-. THE WEATHER n e t p r e s s r u n Forecast by D. 8 . Weather Bureau, ^WERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Hartford. for the Month of Janaary, 1930 Increasing cloudiness followed by 5.547 S tu le rain late tonight or Thursday; ris­ Members of the Audit Bureau of ing temperatures. Circulations /I SOUTH MAI^CHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 ,1930. SIXTEEN PAGES VOL. XLIV., NO. 114. (Classified Advertising on Page 14) PRICE THREE CENTS SENATOR DILL JOINS He Left His Imprint for Posterity to Read! TO RESTRICT WETS HOLD FORTH USE OF SUBS AT OPEN MEETING ATTACK ON HUGHES OUR SCOftE -AMD SEVEM YEARS AGO OUR PSTWERS 3 R0 U6KT TiORTrt (3W 1 HI5 GDWTIWEWt A MEVt/ K/ATiOM, IN m TIME Oo k c e n e d im LBEWYJXMDlWcATED'TD'mE p r o p * Washington Democrat Says O^mOKlIHAT ALLMENARE CBEAieD EQUAL ..... BEFORE CONGRESS EXTRA SCHOOL MOW WE ARE ENGAGEDM AGREAT Civ/il w a r ,t e 5P Stimson Says This Has Been IMG W HETHERTHATNSIOM,OR A M Y N A tio M SO ODNCEWED AWD6 0 DEDIOi^^CANlONfiEWDURE\AieAREKAETONA (jREAT COST H AY ADD BATTLE HELD O F TH A T WAR.\WE HAVE COME TO DEDICATE A Agreed Upon and Is Alone DRY LAW REPEAL Ijudges, Police Officials and t poiniow OF THArnEUDAS A final, resting place Fo r those Business; His Lconomic ,«»||| ATAY HERE GAk/£lHEIR LivesTHteT^iiNATlOM MIGHT UVE. Worth Trip to Parley, He n rS alto g e th e r nrfwQAMDFbPiR THAT po Even Governor of Michi­ Views Caused His Defeat. 1*4 WllLL 1U 1AA BUT, W ALAW ER-SEW Se, V/E CANNOT DEDICATE- W E BILLS DISCUSSED CAWMOT COWSECR^tE-W CANNOT HAlLOW THIS GROUND. Declares. gan is Assailed by Wit­ Washington, Feb. 12.— (AP.) — THE BRAVE MEN.UVINO AWD DEAD. WHO STRUGGLED here London, Feb. 12.— (A P .)—Both Opponents of Charles Evans Hughes Selectmen Try to Keep Rate fiAVEQMECRATED IT R iA ABOVE OORROOR POWER ID ADD 0 ^ House Chairman Graham De­ the American and British delega­ ness Telling of His Inves­ as chief justice of the United States DerRACr. THE W ORLDW iaLrm ENOI^NOR IDH6 tions to the London naval confer­ undertook a determined drive Down But Educational WHAT WE SAY HERE^ BIITITCAN NEVEi? FORGET WHAT THEY clares Enforcement Has tigations of Various against his confirmation in the DID HERE. IT 15 FOR USTHEUVIN0,1WER,1D 3E DEDICATED ence regard the position taken at Senate today. Leaders were appre­ HERETO THE UNFINISilELr WQRJ< WHICH THEY WHO RW6HT yesterday’s plenary session regard­ hensive of getting a vote before Board’s Action May Off­ HERE HAVE'THUS j i R SO NOBLY ADVAWCED ing submarines as representing a Turned Out a Failure. Cities; Says There is More night. I r i s I& h SS w ^ B E H E R E ^ icath^^ THE definite decision to restrict the use Senator Dill, Democrat, Wash­ g r e a t t a s k REMAINlife b e f o r e U S -T H at f r o m t h o s e y ington, picked up the attack at the set Budget Plan. of submersibles against merchant Hard Liquor Drunk in Na- Washington, Feb. 1^.— (AP) — outset today. Speaking for more HONORED DEAD WTAKETNCREASEO DEVOTION TD THAT ' ships. than an hour against the economic aUSE FDR VIHICHTHEf CAVE THE U S T WLL MEASU"-^ Chairman Graham of the House Additional expenditures of $6,- | The statement of Secretary Stim­ views of the nominee which he as­ OF devotion — t h « t w e m e r e h ig h ly Re so l v e tf son last night that he regarded judiciary committee opened the tion Than Ever Before. 446.00 approved by the Joint school sailed as dangerous to the “ common THESE DEAD SMALL NpT HAVE DIED W VAIN— THAT THIS yesterday’s work as a significant hearing today before that group on people,” Dill’s conclusion was await­ board here after a town meeting had achievement for the conference, at­ NAnON,UWDER aOD,5 HALL HAVE A MEWB iRTH O F F------ R ^ resolutions to repeal the 18th Washington, Feb. 12.— (AP.) — ed by several others anxious to authorized a school budget of $390,- tracted widespread interest in view speak against Hughes. DOM-AND THATfiOVERWMEMT <5PTHE PEOPLE,'3YTH Amendment, with the statement The first Congressional hearing in 000 may necessitate increasing the of the fact that submarine prob­ Senators Norris, Nebraska, and PEOPLE,FOR THE PEOPLE SHALL NOT PERLSH FROM lems were referred to a committee that “ the 18th Amendment and the the decade of prohibition on the local tax rate a quarter of a mill Borah, of Idaho, of the western Re­ THIS e a r t h ! for study without the plenary ses­ enforcement law have been tested merits of the dry statute itself publican Independents, who launch­ sion expressing a formal view by for ten years, without satisfactory when that rate is set by the annual opened at the Capitol today with a ed the surprise offensive against the vote. results. town meeting on March 3. The denunciation of the law by Chair­ former secretary of state and Su­ Stimson Speaks “Enforcement has left a train of preme Court justice, were obvious­ Board of Selectmen is not inclined man (Jraham of the House judiciary to sanction the additional expense During a conference with news­ consequences most deplorable and ly encouraged over the movement depressing to every patriot,” Gra­ committee and a series of sensa­ in the schools, although by law papermen last night the secretary tional charges concerning enforce­ igainst Hughes but they maintain­ ham declared. "Killings amounting ed they would make no effort to those finances are outside the select­ said in part: ment conditions in half a dozen big • -Va.k to over 1,360 have resulted in the forestall a final vote. men’s jurisdiction. It is possible “ Concerning the plenary meet­ American cities. ■ ■ -w last ten years from enforcement. Will Be Confirmed that the question may be argued u i ing this morning, I want to call Judges, police officials and even Despite the criticism of Hughes on the floor of the coming town your attention to the fact that there “One himdred and fifty one citi­ the governor of Michigan, were as­ voiced yesterday by Senator Glass, meeting. has been a definite decision by the zens were killed by prohibition of­ sailed by Walter Liggett, a maga­ Democrat, Virginia, the Democratic Selectmen's .\ct naval conference today. Not a ten­ ficers and sixty four agents kille l zine writer, and the first witness leaders indicated there would be a Last fall the Selectmen received tative one—a definite one. by citizens. In one year there were before the committee. Without men­ majority on their side for confirma­ notification from the Joint school HENRY MORGAN DIES “The five powers agreed to re­ 77,351 arrests for violations alleged tioning names he told of a party in The Nation Observes tion. Republican leaders were busy board that a budget of $405,000 strict the use of the submarine or real. Detroit on the night of Nov. 5, sizing up their votes and announc­ would be necessary for school ex­ against merchant ships to the same “During the first year under pro­ 1929, at which he said the gover­ ed a “decisive majority” was in penses this year. The Selectmen, AFTER LONG ILLNESS rules which are applied to surface hibition there were 29,000 cases in­ nor and the chief of police of De­ prospect whenever a vote could be who are represented on the joint Lincoln *s Anniversary vessels. stituted and during the last fiscal troit and four judges were pres­ obtained. board, did not believe that this re­ Worth the Trip year there w’ere close to 70,000. ent. Senator Dill directed his attack quest for funds was justified. Ac- ' “I want to say about that, that Need More Prisons. In Other Cities I regard that single incident as upon the views of Hughes as e.x- “Demand for more prisons has But this was only a part of Lig- mended L Ippropr^a^onTor IclioSs Springfield, Ills., Feb. 1 2 .-(A P )-,,v e r s r ty faculty stands in the Sanga- Cheney Mills Superintendent worth the visit of the American pressed in his appeals before the i been made and new ones ordere:!, gett’s general indictment. Going Supreme Court. He also contended of $390,000. This was voted at the ! Today they observe the 121st anni- | ^ delegation here in London. That the line he denounced condi­ memories of the man he eulogizes w'hich it is said will not g^ e relief that the American people had re­ annual meeting of the voters in y^rsary of his birth. marks a step forward in a matter tions in Boston, Washington, Tope­ jected Hughes in 1916 for the pres­ and states that there might have and Get Together Cluh that our country once went to war from overcrowding except for a ka, in the state of Minnesota and in October. , „ „ ^ ! Particularly here, where he been no “ tragic era” had the Eman­ period of five years or possibly ten. idency because of his economic Overdraw Budget j . about.” Wichita, Kansas, where he said views. „ I sleeps, and m Chicago where he was cipator lived through the recon­ The secretary also said that im­ Prison population has jumped four there was one of the “classiest” As the discussion on the nomina­ After the annual meeting the , nominated tnto thpthe Presidenev.Presidency, but struction period.
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