SUBSCRIPTION I I YOU I RATES: CAN I I START THB i I Per Month ....5 .50 ; NEW YEAR ? One Year 550 f i BETTER THAN I ? BY ORDERING Six Months 3.001 I THE REPUBLICAN: a Three Months . 150 1 Phone Main 21S. I N J iiiuniii'riii'i.i'i itm THE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN. T . t : ixtl.ltlililltlt VOLUME TV. NO. 498. HONOLULU, H. T., THUBSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1902. PRICE Jb'JLVJhl CENTS Kohn had not been one ot those tj " SHOREMEN'S NEW TRIAL Inspect the lands. BOARD OF HEALTH Kohn, therefore, although he had, LONG DISCUSSION imrnx F0MED to listen to all previous testimony, had ! -- WANTED BY not the advantage of the rest of thei OK, jurymen who had been over the lands j ON HEARlb MAiNl b BIG HETHG THE DEttL SHED BAM ELECTION Ml I IT involved in the case. UNCLE SAM L. L. McCandless makes affidavit to effect is a well LARGE AUDIENCE PRESENT AND the that he borer' and that he sunk an artesian well on' Subjects Submitted LABORERS NEW LABOR the lands involved in the suit. He Proxies Need Not be Stamped Twenty''four ORGANIZATION ROLL. ;In the Matter of tie Suit also declares that the attempts to grow rice on the lands in question i Enthusiastic Union of All Nationali Against Honolulu proved a failure. Federal Court Notes. Minority Stockholders Can Waging War Against Impure Foods-Wi- lder ties to Fight Asiatic Laborers-Perman- ent Transact Business Plantation. In matter of objection of- - Organization is Form the the the Bishop Estate to the order ot : to ed Herbert Mossman Makes : possession lands, no Cooper Sees Macfarlane at WaikiB. Company Wants Carry Paiai. ' of Pearl Harbor Very Telling Address. JURY 1MEGUL1RITJES ALLEGED farther move was made in the Unit for Dr. ed States District Court yesterday. National Laws Quoted. Sympathy Pratt. i The Longshoremen's Labor Union' ,. Chief Clerk Maling, however, still ' DISCOVERED EVIDENCE was launched last night at an enthu- - HCLI holds a draft on the Secretary of thej IS ALSO GIVEN AS ' I siastic meeting of laborers held at Navy, payable to Captain Merry and , , . the Drill Shed for the purpose of per--i A ' a REASON. endorsed over by Bishop Colonel George - rw.-eiv- him to the Macfarlane W3S informed in some "Wbn the Board ot iieaun arraug- j was iouuwea uy one noui fecting. organization and electing offi - l manner that Mr. ' , even-o- J Estate, trustees, "for the amount of seen at the Hawaiian f Morgan was tttf with tho ownon of a small sailing . Dr. Russel, In which be explains his cen, hoel last to become his successor, judgment on $52,737.50. ing Anglo-CaW-forni- the verdict ; in regard to the First National immediately accused a etteoiier to transport paia from position In the matter of selecting a Qver tv.Q nundrcd men were pres-- i Misconduct of the Jury Excessive the Attorney Thomas Fitch demanded Bank stockholders' meeting affair. Bank of foraiiag a Mattt producers to the leper sottle government physician lor the uiaa PIlt and 135 names were signed to the Compensation Attempted to be conspiracy ' and was refused a jury trial for the1 "The impression which seems to to throw Borne months ago, they failed district in Hawaii. The question Is rolls. i him out of office. Tho Angle. went . I Awarded by Verdict Juror Kohn appeal of H. Hamano . dis-l- e companies having from the Board have been current to a great extent, California Bank was entirely to cMHt upon an objection that might , one which has occasioned much Owing to several lano meetings drill, meet-- j Did Not View Pearl Harbor: of General Appraisers in the matter that I was planning to have Mr. J. F. cent any ploL raised by th Wilder Steamship ; cusslon among residents of the business or the of such - ing was not called to order until 9 I of oriental shoes. United States , Morgan become the president of which claim they pos- j trict, and from outward Indications Lands Supreme Court Cases. the , "I will state as an faet. as that lead- - absolute j o'clock. In the meantime the juage tsiee set tne case for bearing, National Bank," said COlOnel T . contract, signed and enterod much feeling has been brought to the tirst flr. ..nc'F M.Mnm Mni.nni.i.1 tt,... sees . .wuw.uuu, kuut i uafcVA UUi ers of the movement constituted at 10 o'clock this morning. Macfarlane. "Is a wrong I Health, j surface. board will endeavor to one. will seen Mr. n Into "with the .Board of for The themselves into individual commit- Mora slnr mv nrrlnl 1 The United States Government.; tell you how it was Mr. Morgan's traneportJng all supplies and persons adjust the matter satisfactorily. Dr. busy Kamalo Sugar Case. that hcre nor have r any !nstrucu0ns fjHa tees of one each, and were kept Attor-- , - I through United States District name came to b mentioned for Anglo-California- n ilaaiinMt for tho not !Win(MlLK On Molo- RUSSCl passes Out BOD1C VCfV Spicy explaining to the natives the privi- - CounSel f0r plaintiffs in the case of, the the Bank to try to - Dunne, yesterday filed in presidenc-- of bank-- .,. language in treating his contempor- jeges to be derived from the organ- - neyJ. J. the; the Kamalo Sugar Company equity! v .secure the presidencv for Mr. Mor- - . I maliCS reflections United States District Court a notice gJven notlce wiU j "When was in San Francisco, Mr. The contention was raised by Pros-- .' " aml Plntel izatiou. suft have tuat thev g. and motion for a new trial in the rec - . Steinhan, the senior manager in M,.t . th mo.itimr ! concerning iaun neuiing anu Kiuareu Against Asiatic Labor. move t0(jay that the cause be forth-- the' ir.i.n.t mninr ! Anglo-Californi- practices, Dr. enU' declded case of th Government, a Bank of San Francis-- of the Board of Health yesterday af- to which he insinuates The opinion of the audience seem--! with set for hearln& Jjy JQ UNDERMINE In em- - asainst the Honolulu Plantation Com-- 1 I vw ami L.UUUUU, ncut iur UIG lO buv ternoon, that the contract held by the Reid Is committed. The letter, ed to be unanimous against the In the Supreme Court. i ' pany. day Mr. Morgan H X part, as follows: ployment of Asiatics on the wharves in which a jury the other ( that had arrived and that THE D DUMT D X5V Wilder Steamship Company did not reads The case of Jonathan Shaw against of Honolulu. Here and there small awarded ?10o,02 damages for tho he ha(, brought wUh hm a ,eUer from DM A apply to tho transportation of paia Mountain View, Dec. 30, 1901. C. W. Booth, exceptions from First rnnnpr groups Portuguese, com Mr r;i;h,or" Xa .,- of Japanese, and leasehold interest of the sugar .. nf vs, ...- .1 . grown ports. of Health. suo--, ' " irf .. and shipped from Maui President Board of were earnestly discussing j - ,rcuit owt, was arguea ana '""l .r.,.l Americans panv 5n certain lands at Pearl Har- ... Uonal Bauk of HawalL The lettep WJ n ..... t 11 of re-- .i was with this understanding the Sir: I beg to acknowledge the many stroag opln-- hnp'rpmi,PPll ,. before the Supreme Court, , L ,n,1.L.?:i? tne situatlon and ' thp ri0vernment f0r!ml"tetl flll, of DraIse for Mr MorMn nn, "!lln--l ltwaUon an arrangement was ceipt of your communications of Dec. I , that jons were expressed on the subject. purposes, alleg-- ete,"1J s ft'b a'- - in cai. oi ferre(1 hlg stamHng - u-- 'naval station and for t0 in the conimun- cemmenced to undermine the parent entered Into with Correa. owner of IS and 17. together with a commis-- l n iroor, ooii.i ftm mnoiiTn. tn' Asiu Brown against Andrew Bannis-- agent ia". ' e improvements on said lands ' ity and his general knowledge of val-- t bank, which had created the Firs. the scbooonor. which has at indiffer- slon armolntlnc me as for the tv0,i tD,i ter. This morning case of C. the uations in Hawaii. re--. National Bank here, with Mr. ttoard. secretary. The chairman. D. K. Ka- - The notice and motion for a newf The letter also James ent periods boen takiug small car- Brown, administrator, against the, Campbell, by securing tho cor-- according section 10 immediately nom-- , accompanied affidav- - ferred to the exIstence of straincd for goes leper Since, to of eo, announced that trial are by the 1f A T 1 fpiiinTirtX Cnnantt Av of tho food supply to the Trl " its charter from Washing 1 no to Long--1 . , (relations, in the National be-- iua"u" the Organic Act, have right inations for president of the its of L. L McCandless and Captain." ., . .. ., First , , Mttlumont. ..,., , ,. ; .- . cepuons irom tne uourt ,, ion. i. , .,.o, - . uircuit i v""iui.-3'"'"'-toi i iiv-4- ...... tt.,! n-- c u- in run --,t uruwn, mo was brought to at iiuiu uv i ...,.!i" tuuicmcua .' uuiuu iu (jnanes t. ronu, u. a. i., ana otners. up. jii. vuuiJm uiu ir. ..i The matter the vmire fnr pnnppllatlnn At th same der, and H. ""'Mossman and D. K. Kaeo i j will be taken president. "At the meeting of stockjbghlers the New Trial. I tention of the board by the receipt j"tinie j vour aUention to Section were ballot was Reasons for j Against Tramways. other day could not call to mind call nominated. A taken Suit Friction of Bank Officers.
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