documentation V2010-01-05.xls Page 1 of 5 ICD-9- Variable Code Description Comment Needed for CM Code Isolated CABG study group Bypass anastomosis for heart 36.1 361: HEART REVASC BYPASS ANAS* and CABG + Valve study revascularization (cabg) groups valveExclusion 37.32 3732: HEART ANEURYSM EXCISION 37.35 3735: PARTIAL VENTRICULECTOMY If any of these procedures occurs on the same date as a Definition of valve study 37.49 3749 Other repair of heart and valve procedure, the valve procedure is not included in groups 38.35 3835: THOR VESSEL RESECT/ANAST either the isolated valve group or CABG + valve groups. 38.45 3845: RESECT THORAC VES W REPL Isolated AVR requires absence of valveExclusion, absence Aortic Replacement (aorticValve) 35.21 3521: REPLACE AORT VALV-TISSUE of CABG, no MVR, and no MV Repair. Isolated AVR and CABG + CABG+AVR requires absence of valveExclusion, CABG on AVR Study Group 35.22 3522: REPLACE AORTIC VALVE NEC same date as AVR, no MVR, and no MV Repair. Note that pulmonary and tricuspid valves are allowed! Isolated MVR requires absence of valveExclusion, absence Isolated MVR and CABG + Mitral Replacement (mitralValve) 35.23 3523: REPLACE MITR VALV-TISSUE of CABG, and no AVR . MVR Study Group CABG+MVR requires absence of valveExclusion, CABG on 35.24 3524: REPLACE MITRAL VALVE NEC date of MVR and no AVR . Note that pulmonary and tricuspid valves are allowed! Isolated MV Repair requires absence of valveExclusion, Mitral Repair (mitralRepair) 35.12 3512: OPN MITRAL VALVULOPLASTY absence of CABG, no AVR, and no MVR . Isolated MV Repair and CABG+MV Repair requires absence of valveExclusion, CABG + Mitral Repair 35.33 3533: ANNULOPLASTY CABG on same date as mitral repair, no AVR, and no MVR . Study Group Note that pulmonary and tricuspid valves are allowed! Pulmonary Valve (pulmonaryValve) 35.25 3525: REPLACE PULM VALV-TISSUE 35.26 3526: REPLACE PULMON VALVE NEC Not Used 35.13 3513: OPN PULMON VALVULOPLASTY Tricuspid Valve (tricuspidValve) 35.27 3527: REPLACE TRIC VALV-TISSUE 35.28 3528: REPLACE TRICUSP VALV NEC Risk Factor in valve models 35.14 3514: OPN TRICUS VALVULOPLASTY Other Valve (otherValve) 35.10 3510: OPEN VALVULOPLASTY NOS 35.11 3511: OPN AORTIC VALVULOPLASTY 35.20 3520: REPLACE HEART VALVE NOS Does not include pulmonary or tricuspid valves! Other cardiac surgeries we 35.31 3531: PAPILLARY MUSCLE OPS NOTE: Presence of any of these PX does not exclude keep track off, but do not 35.32 3532: CHORDAE TENDINEAE OPS patient from valve study groups! generate models for. 35.34 3534: INFUNDIBULECTOMY 35.35 3535: TRABECUL CARNEAE CORD OP 35.39 3539: TISS ADJ TO VALV OPS NEC Other cardiac surgeries we Double Valve AVR + MVR or AVR + MV Repair keep track off, but do not generate models for Ancillary for other cardiac Extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open surgeries we keep track 39.61 3961: EXTRACORPOREAL CIRCULAT Needed to define other surgery group. heart surgery (ecc) off, but do not generate models for 37.31 3731: PERICARDIECTOMY Other surgery. Only counts towards other surgery if ECC 37.32 3732: HEART ANEURYSM EXCISION occurs on same date Other cardiac surgeries we 37.33 3733: EXC/DEST OTH HRT LESION 37.32 and 37.35 lead to exclusion of patient from isolated Heart Resection (pericardiectomy) keep track off but do not CCSIP Last Printed: 11/7/2011 documentation V2010-01-05.xls Page 2 of 5 ICD-9- Variable Code Description Comment Needed for CM Code Heart Resection (pericardiectomy) keep track off, but do not 37.34 3734: CATH ABLATION LES HEART valve and CABG + valve study groups! All other PX do not generate models for 37.35 3735: PARTIAL VENTRICULECTOMY lead to exclusion of the patient from the valve study 37.36 3736: Excision or destruction of left groups. Other surgery. Only counts towards other surgery if ECC Other cardiac surgeries we 374: REPAIR OF HEART AND occurs on same date. Heart Repair (heartrepair) 37.4 keep track off, but do not PERICARDIUM 37.41 is not considered an exclusion PX for valve study generate models for groups. 37.49 is an exclusion PX for valve study groups. Other surgery. Only counts towards other surgery if ECC Other cardiac surgeries we Heart transplantation (hearttransplant) 37.5 375: HEART TRANSPLANTATION occurs on same date. keep track off, but do not Should not co-occur with a valve or CABG PX! generate models for Other surgery. Only counts towards other surgery if ECC Other cardiac surgeries we Combined heart-lung transplantation (heartlun 33.6 336: COMB HEART/LUNG TRANSPLA occurs on same date. keep track off, but do not Should not co-occur with a valve or CABG PX! generate models for 38.35 3835: THOR VESSEL RESECT/ANAST Other surgery. Only counts towards other surgery if ECC Other cardiac surgeries we Aortic Aneurysm (vesselresection) occurs on same date. keep track off, but do not 38.45 3845: RESECT THORAC VES W REPL PX are considered exclusionary for valve groups. generate models for Any of Pericardiectomy, Heart Repair, Heart Transplant, Combined Heart-Lung Transplant, Aortic Aneurysm, Other cardiac surgeries we Other cardiac surgery or any other cardiac surgery (35.xx-38.xx) that does not co-occur with a CABG, AVR, MVR, or mitral valve keep track off, but do not repair and that requires ECC on date of cardiac surgery. generate models for PCI (pci) 36.01 3601: PTCA-1 VES/ATH W/O AGENT Needed to define PCI study 36.02 3602: PTCA-1 VES/ATH W AGENT groups 36.05 3605: PTCA-MULTIPLE VESSEL/ATH Not used as single study group, only in combination with 36.06 3606: INSERTION OF NON-DRUG- ACS DX. 36.09 3609: OTHER REMOVAL OF 0.66 0066: PERCUTANEOUS Acute MI (PDDami) 410.x 410: ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCT* Must be present at admission (CPOA code Y) Risk Factor STEMI present at admit (stemi_atAdmit) 410 4100: AMI ANTEROLATERAL WALL* Needed to define PCI study 410.1 4101: AMI ANTERIOR WALL NEC* groups 410.2 4102: AMI INFEROLATERAL WALL* 410.3 4103: AMI INFEROPOSTERIOR WALL* Must be present at admission (CPOA code Y) 410.4 4104: AMI INFERIOR WALL NEC* 410.5 4105: AMI LATERAL WALL NEC* 410.6 4106: TRUE POSTERIOR INFARCT* 410.8 4108: MYOCARDIAL INFARCT NEC* Needed to define PCI study NSTEMI present at admit (nstemi_atAdmit) 410.7 4107: SUBENDOCARDIAL INFARCT* Must be present at admission (CPOA code Y) groups Needed to define PCI no 0040: PROCEDURE ON SINGLE Procedure on single vessel (single_vessel) 00.40 ACS single vessel study VESSEL group Procedure on multiple vessels (multi_vessel) 00.41 0041: PROCEDURE ON TWO VESSELS Needed to define PCI no 0042: PROCEDURE ON THREE 00.42 ACS multi vessel study VESSELS group 0043: PROCEDURE ON FOUR OR 00.43 MORE VESSELS PCI with ACS PCI with STEMI or NSTEMI present at admission Study Group PCI without ACS PCI without STEMI or NSTEMI present at admission Study Group PCI without ACS single vessel PCI without STEMI or NSTEMI present at admission and single vessel PX Study Group PCI without ACS multi vessel PCI without STEMI or NSTEMI present at admission and multi vessel PX Study Group CCSIP Last Printed: 11/7/2011 documentation V2010-01-05.xls Page 3 of 5 ICD-9- Variable Code Description Comment Needed for CM Code Acute MI Post-Op (PDDamiNEW) 410.x 410: ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCT* Must be NOT present at admission (CPOA code N) Post-Op AMI Use in definition of Post-Op AMI if found for an admission Acute MI ALL (PDDamiANY) 410.x 410: ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCT* Post-Op AMI after surgery/intervention admission. Stroke Present at Admission (PDDstroke) 997.02 99702: IATROGEN CV Must be present at admission (CPOA code Y) Not Used 433.01 43301: OCL BSLR ART W INFRCT Used to capture pre-op strokes. 433.11 43311: OCL CRTD ART W INFRCT 433.21 43321: OCL VRTB ART W INFRCT 433.31 43331: OCL MLT BI ART W INFRCT 433.81 43381: OCL SPCF ART W INFRCT 433.91 43391: OCL ART NOS W INFRCT 434.01 43401: CRBL THRMBS W INFRCT 434.11 43411: CRBL EMBLSM W INFRCT 434.91 43491: CRBL ART OCL NOS W INFRC Stroke Post-Op (PDDstrokeNEW) 997.02 99702: IATROGEN CV Must be NOT present at admission (CPOA code N) Post-Op Stroke 433.01 43301: OCL BSLR ART W INFRCT Used to capture post-op strokes that occurred after 433.11 43311: OCL CRTD ART W INFRCT surgery/intervention during the admission of the 433.21 43321: OCL VRTB ART W INFRCT 433.31 43331: OCL MLT BI ART W INFRCT 433.81 43381: OCL SPCF ART W INFRCT 433.91 43391: OCL ART NOS W INFRCT 434.01 43401: CRBL THRMBS W INFRCT 434.11 43411: CRBL EMBLSM W INFRCT 434.91 43491: CRBL ART OCL NOS W INFRC Stroke All (PDDstrokeANY) 997.02 99702: IATROGEN CV Post-Op Stroke 433.01 43301: OCL BSLR ART W INFRCT 433.11 43311: OCL CRTD ART W INFRCT 433.21 43321: OCL VRTB ART W INFRCT 433.31 43331: OCL MLT BI ART W INFRCT Used to capture post-op strokes in admission subsequent 433.81 43381: OCL SPCF ART W INFRCT to the surgery/intervention admission. 433.91 43391: OCL ART NOS W INFRCT 434.01 43401: CRBL THRMBS W INFRCT 434.11 43411: CRBL EMBLSM W INFRCT 434.91 43491: CRBL ART OCL NOS W INFRC Dialysis with CABG (PDDdialysisCABG) 39.95 3995: HEMODIALYSIS Must occur prior to date of CABG. Risk Factor CABG Models 54.98 5498: PERITONEAL DIALYSIS Dialysis with PCI (PDDdialysispci) 39.95 3995: HEMODIALYSIS Must occur prior to date of PCI Risk Factor PCI Models 54.98 5498: PERITONEAL DIALYSIS Dialysis with Aortic Valve (PDDdialysisValveAor39.95 3995: HEMODIALYSIS Must occur prior to date of aortic valve.
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