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Patent Nov . 7 , 2017 Sheet 1 of16 US 9, 810 , 658 B2 ??????? ?????? | ????? FIG . 1 .… ., FIG. 2 U . S . Patent Nov . 7 , 2017 Sheet 2 of 16 US 9 , 810 .658 B2 ? ATTA - ALL_ ????? ??????? ???. ” … … ???*-restattact.Eversitestests FIG . 3 atent Nov . 7 , 2017 Sheet 3 of 16 US 9 ,810 ,658 B2 glucose. : : : : : :Cotos : : : : : : . .. en. els. OnSetelah mencie FIG . 4 2005 MeanIntensity WMWM 23 Concentration: . : : : : : : :: : : : : . (uM FIG . 5 U . S . Patent Nov . 7, 2017 Sheet 4 of 16 US 9 ,810 ,658 B2 adenosineI FIG . 6A O mM adenosine 5 mM adenosine 6 mm FIG . 6B U . S . Patent Nov . 7, 2017 Sheet 5 of 16 US 9 ,810 ,658 B2 150 o ns o tushintensidigest 22 4 6 adenosine MM FIG . 6C Folding Lamination 17:4,;1 Sample loading Multimeter Capacitor ???????? FIG . 7 U . S . Patent Nov . 7 , 2017 Sheet 6 of 16 US 9 .810 , 658 B2 FIG . 8A FIG . BB U. S. Patentatent NovNov . 7 , 2017 SheeSheet 7 of 16 US 9 ,810 ,658 B2 soor ernoor1000000 . 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Patent Nov . 7, 2017 Sheet 10 of 16 US 9 ,810 ,658 B2 Antibody Present Antibody Not Present Sample contacts supported antigen 400-HO -100% Mixner wahwith PANDO2°Ab /GO 8: 8 Separate liquid from 100 1 separatebeads ligue trom No GOX Y = 2º Antibody /Glucose Oxidase (" 2ºAb/ GOx " ) A = 1º Antibody (* 1°AB " ) = Particle with support Antigen FIG . 13 atent Nov . 7 , 2017 Sheet 11 of 16 US 9 ,810 ,658 B2 Fepete ( CNi Fe( CN ), " Glucose ES * * * FIG . 14 U . S . 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