In this issue: the Irving Rambler www.irvingrambler.com “The Newspaper Irving Reads” May 31, 2007 Fire Page 2 THIS Movie Times Page 3 Budget for summer fun Assistant Chief of Obituaries Page 8, 9 Police Page 2 Page 2 Polices retires WEEK Puzzles Page 10 Page 6 City, federal government partner to detain criminal illegals By Jess Paniszczyn for other charges and were found The City of Irving and the to be illegal immigrants…. police department were recognized “In April, we began some dis- for their work with Immigration cussion with ICE about enhancing and Customs Enforcement (ICE) their program. ICE had some or- during a press conference hosted ganizational changes that didn’t in the Irving Criminal Justice Cen- allow them to send their agent to ter on May 29. our jail any longer. Out of that we “Starting back in July of 2006, created a program with our jailers we looked at opportunities to part- and jail staff with ICE. Every per- ner with Immigration and Customs son who comes through our jail Enforcement to enhance their abil- goes through a screening program. ity to take illegal aliens out of our Our staff identifies those persons community, especially those who who are likely candidates for ICE are committing criminal acts,” Irv- to interview. Once those persons ing Police Chief Larry Boyd said are identified, they are segregated during the press conference. and speak on the telephone with “Originally ICE sent one of an ICE agent, who will interview their agents to our jail up to five that person and determine their times a week. They would investi- residency status. gate all of the persons who were “If a person is determined to in our jail at that time to determine be an illegal immigrant, ICE will their residency status. That process immediately fax a detainer to us. involved them taking generally We will hold that person until ICE Some of Irving’s finest join city officials as Congressman Pete Sessions commends Chief Boyd, the around 50 persons per month out comes and gets them. Irving Police Department and the city in recognition of their pioneering work in creating a program of our jail who had been arrested See IMPROVED, Page 4 that works with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. TTeexasxas StateState FFoosballoosball ChampionshipsChampionships attractsattracts interinternationalnational competitorscompetitors By Jess Paniszczyn “We have been running this Tour. Players are earning points to- play at their own skill level and The number one and two highest One of the most intense an- tournament in Irving for the past wards trips to the World Champi- above. For instance, a new player rated America players, Billy nual sports events, the Texas State six years,” David Radack, tourna- onships. could choose to play against new Pappas of Lowell, MA, and Tony Foosball Championships, was ment co-director, said. “We have “The competition is open to players like themselves or choose Spredeman of Cudahy, WI, are played in the Holiday Inn Select nearly 300 players from all over the anyone. There are different skill to enter the events that the best here this weekend. over the Memorial Day weekend. world competing on 50 tables for level divisions, so competitors can players in the world compete in. See FOOSBALL, Page 4 Foosball professionals, interna- titles and $25,000 in prize money. tional competitors and enthusiasts This event is part of the Interna- battled each other for cash prizes. tional Table Soccer Federation IrIrvingving SchoolsSchools FFoundationoundation honorshonors FFelloellowsws The Irving Schools Founda- 21 new Fellows, which is the most families honored their relatives, tion (ISF) hosted its 2007 Fellows we have ever had. We told a brief and that was very touching. At the luncheon reception honoring 21 story about each of the honorees. I end of the ceremony, they were able Fellows as their names were in- thought it was nice during the cer- to choose where on the Perpetual scribed on the Perpetual Giving emony, when the donor was able Giving Tree sculpture they wanted Tree sculpture at the Administra- to hand the plaque to the honoree See FELLOWS, Page 6 tion Building on May 30. they were honoring today. Many Joy Apple, Debbie Burden, Connie Dunn, Four Seasons Resort The Irving Rambler and Club, Ruben Franco, Marty French, Maura Gast, Judy and P.O. Box 177731 Roger Hill, Sharon Isringhaus, Irving, TX 75017 Cheryl Jennings Helma Mazon, John Mazon, Nita Patrick, Wayne Pfaff, Almarie and J.W. Schepf, Patty and Charles Schmidt, Bar- bara and Brock Scott, Carla Smith, Thora Starke, Dr. Jason Watkins, and Carolyn Wilson were pre- sented with engraved copper leaves, which they added to the Perpetual Giving Tree located in Irving Rambler $0.25 the Administration Building. “The annual Perpetual Giving Tree ceremony honors all of the Fellows,” Elizabeth Philipp, Irving Schools Foundation’s Executive Table after table of head to head competition heats-up as the 15th Director, said. “This year we have annual Texas State Foosball Championships begin. Page 2 May 31, 2007 www.irvingrambler.com The Irving Rambler POLICE & FIRE BRIEFS IrIrvingving CaresCares preparesprepares forfor heatheat Provided by Leigh Eitson customers per month when their SuspectSuspect arrestedarrested inin doubledouble homicidehomicide As the summer months ap- bills are higher than usual, or when Two sisters, Rubia and Sonia vidual, identified as Francisco Martinez is currently in the proach, many families struggle to an unexpected expense causes Guzman, were found brutally mur- Javier Martinez (25) was located Irving City Jail charged with Capi- afford their monthly electricity hardship. dered in their apartment in the and arrested without incident on tal Murder and he is being held on payments. Irving Cares has a part- Please refer any person in 2200 block of W. Rochelle Rd on charges not related to the murders. an I.C.E. Detainer (Immigration ner in TXU Energy through the need of TXU utility assistance to May 8. Detectives interviewed Martinez hold) as well. Energy Aid Program. Irving Cares, 972-721-9181 x During an intense and diffi- and the information he gave them, The investigation into this Donations to the Energy Aid 201. Eligibility requirements exist cult investigation, Irving Police combined with facts/information double homicide continues, there- Program can be made on the back and can be provided by case man- Detectives developed a specific gathered in the investigation, led fore, specific details of the case are of your TXU bill. Gifts from Irv- agement staff and volunteers. person of interest in the case. With to his being charged with Capital not currently being released. Inves- ing ZIP codes are forwarded to Irv- Residents should also consider the assistance of specialized units Murder in the deaths of the tigators stated that Martinez was ing Cares along with a corporate donating electric fans to Irving within the department, that indi- Guzman sisters. a former co-worker of one of the match from TXU Energy. This Cares. Clients have begun request- Guzman sisters and that he acted program gives Irving Cares the ing fans, and circulated air can alone in this crime. ability to provide financial assis- help keep utility bills lower over- Irving Fire Department tance for an average of 26 TXU all. Activity summary May 25-26 & 28-29, 2007 Irving Fire Department responded to 194 incidents. Budget for summer The Fire incidents Medical calls Provided by Jordan Gibennus summers also can get expensive 54 Miscellaneous Fire 24 Major Accidents School may be out for the trying to find day-to-day activities and Rescue Calls 42 Major Medical summer, but for many parents, the that keep children occupied. Trips 3 Structure Fires 13 Heart Attacks work has just begun. In addition to the movies, dollars for the ar- 1 Special Operations 20 Difficulty Breathing to the adjustment parents have to cade, swim toys and meals-on-the- 2 Vehicle Fires 23 Trauma Related make simply managing their time, run can turn into budget breakers 12 CPR Situations Comments: summer vacation also means fac- if you aren’t prepared. In fact, ing a greater challenge managing Money Management Internation- 05-25: Ambulances went into overload once. a new budget. al’s (MMI) 2005 summer spend- 05-29: The special ops was an elevator rescue at city hall. Most parents expect and are ing survey revealed that more than 05-30: A major accident at Story Rd and Irving Blvd. required the prepared for big summertime ex- a third of parents plan some type response of one engine, one truck, and four MICU’s. All four am- penses such as vacations, summer of summer activity for their chil- bulances transported patients to trauma centers. Francisco Javier Martinez camps and childcare. However, dren, and entertainment tops their lists. Fortunately, the experts at Consumer Credit Counseling Ser- vices of Greater Fort Worth, a di- vision of MMI, have some great ideas to enjoy a fun and frugal WE HAVE MOVED! summer. Spend time in the great We will beat any advertised price or give you $1000 - We will beat any advertised price or give you $1000 We will beat any advertised price or give you $1000 - We will beat outdoors. Many state parks offer such activities as hiking, biking, canoeing, and swimming. These activities are a healthy form of ex- 972-785-3100 ercise and offer a great low cost alternative to movies and video games. Share responsibilities. After spending day after day with their schoolmates, children are used to constant companionship. Consider Y starting or joining a babysitting coop to share parental responsibili- $16,61500 MSRP ties, and save on childcare costs. O Play dates can also be a good way 00 -1,427 Don Herring Discount to keep school friendships alive.
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