Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, Volume 115, page 138–151, 2020 Neotectonic fault movement and intraplate seismicity in the central Indian shield: A review and reappraisal Anupam CHATTOPADHYAY*, Dipanjan BHATTACHARJEE** and Srijan SRIVASTAVA* *Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India **Department of Geology, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, M.P., India The central Indian shield area is characterized by earthquakes with dominantly oblique–reverse movements on pre–existing faults along paleo–rift zones. These earthquakes, occurring hundreds of kilometers away from the plate boundary, are considered as Stable Continental Region (SCR) earthquakes. In this contribution, we have attempted to analyze the nature of intraplate earthquakes of the central Indian shield with special reference to the Son–Narmada–Tapti (SONATA) zone which is known as a paleo–rift with Precambrian ancestry and a proven geological history of repeated tectonic rejuvenation throughout the Phanerozoic. The cause of the neo- tectonic fault movements, the paleo–seismic records and the seismic history of the SONATA zone are discussed in detail. Geological, geophysical and heat flow measurement data suggest stress concentration in the SONATA zone in response to the far–field plate boundary forces arising out of the Indo–Tibetan plate collision in the north (Himalayas), which causes intraplate earthquakes in this tectonically stable region. A review of the present state of knowledge on the tectonically active areas in the central Indian cratonic area is presented here. We have also attempted to give an appraisal of the tectonic reactivation of pre–existing rift–related faults under the neotectonic stress field, using new data from our analogue experimental work. Keywords: Neotectonics, Heat flow, Fault reactivation, SCR earthquakes, Central Indian shield INTRODUCTION earthquakes have generally got relatively less attention from the geologists/seismologists. However, intraplate Earthquakes very commonly occur in plate boundary do- earthquakes can be very detrimental to the society, as mains like oceanic spreading centers (e.g., the Mid–At- they often strike in densely populated areas of the conti- lantic Ridge), subduction zones (e.g., the circum–Pacific nents, and are mostly unexpected and catch people un- ‘Ring of Fire’), and continental collision orogens (e.g., aware and unprepared for the disaster. Some well–known the Himalayas). Subduction zone earthquakes are often examples are the 1811–12 Charlston earthquakes in New very large in magnitude and release a significant amount Mexico, USA, the 1819 Rann of Kachh earthquake, In- of seismic energy. For example, the 1960 Chile earth- dia, the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, China, the 1988 Ten- quake (Mw 9.5), the largest earthquake recorded so far, nant Creek earthquake, Australia, and the 1993 Killari released about 25% of the total seismic moment released earthquake, India, among others. All these earthquakes globally between 1904 and 1986 (Scholz, 1990). It has occurred within the so–called ‘Stable Continental Region’ been shown that about 85% of the seismic moment re- (SCR), hundreds of kilometers away from the plate boun- lease occurs through earthquakes at the subduction zones, daries. The causative factor of these SCR earthquakes has and overall, the shallow–focus plate boundary earth- mostly been ascribed to the reactivation of old faults/weak quakes are responsible for 95% of the moment release zones within the apparently ‘stable cratonic domain’ worldwide (Scholz, 1990). In contrast, earthquakes oc- (Johnston and Kanter, 1990). The major problem with curring within the plate interiors release less seismic en- the SCR earthquakes is that strain builds up very slowly ergy and are much less frequent. Therefore, intraplate in these cratonic domains, and therefore the fault move- doi:10.2465/jmps.190824b ments recur after a very long period of time. Due to such A. Chattopadhyay, [email protected] Corresponding au- large recurrence intervals, the seismic history of the ter- thor rain remains obscure as the instrumental records of seis- Neotectonics and seismicity of the central Indian Shield 139 micity exist only for the last 100 years, and the historical quakes occurred within the E–W trending Kutch rift zone, accounts of earthquakes are available at best for the last sub–parallel to the Narmada–Son geofracture (Fig. 1). The 1000 years. The geological study of exhumed old fault SONATA zone is the most prominent geomorphic feature zones within the continental interiors is the best possible of the central Indian shield, principally defined by the Sat- method to assess the seismic history and potential of the pura Mountains, flanked by the Narmada–Son river valley cratonic domains. in the north and Tapti–Purna river valley in the south. It Within the peninsular shield of India, traditionally has been shown by several workers that the ridges and the considered as a stable continental region, at least 11 earth- valleys of this zone are all fault–bounded, and some of the quakes of significant magnitude (M > 5) have occurred faults are showing clear signs of neotectonic activity since the 18th century (Rao, 2000). Seismic events record- which manifests in hot springs, and intermittent earth- ed at Mahabaleshwar (1764), Kutch (1819), Coimbatore quakes in this zone (Ravishanker, 1987; Roy and Devar- (1900), Son valley (1927), Satpura (1938), Koyna (1967), ajan, 2003; Bhattacharjee et al., 2016). In the present con- Broach (1970), Killari/Latur (1993), Jabbalpur (1997), tribution, we shall attempt to summarize the geological and Bhuj (2001) are some of the prominent SCR earth- and geophysical structure of the SONATA zone and the quakes of India (Fig. 1). Among these, a number of events, neotectonic character of the bounding faults. In the above viz. Son valley, Satpura, Broach, and Jabbalpur occurred context, we shall examine the possible causal relationship within (or very close to) the E–W trending Narmada– between the intraplate seismicity of the SONATA zone Son geo–fracture, better known as the Son–Narmada–Tapti and the far–field plate boundary forces arising out of the (SONATA) lineament zone. The Kutch and Bhuj earth- Indo–Tibetan plate collision. For the sake of brevity, we Figure 1. Distribution of recent and historical earthquake epicenters in the Indian Peninsula showing the major paleo–rift zones along with the Precambrian cratonic fragments and mobile belts (modified after Gowd et al., 1996; Rao 2000). 140 A. Chattopadhyay, D. Bhattacharjee and S. Srivastava shall refrain from discussing the other major intraplate grabens – the Narmada graben in the north and the Tapti– earthquakes that have occurred within the southern Indian Purna graben in the south which host thick piles of Qua- peninsular region, in the Pranhita–Godavari rift and in the ternary sediments (Ravishanker, 1987, 1995) (Fig. 3). To western continental margin area of India. the north of the Narmada valley stands the high mountain ranges of the ‘Vindhyas’, constituted of the Meso–Neo- GEOLOGICAL SETTING OF THE CENTRAL proterozoic Vindhyan sedimentary sequence. The bound- INDIAN SHIELD ary of the Narmada graben and the Vindhyan Mountains is defined by the SNNF, while the southern margin of the The peninsular shield of India is constituted of two major graben against the Satpura Mountain range is roughly cratonic fragments – the North Indian Block (NIB) com- demarcated by the SNSF. The Gavailgarh–Tan shear/fault prising the Bundelkhand–Marwar craton and the South (GTSZ/GFZ), locally known as Satpura Foothill Fault Indian Block (SIB) comprising the combined Dharwar– (SFF), Salbardi Fault or Ellichpur Fault, demarcates the Bastar–Singhbhum cratons. The NIB and SIB were southern margin of the Satpura ‘horst’ against the Tapti stitched together along an E–W trending Proterozoic mo- graben (or half–graben) (Ravishanker, 1987). The horst– bile belt called the Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) and–graben model of the SONATA zone (Fig. 3) essen- (Fig. 2a) through multiple events of crustal collision and tially means that all these faults (SNNF, SNSF, and accretion (Roy and Prasad, 2003; Chattopadhyay et al., GTSZ) are normal faults with downthrows of hundreds 2017). The CITZ comprises three major supracrustal fold of meters, at least in the post–Cretaceous period. Several belts, viz. Mahakoshal, Betul, and Sausar belts from workers have later questioned the horst–and–graben mod- north to south, set within a vast country of unclassified el and have argued that the SNSF and GTSZ are, in fact, gneiss–migmatite–granite laced with linear granulite belts reverse faults which suggest that the Satpura block is (Fig. 2b). A number of major faults/shear zones traverse a compressional ‘pop–up’ structure (e.g. Acharyya and the CITZ along its length, viz. Son–Narmada North Fault Roy, 2000; Sheth, 2018). (SNNF), Son–Narmada South Fault (SNSF), Gavilgarh– The SNNF possibly originated as a transcurrent duc- Tan Shear/Fault zone (GTSZ/GFZ), and Central Indian tile shear zone, which reactivated as a normal fault during Shear/suture (CIS) which also define the boundaries of the Paleoproterozoic and controlled the deposition of the the major litho–tectonic domains within the CITZ (Fig. volcano–sedimentary litho–package of the Mahakoshal 2b). The SNNF, SNSF, and GTSZ define the Son–Nar- Group. There is no reported evidence of reactivation of mada–Tapti (SONATA) lineament zone mentioned earlier SNNF after the Mesoproterozoic
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