THEIUPUI S A G A M fR E f m n The Weekly Student Newspaper of Indiana University-PurdueTJniversity Indianapolis Buzz Is back MONDAY • NOVI M U IR ?9. 1000 VblOMI ?9 • ISSOI 14 CAMPUS • SPORTS • LIFT • VIEWPOINTS C a m p u s National figures to headline symposium Former IU political primaries have on America's management of major political cam- of the White House; How We Choose VP makes political process. paigns and his leadership in revitaliz- Our Presidential Nominees;” Barbara The Bulen Symposium, which mg the Indiana Republican Party. Nommder of the University of An- honors the late L. Keith Bulen, is co­ 'T he most important thing about zona. Andrew Busch of the Univer- commentators Walter Shapiro and sponsored by the political science de­ thc Bulen Symposium is that we are shy of Denver, and Marjorie Hershey free speech Ken Bode are Just two of a handful of partment in the IU School of Liberal offtj-r national political leaders to partici­ Arts and the 1U School of Public and too many of us take for granted: a pate in the second annual Bulen Environmental Affairs. Last year's in­ his platform Symposium, Dec. 3 at IUPUI. augural event, which occurred shortly Kennedy, professor of public policy The theme will be "Is a Blizzard of Democrat Joe Andrew and Republi­ before Bulen's death, featured David andooc of the event organizers. général admission lor the Bulan Primaries Burying the Political Par- can Jim Nicholson during the day­ Broder of Thé Washington tost, Mark Indiana stale party chairmen Re­ ^Symposium is 195.130 tor ■ Robert O’Neil visits law B ear Shapiro is the lend political col­ long event at University Place Con­ Shields of CNN and Bode. publican Mike McDaniel and Demo­ school to discuss hate umnist for USA Today. Bode is dean ference Center! &50 W. Michigan St. Far three decades, Bulen was a key crat Robin Winston, as well as Curtis from ins Indianapolt Foundation to atlénd tympo**n «re of the Medill School of Journalism at Former Iowa Gov. Teny Branstad. political figure in Indiana and far be­ Gant, director of the Committee for speech versus fight avariatola toy contacting BN Northwestern University and a Jim Barnes of the National Journal, yond. He twice won elective office the Study of the American Elea orate, Blomqurst, chair of the poÉÜcai former political commentator for Jonathan Karl of CNN pha other top and served three presidents in major also will attend. for free expression. NBC and CNN. political reporters, scholars and prac­ appointive posts. Scholars to participate include Shapiro and Bode will be joined by titioners will debate the impact early He. is best remembered for his William Mayer, alitor of “In Pursuit Bt I.XI. Biowk E ditoi is C niif New York Mayor Rudolph April when he received a lifetime Fighting the achievement award from the Tho­ mas Jefferson Center for the Pro­ tection of Free Expression. It's not the kind of award civic leaders art eager to earn. Directed by Robert O'Neil, past president of the University of Vir­ ginia where he now teaches law. the center bestows the annual Jefferson Muzzle Awards on a per­ s T i e n t , m son or organization infamous for During a visit Nov. 18 to IU School of Law-Indianapolis, O’Neil, a former IU vice.presi­ dent, suspended his assault on Instead, he chastised the. of the Illinois Slate Bar for deny­ ing admission to Matthew Hale, a ■ Three Indianapolis women unite to form a support sive teachings reportedly inspired a man to kill a Korean college stu­ network for women diagnosed with ovarian cancer. dent in Bloomington (Ind.) July 4. Defending free speech rights of individuals for whom hate serves as a mantra is not the typical un­ tP iioi is uwur dertaking of a university law pro­ m : fessor. It’s not that O'Neil sup­ st one year after conquering breast cancer in 1993, here she was ports hale speech as a gain — at the doctor’s office getting bad news. phenomenon, far from it. Rather, he wants society to weigh the cost benefit of fostering a more com­ passionate environment of racial J But this time the news was worse. understanding and ideological ac- “1 knew then,” she said, “here comes the chcmo " Diagnosed with ovarian cancer and determined to beat it. Nancy u * m m § 4 Hines was outraged to discover that information about and support the disease that strikes one in 57 women was virtually non-existent. With only seven doctors in the entire state dedicated to gy necological CEO of major roncology at the time, it became abundantly clear to Hines that ovarian can­ cer patients in Indiana did not have a knowledge and encouragement net­ work — at least not on the level breast cancer patients do. She had found her calling. God delivered her from “the silent killer,** she nwrtor /IT17 [q u a n ta Tew online book said. “1 got a gift from God because I found this thing in Stage One. Jm m i D*CnM (Wt), a mittMM n ta I* a rntnbH of Um IUPUI “So God says to me. this* is your responsibility: Educate women (who Equtstriin Toam. /_ will) perhaps find it in an early stage when it is most curable.’’ seller shoots Five years later, she has accomplished her goal and she’s keeping the faith. Hines talked to survivors and answered women's questions at her booth inside the Women's Expo Nov. 13 in Indianapolis, Riding toward new success back at critics the coliege hosting the show. “ — ;----------------------------------------------------------t m m w m r m t Bt Erick McDonald Not all members compete against other colleges. In Bi Aims 8. Orris Staff W u rit H arvard CttMSOX order to compete on the equestrian team, riders must be H til UP UxiYtlSlTt Steadily galloping through this semester, the IUPUI full-time students. Many students enjoy the other activi­ ties within the club, such as riding lessons, trail rides. (U-WIRE) Cambridge, Mass $400K grant mil help — The head of VmityBooks.com IUPUI has had an equestrian team off and on for the Angie Com. team vice president, said for riding les­ lashed out Nov. 15 at college past several years. After dying out in 1995, the team re­ sons the team uses the facilities at Rob Robinson Train­ bookstores suing the company organized in the fall of 1997. Since then, the team has ing Center by Franklin Central High School, on the over claims of false and mislead­ create better school become more competitive against the 10 other schools southeast side, and Bridle Oaks Farm in Zionsville. ing advertising. in the region and its membership has doubled in the last Aside from being partially funded by lUPUI's Joint Chief Executive Officer Eric J. Allocation Committee, team members are currently Kuhn portrayed the suit as an at­ Toni Harris, team president, said the team’s purpose raising money through the sales of Zoobooks and try to tempt by profit-motivated stores to gives students the opportunity to learn bow to ride, care "hold a bake sale at least once a month. To qualify for deny students “choice, conve- eervelaece systems for and appreciate horses. It also allows students a funds used for competitions, members must attend a minimum of two meetings per month. Meetings are at 8 “This lawsuit is completely “We provide funding to help people with lessons,*’ p m every Wednesday in ES 2110. without merit.” said Kuhn. “Old Staff R iron Harris said. “You don’t have to own a horse to compete Becky Warren, a new member and avid rider since guard monopolists are threatened or bring a horse to the shows, 1 she was nine years old, said that it feels good to repre­ by the new kid on the block." • Researchers at the Institute for Forensic Imaging at IUPUI plan to use a sent a team that has become competitive with other The suit, brought by the Na­ new S400.00Q grant from the National Institute of Justice to make school Team officers emphasized that no prior horse experi - schools and encouraged people to come out and show tional Association of College surveillance systems more effective in protecting students and teachers. ence is required, just a strong motivation to learn. There their support for the team. Stores. challenges As part of the one-year cooperative agreement, the IF1 will research, test are classes designed with the beginning competitor in “It* s a good opportunity for people to come and see VariityBookscom's claim that it and evaluate school surveillance systems. mind. Furthermore, students don’t need to own a horse. what we're all about and to see how the shows go." offers savings of up to 40 percent. Warren said. The lawsuit contends that only The“Many agreement of the surveillance is supported systems by the nowresearch in place and developmentare basically closed-cir­arm of the The Intercollegiate Horse Show Association does not For more information on upcoming competitions, a small percentage of its books are cuitU-S. Departmenttelevision hookups."of Justice. said Herb Blitzer. IF1 executive director. allow people to use their own horses to ensure that all Much of IFI’s research involves digital imaging. Its researchers create, entrants are competing on an even playing field. Horses the team's website at http:// improve and develop technology used to record and s are provided by the barn where lessons are given and by • M M n r t w i Viewpoints P age I f JMM Jacfcaon Mould qui madtfino * o< cfwrt tor tu mm ogoM&cai graWctóon We've got an easy way to Ini' We’re netLibrary We r ethou f books Online.
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