1308 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 54 EFFICIENCY AND LONG SERVICE DECORATIONS AND MEDAL&'-:: King's Commendation for Valuable Servioe in the .Air con.tiniied 1939-1945, and Subsequently; Queen's Commendation for Army Emergency Reserve Decoration!!, Valuable Service in the Air, 1952, and Subsequently Volunteer Officers' Decorationll, The oval silver Badge granted to denote a civil K1ng 's Volunteer Long Service Medal. Commendation or Queen's Commendation for valuable service Volunteer Officers' Decoration ( for India and the in the air is worn on the coat immediately below any Medals Colonies) II, or Medal ribandst, or in civil air line uniform, on the panel of Volunteer Long Service Medal ( for India and the the left breast pocket. Colonies).· . Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration 11 • NOTE ON LETTERS AFTER. THE NAME Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal. Medal for Good Shooting (Naval). All those Honours, Decorations and Medals marked II in Militia Long Service Medal. · the list above entitle the holders to use the appropriate letters Imperial Yeomanry Long Service Medal. after the name. These groups of letters should be shown in the Territorial DecorationJI· same order as the order of weal', subject to the following Efficiency Decoration 11 • exceptions,· marked II IJ. Territorial Efficiency Medal. The letters ' 'Bart.. '' or ' 'Bt. ' ' are shown direct}y aftt:lr the Efficiency Medal. surname before all other Jetters after the name. Special Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. The Medal for Meritorious Service only carries a right to Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Reservell• letters after the name if it was awarded in the Navy before Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Volunteer 20th .T uly 1928. Reserve II, *Formerly known as the Rocket Apparatus Volunteer Long Service Royal Naval Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Medal and awarded on the recommendation of the· Board of 'l'rade. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Long Service and Good the Minister of Shipping, Minister of War Transport or Minister of Conduct Medal. Transport and now on the recommendation of the Minister of Trans· port and Civil Aviation. Royal Naval Auxiliary Sick Berth Reserve Long Service tThese awards may be worn only when '1'he Sovereign's permission and Good Conduct Medal. has been given. Royal Fleet Reserve Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. tif there are no Medal ribands, the Emblem is worn in the position Royal Naval Wireless Auxiliary Reserve Long Service and in which a single riband would be worn. § Instituted by King George VI to commemorate the constitutional Good Conduct Medal. change which resulted in the indepenclence of India on· 15th August Air Efficiency Award. 1947. Queen's Medal (for Champion Shots in the Military Forces). II See Note above on letters after the name. Queen's Medal (for Champion Shots of the Air Forces). Cadet Forces Medal. Coast Life Saving Corps Long Service Medal. ·:'c Board of Trade Notice No. 112-Public Inquiry into Import Special Constabulary Long Service Medal. Duti-es on Play·ing Card.s, Fancy Goods, Statues, Related Canadian Forces Decorationll, Products and Materials Therefor Royal Observer Corps Medal. 1. (a) The Board of Trade proposes to inquire into and Union of South Africa Commemoration Medal. report upon the question of what rates of import duty should Indian Independence Medal§. be imposed under the tariff items listed hereunder: Pakistan Medal. Tariff Item 235: Whole item. Service Medal of the Order of St. J ohu. Ex Tariff Item 239 (2): Fancy goods; walking sticks; Badge of the Order of the League of Mercy. combs, hair and toilet. Voluntary Medical Service Medal. Tal'iff Item 260: Whole item. South African Medal for War Services. ( b) The Board will also inquire into an.d report upon what FOREIGN ORDERS (in order of date of award) t. rates of import duty should he imposed on any parts or FOREIGN DECORATIONS (in order of date of award) t. materials used in the manufacture of the above goods which FOREIGN MEDALS (in order of date of award) t. are admitted under any ·other tariff item. ( c) Persons interested may obtain from the office of any NOTE ON MENTIONS IN DESPATCHES, KING'S CoMMENDA'.rIONS Collector of Customs details of the goods admitted under . AND QUEEN'S COMMENDATIONS these tariff items, and of the rates of jmport duty applicable thereto. · Mentio1i in Despatches, 1914-1919 2. Dming the course of this inquiry the Board will consider The Emblem of bronze oak leaves denoting a Mention in the desfrability of reclassifying tlre goods in question for the Despatches during the First World War, 1914-1919, is worn purposes of the Customs Tariff. In addition, the Board will on the riband of the Victory Medal. The award of this Emblem consider whether such of the goods in question as are now ceased as from 10 August 1920. · subject to import licensing should be · exempted from the requirements of import licensing, and in respect of such of the Mention in Despatches, 1920-1939 goods in question ·as are already exempt whether import licensing should be imposed in respect of any of them. · The single bronze oak foaf Emblem, if granted for service in operations between the two World \Vars, is worn on the 3. For the purpose of taking evidence on the review of riband of the appropriate General Service Medal. If a General these tariff items, the Board will hold a public inquiry com­ Service Medal has not been granted, the Emblem is worn mencing on 22 November 1955, at 10.30 a.m., in the Board directly on the coat after any Medal ribands+, Room, First Floor, Departmental Building, Stout Street, Wellington. Mention in Despatches, 1939-1945 4. Any person who intends to tender evidence may obtain from the office of any CoUector of Customs or from the The single bronze oak leaf Emblem signifying in the armed undernamed the notes for the guidance of witnesses ( 2nd Forces and the Merchant Navy, either a Mention in edition) which have been approved by the Board. Despatches, a King's Commendation for brave conduct, or a King's Commendation for valuable service in the air, if 5. A typewritten statement of the evidence to be tendered granted for service in the Second World War, 1939-1945, is should be lodged with the undernamed on or before 8 N ovem­ worn on the riband of the War Medal, 1939-1945. If the War ber 1955. Each statement will in g.eneral need to be presented under oath at the public inquiry by the person tendering it. Medal has not been granted, the Emblem is worn directly 011 the coat, after any Medal ribands+. Dated at Wellington this 12th day of August 1955. E. P. DOOGUE, Secretary, Board of Trade. Mention in Despatches, 1945, and Subsequently C.P.O. Box 2424, Wellington C. 1. The single bronze oak leaf Emblem, if granted for service in operations after the cessation of hostilities in the Second World War, is wom on the riband of the appropriate General Election, of Grower Representative on; the Potato Board Service or· Campaign Medal. If such Medal has not been granted~ the Emblem is worn directly on the coat after any 'PURSUANT to section 6 of the Potato G~owing Industry Medal ribands+. Act 1950, and under the provisions of the Potato Board The single bronze oak leaf Emblem is also used in the Election Regulations 1951, notice is hereby given that the Forces to denote a King's or Queen's Commendation for roll of growers in the Northern Ward who are brave conduct or a King's or Queen's Commendation for entitled to vote for a grower member on the Potato Board valuable service in the air granted since the cessation of hos­ will be open for· public inspection during ordinary ofii,ce hours tilities in the Second World Wal'. for a period of seven days from the 17th day of August 1955 at the Head Office of the Board, Wellington, at the offices of King's Commendation for Brave Conduct, 1939-1945, and the Rangitikei and the Manawatu Potato Growers' Associa­ Subsequently; Queen's Commendation for Brave Condupt, tions, and at the offices of the Department of Agriculture at 1952, and Subsequently Palmerston North and Hastings. Nomination forms may be had on application to any of The Emblem of silve1· laurel leaves granted to civilians, the above offices, or from the Returning Officer, Box 2742 other than those in the Merchant Navy, to denote a King's Vi' ellington. · ' Commendation for brave conduct during the Second World Nominations must be in the hands of the Returning Officer '\Var, 1939-1945, is worn on the riband of the Defence Medal. by not later than noon on the 7th. day of September 1955. When the Defence Medal has not been granted or the award is for services subsequent to the war, the Emblem of silver Dated at Wellington this 17th day of August 1955. laurel leaves is worn directly on the coat after any Medal N. J. McHUGH, Returning Officer, ribands+. Potato Boarq. Election, Wellington. .
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