Page 2, Thursday, August 17,2006 News for Southern Colorado County, Texas — The Eagle Lake Headlight r THE EAGLE LAKE HEADLIGHT Advertising and News Deadline: 5 P.M. Monday Single Copy Price : 50* (USPS 163-760) Produced and Subscription Rates Second class postage paid MEMBER P.O. Box 67 - 220 East Main at Eagle Lake, Texas 2006 CITY OF EAGLE LAKE, TEXAS 77434-0067 Distributed By: Colorado County (including Lissie & Egypt) $15.50 Ttt" 979-234-5521 • Fax: 979-234-5522 Fayette, Lavaca, Wharton & Austin Counties $17.00 TEXAS PRESS James Sweet Address Corrections email: [email protected] Other Texas Residents $18.50 ASSOCIATION Carol Cardenas • Doug Beal should be sent to P.O. Box 67 Published Weekly-Every Thursday Outside of Texas; Inside U.S $20.00 Fred Kaiser, Jr. Eagle Lake, Texas 77434-0067 The Eagle Lake Headlight reserves the right to reject, edit or omit editorial Foreign Rates Available By Request content and/or advertisement for any reason in order to conform to the paper's policy. TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION Gubernatorial Candidates Already Starting To Throw Punches State I Capital AUSTIN - Candidates for lated work. Antonin Scalia put a stop further wins? To some, the result may ity bills in the agency's legislative governor agreed to meet at 7 p.m. Friedman campaign director appeal by the Republican Party be interpreted as an affirmation budget request. Oct. 6 in Dallas for an hour-long, Dean Barkley said, "We urge the of Texas to remove Tom DeLay s or erosion of the GOP because of Perry said the electric rate televised debate. district attorney's office to inves- name from the November ballot. DeLay's national profile and the discount program was not funded As if they were the only ones tigate her actions and determine The Texas Democratic Party district's status as a Republican by the Legislature during the cur- in the race, incumbent Gov. Rick whether the Comptroller violated sued to keep DeLay on the bal- stronghold. rent biennium. Perry and outgoing Comptroller Texas law." lot and won in an Austin federal DeLay's daughter Dani Ferro If passed by the 2007 Leg- Carole Keeton Strayhorn contin- The Chris Bell campaign also district court and at the U.S. Fifth sent out a statement from her islature, qualifying Texans will ued their almost-daily Punch and took aim at Strayhorn, using cam- Circuit Court of Appeals in New father, saying he would "take the receive a 10 percent discount on Judy show. paign finance records filed with Orleans. actions necessary to remove [his] their electric bills in the 2008-2009 But other high-profile con- the Texas Ethics Commission. DeLay, former representative name from the Texas ballot." biennium. tenders skipped waiting for the According to her campaign of Congressional District 22, said Signaling more to come, De- Speaker to reimburse HIGHLIGHTS cruelest month to roll around literature, Strayhorn has vowed he plans to keep trying to get his Lay encouraged Texas Republi- for fix-up By Ed Sterling before laying into Strayhorn in to end "secret, foreign toll roads," name taken off the ballot. cans "to take any and all actions Texas House Speaker Tom particular about matters such as although Zachry Construction is Meanwhile, the mayor of Sugar necessary to give Texas voters Craddick, R-Midland will repay Find out who is ethics and campaign finance. a partner with the Spanish firm Land, a Republican, has declared an up or down choice this fall the state for costs in renovating paying whom Kinky Friedman's campaign CINTRA in the multi-billion dollar himself a write-in candidate for between two major-party candi- his luxury flat in the state Capitol, Political watchdogs Texans drew a bead on state comptroller Trans-Texas Corridor toll road DeLay's old seat. dates." according to his aides. for Public Justice has posted a Carole Keeton Strayhorn's cam- project. The Democratic party's choice Utility rate discount Private donations will make telling report titled "Austin's Old- paign in particular. The Bell campaign cited Stray- for the seat vacated by DeLay on horizon up the more than $50,000 in state est Profession: Texas' Top Lobby Friedman's campaign asked horn's stand and suggested she June 9 is former U.S. Rep. Nick Gov. Perry told the Public money that went into the proj- Clients and Those Who Service Travis County District Attorney return $29,500 donated to her Lampson. Utilities Commission to put the ect. Them." It's on the Internet for all Ronnie Earle to investigate Stray- campaign by members of the Why should voters outside restoration of a program that to see by clicking tpj.org/austin- horn after the Rick Perry and Zachry family of San Antonio. of CD-22 give a hoot about who helps low-income Texans pay util- soldes06/facts.html. Strayhorn camps accused each Quest for ballot other of using state government change rebuffed ^ employees to do campaign-re- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Let's Look Back. ■ 24 & 48 YEARS AGO THIS IS D.Q. COUNTRY SPECIAL Aug. 19,1982 ther of Alice Collins Glover passed in Wharton... former Miss Judy Thomas... Justice of the Peace M.M. away Aug. 5 in Louisiana... Barbara Miller, vice president Mrs. W.K Lehrer of Garwood Jones moved from his office on Tip of the hat this week goes and cashier at The First National complimented her granddaugh- Any Royal Treat the second floor of the police to four Eagle Lake Community Bank, was graduated from The ter, Gretchen Lehrer with a birth- department building to an office Hospital Auxiliary members who School for Bank Administration day party held in the Sakowitz Tea inside City Hall... have faithfully served over 2000 at The University of Wisconsin. Room in Houston... $1.99 The business and production hours in the hospital. They are Receipt of her diploma on Aug. Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Spanihel Offer good office of The Eagle Lake Head- Letha Lundquist, Esther Sunder- 5 marked the completion of 186 became the proud parents of a Through Sept. 3 light will be moved Aug. 26 to 220 man, Annie Margaret White and credit hours of study... bouncing baby daughter Tuesday Dairif E. Main Street... Viola Zboril... Carmen G. Stallman of Gar- morning at Laughlin Hospital. Queen Gwen Paschall of Eagle Lake, Sympathy was extended to wood is among 74 persons receiv- The little lady has been given New Hours an independent beauty consultant Joe Wendel, a Rice High School ing Doctor of Veterinary Medi- the name Mary Jo and is being with Dallas-based Mary Kay Cos- teacher, whose father, Karl Wen- cine degrees from Texas A&M welcomed home by two sisters, Sun.-Thurs.-10 am -10 pm metics, Inc., returned from the 20th del passed away after being poi- University - the nation's largest Cynthia and Teresa and one Annual Seminar held at the Dallas soned by a scorpion sting... veterinary school. Carmen is the brother, Joe Mike... Fri.-Sat.-10 am-11 pm Convention Center, Aug. 2-4... Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Matura of daughter of Mary Stallman and Gardner Seaholm, Jr. better The Texas Classroom Teach- Altair announced the engagement Neal Stallman of Garwood. known as Buddie, celebrated his er's Association sponsored its 10th and approaching marriage of their August 28,1958 seventh birthday Aug. 9 with a 979-234-3541 Annual Leadership Conference daughter, Alice Renae, to David In Eagle Lake, 968 voters party given in his honor... We Now Accept Visa & Mastercard July 30-31 at the Hilton Inn in Wayne Wedel, son of Mr. and Mrs. went to the polls to elect Louis W. Mrs. Joe Hardy was compli- Austin. Among the 300 teachers Everett Wedel of El Campo. The Stiles, Jr., the new Commissioner mented at a farewell party Aug. EAGLE LAKE DAIRY QUEEN there was Lynda Appelt of Eagle wedding is calendared for Sept. of Precinct 4 and M.M. Jones as 20. Mrs. Hardy and son, Roy, plan 100 Boothe Drive Lake... 11 at the First Baptist Church in Justice of the Peace of Eagle Lake to leave soon to join Mr. Hardy Morris Collins Gache, 92, fa- Eagle Lake... Precinct 4... in Temple where they will make Mr. and Mrs. Jose Posada Mr. and Mrs. Walter Konzen their new home... announced the arrival of a baby announced the arrival of a son, Mrs. O.J. Wintermann report- fr ^ girl, Bridget Helen, born July 31 John Hunter, born Aug. 21 in ed that the violent electrical storm at the Gulf Coast Medical Center Ganado. The new mother is the Aug. 18 caused heavy d a room over her garage. DPS To Crackdown For Labor Day The Department of Public downs. We intend to keep our a $10,000 fine. This will result in a Safety will be participating in roadways safe by getting drunk $3,000 surcharge (paid over three three enforcement operations drivers off our streets," said Se- years), if an offender is convicted geared to getting drunk drivers nior Trooper Gary Pflughaupt. of driving while intoxicated. off our roadways. "Since Labor Day is traditionally "Our goal is to make our high- The first campaign is Drunk the last weekend of the summer, ways safe," stated Pflughaupt. Driving - Over the Limit - Under more people are out celebrating "This isn't a game! When drivers Sp o r tsmart s Arrest, will begin Friday, August - creating potentially dangerous are stopped for drunk driving and 18lh at 12:01 am. This program situations on our roadways." they're over the limit, they will be will run for a total of 18 days, DPS wants to remind motor- arrested for DWI." ending Monday, September 4lh at ists of a state law that makes Also, a motorist whose vehicle midnight.
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