downloaded on 25/11/2020 FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE L’ART PHOTOGRAPHIQUE THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF PHOTOGRAPHIC ART _____________________________________________________________________________________ SERVICE PATRONAGES - Romain NERO, EFIAP/g, HonEFIAP 22, rue de Tétange L-3672 KAYL G.D. de LUXEMBOURG - Tél. (+352) 621 196 738 - Email : [email protected] / [email protected] SALONS SOUS PATRONAGE FIAP SALONS UNDER FIAP PATRONAGE 2020 LISTE / LIST Les listes de Patronage FIAP sont également accessibles sous: The FIAP Patronage listings may also be accessed under: https://myfiap.net/patronages Les bulletins de participation sont à solliciter directement auprès des organisateurs. The entry-forms must be requested directly from the organizers. Symboles – Symbols M = monochrome US$ = Dollars USA / US Dollars CP = couleur papier, colour prints INFO = Adresse, Address CS = dias, colour slides CLO = date clôture, closing date DIG = digital JUR = sélection, judging NAT = nature NOT = notification PI = Image projetée, Projected image EXH = vernissage, exhibition PJ = photo journalisme, photo journalism RET = retour des œuvres, works returned PT = photo voyage, photo travel CAT = catalogue AV = audiovisuel, audio-visual NS = nouveau salon, new salon T = thème, theme --- = gratuit, free of charge TRAD = image traditionnelle, traditional image ??? = non spécifié, not specified PAR = droit de participation, entry-fee RG/GR = Réduction groupes/ Group entry AM = renvoi par avion, air mail return reduction € = Euro 1 downloaded on 25/11/2020 - 2020- 2020/001 12th Holland International Image Circuit 2020 - 18th Tribute to Colour 2020 2020/002 12th Holland International Image Circuit 2020 - 12th Image Salon Delft 2020 2020/003 12th Holland International Image Circuit 2020 - 12th Image Contest Wageningen 2020 2020/004 12th Holland International Image Circuit 2020 - 10th Rainbow Challenge Rijen 2020 2020/005 12th Holland International Image Circuit 2020 - 3rd EPic Photo Salon Epe 2020 PI Sections: 3 OpenC + OpenM + Travel CLO: 12/01/2020 PAR: 3 sect.: 50€ JUR: 26/01/2020 INFO: Holland International Image Circuit NOT: 12/02/2020 Mariska Lansbergen EXH: 07-14/03/2020 Middenweg 325 RET: 30/03/2020 CAT: 5/5 1701 GE Heerhugowaard / Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.hollandcircuit.nl 2020/006 4th Port Elizabeth Camera Club International Audio Visual Festival AV Sections: 1 Open CLO: 25/11/2020 PAR: ??? sect.: ?????? JUR: 25/11/2020 INFO: Photographic Society of South Africa NOT: 25/11/2020 Roel van Oudheusden EXH: - PO Box 5060 RET: 25/11/2020 CAT: 3/5 6065 Port Elizabeth / South Africa E-mail: [email protected] Site: http://pssa.co.za/2020-pecc-intl 2020/007 3ème salon international de la photographie - Comines 2020 PI Sections: 3 OpenC + OpenM + T1:Portrait CLO: 23/02/2020 PAR: 3 sect.: 15€ JUR: 07/03/2020 INFO: Royal Photo Club Cominois NOT: 17/03/2020 Jean Luc FAUCOMPRE EXH: 18-26/04/2020 24, rue Pablo PICASSO RET: 04/05/2020 CAT: 4/5 59560 Comines / France E-mail: [email protected] Site: http://www.royalphotoclubcominois.sitew.be 2020/008 Maitland International Salon of Photography PR,PI Sections: 4 OpenC + OpenM + NAT + Travel CLO: 13/01/2020 PAR: 1 sect.: 15AUD; 2 sect.: 25AUD; 3 sect.: 30AUD; 4 sect.: 34AUD; 5 sect.: 38AUD; 6 JUR: 26/01/2020 sect.: 40AUD INFO: Maitland International Salon of Photography NOT: 07/02/2020 Sharron Leppien EXH: 10-16/02/2020 Maitland International Salon of Photogaphy RET: 11/04/2020 CAT: 4/5 2320 Maitland / Australia E-mail: [email protected] Site: matilandsalon.org 2 downloaded on 25/11/2020 2020/009 Bristol Salon 2020 PI,PR Sections: 4 Open + OpenM + Travel + NAT CLO: 25/01/2020 PAR: 1 sect.: 12GBP; 2 sect.: 15GBP; 3 sect.: 18GBP; 4 sect.: 21GBP; 5 sect.: 24GBP; 6 JUR: 16/02/2020 sect.: 27GBP INFO: Bristol Photographic Society NOT: 22/02/2020 Pete Howell EXH: 25-11/05/2020 44 Kenmore Drive RET: 02/05/2020 CAT: 4/5 Bristol BS7 0TT / England E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.bristolphoto.org.uk 2020/010 5th Lion City International Salon 2020 PI Sections: 6 OpenC + OpenM + T1:Life + T2:Action + Travel + NAT CLO: 03/03/2020 PAR: 1 sect.: 20US$; 2 sect.: 20US$; 3 sect.: 20US$; 4 sect.: 25US$; 5 sect.: 25US$; 6 JUR: 15/03/2020 sect.: 25US$ INFO: The Photographic Society of Singapore NOT: 25/03/2020 Kok Leong Jack Goh EXH: 09-13/05/2020 30 Selegie Road RET: 17/05/2020 CAT: 5/5 188351 / Singapore E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.lcis.sg 2020/011 13th INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION »MASK 2020« PI Sections: 4 T1:MASK + OpenM + OpenC + T2:PEOPLE CLO: 26/01/2020 PAR: 4 sect.: 20€ JUR: 01/02/2020 INFO: Photo Club Cerkno NOT: 10/02/2020 Anica Kofol EXH: 21-21/03/2020 Otalez 5 RET: 30/04/2020 CAT: 4/5 5282 Cerkno / Slovenia E-mail: [email protected] Site: https://www.fotoklub-cerkno.si/ 2020/012 Salon Photo de Riedisheim PR,PI Sections: 4 OpenC + OpenM + T1:Women + T2:Srteet Scenes CLO: 19/01/2020 PAR: 6 sect.: 32€ JUR: 02/02/2020 INFO: ASPRO-L'Aronde NOT: 18/02/2020 Louedec Jean-Yves EXH: 14-22/03/2020 9, allée des Séquoias RET: 14/03/2020 CAT: 5/5 68700 Cernay / France E-mail: [email protected] Site: spr-photo.fr 3 downloaded on 25/11/2020 2020/013 MIRACLE IMAGE 6th INTERNATIONAL SALON 2020 PI Sections: 6 OpenM + OpenC + T1 + NAT + Travel + PJ CLO: 01/01/2020 PAR: 1 sect.: 10US$; 2 sect.: 20US$; 3 sect.: 20US$; 4 sect.: 20US$; 5 sect.: 30US$; 6 JUR: 12/01/2020 sect.: 38US$ INFO: Photography Pathshala NOT: 19/01/2020 Mohan Pandit EXH: 28-29/03/2020 7/H/6 Seal Lane RET: 24/03/2020 CAT: 4/5 700015 Kolkata / India E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.photographypathshala.in 2020/014 5º Circuito Ibérico - XXXII Certamen Fotográfico Internacional “El trabajo y los oficios” 2020/015 5º Circuito Ibérico - V Salón Internacional 64 aniversario afG 2020/016 5º Circuito Ibérico - V Salón Internacional de Berga “Tirabol 2020” 2020/017 5º Circuito Ibérico - III SALÓN FOTOGRÁFICO INTERNACIONAL DE ANTEQUERA PI Sections: 4 OpenC + OpenM + Travel + PJ CLO: 15/01/2020 PAR: 4 sect.: 40€ JUR: 09/02/2020 INFO: Circuito Ibérico de Fotografia NOT: 17/02/2020 Alfredo Sotelo Matos EXH: 08-29/05/2020 C/ Diego Ponce 21 2º D. RET: 29/05/2020 CAT: 4/5 29200 Antequera / Spain E-mail: [email protected] Site: http://circuitoiberico.es/ 2020/018 German International Photocup (GIP) - Hessen 2020/019 German International Photocup (GIP) - Baden-Württemberg 2020/020 German International Photocup (GIP) - Niedersachsen 2020/021 German International Photocup (GIP) - Nordrhein-Westfalen PI Sections: 4 OpenC + OpenM + NAT + Travel CLO: 15/03/2020 PAR: 4 sect.: 20€ JUR: 22/03/2020 INFO: German International Photocup NOT: 29/03/2020 Norbert Heil EXH: 08-15/05/2020 5, Johannesstrasse RET: 31/05/2020 CAT: 4/5 70794 Filderstadt / Germany E-mail: [email protected] Site: http://www.germanphotocup.de 2020/022 107th Southampton International Exhibition PR,PI Sections: 5 OpenM + OpenC + Open + T1:Landscape + NAT CLO: 09/02/2020 PAR: 6 sect.: 60GBP JUR: 02/03/2020 INFO: Southampton Camera Club NOT: 11/03/2020 Dave Kiddle EXH: 23-23/07/2019 21 Firs Drive RET: 18/05/2020 CAT: 4/5 SO30 4QQ Southampton / England Site: E-mail: [email protected] https://southamptoninternationalexhibition.co.uk 4 downloaded on 25/11/2020 2020/023 BALKAN EXHIBITION - 5th - 2020 – Bor - Serbia 2020/024 BALKAN EXHIBITION - 5th - 2020 – Limassol - Cyprus 2020/025 BALKAN EXHIBITION - 5th - 2020 – Oradea - Romania 2020/026 BALKAN EXHIBITION - 5th - 2020 – Resita - Romania PI Sections: 4 OpenC + OpenM + NAT + Travel CLO: 16/01/2020 PAR: 4 sect.: 35€ JUR: 30/01/2020 INFO: Balkan International Photo club NOT: 09/02/2020 Sladjana Aleksic EXH: 17-24/05/2020 Nikole Pasica 30/4 RET: 16/04/2020 CAT: 3/5 19210 Bor / Serbia E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.photobalkan.com 2020/027 New Year Circuit 2020 - New Year Circuit 2020 - Kula 2020/028 New Year Circuit 2020 - New Year Circuit 2020 - Novi Sad 2020/029 New Year Circuit 2020 - New Year Circuit 2020 - Aleksinac 2020/030 New Year Circuit 2020 - New Year Circuit 2020 - Ruma 2020/031 New Year Circuit 2020 - New Year Circuit 2020 - Vrbas PI Sections: 3 OpenM + OpenC + NAT CLO: 01/01/2020 PAR: 1 sect.: 30€; 3 sect.: 40€ JUR: 28/01/2020 INFO: Photo club Kula NOT: 01/02/2020 Djordje Vukicevic EXH: 15-30/03/2020 Seljackih buna 37 RET: 01/04/2020 CAT: 3/5 21000 Novi Sad / Serbia E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.fkk.rs 2020/032 PRAGUE PI Sections: 6 OpenM + OpenC + NAT + Travel + T1:Portrait + PJ CLO: 03/02/2020 PAR: 1 sect.: 25€; 2 sect.: 30€; 3 sect.: 35€; 4 sect.: 40€; 5 sect.: 45€; 6 sect.: 50€ JUR: 16/02/2020 INFO: PhotoArt magazine NOT: 23/02/2020 Kristina Stejskalova EXH: 03-02/05/2020 Na Vršku 271 RET: 02/04/2020 CAT: 4/5 251 68 Sulice - Kamenice / Czech Republic E-mail: [email protected] Site: http://salon.photoart.cz/ 2020/033 4th BPS International Photography Competition & Exhibition 2019 PI,PR Sections: 4 OpenC + OpenM + NAT + Travel CLO: 31/01/2020 PAR: 6 sect.: 30US$ JUR: 07/02/2020 INFO: Bangladesh Photographic Society NOT: 10/02/2020 Tushar Yousuf EXH: 01-01/08/2019 Bangladesh Photographic Society RET: 01/08/2019 Suite # 24, 5th Floor, 218 Elephant Road CAT: 4/5 1205 Dhaka / Bangladesh E-mail: [email protected] Site: www.bpscontest.com 5 downloaded on 25/11/2020 2020/034 4th International Digital Exhibition Vision 2020 PI Sections: 3 OpenC + OpenM + T1:PEOPLE CLO: 04/02/2020 PAR: 3 sect.: 30€ JUR: 09/02/2020 INFO: Photo Club Vision (Finnish name: Kameraseura Mielikuva ry) NOT: 14/02/2020 Ilkka Valkila EXH: 28-28/07/2019 Oksirinne 119 RET: 28/07/2019
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