MOST C O MPLETE PROGRAM LISTINGS PUBLISHED! . E 8 B 7 0 TEN CENTS WEEK ENDING AUGUST 14, 1937 INTRODUCING BET-A-MILLION BING CROSBY • HOW RADIO STARS ·W I N F R lEN 0 SAN D INFLUElNCE PEOPLE CLARE BLAKE Played by JANET LOGAN Vol.b. N"o.43 IN THIS ISSUE WEEK ENDING AUG. 14. 1937 CURTIS MITCHELL Editor Smash Features Wash i n gton-On the Air Civic b7'oadcast of the week ! b y K EN W . PURDY 3 Eat, Drink and Be Famous Char les KuUmann's f or m u la by J AMES H . STREET 4 How Radio Stars W i n Friends Happy Listening And Influence People b y DORA A LBERT 10 OOD news for N elson Eddy ing in fresh s)-lpplies of smokables. Those Personalities fans comes with the word that Shaw p lays a ren' t short! Recently M r. h e returns to the a ir shortly­ Shaw v isited the British Broadcasting Tony Wons G p rob ably this S un d ay night­ C ompany's studios in order to fa miliar­ -What's happened to him? b y C ARL PRENTI SS 5 In behalf of the sponso r w h o also gives ize h im self with the new technique of Bing C r osby us W. C. F ields, Dorothy Lam our a n d drama as presented b y ra d io. When - A t his race t rack ! 6 C harlie M cCarthy. Good news for R a­ ask ed w hat h e thought o f w hat h e saw, Frances Lan gford dio Guide reaelers comes w ith the w o rd h e replied w ith his usual acid humor : - On an ae7'i al v acati on ! 19 th a t w e h ave just received from Mr. ''I've come to two conclusions. First, Eddy a sp ecially posed p hotog ra ph when televisio n com es alo ng, there will News and Views w hich will shortly make its a ppearance n ot only h ave to be m asked tenors but as a cov er o n your R adio Guide. also mask ed singers of a ll sorts-parti­ Stories of the Week's Big Broadcasts 8 'f. 'f. 'f. cula rly sopranos. Second, I've been lis­ Plums and Prunes Two of the most charming actors of tening to America n broa dca sting, and I b y B EN BYERS 12 the theater will be availa ble to our loud­ hear tha t they're stream-lining a lmost I nside Stuff by MARTIN LEWIS 13 speakers this Sunday night. The NBC­ everything these days, including Shakes­ Music of the Masters Blue network is presenting Ina Claire peare. But there is only one thing they b y CARLETON SMI TH 15 and Osgood Perkins in ' The Last of will never stream-line. That's Walter Short Waves b y CHARLES A. M ORRISON 18 Mrs. Cheney ." Perkins Winchell's ton g ue!" is the debonair character Check y our calendar for who plunged through a George Bernard Shaw' s Pictorial Features window in a Broadway plays on August 30. "Aunt Jenny" play, fell flat at the feet 'f. 'f. 'f. The " R eal Life St07'ies" cast! 14 of his lady fair, pro­ Broadcasting and its You Asked for Them-And posed - and won her I power are best realized Here They Are Ei ght headliners of the ai7'! 22 Broadwayites still re­ when one considers com­ Fibber McGee and Molly in member that scene and pla ints by executives of Hollywood - Ow' came7'aman goes along! 24 the devastating effect on the great American tele­ Pickpocket Pictures Mr. Perkins when the phone companies. They A new test for per son ali ty! 26 love-bug bit him. say people aren't using 'f. 'f. 'f. their phones so much Departments The dyspeptic George : '<c , now that ~adio is here. Bernard Shaw's five-play In many places, for in­ Stories of Near-by Stations 15 cycle, "Back to Methus­ George Bernard Shaw: On stance, during a program Radio Guide's X·Word Puzzle 16 elah," will be heard in Aug. 30, his "Back to Me ­ which is particularly pop­ Short-Wave Programs 18 Contests on the Air 31 America on August 30 thuselah " takes the air! ular, thousands of tele- In a 7S -minute broad- phone subscribers call cast: His plays have been specially pre­ Central and ask not to be disturbed. Programs pared for radio by Shaw himself, and Thousands more simply will not answer. the occa sion is one which listeners are It just makes us glad'we are not in the Sunday, August 8 27 Monday, August 9 29 preparing for by putting extra pads on phone business, whicn is tied up with a Tuesday, August 10 32 the seats o f their easy -chairs, or by lay- thing so powerful. Wedn esday, ' August 11 34 Thursday, August 12 37 Friday, August 13 39 Saturday, August 14 ';2 C o ~e r bv Char les E . Rubino JL\J)lO G UIIlE ('J'l";l tl e ;\I;nl< Heg jslel'ed U. S. Pat . O ffice ) . Vohll nc \' 1. ~u lll be l ' 4:>. \-Veel, E ndilJ g A U ~ lI st I IJ, 1 9:17. P uulisll ed I):), R ega l P l'ess, I nc. l.~s u ed \I'eddy. H ,I UIO G Ul nl$ , 7 ;~ 1 P lymout h Cou J' t , L' hil ~ a g o . Hlinois. EIl t, ('l'ed as secoml class matter at the Post Oll1 ce, Chi­ ('ago. lJlin(l i.~, I'cl)l"ua l"Y 24 , 1!.l:i 2, under Act oi 11 a rrh :L 1 8 79. All t hor izect by P ost OtHee Department, Ot t R\Va, Canada, as second-etasii Irl 'ltter. l 'oP,Yl'i~'Ill. J I):l 7. by H egal Press. l lll!. All l' ights r'e:;c l' ved. EditOl'ial. C'il'c\l lation Hnd Busi ness Otlices, 73 1 Pl )' I ~ (~ u t h COll rt, t'llieago, 111inoL.. I1t'I'i)ert K l-;Ult"er , \' j('c-P l'csi t1 cnt ; Cu rti:; Mitche ll . Vice-P resident ; l<;d Zoty, Ci rcu lation M anager. i\ d\'el'tiSlng Offices, :-, ::;1 Fifth A vellue, :"\C\\' York, ;.;: Y. ; ~lill s Bldg., San 1"!' ancLsco. Cal if.; '''estern P ,lciftc B1l1 g,. Los dngeles, Ca lif., and 1,3 1 P lymouth ('ourt, Chil'a.!!n, ltJinois. Uniiol il'il('c! mall u"wl' ipts shonld be 3('('nmp <l nied by stumped, sc li-add ressed elH'ciope rOT return. , 'l en, cents pel' (,OI)Y i ll the Unitcd :-iwtes. Suh:-w]'i!>! bm rales in the ll. S, and Ilosse -'s ions a nd cOl! ntl'les of the P a n-.Amel'i.can ~-' ost a l Un IOn : SI X m Ol~ t h ~ . $2 . 50; one yenl', ~4.I\ O Suhsc'rilll ion l'alc1; ill fo\'ci:;n cOlilltri es : six months, $5 .0 0 ; one year, $8.00. ReUlI t i}y posta l money Oldel , express m uncy ortll'r, OJ ' chen; tll:l\\!l In order of R _\lHO (:l'TPE. CUl'ft']1('Y ~e ll t at ;-. ub.s l'ribcl" s lisk. 2 Radio Guide • Week Ending Aug ust 14. 1937 WASHINGTON HERE'S a new kind of government try, the people, notified of the broad­ in the air today-and when I say cast well in advance-warned would T"in the air" I mean precisely and be a , better word-would tune in the literally that. To an extent that Mar­ receiving sets on whiCh they annually coni himself never dreamed of, the ON THE AIR pay a substantial tax. To make sure nations of the world today are gov­ of safety, they'd turn up the volume erned by radio. Indirectly, in the in­ until the voice of the speaker became fluence it has on the commonplace HENRY A. WALLAC6 GIVES YOU a roar-you never know which of yo_ur things of life, radio is 'a factor of tre­ neighbors is a government spy, and it's mendous importance. But it is when treason to have a silent radio in the the statesmen of the world stand be­ YOUR GOVERNMENT IN HIS TALK bouse when an important governmen­ fore the microphone, to speak to their -tal figure is speaking. All over the people in audiences of millions, that country, the picture is the same-mil­ tr.e awe-inspiring power of radio is THIS FRIDAY NIGHT ON CBS lions of people are listening to one fully revealed. And, like all instru­ man, not because they want to, not be­ ments of great strength, radio is a fac­ cause they think he has anything to tor for evil as well as for good. The say-but because they're afraid, to be bedlam that is European broadcasting doing anything else at that particular today offers ample proof of that: from BY time! the wastes of Siberia to the sunny Meanwhile, in the government­ slopes of Italy, the leaders of the Eu­ W. PUR D~ Y owned transmitting stations of border­ ropean nations din their messages into KEN ing countries, technicians are busy­ the ears of the people-the same lead­ busy creating something that Ameri­ ers., the same mess'ages, the same peo­ can radio engineers are forever trying ple, over and over again! to destroy-static! The reason: The In America-it's different! speech being given in Country A is That fateful night in March, 1933, coming over the border into Country when President Franklin D.
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