InternationalCriminal Tribunal for Rwanda TribunalPénal Internationalpour le Rwanda UNITEDNATIONS NATIONSUNIES ArushaInternational Conference Centre P.O.Box6016, Arusha, Tanzania - B.P.6016, Arusha, Tanzanie Tel:255 27 4207-11/2504367-72 or 1 212 963 2850Fax: 255 27 2504000/4373or 1 212 963 2848 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM -- MEMORANDUM INTERIEUR To" Mr. ConstantHometowu Date: 8 March~{~1~ U Coordinator,Trial Chamber III Ref: () ! From: StëPô:TrîâïPtto~’e~y~(~, )~¢ . r2J ~ Media/AkazuTeam J~,53 -0 Subject: Filingof AmendedIndictment in compliancewith the TrialCha~tber’s o’i decisionof 2 March2005 in Prosecutorv. Zigiranyirazo,ICTR-~01-73-I -- oe 1. Kindlyfind attached the AmendedIndictment for filingin compliancewith the TrialChamber’s decision of 2 March2005. 2. Ailthe deletions and additions required by saidDecision have been made in this AmendedIndictment. Regarding the directionin ParagraphII(3) on page8 theDecision "to insert names of unprotectedwitnesses in therelevant paragraphs as statedin paragraph25 [thisis believedto be 22]above," the Prosecution notes thatthe statementof its witness(SGO) does not giveany furthernames of the membersof the Sekimonyofamily or Bahomatutsi clan. However, its witness AKK does not providethe namesof 11 victimsof the killingson Keshoor GashiheHill. These have been set forth in revisedparagraphs 13 and30. 3. As the TrialChamber focused on theallegation that Kesho or GashiheHill and RumgaHill were in the samesecteur (following the receiptof the corrected informationthat there were not in thesame cellule), and for the sake of accuracy, the referencesto Kabayengocellule have been omitted from revised paragraphs 12,14, 29 and31. 4, Alsoattached is an annexureshowing the deletions and omissions. 5. Alsoattached is Frenchversion of theIndictment. This has been prepared by the Prosecutionin the interests of time.Essentially ail of theadditions to thetext involveddates and names.Most of the requiredchanges were deletions. As suchit waspossible to editthe French translation of the Amended Indictment of 31 August2004 without the needto sendthe new Amendedindictment of the LanguageSection. 6. Bestregards UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR RWANDA CaseNo. ICTR-2001-73-I c=::a () i THE PROSECUTOR AGAINST qJ :70 PROTAIS ZIGIRANYIRAZO > ~ ~ -~ O _ ~ oa. <: m f AMENDED INDICTMENT 1/13 TheProsecutor ofthe United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, pursuant to theauthority stipulated inArticle 17 ofthe Statute of theInternational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda(the "Statute") charges: Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO With: Count 1 - CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT GENOCIDE Count2 - GENOCIDE,or alternatively Count 3 - COMPLICITYIN GENOCIDE Count 4 - EXTERMINATION as a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY Count 5 - MURDER as a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. II. THE ACCUSED 1. ProtaisZIGIRANYIRAZO (alias Mr. "Z")was bornin north-westernRwanda in 1938in Giciyecommune, Gisenyi prefecture. Giciye, together with the adjoining commune of Karago constitutesBushiro which is alsothe birthplace offormer Rwandan president Juvénal HABYARIMANAand his wife Agathe KANZIGA.Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO is Agathe KANZIGA’sbrother, hence the brother-in-lawof President HABYARIMANA. 2. ProtaisZIGIRANYIRAZO served the SecondRepublic MRND govemmentof Juvénal HABYARIMANAas prefetof Ruhengeriprefecture from 1974 to 1989.During the events citedin thisAmended Indictment he wasa businessmanin Giciye commune. 3. UnderPresident HABYARIMANA’s rule, political and financialpower in Rwandawas consolidatedwithin a tight circle consisting ofextended family members of the president and membersof an elitedrawn almost exclusively from Rwanda’s northern prefectures of Gisenyi and Ruhengeri.Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO was a prominentmember of thisgroup. By virtueofhis membership in this group and by virtue ofhis relationship with President HABYARIMANAand with Agathe KANZIGA,Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO wielded great powerand influence. As such, he had de facto control and authority, in the sense of having the materialability toprevent or topunish criminal conduct, over the actions of soldiers, gendarmes,the Interahamwe, administrative officials, and members of thecivilian population in Rwanda. CHARGES and CONCISE STATEMENT OF FACTS Atall times referred toin this indictment there existed in Rwanda a minority ethnic group knownas Tutsis,officially identified assuch by thegovemment. The majority ofthe populationwas comprised ofan ethnicgroup known as Hutus, also officially identified assuch by thegovernment. Count 1: CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT GENOCIDE TheProsecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda charges Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZOwith CONSPIRACYTO COMMIT GENOCIDE,a crime stipulatedin Article 2(3)(b)ofthe Statute, in thaton or betweenthe dates of 1 January1994 and 31 December 1994, ProtaisZIGIRANYIRAZO didconspire with others, including but not limited to otherinfluential and powerfulpersons including Colonel Théoneste BAGOSORA, Colonel NSENGIYUMVA, Colonel Ephrem SETAKO,Agathe KANZIGA,Jean-Bosco BARAYAGWIZA, Raphaël BIKUMBI, Bernard MUNYAGISHARI,Marc MPOZAMBEZI,Arcade SEBATWAREand WellarsBANZI to kill or 2/13 causeserious bodily or mental harm to membersof the Tutsi population with the intent to destroy, in wholeor in part, a racialor ethnic group, as such; as follows: ConciseStatement of Factfor Count1: 5. ProtaisZIGIRANYIRAZO agreed with govemment and militaryauthorities in Kigali-ville prefecturesand in Gisenyi,including Colonel Theoneste BAGOSORA, Chef de Cabinetat the Ministryof Defence,Colonel Anatole NSENGIYUMVA, Colonel Ephrem SETAKO; political leaderssuch as WellarsBANZI of the MRNDand Jean-BoscoBARAYAGWIZA of the CDR; regionaladministrative officials such as Gisenyisous-prefet Raphaël BIKUMBI, and Interahamweleaders such as BernardMUNYAGISHARI, and withmembers of theelite includinghis sister Agathe KANZIGA; with the intent to destroy, in wholeor in part, the Tutsi ethnicgroup, to plan, prepare and facilitate attacks on Tutsiduring the course of 1994, and in particularbetween 6 April and 17 July 1994, throughout Rwanda, particularly inKigali-ville andGisenyi prefectures, asdescribed in paragraphs 6 through 30 of thisIndictment. 6. At an unknowndate in 1992,Wellars BANZI told President HABYARIMANA and Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZOthat ifthere was ever a thoughtto eliminatingthe Tutsi, they had formed a specializedmilitia group to eliminate them as they had done in 1959 in Gisenyi. After this date and continuingthrough July 1994, Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO agreed with Wellars BANZI and BernardMUNYAGISHARI to finance and executethe "specializedmilitia plan," meaning thecreation of the Interahamwe in the whole of Rwanda.In furtherance of the plan Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZOparticipated in and facilitated the organising, arming, training and clothing ofthe Interahamwe andthe arming of thelocal population in Gisenyi, including the financing ofand purchasing amas for the group, with the purpose of attacking and destroying the Tutsi population. 7, Giseny~.Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO agreed at variousmeetings with regional and local administrativeofficiais, including with Gisenyi sous-prefet Raphaël BIKUMBI, Rubavu bourgmestreMarc MPOZAMBEZI, Birembo conseiller de secteurArcade SEBATWARE, and MRNDparty officials and Interahamweleaders such as WellarsBANZI and Bernard MUNYAGISHARI,toplan, organise and facilitate attacks on theTutsi in Gisenyi prefecture. In or aroundSeptember 1993, Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO attended a meetingnear his homein Giciyecommune in GisenyiPrefecture with the conseiller of Birembo secteur, Alcade SEBATWEand agreed to takeaction against local Tutsis. In or aroundearly April 1994, ColonelBAGOSORA sent a messageto Gisenyiaddressed to Jean-BoscoBARAYAGWIZA andProtais ZIGIRANYIRAZO that signalled that the killings of Tutsisbegin. Shortly after, JeanBosco BARAYAGWIZAand ProtaisZIGIRANYIRAZO called all the bourgmestres andconseiller desecteurs toa meetingat thePalm Beach hotel in Gisenyi in order to plan and organisethe genocide.In or aroundmid April1994, Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO, in furtheranceofthis plan instigated theelimination ofall Tutsis at a publicmeeting held at a footballfield in Gisenyi, atwhich he spoke together with other officiais, including Colonel TheonesteBAGOSORA and ColonelEphrem SETAKO. 8, On or aboutthe 11 th of February1994, Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO agreed with his sister, AgatheKANZIGA and a ColonelAnatole NSENGIYUMVA and otherpersons to killthe enemyand its accomplices. Infurtherance ofthe agreement they established a list of influential membersof theTutsi ethnic group and "moderate" Hutu to be executed. 9, In April1994, Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO met with military leaders in Gisenyiand Ruhengeri,including Colonel NSENGIYUMVA on an almostdaily basis in orderto planthe organizationandexecution ofthe genocide in Gisenyi.Infurtherance ofthis plan, on a date uncertainin April1994, Interahamwe militia mounted a roadblockon the"La Corniche" roadwayin Gisenyitown leading toward the main border-crossing intoZaïre. The "La Corniche"roadblock was under the general control oflnterahamwe leaders, including Omar 3/13 SERUSHAGO,reporting to ColonelNSENGIYUMVA and BernardMUNYAGISHARI. The roadblockwas alsomanned by CDR-affiliatedarmed civilians, including ABUBA, BAHATI andLIONCEAU, and gendarmes,immigration police and customs officers. The purpose ofthe roadblockwas to preventTutsi and "moderate" Hutu from escaping across the border to Zaïre by takingthem to be killedin a nearbylocation. Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO was aware ofthe closed-borderregime and ordered and instigated the Interahamwe,
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