~ Com unity Newspaper Cor i_ P_an~y__ www_ ._to_w_no_n_lin_e_.c_o_m_/a_11_st_o_nb_(_1gh_t_O{l____ _____F_ R_l_DA_Y_,_F_E_B_U_A_R_'Y_1_, _2_0_02________________ vo_ l._6_, _N_o._2_8__ 4_0 _P_a_ge_s__ 3_S e_c_tion__s_7_5_¢ Battle of the Park Memorial Protection is near for Aberdeen's building jewels Final decision on status ofArchitectura l Conservation District is with City Council By Auditi Guha STAI ""EP "The architectural quality esidents and activi-.ts are try­ ing to designate the Aberdeen of this area needs to be Rdi.,t1ict of B1ighton an Archi­ preserved. I am very tectuml Conservation Di-.trict. The proposal \\,ts recent!) appro\'ed by excited for the residents the Boston Landmarks Commission. of Aberdeen and Brighton. as wel l as Boston Mayor Thomas Menino. and now awaits the decision That's how I feel and that's of the Cit) Council. i ··Tue <m:hitecrural quality of this how most people feel." area needs to be presen:ed:· said ARCA board and Study ARCA board and Study Comminee member Philip Tackel. "I am very ex­ Committee member Philip Tacke! cited for the residents of Aberdeen and Bnghton. That\ hO\\ I fee l and City Councilor Brian Honan is that\ hO\\ most people feel." pleased with this move. This designation establishes criteria "I think it's a great idea to protect and standards that need to be fo llowed 1he integrity ofhome11 in this beautiful for making changes to buildings and neighborhood," he said. ''This desig­ landscapes. to bring more consistency nation will force homeowners who and predictabilil) to an) change that want to alter their facades to go before nia) atfo.:t the historic architecture of the Landmarks Commission to see if the .uea 1 lhc change will be appropriate to the uckerman (left), arc lltect of the Brighton World War II veteran's memorlal and WWII vet Mikhail Kruchlnl stand with .. It was pa<.;sed unanimously and the 1:ommunity." monument. commis.,1 011 appro,ed it," said Ellen The intent of the Aberdeen Archi­ L1pse). executive director of the tectural Coni.e1vation District is to Boston Landmark-.. Commission. protect the unique character ot a ·It 's vets vs. the city in a.fight to build a statue der· to ··\\L a1c tluilled about 1t and the com­ Boston streeccar suhurb and preStrve munit) has been extreme!) support­ the diversity of present varied housing those l-vho fought in World War II ne of this mo\'e which i'> a culmina­ 1vpes. Constnictcd p1cdominantly be­ tion of IS'' eel-. s 1,f" tlrl.:. t\\ een 1890 and 1940. Aberdeen i~ By Audlti'G Jha vetom.::- plans. sa~ ing that the proposed stru..turc I" month' ago to build a mcmo1i.tl JeJ1c.1teJ to The ma) or appt1l\ cJ the de.signa­ unu~ua! in architt;l:tural quality and STAFFWRll js too and that the~ ha\e to \.Ome back with a "lg Russian and Amcric<1n Wol'ld \\ r II \ etcrans. tion tlm. \\eek and the City Council landscape features. Residents and nev. plan and pnxJfthat the communit) "adopt­ up of veterans war s to see a memorial YakO\· Elner. p~jent of Association of In­ has a subsequent two-thirds vote that Study Committee members are opti­ 1 ed the park" b11il i Shubow Park, an rea which residents valids and veterans f the World War II, \\hO can either ovenule or uphold his deci­ mistic about the designation. feel is n dire rieed of maintt iance. However. the Veh..rJr' \\ho lhe and congrel!ate in the\ icin­ also lives in the · a. is adnxating for this '>!On \\ 1th111 the next 30 day'>. But resi­ John Whistler. a resident of the area D~p· ment of Parks and ~ecrea ti on ha., been it~ of Shubo\\ Part in Brigtuon collected fumh - .I MEMORIA~ . page 11 dents and cit) otlicial" feel that there is believes that the neighborhood need­ no indi<..at1on of any opposition w far. ABERDEEN , page 11 -P lice urge caution after two a~ults Taking a different view By Audltl Gut a dry room on Thur-Oay. Jan. 17. and the unidenti- houn.." said fa an,,. ~The pre\ 10us ones seem more STAFF WRITER fied sw.. pect anempted to rob her~ well. · gang-related. \\hile these \\ere probabl) conducted There ere two incidents of ssault at a Brighton "We lt.i\e a lot more \ isibilit) here now with by a young man:· laundry i the past two weeks, md police urge res­ undercO\er officer. and mock urnts." said Capt. Officer Cliff Cqmull) of the Boston police idents to xercise caution a<; th ·y increase security William E\an.., of the Di.,tnct 1-t pohce m would not comment 'ia)tng that sexual assauh lib in the Brighton "\\c ha\'e a few good le.tcb and hope to arc highl) confidential and thl', 1.., all the infonna­ On Th rsday, Jan. 24, a won .rn was sexual!) as­ make an arre.t hortl) ... tion the) can releas~ at th1 .., point but the Bnghton saulted i the Laundromat loc. ted at 76 Washing­ Police are looking into the poss1bilicy of the'e police are putting ojit mfonnauon and asl-.ing resi­ ton St. w en an unidentified ' uspect sexually as­ a\saults 11eing linked to the recent '>tabbings near dents to be on their guard \\hi le increasing secu1ity saulted nd robbed the vit im at knifepoint. Brighton High but belie\'e that the wo are unrelat­ at the same time. accordin to a release from !ht Boston Police De­ ed. ··we have not had an) more incidents recent!). partment. '"The "'><tulL-. happened too latt' at night while but we like to put the infom1at1on out -.o that peo­ Anoth woman was assault ·d at the same laun- the stabbing occurred during or after school ple know and can be cautiou,:· emphasi1ed E' ans. The problem with too many cars Residents are loaded l-vith co1nplaints about ttpffic inA-B By Audltl Guha 17.500 ' iolation.s. a<.."Conling to Capt. it1es i~ a \Cl). 'el)' tough program." STAFFW \\ Jlliam Evans of the D1stnct I-+ police \Clid d'Amato. ·we hme O\'er 7().(XX) Fake parking '>ticket\. illegal park­ dcpartm~nt permiq, is.,ued this )ear and that\ 7 ing, rash drivers, jay\\ cilker.; und traffic ··speeding and people cros.'>ing treimeous gro,\.th. The dov. nside of congestion are only a po\lllfUI of is­ streets "here there are no cros.<;walk.<; it is ch greater. Certain area<; have sues that plague Allston-Brighton are majc r problem... " said Evans. "We seven rmits per one space! The traf­ road~. ResidenL<> are full of complaints have reall) stepped up our efforts in fic here far exceed~ our ability and the police are con.">tantl) trying. controlling traffic problems. and there to accc>mmodate ~idents on kerbs." but can hardly cope \\ith the stupen­ h:b been a 4 percent reduction in viola­ The other problem. she added, is that dous amount of traffic and related is­ tJons thi-; year and accidents have re­ while Cambridge charges for street sues in the area. duced by 200 ca<;es, but it is a very big pa.rkin~ pe1miLs, they don't for Allston­ EN ERTAINME ~T "The traffic growth here tar exceeds i ' ue here:· Brighton. The flip-side to this is that our ability to accomrmdate residents, One of the 'Tlain concerns at the they cannot guarantee spaces either Kei h Lockh irt but we are always f'C<ld) IL worl.. for meetmg was regarding parking per­ \\ith increa..,ing cars and decrea-;ing you and are constantly trying to afuwer mits. \1'ith man) more cars than space in the area. your concerns," !>aid Andrea d·Ama to, parking spots and permits in the area Ho1. does the street program work? jo·ns Pats at head of the city's Environmental De­ being g1Yen for free. residents won­ "Wi designate areas for access to partment and CommiS! Joner ofTraru.­ dered hov. the system works. The cums or residenLs in that area 10 have S perBowl portation at a recent CJ\. IC ~ 'iOCJation commissioner ~d that the traffic acce§ to parking. We do add streets to STAFF PliOTO 8Y DAVID DEL POIO First-grader Stephen Pereira takes an alternative view to his project at meeting to discuss cran.-,portation is­ grow th here far exceed.'> our abi lity to exist~ program;, but do not add nev. ""SEEPAGE 13 the St. Anthony's School science fair. On Monday, the students of the sues with residents of the area. accommodate residents on kerbs. prograns to control curl> parking. This school put their knowledge of science on dlsplay for guests. Last year Allston-Brighton had "Resident parking program for facil- INSIDE TRAFFIC, page 7 Briefs 5 ntary 9 l\IAEL The Finest SI_.MPLY FREE in MARSHAL~ unity Notes 3 ClllR(}PRA<:TIC Swiss Watch Repair CHECKING A I £ H C Y Aulhorind ~les & 5enicr Call Customer Sen ice SERVING ALLSTONJBRIGHTON SINCE 1984 Cri 4 :~J~ sport s BEST OF BOSTON for more details MAXIMUM AUTO ~21 lrvnent 13 \~ Auto Shawmut Properties ~, O\l ALPHA OMEGA tfMerrantile Bank DISCOUNTS! 134 Tremont Street • Brighton 8 / Work Injuries otAMONDS SINCE 11176 A Rf.Al CO MMUN TY IANK 423 Washington Street • Brighton 783·4100 Your Neighborho~ Realtor® 556 Cambridp:•• t •• Br4rhton 617-783-3500 23 Bunnglori Mal 781·272-4016 331 Washington St. (617) 787-2121 (617) 787-8700 Pn.den'8I Ct. Boslon 617-424-9030 www.bankatmercantJ1e.com (Brig hton Center) 9 Harvard Square Cambridge 617-864-1227 Member FDIC www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton We want your news! Key contacts: ·~ ~ ~J~~\Wly THIS WEEK on townonline.
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