(continuación 2) CDBurnerXP Pro - CDCheck - CDex 1.51 - Centarsia 1.3 - Check4me 2.03 - ClamWin 0.91.2 - Clonezilla 1.0.5-8 - Cobian Backup - Cobian Internet Tools - ColorCop 5.4.3 Catalán - ColorCop 5.4.5 - ColorWiz 1.0 - ComiX - Comodo Backup - Comodo Firewall Pro - Copernic Desktop Search 2.1.1 - CutePDF Writer 2.7.1 - Daemon Tools DVD-Ofimática 3.41 Castellano - Daemon Tools 4.10 2007.09.18 - DeepBurner Free - DejaVu 2.21 - Dia - DirGraph 2.0 - Disk Defrag - Disk Imager 1.4 - Ditto - DjVu Browser Plug-in - cdlibre.org DOSBox 0.72 - DosZip Commander 1.28 - Double Driver 1.0 - DrawPile - DVD Flick - DVD Identifier 5.0.1 - DVDStyler 1.5.1 - DVDx 2.10 - e-Counter 4.8.2006 - EasyISO 1.3 - Ekiga 2.0.11 beta - Empty 2007-11 Temp Folders 2.8.3 - ePrompter 2.0 build 2 SR107 - Eraser 5.85 - EssentialPIM 2.13 - EssentialPIM 2.13 USB - EULAlyzer 1.2 - Everest Dictionary 3.10 beta - Everest Dictionary 3.10 beta Completo - EvilLyrics - Exact Audio Copy 0.99 prebeta 3 - Exodus - Explore2fs 1.08 beta9 - Ext2IFS 1.10c - FastStone Image DVD-Ofimática es una recopilación de programas para Windows: ● Viewer 3.2 2007.09.26 - FastStone MaxView 2.1 - FastStone Photo Resizer 2.4 - FastStone Screen Capture dirigidos a la ofimática en general (ofimática, sonido, gráficos y 5.3 - FileMenu Tools 5.2 - FileZilla 3.0.3 - Find Favorites 1.11 - Firefox Castellano - FLAC 1.2.1b - vídeo, Internet y utilidades) Flexible Renamer 7.3 - Folder Size 2.4 - FolderQuote 1.0 - foobar2000 - Foxit PDF Reader 2.2.2129 - ● libres / gratuitos al menos para uso personal o educativo FrameFun - Free Download Manager 2.5.726 - Free UCS Outline Fonts 2006.01.26 - Free1x2 0.70.1 - ● sin limitaciones temporales FreeCAD 0.6.476 - freeCommander 2007.10 - FreeDOS 1.0 Disquete de arranque - FreeDOS 1.0 Full CD 2007.05.02 - GanttProject 2.0.5 - GanttPV 0.8 - GCfilms 6.4 - Gencat RSS 1.0 - Gentium 1.02 - GetFileSize 2.2 - GetSizer 3.5.850 - GIMP 2.4.1 - GIMP Animation package 2.2.0 - GIMPShop 2.2.8 - GNU GhostScript En http://www.cdlibre.org puedes conseguir la versión más actual de este 8.60 - GnuCash 2.2.1 - Gnumeric 1.6.3 - Gparted LiveCD - Gpg4win 1.1.3 - Grisbi 0.5.9 - Gspot 2.70 DVD, así como otros CDs y DVDs recopilatorios de programas y fuentes. a - GSView 4.8 - GTK+ 2.06.10 - GTK+ 2.10.13 - Hacha 3.5 - HardCopy 16.3.05 - Hexplorer 2.6 - hotkeys Alrededor del día 15 de cada mes están disponibles nuevas versiones de 2.0.1 - HTMLDOC 1.8.23 - HTTrack 3.42 - Hugin 0.7 beta 4 - HydraIRC 0.3.160 - Iceows 4.20b Castellano - IcoFX - iColor Folder 1.4.2 - iDailyDiary 3.41 - IE Tab 1.3.3 - ImageForge 3.60 - ImageWalker 2.31 - las recopilaciones para su consulta y descarga. ImgBurn - Indy build 13 2005.06.29 - Infra Recorder 0.44 XP - Inkscape - iRATE radio 0.3 - IrfanView 4.00 Catalán - IrfanView 4.10 - IrfanView 4.10 Castellano - IrfanView 4.10 Plug-ins - iSafer Winsock Firewall - IsoBuster - IZArc 3.81.1550 - JAlbum 7.3.2 - Java Runtime Environment 6 update 3 - Programas incluidos en el DVD JavE 5.0 - JavE FIGlet fonts 3.9 - JkDefrag 3.29 - Juice Receiver 2.2 - Just Color Picker 1.7 070925 - jv16 1by1 1.62 - 7-zip 4.42 - AbanQ 2.2 - AbanQ Módulos oficiales 2.1 - AbiWord 2.4.6 - AbiWord 2.4.6 Power Tools - K-Lite Codec Pack Full 3.5.3 - K-Meleon 1.1 - K-Meleon 1.1.2 - KDiff3 0.9.92 - Import/Export Plug-ins - AbiWord 2.4.6 Tools Plug-ins - Ad-Aware Free 2007 - Adobe Acrobat KeePass 1.04 Catalán - KeePass 1.09 - KeePass 1.09 Castellano - KeyNote 1.6.5 - KoolPlaya - KVIrc Reader 5.1 - Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.1.0 - Agenda Secreta 2.0 - AIDA32 3.93 Personal - Album Shaper 3.2.0 - La Red 1x2 1.20 - Launchy 1.25 - LeechGet 2004 Mozilla/Opera Plug-in 1.10 - LeechGet 2007 2.1 - 2.1 - Allway Sync 6.3.9 - AM-DeadLink 3.1 - aMSN 0.96.2 - AnaBuilder 2.46.2 - AndreaMosaic 3.21.0 - Ant Liberation Fonts 2007.08.03 - Linux Libertine 2.6.9 - Local Website Archive 2.0.3 - LockNote 1.0.4 - Ltrack Movie Catalog - Antivir Personal Edition Classic 7 2007.09.24 - Art of Illusion 2.5.1 - ArtRage Starter 6.1.3 - Lupas Rename 2000 5.0 - Lynx 2.8.6 rel2 - Maxthon 1.6.1 Castellano - Maxthon - Maxthon Edition 2.5 2007.11.02 - Aspell 0.50.3 - Aspell Diccionario Castellano 0.50.3 - Aspell Diccionario Catalán - MD5summer - Media Player Classic Windows 9X - Media Player Classic 0.50.3 - Attribute Changer 5.30 2007.11.17 - Audacity 1.2.6 - Audiograbber 1.83 - Auto Gordian Knot 2.45 - Windows XP - MediaCoder - MediaInfo - MediaMonkey - MediaPortal - AutoHotkey - AutoQ3D Community 1.36b - Avant Browser 11.5.20 - avast! Home Edition Mercury 1.9 - MiniReminder 1.41.07 Castellano - Miranda IM 0.7.3 Windows 9X - Miranda IM 0.7.3 Windows 4.7.1043 Castellano - AVG Free 7.5.488.1171 - Avidemux 2.3.0 plus - AVS DVD Player - XP - Miro 1.0 - Mixere 1.1.00 - Mixxx - MonoCalendar 0.7.2 - MoonEdit 0.14.1s - Mousotron 5.0 - AVStoDVD 1.2.0 - AxCrypt 1.6.3 - Azureus Windows 9X - Azureus Windows XP - Azureus - Babiloo 0.2.1 - Bacula 2.2.6 - Bersirc 2.2.14 - BG ASCII 1.32 - Bitstream Vera 1.10 - BitTorrent Mozilla Backup 1.4.2 Catalán - Mozilla Backup 1.4.6 Castellano - Mozilla Backup 1.4.7 - Mozilla Sunbird 0.7 5.0.9 - BitTorrent 6.0 - Blender 2.45 - BOINC 5.10.28 - Brennig's 1.4.2 - Buddi - burnatonce 0.99.5 - Castellano - Mozilla Thunderbird Castellano - mp3DirectCut 2.07 - MP3Gain 1.2.5 - Mp3tag 2.39 - Calendar Magic 16.9 - CamStudio 2.0 - CamStudio Codec 1.0 - CCleaner 2.02.527 - (sigue dentro) MPlayer 1.0 rc1 GUI - MPlayer códecs 2006.10.22 - MS .NET Framework 1.1 - MS .NET Framework 2.0 - MS .NET Framework 3.0 - MS Access Snaphot Viewer 97/2000/2002 - MS Excel Viewer 2003 - MS Excel http://www.cdlibre.org Noviembre de 2007 Viewer 2003 SP3 - (sigue detrás) Noviembre de 2007 de Noviembre (continuación 3) - MS PowerPoint Viewer 2007 - MS Report Viewer 2005 - MS Visio Viewer 2007 - MS Windows Installer 2.0 Windows NT - MS Windows Installer 3.1 v2 Windows XP - MS Word ODF Add-in 1.1 - MS Word Viewer 11.8169.8172 - MS Word XML Viewer 2003 - muCommander 0.8 2007.10.02 - MusikCube 1.0 - MWSnap 3.00.78 - NetTime 2.0.b7 - nlite 1.4 - NVDA 0.5 - OCS Inventory NG 1.01 Cliente - OCS Inventory NG 1.01 Servidor - onlineTV 2007.9.20 - Open Clip Art 2007-11 Library 0.18 - Open Workbench 1.1.4 - OpenExpert 1.40 - OpenOffice.org 2.3.0 Castellano - Opera 9.24 - Orbit Downloader 2.4.2 - Organizador de favoritos Vértigo 1.0.6 - Oriens Enhancer Gold 2.6 - P3dO Explorer 1.9.5 - Paint.NET 3.10 - Partition Logic CD 0.69 - Partition Logic Disquete 0.69 - Partition Saving 3.50 - Password Safe 3.10 - Patriot 1.0 beta 2005.12.04 - PC Inspector File Recovery 4.0 - PC Inspector Smart Recovery 4.5 - PCWizard 2008 1.8 - PDFCreator 0.9.3 - PDFCreator 0.9.3 DVD-Ofimática Castellano - PDFCreator 0.9.3 Catalán - PeaZip 1.9.3 - Personal Backup - phonostar-Player Free 2.01.0 - PhotoFiltre 6.0.2 Castellano - PhotoFiltre 6.0.2 Catalán - PhotoFiltre 6.2.7 - PhotoMosaique 1.6 - Picasa 2.7.0 (37.36) - PicToBrick 1.0 - Pidgin 2.2.2 - Pixia 2.8f Castellano - Pixia 4.1j - Planner 0.14.2 - Pooter 4.4.1 - POPTray 3.2.0 - POV-Ray 3.6.1c - Power Defrag Lite 2.10 beta2 - Powerbullet 1.44 - PrimoPDF 3.1 - PrintFolder 1.3 - Putty 0.60 - QuickMessenger 3.0 Catalán - QuickMessenger 3.2 - QuickMessenger 3.2 Castellano - QuickTime Alternative 1.95 - QuickTime Lite 2.1.0 - Quintessential Player 4.51 - RahmanImager 1.0.0 - Rainlendar 2.2 Lite - Ranish Partition Manager 2.44 - RawWrite 0.7 - Real Alternative 1.60 - RealPopup 2.6.167 - Recuva - Remove Empty Directories 2.1 - Restoration 2.5.14 - Reveal 1.2 - RK Launcher 0.4 beta - RKopie 3.0 - Room Arranger 3.26 - RS Somnífero 2.7 - RSS Bandit - RSSOwl 1.2.3 - Salt 3.0.515 - Screamer Radio 0.3.8 - Scribus 1.3.4 - SeaMonkey 1.1.6 Castellano - SharpReader - Simple Search- Replace 1.06 - SISAR - SIW 1.71 - SmartFTP 2.5.1008.13 - SnackAmp 3.1.3 beta 2007.09.04 - SnIco Edit 2.2.8 - Sodipodi 0.34 Windows 9X - Sodipodi 0.34 Windows XP - Songbird 0.3 - SpeedFan 4.33 - Splitter & Merger 5.5 - SpyBot Search & Destroy - SpywareBlaster 3.5.1 - sTabLauncher - Star Downloader 1.45 - sTile 2.7 - Sumatra PDF 0.7 - Synergy 1.3.1 - SystemRescueCD 0.4.1 - TaskSwitchXP 2.0.11 - TeeChartOffice 3.0 - Test Disk / PhotoRec 6.8 - TestPath 1.3 - TexRep 2.0 - The GodFather 0.70 - The Guide 1.6 - The KMPlayer - TheSage's English Dictionary and Thesaurus 1.4.0 - TightVNC 1.3.9 - Tkabber 0.10.0 rev 4 - Total Uninstall 2.34 - Treesize 2.1 - Trillian Basic - TrueCrypt 4.3a - TrueDownloader 0.82 - UFRaw 0.13 - UltimateZip 3.2 - UltraVNC 1.0.2 - Unison 2.28.23 - Unlocker 1.8.5 - UPX 3.01 - Virtual CloneDrive - Virtual Dimension 0.94 - Virtual Magnifier Glass 3.3 - VirtualDub - VirtuaWin 3.2 - Visual IRC 2.0 - Visual IRC 2.00 pl2 - Visual Music 1.1.0 - VLC media player 0.8.6c - VNC 4.1 - WatchetFind! 1.2 - WaveFM 3.0 - WaveSurfer 1.8.5 - Wax 2.0e - Web Developer 1.1.4 - WebRipper 1.31 - WengoPhone 2.1.2 - WikidPad DVD-Ofimática 2007-11 1.8 rc10 - Wilbur 2.2 b13 - WinAmp 5.08 Catalán - WinAmp Full 5.5 - WinAudit 2.19 - WinBITS 1.0 RC - WinContig 0.77 - WinDirStat 1.1.2 2007.09.02 - WinDjView 0.5 - Windows Privacy Tools 1.0 RC2 - WinEsquema 5.0 - Wings 3D 0.98.36 - Wink 2.0.1050 - WinMacro 1.21 - WinMerge 2.6.12 - WinMorph 3.01.801 - WinSCP 4.0.5 - WinSnap 1.1.10 - WinTopo 1.68 - Wireshark 0.99.6 - WordNet 2.1 - WordWeb 5.0 - wxDownload Fast 0.6.0 - wxMusik - wxOpenCommander 0.1 beta 2007.11.09 - X-Fonter 5.0 - X-Setup Pro 6.6 - XChat 2.8.4-1 - XMPlay - XnView 1.91.5 - xplorer2 - XVI32 2.51 - xxcopy Free 2.95.3 - xxcopy Technical Bulletins 2.95.3 - Yafray 0.0.9 - YawCam 0.2.3 Catalán - YawCam 0.2.5 Castellano - YawCam 0.3.0 - yWriter2 2.3.32 - Zinf 2.2.1 - ZSoft Uninstaller 2.4.1 Noviembre de 2007 de Noviembre http://www.cdlibre.org DVD-Ofimática 2007-11 Noviembre de 2007.
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