MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 2. PORTLAND, JULY 15, 1878. No. 5. the ticket if they do not choose, but if it is Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, Belfast. The Republican Journal gives a fine picture and description of their new ma­ judicious to substitute a new man in any of­ No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. sonic hall, showing it to be a three story brick fice, the change can thus be easily made with­ Twelve cts. per year in advance. Papers stopped building with a French roof, and a tower on out causing bad feeling. when time is out. QJgrTostage is prepaid. the north-west corner. It is 83| feet on High If any reader wishes an especially com­ Street, and 54 feet on Main Street, and is Advertisements §4.00 per inch, or §3.00 for fortable private summer boarding place in an half an inch for one year. The money should be evidently a very handsome building. The remitted to insure insertion. interior town, near the centre of the State, No advertisement received unless the advertiser, third and fourth stories will be occupied by or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in the Fraternity. The main hall is 461x40£ for his family, we shall be happy to give him good standing. the address of a mason, who will afford him feet with a height of 2l| feet, and is hand- all the comforts of home at a moderate rate. THE POWER OE MUSIC. somely frescoed. The banquet room on the A Song. Imitated from the Spanish. fourth floor is 39|xl91 feet, and the Templars Rev. Giles Bailey, Grand Prelate of the have an armory of 22x30 feet. Geo. M. BY THE REV. DR. LISLE. Grand Commandery of Maine in 1865 and Harding, of Boston, is the architect, and Past 1866, died in Reading, Penn., May 14th. When Orpheus went down to the regions below, Grand Master Hiram Chase the Chairman Which men are forbidden to see, The obsequies were performed Wednesday He tun’d up his lyre, as old histories show, of the Building Committee, his coadjutors afternoon, by St. John Lodge, assisted by To set his Eurydice free. being N. F. Houston, J. Y. Cottrell, Sanford De Molay and Reading Commanderies. All hell was astonish’d a person so wise Mathews and L. W. Pendleton. The total Should rashly endanger Ins life, Rev. H. R. Nye, pastor of the First Univer- And venture so far,—but how vast their surprise! cost will be from §30,000 to §35,000. We When they heard that he came for his wife. salist Church of Brooklyn, N. Y., officiated, congratulate our Belfast friends on their en­ To find out a punishment due to his fault, and the entire clergy of the city attended. Old Pluto had puzzled his brain; terprise and good taste. The remains were accompanied to New York But hell had not torments sufficient, he thought,— So lie gave him his wife back again. by an escort of masons. They were brought Lodge Meetings.—While all admit the But pity succeeding found place in his heart,— to Portland and buried in Evergreen Ceme­ And pleas’d with his playing so weu, convenience of having lodge meetings, in He took her again, in reward of his art; rural districts, on a moonshiny night, diffi­ tery. He was a native of Acworth, N. H., Such merit had music in hell! culties are found in making a rule which will and in 1868 delivered the oration at its cen­ always work conveniently in fixing the night. tennial celebration. Bro. Bailey was an able MASONRY IN MAINE. The best rule we have found is that which and highly esteemed preacher of the Uni- Lodge Elections. reads, “ Wednesday nearest full moon.” To versalist denomination, and we may safely add beloved, if we may judge from our own the same effect is “ Wednesday, week of full Whitney, 137, Canton. Alpheus Packard, association with him in Grand Commandery. m; Joseph S Mendall, sw; Ira L*Delano, moon,” except that it is less definite when it Jr, jw ; William II II Washburn, s. happens that there is no full moon in the Nezinscot, 101, Turner. Charles Blake, month in which the annual election falls. Of our first volume, we find by the calls m; Charles H Thayer, sw; Levi B Perry, for the index that there are about thirty-six jw; S D Andrews, s. “ On or before ” and " on or after,” may throw the meeting a week out of place, while complete copies out. Only three lodges in Chapter Elections. “on, before drafter,” is too indefinite, though Maine have secured them, St. Andrews, Turner, 41, Turner. C E Kempton, hp ; it means well. The reason that difficulties Bangor, Polar Star, Bath, and Portland Horace C Haskell, k ; Philo Clark, s; F T Masonic Library. As we have sent free from Faulkner, sec. occur in regard to these meetings is that the by-laws are apt to provide in some other the first to every masonic body in Maine, it Commandery Elections. section that the annual election shall take is possible that one or two more may have Bradford, 4, Biddeford. Charles P Emery, place at the stated meeting in some calendar saved them who have not yet called for the ec ; Horace H Burbank, gen ; Tristam Han­ month, and when it happens that the lunar index, but it is improbable. We have some son, cg ; John Etchells, kec. fifteen copies more which were completed by St Bernard, 11, Eastport. W D Aymar, meetings straddle that month, there is trouble. ec; R B Clark, gen ; T M Bibber, cg ; Wal- A good way to avoid that, is to provide that re-publishing No. 1, and which are being ter F Bradish, rec. the annual election shall take place upon the rapidly taken out of the State. One went to Florida in June. When these are gone the Blanquefort CommaNdery celebrated last stated meeting in the year, and avoid first volume cannot be had except by the their anniversary June 18th, by a picnic to referring to calendar months. breaking up of some private library, for Spurwink, where they had a clambake. Official Promotion.—A brother recent- which reason we are anxious that they should They took their families and did not go in ly suggested, in conversation, that tbe sup- be secured for the libraries of our Maine uniform. posed necessity of the regular promotion of Lodges. The volume costs §2, or §2.75 Atlantic Lodge also made an excursion officers frequently works trouble in our ma­ bound. As a history of masonry in Maine to the same place June 20th. sonic bodies. He thought a plan which he from 1867 to 1877 they are invaluable, and In the fire at Sanford Village, July 1st, had seen in Massachusetts would obviate the they are sure to be always worth their cost, Preble Lodge, No. 143, was burned out, sav­ difficulty. The Past Masters are made a and probably will soon sell at a premium, as ing only their charter. Their loss was $500, committee to nominate a board of officers. the limited number extant will be mostly in which was insured. Of course the members are not bound to vote large libraries. 34 MASONIC TOKEN JULY 15, 1878. Warren Lodge, No. 2, at East Machias, 1 The London Freemason suggests that if the The Scottish Freemason states that the ac­ will celebrate its centennial Anniversary amendment to the Constitution of the French counts of the Grand Lodge of Scotland are in about September 17th, and we anticipate a Gdran Orient is carried, permitting the char­ a state of confusion, the lodges in arrears, most enjoyable and happy festival for them, tering of lodges in foreign countries where the treasury in debt and the charity fund dis­ doubting not that many old members will re- the Grand Lodge is not in fraternal relation sipated. turn to assemble around the old hearthstone, with the Grand Orient, English, Scotch, Irish The ancient Isle of Avalon, in Brittany, and that many leading masons from other and American Grand Lodges will be apt to famed in Arthurian legends, has lately been make reprisals by chartering lodges in French places will go to see what a hundred years identified. has wrought on our eastern coast. territory. The Pacific Appeal states that a convention Death oe James S. Bedlow.—Our read- No. 1 of “ The Reliej Journal,” published of delegates of the National and Independent ers have heard by mail or telegraph of the monthly by Willie W. Merrill, at Mechanic Grand Lodge of Colored Masons was held at sad death of the Superintendent of the West- Falls, reached us June 24th. It is a little Wilmington, Delaware, in May, at which ar­ ern Union Telegraph, at Pine Point Beach, folio 8xll| inches, and the subscription is ticles of union were adopted, which will July 2d, while successfully rescuing a young 12 cents a year. abolish the National Grand Lodge. girl from the surf. He was a member of St. Past Grand Master Wm. W. Lee, of Con­ Andrews Lodge, at Bangor, of Mount Vernon The Philadelphia Keystone commenced its necticut, tell us that Stephen Trowbridge, in­ Chapter, Portland Commandery, and the twelfth volume July 6th. If our readers itiated 1805, died in 1876. He give us the Scottish Rite Bodies, at Portland, was Grand knew and appreciated this admirable paper names of some other Connecticut veterans : Sword Bearer in the Grand Commandery, and its talented editor, McCalla, as we do, Silas Ford, of Westville, age 92, made in and ably represented the Grand Commandery there would be a large number of copies Hiram Lodge, No.
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