Thursday, September 26, 1996 • Vol. XXX No. 24 TilE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Cunningham: Malloy's decision upset profs By RUSSELL WILLIAMS mittee, according to the report which will be issued by ered for a full-time tenured member of the appointment Assistant News Editor University's faculty handbook, a the Senate's Academic Affairs position. Although there were committee, that the candidate's dogma similar to du Lac. Committee on Nov. 7. no advertised openings at the application had been denied. By offering a lloly Cross priest The controversial hiring When asked to comment on time, the professor was extend­ Cunningham then wrote a let­ a visiting professorship in the involves a theology professor, the hiring, which has not been ed an invitation to visit Notre ter to College of Arts and theology department this past and has prompted a Faculty passed, Porter said, "It would Dame. Letters Dean Harold Attridge summer, University president Senate investigation, which not be appropriate to comment From April 10 to 12, the pro­ explaining that the appointment Father Edward Malloy did not came on the heels of a resolu­ while the Faculty Senate inves­ fessor visited the campus, and committee opposed hiring the violatn University policy. But he tion introduced by Professor tigation is going on. I do not presented a talk and a paper to candidate, and gave his support did upset professors in the the­ Jean Porter. Porter, an associ­ wish to influence it in any way." members of the department's to the committee's recommen­ ology department and overrule ate professor of theology, intro­ The events surrounding the appointment committee, as well dation. that department's chairman, duced the resolution at the Sept. hiring of the professor, who is as answered the standard ques­ Included with the letter was a Professor Lawrence 11 meeting of Faculty Senate. currently a member of Notre tions presented in an interview. copy of the journal from the Cunningham. The proposed resolution Dame's faculty, started unfold­ The committee met and thor­ appointment committee's meet­ As the president of the denounces the hiring and the ing last spring. While the pro­ oughly reviewed the hiring of ing, signed by all of the commit­ University, Malloy has the procedure followed by Malloy. fessor was finishing his PhD at this candidate. Following the tee members. authority to make any decisions The investigation was started Duke University in North review, the appointment com­ The issue was considered regarding the hiring of profes­ after a majority of the senators Carolina, he wrote the theology mittee notified department dead until June 5, when former sors and is entitled to overrule expressed their desire to fully department at Notre Dame and chairman Professor the department's hiring com- assess the situation following a expressed a desire to be consid- Cunningham, who was not a see HIRING I page 4 McBrien book Students confront apathy issues continues to Convention draw attention tackles stigma By JOHN DE BOY News Writer of Generation X The controversy that began last spring sur­ By MICHELLE KRUPA rounding a book written by Notre Dame theol­ Assislant News Edi1or ogy professor Father Hichard McBrien has continued in recent months. "We all have been slapped with Lust April, tlw National,_.,..,.......,..-,= this title, 'Generation X,' but we Conference of Catholic want our voices to be heard. We Bishops' Secretariat for want to be more than the low voter Doctrine and Pastoral percentage that we are." Practices released a review This hope, described by Notre criticizing several passages Dame sophomore Tara Dix, was the in the third edition of main focus of a national issues con­ "Catholicism." vention for young adults held last The controversy surround- weekend in Philadelphia. ing McBrien's book contin- McBrien Attended by 250 students and pro­ ued this summer when a fessionals ages 18 to 35, including Photo courtesy of Dave Neville prominent Catholic sociolo- Dix, and juniors Tim Vieira and Tim Vieira, Tara Dix and Dave Neville attended the Generation X convention in gist wrote a scathing criticism of the NCCB Dave Neville, the convention invited Philadelphia last weekend. review that appeared in several Catholic delegates to discuss changes in poli­ tics, the economy, communications, "People didn't focus at all on who world affairs, and the future of rwwspapnrs, including The National Catholic you were or where you were from or urban America. The welfare state Hnporter. technology, population and culture. "The aim was to bring together how old you were, so much as what and economic polarization pervaded Additionally, at least two Catholic papers you had to say," Dix said. many discussions, according to have dropped McBrien's syndicated column members of Generation X to exam­ ine pressing issues of our time, "I saw many different views and Vieira. following publication of the bishops' concerns. such a great diversity of people even "There was a sincere, genuine con­ Tlw NCCB review, which was sent to the U.S. because anyway you look at it, we're going to be leading this country through there was a small number. cern of the well-being of bishops before being made public on April 9, It wasn't necessarily us against them Americans," Vieira said. said that eertain statnments in the latest edi­ down the road," Vieira said. Convention organizers targeted but just everyone listening to each After two days of intense brain­ tion of "Catholicism" are "inaccurate or at other's ideas," Neville said. storming and conversation about all least misleading." representatives from various cultur­ al, economic, and political groups, At the convention, the delegates issues, the delegates presented lists The review singled out as particularly broke into small groups and dis­ of recommendations to representa­ ambiguous statements concerning the "impec­ but no single platform was imposed upon delegates. Instead, all were cussed nine specific issues, including tives from many political parties - cability of Jesus Christ," the "virginal concep- values and tolerance, involvement in encouraged to voice their opinions. see GEN X I page 4 see MCBRIEN I page 6 Kommers ·earns Germany grant Prepping for the big rematch ... By SAMANTHA SNYDER compare the decisions of the "Increasingly around the Student pep rally today News Writer U.S. Supreme Court concerning world constitutional courts are issues of private protections looking to other constitutional Special to The Observer Notrn Dame proft~ssor Donald with those of Germany's eourts for guidance on how to LOCATION: Kommers is thn recent recipi­ Federal Constitutional Court, resolve different problem cases East-west sidewalk of Fieldhouse Festivities for this weekend's ent of three separate grants for Canada's Supreme Court and that arise in a modern society game against Ohio State will Mall, north of War Memorial be kicked off by a student gov­ tlw purpose of furthering his the European Court of Human like ours," he said. (Rain Location: Stepan Center) researeh on ..-----,_.., Rights. The grants were awarded by ernment-sponsored pep rally eons ti tu tiona! Kommers also intends to the Alexander von Humbolt tonight. law and con­ explore the underlying social, Foundation, National SCHEDULE: "This is going to be one of the stitutional­ political, and moral theories Endowment for the Humanities, biggest games of the season, so ism. which contribute to constitu­ and the German Marshall Fund 7:00-7:45 Elsie's Promise performs we want to harness campus The grants tional interpretation in these of the United States. 7:45-8:30 Stomper Bob performs energy and bring it into the 7:45 Sarah Walsh, Notre Dame stadium on Saturday," said will enable courts. Kommers was one of 12 schol­ fencer, speaks about her Kornmers, a The conflict of liberty versus ars chosen from a pool of 85 Student Body President Seth Olympic experience Miller. "This pep rally is a pro l'e s so r in L..---'--'------' community, and constitutional­ applicants to receive this year's 8:30 Marching band and cheerleaders the govern- Kommers ism versus democracy, which fellowship from the German 8:35 Tom Krug speaks with other great way to begin what is ment depart- the U.S. Supreme Court has Marshall Fund of the United team members going to be one of the best ment and the Law School, to struggled with for years, can States. The fund supports its 9:00 Troop ND performs weekends of the year." travel to Germany in March of now be compared to the deci­ fellowship recipients for up to 9:05 Chris Petrucelli speaks Students have expressed next year to work on his trea­ sions of other courts engaged in one year of research on U.S. 9:10 Lou Holtz speaks their disappointment in the tise on comparative constitu­ the same kinds of struggles, 9:20 Leprechaun closes rally tional law. The treatise will Kommers maintains. see KROMMERS I page 6 see RALLY I page 4 page 2 The Observer· INSIDE Thursday, September 26, 1996 • INSIDE COLUMN • WORlD AT A GLANCE A call for Four shot at Oregon Scientology Center PORTLAND, Ore. "Our reservation manager said A man carried a gun and a can of she saw two men throw something awareness gasoline into a downtown Church of into the building and a flash of Scientology on Wednesday, starting fire and two men run away," said The Clinton administration has been receiv­ a fire and shooting four people, Lorraine Thayer, the hotel's sales ing a good deal of criticism from GOP party including a pregnant woman. manager. affiliates lately for its lack of both anti-drug The suspect surrendered after "Then we were looking out the funding and its support of new, solid anti-drug walking out of the church's window and saw the police with programs.
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