UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za sociologijo MAGISTRSKO DELO Mojca Marič Maribor, 2017 UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za sociologijo Magistrsko delo ANTROPOLOŠKA ANALIZA SLOVENSKEGA SISTEMA SORODSTVENE TERMINOLOGIJE MA Thesis AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SLOVENIAN SYSTEM OF KINSHIP TERMINOLOGY Mentorica: Kandidatka: doc. dr. Vesna Vuk Godina Mojca Marič Somentor: dr. Josephus Platenkamp Maribor, 2017 (HRBTNA STRAN) Lektorica: izr. prof. dr. Michelle Gadpaille Prevajalka: Amy Kennedy, dipl. ples. koreografinja ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This master’s thesis would not have been written without the inspiration and the support of a number of wonderful people – my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to all of them. First of all, I owe my deep and sincere appreciation and gratitude to my mentor Professor Vesna Vuk Godina for her guidance during my research and for expanding my horizons during my time studying. Without her encouragement, guidance, support, knowledge, help, patience and understanding, this thesis would not have been completed. She was a ceaseless source of enthusiasm, not only during this thesis project but also during my studies. I express my warmest gratitude to my co-mentor, Professor Josephus Platenkamp, for his help, suggestions and inspiring lectures during my Erasmus exchange at the Department of Anthropology in Münster. It is a pleasure to thank all of my friends for the wonderful time and beautiful moments we shared together and for always believing in me and supporting me. Thanks to Suzana, Saša, Sabina, and Bojana for sharing my student years. To Patricia, Aysha, and Gloria, for making my Erasmus exchange unforgettable, to all of the special people from the international seminars of Macedonian language, literature and culture in Ohrid in the years 2011, 2015 and 2016 – thank you for making those days some of the best in my life. To Macedonia, for making me see, experience and feel something completely different, for “giving” me new eyes. To Adriana, Mario, Natalija, Nina and Suzana, for our salsa, bachata and kizomba dancing nights and for our friendship - you really gave me the motivation and energy for writing this thesis. To Marija, Tina, Jana, Jasmina, Teja, Tjaša, Nikolina, Kristina, for our years of friendship. To Andjela, Nuša, Mitja, Žiga, Alja, for all the constructive debates and ideas. To Barbara, thank you for being not just my friend but my sister. To Mojca, thank you for all of the English advice, and for being my dearest co-worker in the theatre and an even better friend during these four years. Jakica, my dearest little cat, without your presence my nights of reading and writing would have been much more uninteresting and unloved. Thanks to all who helped in any way in the process of preparing this thesis. To Nenad, for our story. Thank you for being with me, for making me feel and see the world differently, for all our little special moments, for your support and love. Thank you for existing. Finally, my deep and sincere gratitude to my parents: for your love, help, understanding and unconditional support throughout my life and my studies. I love you with all my heart. In loving memory of my grandma, who is one of the reasons that I am who I am today. For all of the wonderful years you were with me. POVZETEK Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z antropološko analizo slovenskega sistema sorodstvene terminologije. Prvi del naloge zajema teoretično obravnavo pojmov kulture, jezika in sorodstva ter povezave med njimi v antropološkem smislu, empirični del naloge pa analizira samo sorodstveno terminologijo slovenskega sorodstvenega sistema in njene spremembe skozi čas, pri tem pa upošteva zgodovinski, kulturni, socialni in topografski kontekst. Skozi analizo slovenskega sorodstvenega sistema skušamo prikazati tudi pomembne značilnosti slovenske kulture. Ključne besede: kultura, jezik, sorodstvo, slovenska sorodstvena terminologija, slovenska kultura ABSTRACT This master's thesis deals with the anthropological analysis of the Slovenian system of kinship terminology. In the first part of the thesis, we present the theoretical concepts of culture, language and kinship and the interconnectedness between them in an anthropological sense. The empirical part of the thesis analyzes Slovenian kinship terminology. We try to describe changes in the Slovenian system of kinship terminology over time, according to historical, cultural, social and topographical contexts. By analyzing the Slovenian kinship system, we also try to demonstrate some of the main characteristics of Slovenian culture. Key words: culture, language, kinship, Slovenian kinship terminology, Slovenian culture Table of contents Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 I The theoretical points of departure ....................................................................... 1 1 Culture .................................................................................................................. 1 2 Language ............................................................................................................ 17 3 The importance of language in understanding culture ....................................... 26 4 Kinship and systems of kinship ......................................................................... 55 II Analysis of Slovenian kinship terminology ...................................................... 74 5 Methodological procedure ................................................................................. 74 6 Slovenian kinship terminology .......................................................................... 77 6.1 Oče (Father) ................................................................................................. 86 6.2 Mati (mother) ............................................................................................ 101 6.3 Otrok (Child) ............................................................................................. 124 6.3.1 Sin (Son) .............................................................................................. 146 6.3.2 Hči/hčerka (Daughter) ......................................................................... 151 6.4 Brat (Brother) and sestra (sister) ............................................................... 158 6.5 Stari starši – stari oče/dedek in stara mati/babica (Grandparents – grandfather and grandmother) ......................................................................... 164 6.6 Stric, teta, ujec, ujna (Uncle, aunt, mother's brother, mother's sister/uncle's wife) ................................................................................................................. 172 7 Inheritance ........................................................................................................ 180 8 Marriage ........................................................................................................... 194 8.1 Exogamy/Endogamy ................................................................................. 199 8.2 Wedding/Marriage customs....................................................................... 209 8.2.1 Vasovanje (Nocturnal visits) ............................................................... 210 i 8.2.2 Snubljenje (Proposing) ........................................................................ 212 Dota (Dowry) and bala (trousseau) ............................................... 214 8.2.3 Zaroka (Engagement) .......................................................................... 218 8.2.4 Dekliščina/fantovščina (Farewell to the single state) .......................... 218 8.2.5 Poroka (Wedding) ............................................................................... 218 9 Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 223 9.1 Changes in the Slovenian system of kinship terminology in the past and in the present, and the connection between Slovenian language, culture and kinship – the debate and findings .................................................................... 223 9.2 The limitations of this master thesis .......................................................... 239 Resources and literature ...................................................................................... 241 Priloga 1: Obširen povzetek magistrske naloge v slovenščini ............................ 267 I Teoretični del .................................................................................................... 267 1 Kultura .......................................................................................................... 267 2 Jezik............................................................................................................... 270 3 Pomembnost jezika za razumevanje kulture ................................................. 271 4 Sorodstvo in sistemi sorodstva ...................................................................... 274 II Analiza slovenske sorodstvene terminologije ................................................. 277 5 Metodologija ................................................................................................. 277 6 Slovenska sorodstvena terminologija ............................................................ 278 7 Dedovanje ..................................................................................................... 289 8 Poroka ..........................................................................................................
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