v\'"^**'\1? % -sS*1 A -* *• **''^ - v*'^~- < tbn/sa Br«SA& -1 * > T Progressive ,KSP >/»AV'ffl ¥ou thay think your prof tide* ?» broomstick, but not «U mem­ 4,ktp§luk bers' of the University faculty ^£e» rely on such antiquated modes By JOHN OHENDALSKI In'%»Jntnr-'4»*-; —„ who— tion Jr bailed- not only ,«n *need Tomm JgdU«riii'A»*Utm*t have enrolled in Texas colleges : vr more educational funds, but ditions tend to provide free edu­ ESI 0' Vr£t transportation. v , •&&$: :A.\ Here'# one more .in keeping !sA tuition increase for student! by the thousands since 1945, the the fact that, the average income cation, and the tuition raise will WS' become ah economic hirrier to ;. ».v with tibe times: Arthur M. ... the University and other state federal government has supplied of Texas families has advanced en­ 'Cory whiwea around dn a red schools may be substituted for 45 cents for each dollar spent Jjg abling them to a£or4,.jg^d|ttg somestudentis. ^ ^ i<&4 ^y&r- motorcycle, better Any day in higher appropriations asked by the the State* ttore on education; The I^islative. lodget -Boar^|. the .week than a broom. ^ ' p inst|tutioxii,^|A^^ ^ Other fitctors that point to a . Those opposing the Ja^t^^uit will hold hearings on Universityft^t >*>*#5 fjK? Mr. -Cory, reserve ordn&nce This was weitlr',ThiiA^»y needed increase in educational to the fear that it may help fed­ reqnests, August U#li, with r»*c^ ^ Sfe— t- - quests for the main campus com*^ "V ^r- colonel, .recently cycled* to hia Vernon A, McGee, director of the fund; 'are deteriorating physical eral aid and control to education. Also, according to Mr. McGee, of- ing on August %&* ' hxl „.iM summer training at Fort Hood Legislative Budget Board* plants, mounting: costs of opera­ on a red motorcycle. ^Though no specific proposal to tion and replacement of equip, sr"' But this 85-mile trip is noth- itve.rease tuitions has been made, ment, and a needed increase in 1 c V lint for Colonel Cory. Last year, the suggestion is sure to come up teachers* salaries. • " 1 he boarded his trusty two- In the Legislature when appropri­ Mr. McGee said the college of» wheeler and drove 500 miles ations ajre determined, Mr. McGee flctsls he has spoken to since July -from Austin to Camp Chafee* added. , t so far seemed to be about equally He got interested W libtorr At the ^same time, C. Read divided on the higher tuition pro* y cycles while at 'Normoyle Ord­ Cranberry, assistant to University 9°*£ ' f-rr- . J nance Depot in San Antonio. president T. S. Fainter and chair* The tuition pattern itt state .'During World War H-he was man ofa special study committee schools has been unchanged in the _ __ _ Iw of the Council of College Presi­ last twenty years, Mr. McGee motorcycle instructor for700 pointed out, and it is time to study allied liaison officers in France. dents, disclosed that fees from the Br CHARLIE LEWIS At the University, Colonel Veteranls Administration will drop the pattern to see whether or not A University housemother spent! After pleading guilty on mtf* Cory is ajt instructor in techni­ almost $8 million in the next |i- it needs changing. an hour in'County J*il Wednes-l demeanbr hot check charges (for cal writing for engineers. ennium. t r The argument for a. higher tui­ day on a charge of ^swindling with]checks less than $60), Mrs. Duke a worthless check" before she was! filed * motion fo*ua new trial in 11?s able to make bail of |1,000. jthe.County Court, which was set Wi& -Mrs. Ella t>uke, 612 West Twen-1 for August 25. At that time, she ft " "WHl ty-second Street, had just pleaded J lacked paying * I&4.80 fine, -z guilty on » similar chaxge^bCfore L ^"Wednesday afternoon, the County—Judge Mace Thurmnn { Cfoanty Attorney's office was nor when she was arrested by a dcpu-4 ^jjjg^ of more hot checks re» ty sheriff on a felony complaint I ported to have been written bjr SUMME X>,TS^\ that resulted m her brief confine- j Duke. 7 n ment. Xti The deputy werved a warrant Iff connection with a $198 hot check it~wm VOLUME 51 AUSTIN, TEXAS. FRIDAY. AUGUST U, 1950 8 PAGES TODAY NO. 19 turned over to the District Attor­ « ,® M ney's office Tuesday by Capitol Draft Hay Miss «Pp:i Floors, 1116 West Sixth. Because i i v< ' 3&£S22 jf ^•v.1* . US-is- »• -I i the check was written for more 'W- than $50, the incident was classi­ fied a felony, subject to possible indictment by* grand jury. v.*" »* Mrs. Duke's house is no longer Marino Cadr»m«tt on the University's list of approved i'xi residences for male students. The Committee Qn Student Living Ac- Students who are beginning_ eommoda^tona decided in August,| padc their bags in preparation* for w.f.. ,>rt 'S3&#je 1949, to remove the house from! a call to 'duty, either from the lo- the list and place Mrs. Duke on j cal draft board, or as a volunte«r iPr JOHN PRATTER.^1^ If tifie cottmittee finds that the close .permanently -about October trips are not worth $100 to the 1; Students will be able to buy probaUonal atatwB as,*,|j!>usemoth- Marine reservists, can begin to ufe Inspection trips required ox au books fromlhe exchange for their er. j peck r—< if they are in e^tabii K students in, certain schools and students, Morgan hopes that they will recommend to the deans of fall classes. /* /r 1- Under probatlonal 8tatus, 8tu-jg|00pg, colleges of the University will be the colleges and other University ' New assemb^rmen appointed for dents ean live in the retadenee,! Accbrdinj; iio AiB^cSted^ investiga&ed by fte Student As­ >ffitiais that th? trips, be. ^nade the second summer term are Bay .but the Dean of Student Life j reports, Washington headauarters sembly. does not enforce the semester con- j authorised draft boards- to defer On the recommendation of optional* Read, Fine Arts; Overton Shel- Acting President David R^iney mire, Engineering; Fat DaCamAra, tract rule. Students may move* atLudents ^baVe completed at Fharmacy * Assemblyman Jack announced that the book excliange Arts find Sciences; and,Jo(? Fi8|ief, any -time M^^forfe^^ their^1 least a year of college, .and are Morgan, a .resolution was paused is Btill open for business, but Will Arts and Sciences. deposits.-, . j planning to-continue their edo* Thursday which set up an investi­ cation this f alL This, howevqr» gating committee headed by Mor­ will apply only W students Mm gan. The resolution, was directly : —aimed" at an inspection trip re­ or Home-Gome Weeks were in the upper half' of their quired, of graduates in <he .School class during the last year they Hi* ©f JPharmacy. tended college. , , The trip last yeajr yna to in- Ji^i^i^dadr, ^$tolriI&lttfoxtaft» tion oilicer for the Stat* Selectfei " dianapolis, lnd.t where the stu- :,HiSS |ServkefKy Headquarters, ^stated v ? m : ^!^Offtvv«tVM| -r — ^ 1-7 r»- —, " mfmi^ss^Tsmm»E, Mf $m '-<• ( ' J. IThursd# aftertiOon - tTiflT' • ^nsually take ten days, during which ijr i'exane on home ^oOT- Board also -established *]»uthorUation for this «ew policy ••••"'"- -"time the students miss their class- >all week ends, a monthly fea- in art, was selected as Ranger fi^-member committee to cotedd-l^* been received in Austin, but : VV flasses putside^^h^macy associate editor in the three-hour^ er a pian for one^fourth editing »t was expected soon. ; < -.-• School am held as scheduled, and meeting. He ' succeeds Bill lab credit for Texan night staff, yThe local Marine Reserve office 71' ®otw as * >ved by the Board of St Bridges, who haa been appointed non-paid volunteer, workers.! stated that, University students •"v " " ^Tttesdjg night. \\£mr ^ Granville ^Pxice, associate profes- {who have been in the platoon lead* Other assemblymen reported sor of journalism, waa named j ers training program and have that similar situations exist in *--* j spent the" necessary time in ttain- plan«: for, en^ifteeiffc/and * • J i|i« will ^ granted teit^un^ de- it to the edltor's jrecom-J ferments from the le^ent cldl for mendations, the Board: - v * " { volunteer reserves. - rxrrth. wU1®?. ^ for by thV st»dents. The cort fa November ,4 (S.MU.), and De-| nounced that all continental iurmy cember 9 <L.S.U.) to pubKeation ]<r(ea» are to order male ntembers Llfsfa #tes forgithe .Te^-^ Spheral e€ « the Texan stfc# wP be gonsntt- { between .tiie'ag«i-of J9 s«d 25,, f* ed • before the. September . $5 I twenty-one months of active duty. a when 'iiarinanaaitt-^• ., LiLi - SaWrdAy *Sw!&*b##»onsid# r ft '2^ 2. Agreed Kanies of «»e S 1 tiie $100 General Property S . _ , tabloid fea •rshi^, beinf offereA^r the seetioa* tho ; H *pp*ae x fit .Qetoh#r« .2:,The;;ji«f ;!appoi wfll aTao maintain * Igr of fea" j^tres'fot tl|e regttllr Ttawh. Blunk, asssitant dean of men Gammi Delta sorority vrw ih thi Funds for these scholarships «nh grade, h^ teacher asked W eheral JPropt srtat ^ «»»hiif. ,TKe Agreed ^nttf "inatoK'# .^ork-uwftS pu? Wes»y ngjsnoi IrHl edit ja^ weekly »«oftiaatiio«r , v *3*^, Way, Augutf lu. tm THE SUMMER TEXAN %H* "^^^^^HIMjMBMMMMamiiainnaminmsisrwaiiN • i Hi ^ Yn m i •wtt>r~ i~t )*• ^•MSkU+L& «£"* *> By HOWARD -"fTw> former Longhorn pitchers—Murray Wall and Charley CHICAGO, versity, and running afoul of a* virtually Dui' asmii Ea^le oat i^Gorii»"«-w!io'led the University to NCAA baseball titles in streamlined squad of All-stars, del diversions, the players trained whieh Slaughtered the All-Stan^ 1949 and *60 were the center of sports newa in the Milwaukee the pick of last year's outstand­ at Delafield, Wle^lf 38-0, a year ago.
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