Otterbein University Digital Commons @ Otterbein Otterbein Aegis Otterbein Journals & Magazines 2-1900 Otterbein Aegis February 1900 Otterbein Aegis Otterbein University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/aegis Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons Recommended Citation Otterbein Aegis, "Otterbein Aegis February 1900" (1900). Otterbein Aegis. 97. https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/aegis/97 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Otterbein Journals & Magazines at Digital Commons @ Otterbein. It has been accepted for inclusion in Otterbein Aegis by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Otterbein. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Editorials 6 Our Common Schools 8 A Sketch of Paul Kruger- 11 Who is Able to Judge? 13 America as a Power in the World 15 Old Ocean - A Poem 16 Y. M. C. A. Notes 16 Personals 17 Locals 18 Exchang~s 20 An Institution of High Grade, Standard Faculty and Courses of Study. ~~ University Located at Westerville, Ohio, SUBURBAN TO COLUMBUS THE CAPITAL OF THE STATE. ~~~~ There are Four High Class Literary Societies, With Elegantly Furnished Halls, Well Selected Libraries and Reading Rooms. ~~~~ The Christian Associations, the oldest in the state, are doing a grand work. Westerville is a beautiful and healthful village of about 2,000 popu­ lation, with a fine classical and religious atmosphere. There are no saloons or other low places of resort. Both sexes are admitted to equal advantages. Instruction thorough. All professors are specialists in their departments Expenses moderate. The University offers eight Courses of Study ; the Classical, Philosophical, Preparatory, Pedagogy, Music, F ine Art, and E lo­ cution and Oratory. There are increased facilities in the Laboratories and Lecture Rooms; in the growing new Chemical, Physic~! and Biological Library; and the new emphasis given to History and Ptdagogics. Students can also get work in Stenography, Bookkeeping ;cmd Type-writing. ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT, JONE 13, 1900. For Information address the President, T. J. SANDERS, WESTERVILLE, 0. OTTERBEIN .&GIS. 3 HIGH & STATE STS., SCHANFARBERS' COLUMBUS, OHIO, New Spring Hats in :::: S·tiff and Alpine Shapes E Are Now in Grand Line of Fine New Furnishings. Special discount of 10 percent on .5 Hh!h and att purchases to Students. s c H AN FAR 8 E R s State Sts. p;rst-c=s~o._nl Dre_ss. _NeatlyJ_ A. D. RIGGLE Pure Home·Made Candies. Meals at All Hours. can give you a handsome suit and a neat fit at a reasonable price. M. F. Milbourne, OHice Over Bale's Hardware Store. North State Street, On your way to the postoffice leave an order for GROCERIES with W. F. YOLK, ~ DRUGGIST. ~ HENDRICKSON & SONS, (Successor to E. P. VANCE,) We handle the best goods only. -----..._DEALER IN / Our Prices have been tried. They are the most reasonable. PURE DRUGS, Cor. College Ave. and State St. MEDICINES, You can have your TOILET ARTICLES, Etc., PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RECIPES CARE­ Shoes Repaired FULLY COMPOUNDED. one door east of the Public Opinion Paints, Oils, and Varnishes office. a Specialty. [ ('0 l[(' For Men, 45 cents. HAlr \) [\l• For Ladies' 35 cents. Cor. State St. and College Ave, First-class Work of all Kinds.-..... Westerville, Ohio, OTTERBEIN .&GIS. GOODMAN BROS. G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. LEADING JEWELERS, High & State Sts., Columbus, 0. Physician and Surgeon. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII Largest ~ OFFICE AND RESIDENCE . 16 EAST COLLEGE AVE. Westerville, 0 ~·WatGhas, ~ fJiamonds, *~ iawalry, H • .J, CUSTER, D. D. S., M. D. g.~ iilVBFWaFB, 65 E. BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, 0. IFiG=a=IFaG, PHONE 665. ~ . ~ Novelties. Absolutely One Price. ·•Happy i5 the Man th.at Findeth Wi5dom, Columbus Dental Parlors \J ~·, "i{'~' "'(ii~ili\;1 Crown and Bridge Work ' Specialists m -THE- Custom Shoemaker Can Supply Your Wants. ____ NORTH STATE STREET. Modern Equipment, The Cold Wave Demands More First-class Work .----...« C 0 A L --~GUARANTEED-- Place your order with the Griffith Coal Co ·"' North-east Cor. Broad and High Sts. for the best grades of SOFT and HARD COAL. SECOND FLOOR. ENTRANCE FROM HIGH ST. Students Can Give Their Orders to U. B. Brubaker. • \ - · JOHN HAYWOOD, PROFESSOR. EI1ER.ITUS. PROFESSOR tfAYWOOD WILL, ON MARCH 16th, HAVE REACHED HIS SEVENTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY. I • OTTERBEIN )EGIS VoL. X. WESTERVILLE, OHIO. FEBRUARY, 1900. No. 6. Published the 20th of Each Month of the College Year. flabby , presenting a marked contrast to the EDITORIAL ADDRESS: brawny arm of the blacksmith. I ' Editor OTTERBEIN .lEGIS, WESTERVILLE, OHIO. No student can afford to lower his general BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS : Business Manager OTTERBEIN .lEGIS, WESTERVILLE, OHIO. vitality by confining himself too closely to books or for the sake of mere idle gratifica­ D. T. BENNERT, '01 ... ............... ......... Editor in Chief tion. He never knows when he may require B. 0. BARNES '00 .. ...... ...•.......•.•. ...................... Assistant all the energies stored up in his tissues. F. OLDT, '01.. •.... ................................... Exchange Editor E. A. SANDERS, '02 .................................. Alumna! Editor Mar.y an accident may bring a life of misery I. W. HOWARD, '01. ......... : .......................... Local Editor or an early death to one who would have A. L. GANTZ, '00 .................... ........ Business Manager passed unscathed through it, had he allowed H. E. Sli!REY, '03 .. .. ........................................... Assistant W. 0. LAMBERT, '00........... ................ Subscription Agent his nerves and muscles to grow strong in glo­ J. L. SHIVELY, '02...................... Ass't Subscription Agent rious activity. Subscription, SOc a Year in Advance Single Copies tOe Subscriptions wtll be continued until tl.oe pauer is ordered stop· ped b.Y the subscriber, and all arrearages paid. It is said that when the last Politics REMIT SUBSCRIPTIONS TO SUBSCRIPTION AGENT Republican state convention [Entered at tbe postoffice, Westerville, Ohio, as second-cl!iss met it was not known who should be the mail matter.] gubernatorial nommee. In two hours the PHILOPHRONEAN PUBLISHING CO., PUBLISHERS . present incumbent was decided upon. The BUCKEYE PRI:«TING Co., PRINTERS, Westerville. Obio. reason given is that George C<;>x threw his support to the man upon whom he thought he could rely. Both candidates before that con­ vention had probably made some concessions to Cox but he took the one who h:td, as he thought, most honor. Cox now comes for­ Give your brain sufficient food ward with a bill known as the "ripper bill." Exercise and an abundant supply of It is a ripper. This makes the chief offices of oxygen, and then give it a fair amount of Cincinnati appointive. good, hard work every day, if you wish to Of course Cox will :-eally appoint, though maintain it in a high state of healthy activity. through the governor. The constitution of Attorneys and clergymen who use their brains Ohio prohibits special legislation of this muoh are the longest-lived men in the state, variety but the bill gets around that constitu­ showing plainly that regular brain work is tional objection by specifying "cities of such good for the general health as well as for the and such qualities " Nine-tenths of the re­ efficiency of the nervous system in particular. spectable people of Cincinnati object to Cox The muscular system must be treated in a and rightly so. And the legislature of Ohio similar manner, if you do not wish it to be­ may be cowardly enough to pass this boll. come subject to fatty degeneration. An There are some men in the Republican \-H~\lS~<;l xnus<;l~ shrinks ?-11d becomes sof~ and party who ~hink sop1ethin~ Q1\1St be doqt; tg OTTERBEIN .&CIS. appease th~ wrath of liquor dealers. They is not one in which he is kept aloof from man·, are q uite troubled because of the Clark bill. m a forced communion with non-human This is a Republican measure. All of it is beings. Neither is it one unwisely trusted to simply placing party above commonwealth. the instincts of a natural but untrained affec­ A sad mistake, an ignorant act and the doom tion. Still less is it one in which the old of freedom. It is difficult to see how a legis­ pedagogic drill in formal studies is thrown lator who votes for the "Ripper bill" or aside to give place to pseudo-scientific play­ against the "Clark bill" can face his respecta­ ing, a vague and formless trifling with object­ ble constituents. If there is any reason why ive phenomena. The real " natural" education one should not be disgusted it is not apparent. is that aimed at in the best endeavor of to-day, in which the student is steadily, rationally and intelligently developed by Tlte quality that men most Beauty trained and sympathetic minds, toward the admire, that women most best manhood possible to him. Such an edu­ crave. Cosmetics do not impart beauty and constant grooming will not bring out the cation is not simply mental; it is physical; above all, it is moral. In it, the student's non potential. individuality is preserved, but is pruned and If beauty is only "skin deep" some one has guided; he himself furnishes the impulse .suggested that many persons should be skin­ toward his own development, but the ned or that some have very thick skins. channels in which this force acts, the ends However this may be, the fact remains that toward which it directs itself, are determined there are many homely people. Some origi­ for him. A natural education is one in which nally pretty have spent so much time before the subject taught is secondary to the manner the glass that they are round shouldered. of teaching; in which the task done is subsid­ Women read with eager eyes all recipes for beauty while their husbands ·are ttying to iary to the effect of doing it; in which the question to be asked at the completoin of an make an honest dollar with which to help intellectual step is not, What has the student them "be beautiful." learned? but, What has the student become? Beauty is of the soul.
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