E454 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 16, 2005 citizens, namely African Americans, from inte- SOUTH PARK HIGH SCHOOL tors, William Reynolds and Elias Roberts, are grating into society after centuries of slavery, listed on the Monument among the victims of felon disenfranchisement laws prevent ex-of- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS the Wyoming Massacre. The first attempts to build a memorial date fenders from reintegrating into society after OF NEW YORK back to 1809. In the spring of 1841, the retribution. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Statistics on felon disenfranchisement indi- women of Luzeme County came together cate that Congressional action is clearly war- Tuesday, March 15, 2005 under the name Ladies Luzeme Monumental ranted. The Sentencing Project estimates that Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Association and raised the money for the 4.7 million Americans, or 1 in 43 adults, have call your attention to the great South Park monument. In 1860, the State of Pennsylvania currently or permanently lost the right to vote High School in Buffalo, New York which this gave the title to the land to the Wyoming as a result of a felony conviction. 1.4 million year is celebrating 90 years of excellence in Monument Association. or 13 percent of African American men are educating Western New York’s young people. I was pleased to work with Betty in getting disenfranchised, a rate seven times the na- Ninety-one years ago this week, on St. Pat- the Wyoming Monument rightfully listed on the tional average. Given current rates of incarcer- rick’s Day, the people of South Buffalo broke National Register of Historic Places. Betty is proud of the Monument and proud of the role ation, 3 in 10 of the next generation of African ground at 150 Southside Parkway for the con- American men can expect to be disenfran- women have played in its history. struction of what would become City of Buffalo Betty became a member of the Daughters chised at some point in their lifetime. An esti- Public School Number 206. of the American Revolution 60 years ago. She mated 676,730 women are currently ineligible That same year, on June 1st, the corner- has served as the First Vice President Gen- to vote as a result of a felony conviction. stone was placed at PS 206, also known as eral of the national organization, making her These statistics have prompted state re- South Park High School, marking the institu- the highest-ranked Pennsylvania member sponses. Most recently, Alabama, Nevada, tion as the fifth public high school built in the ever. Betty just stepped down after her second Wyoming, and Connecticut, have adopted leg- City of Buffalo. stint as chair of the Wyoming Valley Chapter. islation that expands voting rights for ex-fel- On September 7, 1915, the doors of South Betty has served as state president of the ons. We must now act at the Federal level. Park opened; welcoming 680 students and 32 General Federation of Women’s Clubs in f faculty members. Pennsylvania, president of the Wyoming Home of the Sparks, the South Park faithful HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS Woman’s Club, and chair of the board of the proudly display their school spirit through the Luzeme County Library System. OF TEXAS STATE REPRESENTA- black and red tradition. Betty has been actively involved with the TIVE RUTH MCCLENDON Over the last nine decades the teachers and Greater Pittston Salvation Army Advisory administrators at South Park have motivated, Board for 22 years and served as chair of the HON. HENRY CUELLAR nurtured and educated thousands of Buffalo’s board on two occasions. During the latest Red OF TEXAS youth, preparing each for the road ahead and Kettle Campaign, Betty—at the age of 88— IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES providing all with the tools necessary to pur- rang a bell for the Salvation Army for 6 days Tuesday, March 15, 2005 sue a limitless future. in a row, from 9 in the morning to 5 in the I am proud to call myself an alumnus of evening. Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to South Park and grateful for the wealth of In 1976, she was appointed to the Bicenten- recognize Representative Ruth Jones knowledge and values I have obtained through nial Commission and participated in planning McClendon for her dedicated service to the my experiences at the school. the nation’s observance of its 200th anniver- people of Texas. Today, Mr. Speaker, I thank you for the op- sary. She received a special commendation Ruth McClendon has been a tremendous portunity to commemorate the 90th Anniver- from the governor for her role in the Bicenten- advocate for public safety and public health in sary of Buffalo’s South Park High School and nial. the State of Texas. She is the creator of the wish the institution continued success in in- Betty volunteers at the Veterans’ Adminis- Neighborhood Cellular on Patrol program, stalling pride and excellence in Western New tration Hospital. Betty was presented with the which has won acclaim from President George York young people for decades to come. Four Chaplains Legion of Honor Membership W. Bush for its effectiveness in reducing f Award by the Chapel of the Four Chaplains in crime. She founded the Community Crime Philadelphia and later received the Humani- Prevention Network to fight neighborhood CONGRATULATING BETTY MILLER tarian Award for ‘‘distinguished service to her crime, sponsored legislation to support com- ON RECEIVING THE JOSEPH F. fellow man.’’ munity policing and increase penalties for SAPORITO LIFETIME ACHIEVE- Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- church burnings, and hosted a seminar with MENT AWARD lating this fine lady who has given so much of constituents to help them respond to gang ac- herself. She is most deserving of accolades tivity. HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI from The Sunday Dispatch. While in the legislature, Representative OF PENNSYLVANIA f McClendon passed two children’s asthma bills, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES REMEMBERING THE LIFE AND for which she received the American Lung As- WORK OF SERBIAN PRIME MIN- sociation of Texas Public Policy Award for Tuesday, March 15, 2005 ISTER ZORAN DJINDJIC 2001. She created a medical academy to pre- Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today pare medical students to practice in inner city to ask you and my esteemed colleagues in the neighborhoods, and worked to pass a bill to House of Representatives to pay tribute to HON. DAN BURTON dedicate $400 million for a pediatric cancer Betty Miller, who was recognized at a recep- OF INDIANA center in San Antonio. tion held February 20, 2005, at the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Her legislative activity has brought her nu- Grammercy Ballroom in Pittston. The Sunday Tuesday, March 15, 2005 merous awards, including listings in the Dispatch has chosen Betty Miller as the recipi- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, on World’s Who’s Who of Women and Who’s ent of the Joseph F. Saporito Lifetime of Serv- March 12, 2003, Serbia’s Prime Minister Zoran Who in Texas. She is a graduate of Texas ice Award. Djindjic was brutally assassinated in broad day Southern University, and holds an honorary My good friend Betty Miller is a selfless light on the streets of Belgrade, Serbia. doctorate from Guadalupe College Theological woman who has devoted her life to making life As Serbia’s first democratically-elected, non- Seminary. She was the first African-American better for others. Of all her accomplishments— communist Prime Minister following the fall of woman elected to the San Antonio City Coun- and there are many—Betty is perhaps proud- Slobodan Milosevic, Zoran Djindjic brought to cil, and was named a 2003 Headliner by the est of the Wyoming Monument Association. his office and the people of Serbia more than San Antonio Chapter of Women in Commu- She is in her 47th year as president of this or- democracy and freedom—he brought with him nications. ganization, and she was preceded by her the hopes and dreams of the Serbian people. Mr. Speaker, Ruth Jones McClendon has mother-in-law. Sarah Perkins Miller was presi- Under the oppressive rule of tyrannical dic- been a tireless and effective public servant, dent for 35 years. tators and autocrats, the Serbian people were and a role model and guardian for her com- The Association has more than 350 mem- emotionally and physically battered and munity. She deserves our gratitude, and I am bers—all women—many of whom are direct scarred by years of ethnic civil-war and bomb- pleased to have this opportunity to recognize descendents of those who died in the Wyo- ings. Prime Minister Djindjic promised them a her for her work. ming Massacre of July 3, 1778. Betty’s ances- better future filled with peace and prosperity. VerDate Aug 04 2004 03:02 Mar 17, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15MR8.036 E16PT1 March 16, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E455 Along with other democratic allies, and anti- HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS lawyers could help revitalize neighborhoods. war protesters, Zoran Djindjic effectively pro- OF STATE SENATOR JEFF WENT- Initially, most of the work focused on public tested and toppled the corrupt regime of WORTH safety. In recent years, that focus has shifted Slobodan Milosevic through a steadfast, deter- to real estate and economic development. The mined, yet peaceful process. HON. HENRY CUELLAR Center’s successes include: enactment of leg- islation giving community groups legal stand- Along with his fellow reformers, Mr. Djindjic OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing in drug nuisance cases and legal action created the Democratic Party, and led it to a against owners of vacant properties.
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